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The entropically based nonlinear Adam-Gibbs equation is discussed in the context of phenomenologies for nonlinear enthalpy relaxation within the glass transition temperature range. In many materials for which adequate data are available, the nonlinear Adam-Gibbs parameters are physically reasonable and agree with those obtained from linear relaxation data and thermodynamic extrapolations. Observed correlations between the traditional Tool-Narayanaswamy-Moynihan parameters are rationalized in terms of the Adam-Gibbs primary activation energy (Δμ) determining how close the kinetic glass transition temperature can get to the thermodynamic Kauzmann temperature. It is shown that increased nonlinearity in the glass transition temperature range is associated with greater fragility in the liquid/rubber state above Tg.  相似文献   

Coprecipitates of diflunisal and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP K15, K30, and K90) and physical mixtures were studied using x-ray diffraction analysis, infrared (IR) spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and hot-stage microscopy. X-ray diffraction results revealed an almost amorphous state, even in coprecipitates with a high content of drug, next to 70%, which was independent of the polymer molecular weight. The IR spectra of 70:30 drug-PVP solid dispersions suggest the formation of diflunisal-PVP hydrogen bonds. For 70:30 drug-polymer ratio, the physical mixture showed linear dissolution kinetics of free crystals, but the corresponding coprecipitates exhibit two different dissolution processes. When the 25:75 drug-polymer dispersion is analyzed by hot-stage microscopy, only solid plates of PVP are observed; the absence of drug particles may be due to a molecular dispersion of the drug into the polymer. Moreover, polymorphic changes of diflunisal were detected in the solid dispersions in comparison with the corresponding physical mixtures, which are always formed by polymorph II. At high concentrations of drug (75:25 and 80:20), x-ray diffraction patterns of solid dispersions showed the partial recrystallization of the drug, displaying the main diffraction peaks of polymorph I when ethanol was used as coprecipitation solvent, whereas diflunisal form IV was obtained in chloroform.  相似文献   

Acetyl-11-keto-β-boswellic acid (AKBA), a gum resin extract, possesses poor water-solubility that limits bioavailability and a high melting point making it difficult to successfully process into solid dispersions by fusion methods. The purpose of this study was to investigate solvent and thermal processing techniques for the preparation of amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs) exhibiting enhanced solubility, dissolution rates and bioavailability. Solid dispersions were successfully produced by rotary evaporation (RE) and KinetiSol® Dispersing (KSD). Solid state and chemical characterization revealed that ASD with good potency and purity were produced by both RE and KSD. Results of the RE studies demonstrated that AQOAT®-LF, AQOAT®-MF, Eudragit® L100-55 and Soluplus with the incorporation of dioctyl sulfosuccinate sodium provided substantial solubility enhancement. Non-sink dissolution analysis showed enhanced dissolution properties for KSD-processed solid dispersions in comparison to RE-processed solid dispersions. Variances in release performance were identified when different particle size fractions of KSD samples were analyzed. Selected RE samples varying in particle surface morphologies were placed under storage and exhibited crystalline growth following solid-state stability analysis at 12 months in comparison to stored KSD samples confirming amorphous instability for RE products. In vivo analysis of KSD-processed solid dispersions revealed significantly enhanced AKBA absorption in comparison to the neat, active substance.  相似文献   

Solid dispersion has been a topic of interest in recent years for its potential in improving oral bioavailability, especially for poorly water soluble drugs where dissolution could be the rate-limiting step of oral absorption. Understanding the physical state of the drug and polymers in solid dispersions is essential as it influences both the stability and solubility of these systems. This review emphasizes on the classification of solid dispersions based on the physical states of drug and polymer. Based on this classification, stability aspects such as crystallization tendency, glass transition temperature (Tg), drug polymer miscibility, molecular mobility, etc. and solubility aspects have been discussed. In addition, preparation and characterization methods for binary solid dispersions based on the classification have also been discussed.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic calculations have been performed of the melting enthalpy and entropy of the Co–C, Ni–C, and Fe–C binary system alloys having eutectic compositions and of alloys whose compositions correspond to the minimum temperatures of the Mn–C, Fe–Co, Fe–Ni, and Mn–Ni melting diagrams. Heat capacities of one- and two-phase alloys of investigated systems have also been calculated as a function of temperature. In order to express a dependence of the Gibbs energy (G) of the liquid phase on the composition, the model of regular solutions has been used. The relation between the G of interstitial solid solutions and concentration was described by the two-sublattice model. The values have been experimentally verified using a high temperature calorimeter. These results have shown that the discrepancy between experimental and calculated results is within the calorimetric measurement uncertainty and does not exceed 10%.  相似文献   

The influence of thermal treatment on microstructure and functional properties of Fe89.8Ni1.5Si5.2B3C0.5 amorphous alloy and their mutual correlations were studied. Structural transformations were identified using DSC and characterized using X-ray diffraction. The alloy was found to exhibit a wide supercooled liquid region before crystallization, while kinetic parameters of observed structural transformation indicated high complexity of these processes, involving simultaneous movement of large groups of atoms. Investigation of magnetic and electrical properties of the alloy showed that structural relaxation prior to crystallization affected both magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistivity of the alloy, leading to an increase in both, which can be correlated to a decrease in number of defects and an increase in free volume in the alloy sample, enabling greater mobility of magnetic domain walls, but also decreasing electron density of states at the Fermi level.  相似文献   

We report on the experimental results of frequency dependent a.c. conductivity and dielectric constant of SrTiO3 doped 90V2O5–10Bi2O3 semiconducting oxide glasses for wide ranges of frequency (500–104 Hz) and temperature (80–400 K). These glasses show very large dielectric constants (102–104) compared with that of the pure base glass (≈102) without SrTiO3 and exhibit Debye-type dielectric relaxation behavior. The increase in dielectric constant is considered to be due to the formation of microcrystals of SrTiO3 and TiO2 in the glass matrix. These glasses are n-type semiconductors as observed from the measurements of the thermoelectric power. Unlike many vanadate glasses, Long's overlapping large polaron tunnelling (OLPT) model is found to be most appropriate for fitting the experimental conductivity data, while for the undoped V2O5–Bi2O3 glasses, correlated barrier hopping conduction mechanism is valid. This is due to the change of glass network structure caused by doping base glass with SrTiO3. The power law behavior (σac=A(ωs) with s<1) is, however, followed by both the doped and undoped glassy systems. The model parameters calculated are reasonable and consistent with the change of concentrations (x).  相似文献   

A new solid polymer electrolyte, (PEG)xLiClO4, consisting of poly(ethylene)glycol of molecular weight 2000 and LiClO4 was prepared and characterized using XRD, IR, SEM, DSC, NMR and impedance spectroscopy techniques. XRD and IR results show the formation of the polymer-salt complex. The samples with higher salt concentration are softer, less opaque and less smooth compared to the low salt concentration samples. DSC studies show an increase in the glass transition temperature and a decrease in the degree of crystallinity with increase in the salt concentration. Melting temperature of SPEs is lower than the pure PEG 2000. Room temperature1H and7Li NMR studies were also carried out for the (PEG)xLiClO4 system. The1H linewidth decreases as salt concentration increases in a similar way to the decrease in the crystalline fraction and reaches a minimum at aroundx = 46 and then increases.7Li linewidth was found to decrease first and then to slightly increase after reaching a minimum atx = 46 signifying the highest mobility of Li ions for this composition. Room temperature conductivity first increases with salt concentration and reaches a maximum value (σ = 7.3 × 10−7 S/cm) atx = 46 and subsequently decreases. The temperature dependence of the conductivity can be fitted to the Arrhenius and the VTF equations in different temperature ranges. The ionic conductivity reaches a high value of ∼10 −4S/cm close to the melting temperature.  相似文献   

Naringin (NAR), a major flavanone (FVA) glycoside, is a component of food mainly obtained from grapefruit. We used NAR as a food additive to improve the solubility and permeability of hydrophobic polyphenols used as supplements in the food industry. The spray-dried particles (SDPs) of NAR alone show an amorphous state with a glass transition temperature (Tg) at 93.2 °C. SDPs of hydrophobic polyphenols, such as flavone (FVO), quercetin (QCT), naringenin (NRG), and resveratrol (RVT) were prepared by adding varying amounts of NAR. All SDPs of hydrophobic polyphenols with added NAR were in an amorphous state with a single Tg, but SDPs of hydrophobic polyphenols without added NAR showed diffraction peaks derived from each crystal. The SDPs with NAR could keep an amorphous state after storage at a high humidity condition for one month, except for SDPs of RVT/NAR. SDPs with NAR enhanced the solubility of hydrophobic polyphenols, especially NRG solubility, which was enhanced more than 9 times compared to NRG crystal. The enhanced solubility resulted in the increased membrane permeability of NRG. The antioxidant effect of the hydrophobic NRG was also enhanced by the synergetic effect of NAR. The findings demonstrated that NAR could be used as a food additive to enhance the solubility and membrane permeability of hydrophobic polyphenols.  相似文献   

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