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A transformational approach for proving termination of parallel logic programs such as GHC programs is proposed. A transformation
from GHC programs to term rewriting systems is developed; it exploits the fact that unifications in GHC-resolution correspond
to matchings. The termination of a GHC program for a class of queries is implied by the termination of the resulting rewrite
system. This approach facilitates the applicability of a wide range of termination techniques developed for rewrite systems
in proving termination of GHC programs. The method consists of three steps: (a) deriving moding information from a given GHC
program, (b) transforming the GHC program into a term rewriting system using the moding information, and finally (c) proving
termination of the resulting rewrite system. Using this method, the termination of many benchmark GHC programs such as quick-sort,
merge-sort, merge, split, fair-split and append, etc., can be proved.
This is a revised and extended version of Ref. 12). The work was partially supported by the NSF Indo-US grant INT-9416687
Kapur was partially supported by NSF Grant nos. CCR-8906678 and INT-9014074.
M. R. K. Krishna Rao, Ph.D.: He currently works as a senior research fellow at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. His current interests are in
the areas of logic programming, modular aspects and noncopying implementations of term rewriting, learning logic programs
from examples and conuterexamples and dynamics of mental states in rational agent architectures. He received his Ph.D in computer
science from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Bombay in 1993 and worked at TIFR and Max Planck Institut für
Informatik, Saarbrücken until January 1997.
Deepak Kapur, Ph.D.: He currently works as a professor at the State University of New York at Albany. His research interests are in the areas
of automated reasoning, term rewriting, constraint solving, algebraic and geometric reasoning and its applications in computer
vision, symbolic computation, formal methods, specification and verification. He obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science from
MIT in 1980. He worked at General Electric Corporate Research and Development until 1987. Prof. Kapur is the editor-in-chief
of the Journal of Automated Reasoning. He also serves on the editorial boards of Journal of Logic Programming, Journal on
Constraints, and Journal of Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computer Science.
R. K. Shyamasundar, Ph.D.: He currently works as a professor at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Bombay. His current intersts are in
the areas of logic programming, reactive and real time programming, constraint solving, formal methods, specification and
verification. He received his Ph.D in computer science from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 1975 and has been a
faculty member at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research since then. He has been a visiting/regular faculty member at Technological
University of Eindhoven, University of Utrecht, IBM TJ Watson Research Centre, Pennsylvania State University, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, INRIA and ENSMP, France. He has served on (and chaired) Program Committees of many International
Conferences and has been on the Editorial Committees. 相似文献
Domagoj Babić Byron Cook Alan J. Hu Zvonimir Rakamarić 《Formal Aspects of Computing》2013,25(3):389-403
We describe a simple and efficient algorithm for proving the termination of a class of loops with nonlinear assignments to variables. The method is based on divergence testing for each variable in the cone-of-influence of the loop’s condition. The analysis allows us to automatically prove the termination of loops that cannot be handled using previous techniques. We also describe a method for integrating our nonlinear termination proving technique into a larger termination proving framework that depends on linear reasoning. 相似文献
Context-sensitive rewriting (CSR) is a restriction of rewriting that forbids reductions on selected arguments of functions. With CSR, we can achieve a terminating behavior with non-terminating term rewriting systems, by pruning (all) infinite rewrite sequences. Proving termination of CSR has been recently recognized as an interesting problem with several applications in the fields of term rewriting and programming languages. Several methods have been developed for proving termination of CSR. Specifically, a number of transformations that permit treating this problem as a standard termination problem have been described. The main goal of this paper is to contribute to a better comprehension and practical use of transformations for proving termination of CSR. We provide new completeness results regarding the use of the transformations in two restricted (but relevant) settings: (a) proofs of termination of canonical CSR and (b) proofs of termination of CSR by using transformations together with simplification orderings. We have also made an experimental evaluation of the transformations, which complements the theoretical analysis from a practical point of view. This leads to new hierarchies of the transformations which are useful to guide their practical use when implementing tools for proving termination of CSR. 相似文献
Francisco Durán Salvador Lucas Claude Marché José Meseguer Xavier Urbain 《Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation》2008,21(1-2):59-88
Reasoning about the termination of equational programs in sophisticated equational languages such as Elan, Maude, OBJ, CafeOBJ, Haskell, and so on, requires support for advanced features such as evaluation strategies, rewriting modulo, use of extra variables in conditions, partiality, and expressive type systems (possibly including polymorphism and higher-order). However, many of those features are, at best, only partially supported by current term rewriting termination tools (for instance mu-term, C i ME, AProVE, TTT, Termptation, etc.) while they may be essential to ensure termination. We present a sequence of theory transformations that can be used to bridge the gap between expressive membership equational programs and such termination tools, and prove the correctness of such transformations. We also discuss a prototype tool performing the transformations on Maude equational programs and sending the resulting transformed theories to some of the aforementioned standard termination tools. 相似文献
In this paper an important problem in the domain of term rewriting, the termination of (conditional) rewrite systems, is dealt with. We show that in many applications, well-founded orderings on terms which only make use of syntactic information of a rewrite systemR, do not suffice for proving termination ofR. Indeed sometimes semantic information is needed to orient a rewrite rule. Therefore we integrate a semantic interpretation of rewrite systems and terms into a well-founded ordering on terms: the notion ofsemantic ordering is the first main contribution of this paper. The use and usefulness of the semantic ordering in proving termination is illustrated by means of some realistic examples.Furthermore the concept of semantic information induces a novel approach for proving termination inconditional rewrite systems. The idea is to employ not only semantic information contained in the terms that are to be compared, but also extra (semantic) information contained in the premiss of the conditional equation in which the terms appear. This leads to our second contribution in the termination problem area: the notion ofcontextual ordering andcontextual semantic ordering. Thecontextual approach allows to prove termination of conditional rewrite systems where all classical partial orderings would fail. 相似文献
Lawrence C. Paulson 《Journal of Automated Reasoning》1986,2(1):63-74
Boyer and Moore have discussed a function that puts conditional expressions into normal form [1]. It is difficult to prove that this function terminates on all inputs. Three termination proofs are compared: (1) using a measure function, (2) in domain theory using LCF, (3) showing that its recursion relation, defined by the pattern of recursive calls, is well-founded. The last two proofs are essentially the same though conducted in markedly different logical frameworks. An obviously total variant of the normalize function is presented as the computational meaning of those two proofs.A related function makes nested recursive calls. The three termination proofs become more complex: termination and correctness must be proved simultaneously. The recursion relation approach seems flexible enough to handle subtle termination proofs where previously domain theory seemed essential. 相似文献
We study the Knights and Knaves problem, and find that for a proper treatment via theorem-proving, an interaction with natural language processing research is helpful. In particular, we discuss Ohlbach's claim that first-order logic is not well suited to handling this problem. Then we provide an interpretation of the problem using indexicals, axiomatize it, and prove the desired result. We conclude by suggesting a broader context for dealing with self-utterances in automatic theorem-proving. 相似文献
Current techniques and tools for automated termination analysis of term rewrite systems (TRSs) are already very powerful.
However, they fail for algorithms whose termination is essentially due to an inductive argument. Therefore, we show how to couple the dependency pair method for termination of TRSs with inductive theorem proving. As confirmed by the implementation of our new approach in
the tool AProVE, now TRS termination techniques are also successful on this important class of algorithms. 相似文献
Proving the shalls 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Steven P. Miller Alan C. Tribble Michael W. Whalen Mats P. E. Heimdahl 《International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)》2006,8(4-5):303-319
Incomplete, inaccurate, ambiguous, and vola-tile requirements have plagued the software industry since its inception. The
convergence of model-based development and formal methods offers developers of safety-critical systems a powerful new approach
to the early validation of requirements. This paper describes an exercise conducted to determine if formal methods could be
used to validate system requirements early in the lifecycle at reasonable cost. Several hundred functional and safety requirements
for the mode logic of a typical flight guidance system were captured as natural language “shall” statements. A formal model
of the mode logic was written in the RSML−e
language and translated into the NuSMV model checker and the PVS theorem prover using translators developed as part of the
project. Each “shall” statement was manually translated into a NuSMV or PVS property and proven using these tools. Numerous
errors were found in both the original requirements and the RSML−e
model. This demonstrates that formal models can be written for realistic systems and that formal analysis tools have matured
to the point where they can be effectively used to find errors before implementation.
This project was partially funded by the NASA Langley Research Center under contract NCC1-01001 of the Aviation Safety Program. 相似文献
Theorem Proving Modulo 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Deduction modulo is a way to remove computational arguments from proofs by reasoning modulo a congruence on propositions. Such a technique,
issued from automated theorem proving, is of general interest because it permits one to separate computations and deductions
in a clean way. The first contribution of this paper is to define a sequent calculus modulo that gives a proof-theoretic account of the combination of computations and deductions. The congruence on propositions is
handled through rewrite rules and equational axioms. Rewrite rules apply to terms but also directly to atomic propositions.
The second contribution is to give a complete proof search method, called extended narrowing and resolution (ENAR), for theorem proving modulo such congruences. The completeness of this method is proved with respect to provability
in sequent calculus modulo.
An important application is that higher-order logic can be presented as a theory in deduction modulo. Applying the ENAR method
to this presentation of higher-order logic subsumes full higher-order resolution.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
《Journal of Symbolic Computation》1995,20(3):315-342
In this paper we present a theoretical basis justifying the incorporation of decidability results for a first-order theory T into an automated theorem prover for T. We state rules which extend resolution using decidability results relative to T in both the ground and the non-ground case, and prove the correctness and completeness of these rules. This is done by considering the ground case of such theories first, and then by applying a straightforward lifting argument. Examples are given illustrating the inference speed-ups which can be obtained by considering decision procedures with resolution-based inference. 相似文献
Summary. When designing distributed systems, one is faced with the problem of verifying a refinement between two specifications, given
at different levels of abstraction. Suggested verification techniques in the literature include refinement mappings and various
forms of simulation. We present a verification method, in which refinement between two systems is proven by constructing a
transducer that inputs a computation of a concrete system and outputs a matching computation of the abstract system. The transducer
uses a FIFO queue that holds segments of the concrete computation that have not been matched yet. This allows a finite delay between
the occurrence of a concrete event and the determination of the corresponding abstract event. This delay often makes the use
of prophecy variables or backward simulation unnecessary.
An important generalization of the method is to prove refinement modulo some transformation on the observed sequences of events.
The method is adapted by replacing the FIFO queue by a component that allows the appropriate transformation on sequences of events. A particular case is partial-order refinement, i.e., refinement that preserves only a subset of the orderings between events of a system. Examples are sequential consistency
and serializability. The case of sequential consistency is illustrated on a proof of sequential consistency of a cache protocol. 相似文献
Eugene Goldberg 《Journal of Automated Reasoning》2002,28(4):417-434
We introduce a new method for checking satisfiability of conjunctive normal forms (CNFs). The method is based on the fact that if no clause of a CNF contains a satisfying assignment in its 1-neighborhood, then this CNF is unsatisfiable. (The 1-neighborhood of a clause is the set of all assignments satisfying only one literal of this clause.) The idea of 1-neighborhood exploration allows one to prove unsatisfiability without generating an empty clause. The reason for avoiding the generation of an empty clause is that we believe that no deterministic algorithm can efficiently reach a global goal (deducing an empty clause) using an inherently local operation (resolution). At the same time, when using 1-neighborhood exploration, a global goal is replaced with a set of local subgoals, which makes it possible to optimize steps of the proof. We introduce two proof systems formalizing 1-neighborhood exploration. An interesting open question is whether there exists a class of CNFs for which the introduced systems have proofs that are exponentially shorter than the ones that can be obtained by general resolution. 相似文献
Claus H. Correll 《Acta Informatica》1978,9(2):121-132
Summary Program proving must be made applicable to all stages of program development. In particular, in the design phase, proving could prevent a program development based on erroneous or inconsistent design decisions, with its associated high cost of debugging. Furthermore, the proving activity itself would benefit from an early application in the development cycle of a program, because the proof of a program design seems to be simpler than the proof of the final, perhaps optimized, program. The Fisher-Galler algorithm will be used as an example for demonstrating the proof of a program design. An algebraic specification technique is used for describing the design. Details of the proof will be discussed. 相似文献
Glen Newton 《Acta Informatica》1975,4(2):117-126
Summary The Set of Interacting Procedures (SIP) model, a graph model suitable for representing interacting computations, is presented. It includes nótation for creating and destroying processes, permits well-defined critical sections, and facilitates examining the logical properties of the modeled procedures. The essential parts of a theory of correctness of interacting processes are informally presented. These include a definition of correctness with respect to an assertion, a non-interference condition which justifies the use of the SIP model, and a set of sufficient conditions for correctness. To illustrate the use of the model and theory, a solution to the reader-writer problem is presented and modeled. An assertion expressing the correctness of the solution is formulated, and the SIP model of the solution is shown to be correct with respect to the assertion. Finally, the non-interference condition shows that the conclusions about the model also apply to the solution itself. 相似文献
In rule-based programming, properties of programs, such as termination, are in general considered in their strong acceptance, i.e., on every computation branch. But in practice, they may hold in their weak acceptance only, i.e., on at least one computation branch. Moreover, weak properties are often enough to ensure that programs give the expected result. There are very few results to handle weak properties of rewriting. We address here two of them: termination and reducibility to a constructor form, in a unified framework allowing us to prove them inductively. Proof trees are developed, which simulate rewriting trees by narrowing and abstracting subterms. Our technique is constructive in the sense that proof trees can be used to infer an evaluation strategy for any given input: the right computation branch is developed without using a costly breadth-first strategy nor backtracking. 相似文献
In this paper, we investigate analogy-driven proof plan construction in inductive theorem proving. The intention is to produce a plan for a target theorem that is similar to a given source theorem. We identify second-order mappings from the source to the target that preserve induction-specific proof- relevant abstractions dictating whether the source plan can be replayed. We replay the planning decisions taken in the source if the reasons or justifications for these decisions still hold in the target. If the source and target plan differ significantly at some isolated point, additional reformulations are invoked to add, delete, or modify planning steps. These reformulations are not ad hoc but are triggered by peculiarities of the mappings and by failed justifications. Employing analogy on top of the proof planner CLAM has extended the problem-solving horizon of CLAM: With analogy, some theorems could be proved automatically that neither CLAM nor NQTHM could prove automatically. 相似文献