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山区卵砾石河流在西部山区广泛分布,其阻力关系是认识水流泥沙输移规律、模拟山洪演进过程的制约因素。通过在四川龙溪河的现场观测,获得了水力学、泥沙、地貌等要素的数据,分析了阻力系数与卵砾石特征粒径、坡降、流量、河床结构强度等参数的关系,检验了已发表的多个山区河流阻力公式的适用性。结果表明,由于山区卵砾石河流存在不同发育程度的河床结构以及卵砾石的部分可动性,阻力系数与山区河流的流量、坡降、河床结构发育程度参数等有密切关系;Rickenmann (1994)及Ferguson (2007)阻力公式在龙溪河具有较好的适用性。本文仅仅是山区河流阻力的初步成果,今后将进一步开展阻力关系的深入研究。  相似文献   

针对我国西部地区大比降卵砾石河流的比降和河床组成,采用1m宽水槽对大比降卵砾石河流的输沙率进行分析研究。分析结果表明:(1)水槽试验数据与现有推移质公式对比,比较有代表性的Meyer-peter(1948)、Engelund(1976)两个公式计算的输沙率偏大,与Ackres&White(1973)公式计算值较为接近。(2)根据Ackres&White(1973)的结构形式,补充大比降卵砾石河流泥沙起动条件,假设推移质运动强度与水流有效运动强度成幂次关系,得到大比降卵砾石河流输沙率公式形式。(3)通过水槽试验数据,拟合出适合大比降卵砾石河流的输沙率公式。  相似文献   

山区河道水流阻力研究对于认识山区河道中水流特性、山洪行进过程以及山区河道输沙规律都具有重要的意义.本文从4个方面总结前人关于山区河道水流阻力方面的研究进展,包括:(1)泥沙阻力;(2)河道底坡与水流阻力的关系;(3)典型形体阻力;(4)阻力划分.其中泥沙阻力是肤面阻力的主要来源,这是以往研究中涉及较多的内容;河道底坡属于关注较多的形体阻力;其它形体阻力包括床面沙石突起、漂浮的树木、阶梯—深潭构造等均是山区河道所特有的,研究成果相对较少.阻力划分思想为从整体上得到具有普遍意义的阻力计算式提供了有效途径,但由于山区河道的阻力形成机制和物理来源尚未完全理清,使其应用受到一定的限制.今后还需在深入了解山区河道水流阻力机理的基础上,采用阻力划分方法对阻力系数量化做进一步的研究.  相似文献   

<堤防工程设计规范>(GB50286-98)推荐的堤防工程斜冲水流冲刷深度计算公式是源于沙石河道冲刷实测数据得出的经验公式,通过水槽试验证明,其对卵砾石河道冲刷深度的计算值小于实测值.基于卵砾石河道堤防工程边坡系数为1.5的斜冲水流的冲刷情况,提出了用于卵砾石河道冲刷深度的计算公式,该公式计算值与试验实测值符合良好.  相似文献   

结合Venditti关于细沙补给对河床活动性影响的分析,引用修正后的Einstein-Barbarossa方法对河床阻力进行划分,探讨了细沙补给对砂卵石河流冲刷粗化完成后河床阻力变化的影响。研究结果表明:在一定量细沙补给的条件下,沙粒阻力与床面阻力的比值先减小后增大,形状阻力与床面阻力的比值先增大后减小;水流克服表面阻力损失的能量随沙粒阻力减小而减少,进一步导致水流损失的机械能减小,河床上大颗粒泥沙获得的能量增大进而导致其活动性增强;河床上活动的泥沙颗粒与裸露大颗粒泥沙之间不断接触碰撞形成局部能量交换,裸露大颗粒泥沙通过水流方向的动量交换所产生的颗粒剪应力增大,这可能也是河床上大颗粒泥沙活动性增强的一个原因。  相似文献   

为探索山区卵砾石河流推移质运动受水流条件和河床形态的影响规律,开展了大比降浅水流动条件下卵砾石输移的室内水槽试验,获得了两组泥沙组成的19个流量条件下的水流、泥沙及河床三维地形场数据。结合室内水槽试验及文献中的天然河流输沙观测数据,分析了不同水沙输移阶段水流阻力、河床形态与推移质运动之间的关系。试验结果表明:河床阻力系数随着河床形态强度参数增大而增大,形态阻力与河床形态强度参数相关性更强。在泥沙补给充分阶段,推移质输沙率与床面阻力、形态阻力及河床形态强度参数均呈正相关关系;在泥沙补给不充分的水流冲刷阶段,推移质输沙率随河床形态强度参数增大而减小。  相似文献   

河工模型试验是解决水利水电建设中有关生产问题以及理论研究问题的一个重要科研途径,应用十分广泛,近年来,随着水电建设的蓬勃发展,在模型试验的相似理论和试验技术等方面均有了新的发展,但是,由于自然物理现象的复杂性,以及当前泥沙运  相似文献   

采用自主研发的水位、泥沙运动同步观测系统,分析相同幅度、不同周期非恒定流条件下卵砾石起动试验研究,其中水位与泥沙运动观测系统主要由相机、超声水位计组成。提出了卵石运动图像的分析方法,能够有效识别经过断面的卵石运动。初步对非恒定流条件下卵砾石输移进行研究,试验结果表明,非恒定流条件下,上升段输沙强度大于下降段输沙强度,随着周期的增加,上涨段与下降段的输沙强度差逐渐减小。  相似文献   

卵砾石河道摩阻流速计算方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过水槽试验,采用6种方法:对数流速分布回归法、外延雷诺应力分布法、三维紊动能法、垂向紊动能法、韩其为经验公式法和拖曳力系数法,计算了卵砾石河床的摩阻流速。以韩其为计算摩阻流速的经验公式为标准,分析了各种方法中参数取值对计算结果的影响及其在不同水力和床面条件下各种方法的适用性。提出了2种可行的计算途径:光滑床面条件下各方法计算摩阻流速所得结果最大均方差为2.15,其中对数流速分布回归法较准确,三维紊动能法计算值普遍偏小;相对粗糙床面条件下各方法计算摩阻流速的结果均方差最大达到8.84,其中对数流速分布回归法和三维紊动能法较准确。  相似文献   

Extreme storms in forested environments commonly increase inputs of coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) and large wood (LW) to streams. Protruding boulders and bedforms, mid‐channel bars, and standing trees can trap CPOM and LW. These organic accumulations can become large enough to span the bankfull channel width, or the accumulations can be predominantly along the channel margins. We refer to both types of accumulations as transient organic jams (TOJs). TOJs can create diverse geomorphic and ecological effects in channel and floodplain environments. We use data collected from mountain streams of the Luquillo Mountains of north‐eastern Puerto Rico following September 2017 Hurricanes Irma and Maria. We examine the location, characteristics, and geomorphic effects of TOJs in channel segments representing diverse drainage areas and channel gradients. We ask three questions: (a) Does the downstream spacing of TOJs correlate with variables such as drainage area or channel gradient? (b) What variables best predict the volume of organic matter within individual TOJs or within a channel segment? And (c) is there a threshold within a river network that separates channel segments with channel‐spanning versus marginal TOJs? Datasets include multiple TOJs along each of 12 stream segments and presence/absence of channel‐spanning TOJs along an additional six streams. Data analysis with multiple linear regressions indicates that downstream spacing, average volume, and total volume per channel length of TOJs correlate significantly with bankfull channel width. Using the akaike information criterion with correction (AICc) model selection method, Strahler stream order has the most influence on the probability of TOJs being marginal or spanning.  相似文献   

 依据分形盒维数测定的原理和方法,提出了应用AutoCAD软件实现分形盒维数的简便计算方法,测定马莲河流域不同水文站的日径流过程盒维数,并对其变化特征进行了比较和综合分析,以揭示不同水文站之间分形特征的差异。结果表明:应用AutoCAD方法做日径流过程的分维计算的方法快速、准确,值得推广;马莲河流域的4个水文站的日径流过程都具有明显的分形特征,分形维数介于1~1.39之间,总体变化不大;对同一个水文站来说,不同年份的日径流过程分维值年际变化不大,存在显著的自相似性;对于同一个流域不同的水文站来说,干流的日径流过程分维值要明显大于支流的分维值,下游要大于上游,4个水文站分维值年际变化趋势基本保持一致。  相似文献   

Invertebrates were compared upstream versus downstream from diversions on three small, headwater streams in the central Rocky Mountains, USA. Flow alteration of these streams varied from mild (some aspect of all natural flow components was transferred downstream) to severe (nearly 100% of the flow was diverted for 10–11 months of the year). The analysis was separated into periods of frequent (diversion gates often opened and closed; April–October) and infrequent flow fluctuations (stable low flows due to constant diversion; November–March). Invertebrates appeared resilient to mild flow alterations as neither the abundance, diversity, nor spatial and temporal variation in abundance and diversity differed upstream versus downstream during either period. In severely diverted streams, however, total invertebrate density downstream from the diversion was only 50% of upstream. Invertebrate diversity was also reduced; ten taxa abundant upstream were absent in downstream sections. Chironomids, ostracods and Ameletus spp. comprised 80% of total invertebrate density during constant, low flow conditions in the severely diverted streams. Although all taxa in the severely diverted streams recovered (drift) during the period of frequent flow fluctuations, spatial and temporal variation (coefficient of variation) in both density and the number of taxa was significantly greater downstream. Depending on the frequency with which free‐flowing conditions were re‐established, many invertebrate populations (especially mayflies and some stoneflies) declined or were even locally extirpated (e.g. Hesperoperla pacifica, Megarcys signata, Neothremma alicia, Polycelis coronata). Downstream communities in severely diverted tributaries appeared to fluctuate between two stable endpoints; a depauperate low‐flow community dominated by chironomids and ostracods and a more abundant and diverse natural‐flow community dominated by mayflies, chironomids, ostracods, stoneflies and caddisflies. Water abstraction (extent and timing of diversion) could be managed to minimize risks to downstream ecological resources.  相似文献   

Damming of streams and rivers alters downstream ecosystem processes, and understanding its effects is essential in managing forested mountain streams. This study examined the effects of dams with a reservoir on organic matter decomposition and its seasonality in two neighbouring mountain streams over five seasons. The cotton‐strip assay and measurement of tensile strength loss were used to evaluate decomposition rates. In addition, the environmental factors, such as water level, water temperature, inorganic nitrogen concentrations and contribution of macro invertebrates were measured. The dams with a reservoir lowered decomposition rates downstream compared to upstream and unregulated sites, in all seasons. The decomposition rates also varied by season at all sites, with higher rates in summer and lowest in winter, and the seasonal variation was larger than the effects by the reservoirs in both streams. Seasonal variation in decomposition rates coincided with water temperature variation, suggesting strong influence of water temperature. However, the temperature differences did not explain the effects of reservoirs because water temperature was always higher at downstream sites. The downstream sites had lower nitrate concentrations and contribution of macroinvertebrates, and these factors may have greater effects than water temperature. Thus, damming of streams may lower the decomposition rates at downstream sites due to altered nutrient and biological effects. However, seasonal variation in water temperature may have more pronounced effects, resulting in greater seasonal variation than the difference among sites.  相似文献   

Reduced streamflow via flow diversion has the potential to limit the sediment‐transport capacity of downstream channels and lead to accumulation of fine sediments and habitat degradation. To investigate, we examined the effects of variable levels of flow diversion on fine‐sediment deposition, hydraulic conditions and geomorphic alteration. Our study consisted of a detailed field analysis pairing reaches above and below diversion dams on 13 mountain streams in north‐central Colorado and southern Wyoming USA. Diversions are ubiquitous across the American West, yet previous comparative studies on the effects of flow diversion have yielded mixed results. Through application of strict site‐selection criteria, multiple fine‐sediment measures, and an intensive sampling scheme, this study found that channels downstream of diversions contained significantly more fine sediment and slow‐flowing habitat as compared to upstream control reaches. Susceptibility to fine‐sediment accumulation was associated with decreasing basin size, decreasing bankfull depth and smaller d84, and it appears to be magnified in streams of less than 3% slope. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An analytical solution of drawdown caused by pumping was developed for an aquifer partially penetrated by two streams.The proposed analytical solution modifies Hunt's analytical solution and considers the effects of stream width and the interaction of two streams on drawdown.Advantages of the solution include its simple structure,consisting of the Theis well function and parameters of aquifer and streambed semipervious material.The calculated results show that the proposed analytical solution agrees with a previously developed acceptable solution and the errors between the two solutions are equal to zero without consideration of the effect of stream width.Also,deviations between the two analytical solutions incrcase with stream width.Four cases were studied to examine the effect of two streams on drawdown,assuming that some parameters were changeable,and other parameters were constant,such as the stream width,the distance between the stream and the pumping well,the stream recharge rate,and the leakage coefficient of streambed semipervious material.  相似文献   

坡面流阻力研究进展   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
坡面流阻力的研究对了解坡面流水流特性、汇流过程、土壤侵蚀和坡面产沙机理都非常重要。本文分5个方面总结了坡面流阻力研究的最新进展:(1)坡面流阻力系数与雷诺数的关系;(2)光滑床面上的坡面水流阻力;(3)粗糙床面上的坡面水流阻力;(4)降雨对坡面流阻力影响的研究;(5)坡面流阻力的计算模型。综合前人研究发现,阻力系数与雷诺数在不同的条件下呈正相关或负相关关系;用叠加法计算不同条件下的坡面流阻力有其合理的一面,也有不足之处;粗糙动床条件下的坡面水流阻力计算模型更接近实际情况。最后,本文指出了当前坡面流阻力研究存在的主要问题和未来需要突破的主攻方向。  相似文献   

The natural flow regime of rivers has been altered throughout the world in a variety of ways, with many alterations resulting in reduced flows. While restoring impaired systems remains a societal imperative, a fundamental understanding of the effects of reduced flows on river ecosystem structure and function is needed to refine restoration goals and guide implementation. We quantified the effects of chronic low flows on snag‐dwelling macroinvertebrate community structure and production in a low‐gradient river. Macroinvertebrates commonly associated with flowing water (e.g. passive filter‐feeders (PFF)) and higher quality habitats (e.g. Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT)) had significantly higher abundance and biomass, and showed trends of higher production, in faster flowing reaches upstream of a hydrologic disconnection created by a drainage ditch. The presence of EPT and PFF groups resulted in a significantly more diverse community composed of larger‐sized individuals compared with downstream, low‐flow reaches, where smaller‐bodied taxa (e.g. small crustaceans), and groups reflective of degraded conditions (e.g. Oligochaeta, Isopoda and Chironomidae) dominated production. Multivariate analyses suggested that differences between these two disparate communities were driven by water velocity and organic matter resources. Mean estimates of total community production did not differ significantly between the two reaches, however, there were areas in low‐flow reaches that attained high secondary production because of patchily distributed and highly productive chironomids. Results demonstrate that long‐term reductions in flows, even in a low‐gradient river, can lead to significant shifts in macroinvertebrate communities, ultimately influencing energy flow pathways in stream food webs. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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