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The indoor burning of different materials like fuels, incense, mosquito coil, candles etc. results in generation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in an uncontrolled manner. The PAH, i.e., Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) is considered as most toxic or carcinogenic and the toxicity of other PAHs is related to this compound. Therefore, the concentration and emission fluxes of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) emitted during burning of commonly used indoor materials, i.e., 15 fuels (i.e., biomass (BM), coal (C), cow dung (CD), kerosene (K)), 4 incense (IS) and mosquito coil (MC) in Raipur district, Chhattisgarh, central India is described. The samples were taken in September 2013 in indoor environments and respective smoke emitted were collected using high volume United State of America (USA) air sampler on quartz fiber filters. The concentration of total 13 PAHs (∑PAH13) (i.e., phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benz(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)-pyrene, dibenz(ah)anthracene, benzo(ghi) perylene, indeno1,2,3-(cd)pyrene, and coronene) in particulate matter (PM10) in the indoor air during burning of the fuels, IS and MC materials ranged from 367–92052 ng m?3, 4089–14047 ng m?3, and 66–103 ng m?3 with mean values of 7767 ± 11809 ng m?3, 9977 ± 4137 ng m?3, and 74 ± 20 ng m?3, respectively. The mean concentration of the ∑PAH13 present in indoor environment is much higher than the WHO limit value of 1.0 ng m?3. The sources and toxicities of PAHs are discussed.  相似文献   

Benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) is the main representative of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and has been repeatedly found in the air, surface water, soil, and sediments. It is present in cigarette smoke as well as in food products, especially when smoked and grilled. Human exposure to B[a]P is therefore common. Research shows growing evidence concerning toxic effects induced by this substance. This xenobiotic is metabolized by cytochrome P450 (CYP P450) to carcinogenic metabolite: 7β,8α-dihydroxy-9α,10α-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene (BPDE), which creates DNA adducts, causing mutations and malignant transformations. Moreover, B[a]P is epigenotoxic, neurotoxic, and teratogenic, and exhibits pro-oxidative potential and causes impairment of animals’ fertility. CYP P450 is strongly involved in B[a]P metabolism, and it is simultaneously expressed as a result of the association of B[a]P with aromatic hydrocarbon receptor (AhR), playing an essential role in the cancerogenic potential of various xenobiotics. In turn, polymorphism of CYP P450 genes determines the sensitivity of the organism to B[a]P. It was also observed that B[a]P facilitates the multiplication of viruses, which may be an additional problem with the widespread COVID-19 pandemic. Based on publications mainly from 2017 to 2022, this paper presents the occurrence of B[a]P in various environmental compartments and human surroundings, shows the exposure of humans to this substance, and describes the mechanisms of its toxicity.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) occur in the environment as complex mixtures including compounds with mutagenic and carcinogenic activity. The PAH profile routinely determined in environmental samples at present encompasses isomers with molecular weight (MW) not greater than 300. However, PAHs with MW >300 have been demonstrated for several matrices to contribute up to 50% of the total activity when tested for carcinogenicity in experimental animals. Recent studies indicate that among the dibenzopyrenes with MW 302 dibenzo[a,l]pyrene, possessing a fjord region, is by far the most carcinogenic PAH hitherto identified. To further elucidate the environmental relevance of this compound we have applied the isotope dilution GC/MS technique as analytical procedure to determine this compound and the related fjord region PAH naphtho[1,2-a]- and naphtho[1,2-e]pyrene in various matrices. Identification was based on comparison of UV and mass spectra as well as retention times of authentic reference materials. Determination of these PAHs was achieved after clean-up by several chromatographic steps including fractionation on a modified TABA-silica gel column. Quantitative data for matrices such as two cigarette smoke condensates, motor vehicle exhaust condensate (Otto-type engines), and tar-cork are reported. Based on toxic equivalent factors the relative contribution of dibenzo[a,l]pyrene (5.4–42.3%) to the total carcinogenic activity of a PAH profile will be discussed comprising 14 selected isomers (benzo[b]naphtho[2,1-d]thiophene; cyclopenta[cd]pyrene; benz[a]anthracene; chrysene/triphenylene; sum of benzo[b]-, benzo[k]-, and benzo[j]fluoranthene; benzo[a]pyrene; indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene; dibenz[a,h]anthracene; benzo[ghi]perylene; anthanthrene; dibenzo[a,l]pyrene determined in these matrices.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are among the most persistent and toxic organic micropollutants present in water and several of them are mutagenic and carcinogenic. Although it has been shown that chlorinated derivatives of PAHs (Cl-PAHs) may be formed during the water chlorination procedure, little is known about their potential genotoxic and carcinogenic effects. The objectives of the present work were to prepare and characterize the major chlorinated derivatives of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) and fluoranthene (Fluo), to develop an analytical methodology for their quantification in water samples and to analyse their potential genotoxicity. Chlorinated standards were prepared by a newly developed two phase method (water/n-hexane) using sodium hypochlorite. 6-Chloro-benzo[a]pyrene was selectively obtained from BaP, while 1,3-dichloro-fluoranthene and 3-chloro-fluoranthene were obtained from Fluo. All products were isolated and characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry. The formation of BaP- and Fluo-chlorinated derivatives under aqueous chlorination conditions was observed using a SPE-HPLC-FLD methodology. In addition, the cytotoxic and genotoxic activities of the three chlorinated derivatives were analyzed in comparison to their parent compounds, in a human-derived hepatoma cell line using the neutral red uptake and comet assays, respectively. The results showed that, at the equimolar doses of 100 and 125 μM, 6-Cl-BaP was able to induce a significantly higher level of DNA damage than BaP, suggesting a more potent genotoxic effect. In contrast, neither Fluo nor its chlorinated derivatives were genotoxic in the same cell line. The identification of new and possibly hazardous water chlorination by-product from PAHs emphasizes the need to minimize total organic carbon content of raw water and the implementation of safer water disinfection methods.  相似文献   


Specimens of the mussel Perna perna were collected along Moroccan coasts to determine the concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) bioaccumulated in the tissues, and to measure benzo[a]pyrene hydroxylase (BPH) activity. Chemical analysis of PAHs show that the Mediterranean (Nador, Martil, Tanger) and central Atlantic coasts (from Rabat to Jorf Lihoudi) are those most contaminated (351 245 ng.g? 1 dry weight in Tanger). The mussel contaminants were of mixed origin for most of the locations with non negligible inputs of petrogenic origin in many of them. Baseline levels of PAHs were between 6 and 55 ng.g? 1 dry weight. BPH activity showed significant correlation (r s = 0.64, P < 0.05) with total PAH concentrations at the six most contaminated stations. The baseline level of BPH activity can be identified as in the range 0.1 to 13 pmol.min? 1.mg prot? 1 along the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts.  相似文献   


The levels of 15 + 1 EU priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (15 + 1 EU PAHs) have been determined in different edible oils (extra virgin olive oil, virgin olive oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, and soybean oil) available in the Syrian market. The samples have been prepared by donor–acceptor complex chromatography and subsequently characterized by high-pressure liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescence and ultraviolet detection for quantification purposes. Variable levels of contamination have been found within different kinds of edible oil samples, and only chrysene has been detected in all the studied samples. Moreover, the mean total sum of 15 + 1 EU PAHs has shown variation from 29.8 µg/kg (corn oil) to 63.7 µg/kg (virgin olive oil). A total of 11 samples out of 38 samples (28.9%) have not fulfilled the European Union (EU) food law requirements. Nine samples have exceeded the EU legislation limit of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) (2 µg/kg) and only two samples have exceeded the EU legislation limit of PAH4 (10 µg/kg) and had acceptable level of BaP. Finally, the mean and maximum dietary exposures of PAHs through consumption of edible oils have been estimated.  相似文献   

The carcinogenic potential of some PAHs leads to the necessity of expressive biological monitoring for people occupationally exposed to PAH. A highly automated, coupled-column, high performance liquid chromatography method for the simultaneous quantification of several chrysene and benzo[a]pyrene metabolites in urine of exposed subjects is presented. After enzymatic hydrolysis of the metabolites, the sample can be directly injected into the HPLC system. The instrumental set-up comprises an analytical column and a precolumn, connected via a 6-port switching valve. Clean-up and analyte preconcentration are automatically performed on the precolumn which is packed with copper-phthalocyanine modified silica. Afterwards, analytes are automatically transferred onto the analytical column where separation is carried out by elution with a methanol-water gradient. Detection of the analytes makes use of their natural fluorescence. Thus, clean-up and analytical separation require little time, making the method suitable for routine analysis in biomonitoring.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the PAH toxicity potential of our Söderberg cell emissions, a first PAH HPLC/F1 method was developed in the early 1990′s. A quality control of PAH measurements, based on the B[a]P Eq. Index of homogeneous, stable reference materials, was implemented to follow the pitches used in the fabrication of anode pastes. This technique employed megabore columns (4.6-mm o.d.) with twin fluorescence detectors. In the mid-1990′s, this method was upgraded to minibore columns in order to increase the accuracy. Data for the same pitches was accumulated over a three-year period. This communication compares the results from the two HPLC/F1 approaches including the extraction procedures, the stability of the PAH extracts, the stability of the equipment, the temporal resolution, the wavelengths used, etc., which can affect the apparent PAH values. This new method has also been compared with the results from other laboratories using different protocols and techniques including the presence of instrument specific interferences.  相似文献   

The photochemical reactions of anthracene and benzo[a]anthracene polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in polar and apolar solvents (cyclohexane and water/acetonitrile) were studied using spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques. These homogenous photolysis experiments are used as simplified models to compare PAHs photochemistry in water and oil (or oil films). Moreover, these processes were to some extent used as model in literature in order to study those occurring on particulate matter and aerosol surfaces. In both media, new photochemical reaction products were found. Generally, the reaction rate in the polar medium is faster than that in the apolar medium, and the photodegradation quantum yields increase with increasing polarity of the medium. HPLC-absorption/emission analysis confirmed the literature reports that mainly oxygenated photoproducts, such as PAH-hydroxides, were formed. The novelty of this article is that GC-MS data revealed the presence of new photoproducts that have not yet been described. This simplified model system allowed us to characterize the product distribution, thus simplifying the interpretation of the photodegradation mechanism. The identification of new photofragmentation paths, originating by irradiation of primary PAH photoproducts, may suggest an innovative way of remediation triggered by light.  相似文献   

采用氧化铝、树脂、活性炭对矿物油中的苯并[a]芘等八种多环芳烃吸附效果进行研究分析。结果表明,椰壳活性炭在温度200℃和吸附时间60 min条件下,八种芳烃脱除效果明显,脱除率可达48.2%。吸附剂种类及吸附温度对多环芳烃的吸附效果影响较为关键,该方法可应用于生产橡胶增塑剂芳香基矿物油的原料预处理或产品后精制过程,使生产操作更为灵活。  相似文献   

选择几款国内含有低温等离子体(Non-thermal plasma,NTP)技术的空气净化器(air cleaner)样机,以香烟烟雾为净化对象,研究其对室内空气中颗粒物的净化效果。结果表明,所选用空气净化器对100 nm以上颗粒物有一定的去除效果,对100 nm以下的颗粒物几乎没有净化效果;单一采用低温等离子体净化技术对颗粒物的去除不理想;高效粒子过滤器(HEPA,High efficiency particulate air Filter)对颗粒物的净化起着关键作用。  相似文献   

氧化节杆菌与苯并[a]芘-镉交互作用机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用HPLC、FTIR分析技术,研究了氧化节杆菌(Arthrobacter oxydans)对水体中苯并[a]芘(BaP)-镉(Cd)复合污染物交互作用机理。结果表明,BaP、Cd及BaP-Cd复合污染均对菌株的正常生长产生影响,其影响程度为:BaP-CdCdBaP;使用该菌投加到BaP、Cd浓度均为1mg·L-1的BaP-Cd复合污染无机盐溶液中,30℃、130r·min-1,培养5d后,体系BaP、Cd的残留量分别为0.39、0.65mg·L-1;添加一定浓度的H2O2并保持体系呈偏碱性更适于该复合污染的处理。红外扫描分析显示,在微生物作用下,BaP的结构发生改变,菌株降解BaP和吸附Cd的过程主要与羟基、CC键、酰胺基团和C—H键有关。  相似文献   

建立并验证高效液相色谱法检测植物油中苯并[a]芘的含量.将植物油样品溶于正己烷中混匀,用苯并[a]芘固相萃取柱净化,用正己烷洗脱苯并[a]芘,荧光检测器检测.苯并[a]芘在0.1~100μg/kg浓度范围内线性相关系数r2=0.9999,本方法平均回收率为96.95%~101.30%,相对标准偏差RsD为0.980%~...  相似文献   

Atmospheric and biological monitoring was carried out on 38 people exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in different workplaces. The relationship between the atmospheric BaP and the 3-OHBaP urinary concentration peaks was determined. To avoid misinterpretation due to dermal exposure, only people with mainly respiratory exposure were chosen. The selection was carried out from observation of working conditions and from urinary data. For the limit value determination, BaP concentrations higher than 5,000 ng/m3 were discarded and the 3-OHBaP values were adjusted to a 8 h exposure time. A close relationship was observed between the two variables: n = 17, r = 0.89, p < .0001 (C 3-OHBaP = 0.001835*C BaP + 0.1729). To estimate the 3-OHBaP limit concentration, the French recommended value of 150 ng/m3 for atmospheric BaP was used. The corresponding 3-OHBaP was 0.45 nmol/mol creatinine. This value could be used as a sound basic element for determining a biological exposure index.  相似文献   

Indoor and outdoor air measurements of PM-10 (particulate mass dp < 10 μm) and its benzo (a)pyrene (Bap) content were made daily in 13 residences and 5 nearby sites during one or more of three 14-day periods (Winters 1987 and 1988, and Fall 1988). These are a population of older homes (60+ years) adjacent to a gray-iron foundry. Winter BaP values were ~ 10 × higher than fall values. Indoor BaP sources in several homes (e.g., cooking, cigarette smoke, a coal stove) led to contaminant levels higher than the ambient concentrations. However, in homes without strong sources, concentrations were very close to outdoor levels. Periods of elevated ambient pollution were readily discernible in the record of virtually all homes. Correlations for indoor-outdoor concentrations (PM-10 and BaP) were statistically significant (p < 0.01) in the majority of homes.

Higher BaP concentrations were associated with periods of lower temperatures. There were high degrees of correlation for BaP and PM-10 among outdoor sites. The fraction of BaP in ambient PM-10 (mass ratio BaP/PM-10) was found to be a fairly stable parameter for each season. These factors suggest the predominance of a spatially diffuse source of BaP in the community, such as space heating combustion. The higher BaP/PM-10 ratios were identifiable as an index of indoor sources.  相似文献   

Four bacteria, which could grow on pyrene as the sole source of carbon, were isolated from soil from an urban area in Tokyo. One of them, strain H2-5, was a rod bacterium that was positive in gram staining and in acid-fast staining. The optimum growth temperature was 34-35°C, and the upper limit temperature for the growth was around 45°C. At a concentration of 1.3 μg/ml polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), H2-5 cells (45 μg dry weight/ml) grown on Tryptic Soy Broth made disappear 90% of pyrene in 12 hr, and Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), Benz(a)-anthracene (BaA), and Benzo(ghi)perylene individually disappeared 60%, 25%, and 8%, respectively, in 3 days. PAHs in the extract by dichloromethane from airborne particles in approximately 5 m3 of air disappeared by the action of H2-5 as follows: pyrene, 100% in 3 days; BaA and BaP, 70% and 71%, respectively, in 4 days. Pyrene in tarry matter extracted from soil disappeared 88% in 4 days.  相似文献   

We have investigated the induction of DNA adducts and adenomas in the lungs of strain A/J mice following the i.p. administration of several polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH): pyrene, dibenz[a,h]anthracene (DBA), benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), benzo[b]fluoranthene (B[b]F), 5-methylchrysene (5-MeC), 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC), and cyclopenta[cd]pyrene (CPP). All of the PAH induced lung adenomas, with relative tumor potency rankings as a function of administered dose: DBA = 3-MC > 5-MeC > CPP > B[a]P > B[b]F. DNA adducts reached maximal levels between 3 and 7 days after injection, followed by a gradual decrease. The time-integrated DNA adduct level (TIDAL) was calculated by numerically integrating the areas under the adduct persistence curves extrapolated out to 240 days for each PAH at each dose level. Tumorigenic potencies as a function of TIDAL values for 5-MeC, B[a]P, B[b]F, and CPP were all equal, while 3-MC was 2.6-fold more potent and DBA was 25.8-fold more potent.  相似文献   

黄深 《广东化工》2010,37(4):266-266,268
室内空气污染已引起人们的广泛关注。文章对5种室内常见污染物进行了监测,并选取超标浓度最高的甲醛作为污染物代表。对不同装修材料、不同环境、不同季节、不同装修时间条件下的甲醛浓度进行了监测,得出在关空调、开门窗、家具数量少的情况下,甲醛浓度较低,装修时间越长,甲醛浓度越低,装修5个月后,可入住。  相似文献   

用纳米孔材料去除卷烟烟气里的亚硝胺和多环芳烃   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
使用ZSM-5和Y沸石吸附气相中的多环芳烃和亚硝胺,能减少吸烟对于环境的污染。报道了沸石类型和酸碱性对于吸附性能的影响。使用表面涂布铜化合物的新技术显著提高Y沸石的吸附效率,这种复合纳米孔材料可以有效地减少卷烟烟气里30%~60%的多环芳烃和亚硝胺等有害物质。  相似文献   

梁斌  白浩隆  冯强  宋华  蓝天  刘新华 《化工学报》2019,70(8):2888-2897
民用煤的不完全燃烧是大气中颗粒物及其多环芳烃的主要排放源之一,对大气环境和人体健康均造成了严重危害。为了评价不同“煤炉匹配”方式对16种优先控制的高毒性多环芳烃(PAHs)排放的影响,研究了烟煤块煤、烟煤型煤、无烟煤型煤和兰炭4种不同燃料在代表性的3种民用炉具(正烧炉、反烧炉和解耦燃烧炉)中的颗粒物(PM)及其PAHs的排放特性。根据实验结果进一步计算了毒性当量,并与有关文献报道数据进行了对比。在解耦燃烧炉中,烟煤型煤PM和PAHs的排放因子(EFPM 和EFPAHs)(0.50 g/kg、403.2 μg/kg)分别是烟煤块煤(3.65 g/kg、989.6 μg/kg)、兰炭(1.08 g/kg、622.3 μg/kg)、无烟煤型煤(2.10 g/kg、148.3 μg/kg)的13.7%、46.3%、23.8%和42.3%、67.3%、282.3%,除了EFPAHs高于无烟煤型煤之外,EFPM 和EFPAHs均明显低于其他煤种;以烟煤块煤为原料,在解耦炉中燃烧的EFPM 和EFPAHs(3.65 g/kg、989.6 μg/kg)分别是正烧炉(46.58 g/kg,16182.3 μg/kg)和反烧炉(6.00 g/kg,11749.4 μg/kg)的7.8%、60.8%和6.1%、8.4%,说明炉具燃烧形式对EFPM和EFPAHs的影响大于燃料种类;三种“煤炉匹配“方式(解耦炉+烟煤型煤、正烧炉+兰炭、正烧炉+无烟煤型煤)的EFPM和EFPAHs(0.50 g/kg、1.62 g/kg、1.32 g/kg和403.2 μg/kg、1196.5 μg/kg、66.5 μg/kg)均低于传统正烧炉+烟煤块煤(46.58 g/kg,16182.3 μg/kg)以及近年来大部分文献报道的数据(0.68~24.3 g/kg,680~137700 μg/kg)。结果表明,炉具燃烧形式和煤质特性均是影响EFPM和EFPAHs的主要因素,但高效的燃烧方式能够大幅降低煤质特性对污染物排放造成的影响,通过对炉具的不断改进以及采用合适的“煤炉匹配”技术,能够对我国储量巨大的烟煤资源合理、有效和清洁地利用。  相似文献   

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