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The aim of this study was to determine IDDM incidence in the Metropolitan Region of Chile, during the period 1990-1993 as part of the Multinational Project for Childhood Diabetes (WHO DIAMOND Project Group). The studied population was 1499.784 inhabitants. All children in whom the diagnosis was made between January 1, 1990 and December 31, 1993 were included. We used a retrospective and prospective search and confirmation method, using as data sources public and private hospitals and medical records of Pediatricians. The Juvenile Diabetes Foundation was used as a secondary data source. All cases had at least two confirmation sources. A total of 176 new cases (90 male) were diagnosed in the study period, with an annual incidence of 2.92/100,000 for females and 2.95 for males. The group of children from 10 to 14 years old had the highest incidence rate (4.9/100,000), specially in women (5.25/100,000). The yearly incidence was 1.31 in 1990, 2.71 in 1991, 2.93 in 1992 and 3.7/1000,000 in 1993. It is concluded that the Metropolitan Region has one of the lowest incidences of IDDM in Latin America, although it increased along the study years.  相似文献   

The dumping syndrome is due to a vigorous reflex distension of the jejunum, caused by the stomach violently evacuating its contents. The aim of treatment is to overcome the drastic evacuation by restoring the rhythmic peristalsis of the stomach (eukinetics). This can be achieved by a special diet. Every meal should begin with well chewed solids (pulp) and avoid all fluids. With a well organised medical staff a complete success can be achieved. Surgical measures in Dumping can be avoided.  相似文献   

It has not been determined whether Rho (D)-negative infants born of Rho (D)-positive mothers are sensitized during gestation or during parturition. Sensitization before use precludes the efficacious use of human Rho immune globulin as a prophylactic. The purpose of the present study is to identify the time of sensitization. Cord blood was collected from the placentas of 68 Rho (D)-negative infants whose mothers were Rho (D)-positive. Sixty-three of the 68 infants had one blood sample obtained between 1 and 9 months later. The paired samples were analyzed for anti-D by standard Coombs test and by automated antibody detection techniques. With the technique of automated antibody detection, we have been unable to demonstrate antibody in cord blood of the Rho (D)-negative infants of whom at least 7 of 63 (11%) had detectable anti-D between 1 and 9 months of age. These data show that Rho (D)-negaitve infants do not have detectable antibody at birth but may develop detectable anti-D in the first months of life. This observation suggests that the sensitizing dose of Rho (D) antigen occurs at parturition rather than during gestation.  相似文献   

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