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The plasminogen kringle 2 (K2HPg) and kringle 3 (K3HPg) modules occur in tandem within the polypeptide segment that affords the heavy chain of plasmin. The K2HPg and K3HPg are unique among the plasminogen kringle domains in that they also are linked to each other via the Cys169-Cys297 (Cys4 of K2HPg to Cys43 of K3HPg, kringle numbering convention) disulfide bridge, thus generating a K2HPg-K3HPg "supermodule". The kringle (2 + 3) sequence of human plasminogen (r-EE[K2HPgK3HPg]DS) was expressed in Escherichia coli, using an expression vector containing the phage T5 promoter/operator N250PSN250P29 and the codons for an N-terminal hexahistidine tag to ensure the isolation of the recombinant protein by affinity chromatography on Ni(2+)-nitrilotriacetic acid/agarose under denaturing and reducing conditions. Kringle (2 + 3) was refolded in the presence of glutathione redox buffer. By taking advantage of the lysine affinity of kringle 2, the protein was purified by affinity chromatography on lysine-Bio-Gel. Recombinant kringle (2 + 3) was identified by amino acid composition, N-terminal sequence and mass determination. The 1H NMR spectrum shows that the intact r-K2HPgK3HPg is properly folded. By reference to spectra of the individual kringles, r-K2HPg and r-K3HPg, resonances of the K2HPg and K3HPg components in the spectrum of the intact r-K2HPgK3HPg can be readily distinguished. The strictly conserved Leu46 residue (kringle residue number convention) yields delta-methyl signals that are characteristic for K2HPg and K3HPg, exhibiting chemical shifts of -0.87 and -0.94 ppm, respectively, which are distinct from those of K1HPg, K4HPg, and K5HPg, (-1.04 to -1.05 ppm). Thus, the high-field Leu46 signals from K2HPg and K3HPg are well resolved from those of other kringles and can be identified unambiguously in spectra of the K1HPgK2HPgK3HPg elastolytic fragment of plasminogen as well as in spectra of Glu-plasminogen. Overall, r-K2HPgK3HPg exhibits broader resonance line widths than does the K1HPg component, consistent with a lesser mobility of the K2HPgK3HPg segment within the K1HPgK2HPgK3HPg fragment, a reflection of the extra structural constraint imposed by the disulfide bridge linking K2HPg to K3HPg. The ligand 6-aminohexanoic acid (6-AHA), which is known to interact with r-K2HPg but not with r-K3HPg, selectively perturbs K2 aromatic signals in the intact r-K2HPgK3HPg spectrum while leaving K3 resonances largely unaffected. Association constant (K(a)) values for 6-AHA determined from 1H NMR ligand titration experiments yield K(a) approximately 2.2 +/- 0.3 mM(-1) for the intact r-K2HPgK3HPg, comparable to K(a) approximately 2.3 +/- 0.2 mM(-1) determined for the isolated r-K2HPg, which demonstrates that the interactions of 6-AHA with the K2HPg ligand-binding site are not significantly affected by the neighboring K3HPg domain within the intact r-K2HPgK3HPg supermodule.  相似文献   

The contrasting roles of streptokinase (SK) domains in binding human Glu1-plasminogen (Plg) have been studied using a set of proteolytic fragments, each of which encompasses one or more of SK's three structural domains (A, B, C). Direct binding experiments have been performed using gel filtration chromatography and surface plasmon resonance. The latter technique has allowed estimation of association and dissociation rate constants for interactions between Plg and intact SK or SK fragments. Each of the SK fragments that contains domain B (fragments A2-B-C, A2-B, B-C, and B) binds Plg with similar affinity, at a level approximately 100- to 1,000-fold lower than intact SK. Experiments using 10 mM 6-aminohexanoic acid or 50 mM benzamidine demonstrate that either of these two lysine analogues abolishes interaction of domain B with Plg. Isolated domain C does not show detectable binding to Plg. Moreover, the additional presence of domain C within other SK fragments (B-C and A2-B-C) does not alter significantly their affinities for Plg. In addition, Plg-binding by a noncovalent complex of two SK fragments that contains domains A and B is similar to that of domain B. By contrast, species containing domain B and both domains A and C (intact SK and the two-chain complex A1 x A2-B-C) show a significantly higher affinity for Plg, which could not be completely inhibited by saturating amounts of 6-AHA. These results show that SK domain B interacts with Plg in a lysine-dependent manner and that although domains A and C do not appear independently to possess affinity for Plg, they function cooperatively to establish the additional interactions with Plg to form an efficient native-like Plg activator complex.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between anhedonia and the trait dimensions of positive affect (PA) and negative affect (NA) in schizophrenia. The relationship between poor social functioning in schizophrenia and these individual differences in affectivity is also examined. Schizophrenia outpatients (n = 37) and normal controls (n = 15) were assessed at a baseline evaluation and again approximately 90 days later. Consistent with the hypothesized decrease in hedonic capacity in schizophrenia, patients reported significantly greater physical and social anhedonia and less PA than controls. However, the schizophrenia group also reported significantly greater NA and social anxiety than did controls. In support of the dispositional view of these individual differences in affectivity, trait measures demonstrated test-retest reliability, and group differences between the schizophrenia group and controls were stable over the 90-day followup period. Within the schizophrenia group, physical and social anhedonia were comparably negatively correlated with trait PA; however, social but not physical anhedonia was significantly positively correlated with NA and social anxiety. Poor social functioning in the schizophrenia group was associated with greater physical and social anhedonia and greater NA and social anxiety. Alternatively, greater trait PA was related to better social functioning. These findings indicate that schizophrenia is characterized by both low PA and elevated NA and that these affective characteristics are a stable feature of the illness. The results also suggest important links between affect and social functioning in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

To understand the mechanism by which annexin I induces membrane aggregation, a comprehensive mutagenesis of all six Ca2+-binding sites was performed. When the cap residues of type II Ca2+-binding sites were systematically mutated to Ala, a type II site in domain II was shown to be essential for Ca2+-dependent vesicle binding of annexin I. Domain II was not, however, directly involved in vesicle aggregation. Instead, type II sites in domains III and IV, respectively, and type III sites in domains I and IV were involved in vesicle aggregation. When all type II sites were deactivated, three type III sites provided residual vesicle binding and aggregating activities. Their contributions to these activities in the presence of type II sites were, however, relatively insignificant. To further investigate the role of each domain harboring a type II site, a set of mutants containing only a specific type II site(s) were generated and their activities measured. These measurements again underscored the importance of domain II in vesicle binding of annexin I and the involvement of domains III and IV in vesicle aggregation. The roles of individual domains in vesicle binding and aggregation can be accounted for by the conformational change of membrane-bound annexin I involving modular rotation of domains (I/IV) following the initial membrane adsorption of domains (II/III). In conjunction with mutagenesis studies on other annexins, these results show that individual domains of annexins, although structurally homologous, have distinct functions and that different annexins might interact with membranes via different domains.  相似文献   

Is positive affect (PA) the bipolar opposite of, or is it independent of, negative affect (NA)? Previous analyses of this vexing question have generally labored under the false assumption that bipolarity predicts an invariant latent correlation between PA and NA. The predicted correlation varies with time frame, response format, and items selected to define PA and NA. The observed correlation also varies with errors inherent in measurement. When the actual predictions of a bipolar model are considered and error is taken into account, there is little evidence for independence of what were traditionally thought opposites. Bipolarity provides a parsimonious fit to existing data.  相似文献   

The coding sequence at the boundaries of exons flanking nuclear introns shows some degree of conservation. To the extent that such sequences might be recognized by the splicing machinery, this conservation may be a derived result of evolution for efficient splicing. Alternatively, such conserved sequences might be remnants of proto-splice sites, which might have existed early in eukaryotic genes and served as the targets for the insertion of introns, as has been proposed by the introns-late theory. The distribution of intron phases, the position of the intron within a codon, is biased with an over-representation of phase 0 introns. Could any distribution of proto-splice sites account for today's intron phase distribution? Here, we examine the dicodon usage in six model organisms, based on current sequences in the GenBank database, and predict the phase distribution that would be expected if introns had been inserted into proto-splice sites. However, these predictions differ between the various model organisms and disagree with the observed intron phase distributions. Thus, we reject the hypothesis that introns are inserted into hypothetical proto-splice sites. Finally, we analyze the sequences around the splice sites of introns in all six of the species to show that the actual conservation of sequence in exon regions near introns is very small and differs considerably between these species, which is inconsistent with a general proto-splice sites model.  相似文献   

Two hundred and twenty one women at high risk for HIV (intravenous drug users and/or those with infected partners) were investigated, through a self-filled questionnaire and gynaecological examination, to define the relationship between genital Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infections, preneoplastic cervical intraepithelial lesions (CIN) and behavioural risk factors. In the 121 HIV positive women, 58 (47%) had HPV lesions at colposcopic and/or cytologic examination and, out of these 58, 23 (40%) had CIN 1, CIN 2 or CIN 3. Six out of the 16 cases with CIN 1 and CIN 2 (37%) followed-up showed a rapid progression of the lesion to CIN 3; in 3 women the interval was 6 months, in the other 3 about 12 months. Only 5 (7%) of the remaining 66 women without HPV lesions had a CIN lesion, with an obviously significant difference on comparison with HPV positive subjects. Sixty two women out of the 121 (52%) had a previous diagnosis of condylomata. In the 100 HIV negative women, 23 (23%) had HPV lesions and, among these 23, 6 (26%) had CIN 1, CIN 2 or CIN 3; 1 of them had rapid progression from CIN 1 to CIN 3 within a year. Only 5 (3%) without HPV infection showed any kind of CIN. 33 women out of 100 (33%) had a previous clinical history of condylomata. Our findings strongly suggest that HIV infection is associated with HPV lesions and that cervical cytological abnormalities develop in this situation. There is a need for short interval cytological and colposcopic follow-up for women at high risk of HIV infection.  相似文献   

Three separate but mutually compatible explanations are offered for N. M. Bradburn's (1969) finding that positive and negative affects are statistically independent: (1) In terms of a higher-order generalization, numbers of experienced desirable and undesirable episodes are generally uncorrelated. (2) The independence is a function of a response mode and scoring procedure that differ from those used elsewhere. (3) Short-term affective states are linked with more stable personality dispositions. 500 undergraduates served as Ss. Findings support each of these explanations: (a) Numbers of desirable and undesirable recent life events were statistically independent and correlated with positive and negative affect in the predicted manner. (b) Amending the response format from counting the number of positive and negative experiences to requiring reports of the proportion of time each was experienced yielded an intercorrelation of –.54 compared to –.01 in the original format. (c) Positive and negative affects were significantly associated with extraversion and neuroticism, respectively, but not with the other dispositional measure. Each explanation had value within 3 different conceptual and methodological frameworks. (27 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Heating properties of magnetite cationic liposomes (MCL) were investigated in ex vivo experiments using implanted cell pellets. The cell pellets, which consisted of rat glioma T9 cells into which MCL had been incorporated in a petri dish, were implanted subcutaneously in the left femoral region of female F344 rats. The rats were placed in a magnetic field generating coil and irradiated with an alternating magnetic field (384 Oe, 118 kHz) for 60 min. The cell pellets were heated to over 43 degrees C by MCL in the magnetic field, but other body parts of the rats were not heated. After 3 cycles of magnetic heating, all glioma cells were killed and no tumor take was observed.  相似文献   

Although it contains only 25 amino acid residues, omega-conotoxin MVIIA folds into a well-defined three-dimensional structure that is stabilized by 3 disulfide bonds. To assess the contributions of the disulfides to folding and stability, three analogues, each with one pair of disulfide-bonded Cys residues replaced with Ala, were prepared and characterized. The analogues also contained a C-terminal Gly residue that is believed to be present when the peptide folds in vivo and has been shown previously to stabilize the native structure. Circular dichroism spectra and biological assays of the analogues indicated that removing any one of the disulfides greatly destabilized the native conformation. The two disulfides in each analogue were also reduced much more rapidly than in the native form with three disulfides. When the analogues were fully reduced and allowed to form disulfides in the presence of oxidized and reduced glutathione, the native disulfides were not formed in preference to non-native disulfides, further indicating that the forms with two-native disulfides are not significantly stabilized by noncovalent interactions. However, the measured equilibrium constants for disulfide formation indicate that forming any two of the three native disulfides leads to an effective concentration of approximately 25-50 M for the two remaining thiols. The two-disulfide analogues thus appear to represent a stage of folding in which the polypeptide is constrained to a distribution of relatively compact conformations that greatly favor formation of the third disulfide and the final folded structure.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To compare the effects of simulated and mild actual hemorrhage on parameters used traditionally to assess hemorrhaging patients: heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), and Shock Index (SI = HR/systolic BP), with stroke distance (SD) measured ultrasonically as an index of cardiac stroke volume. MATERIALS and METHODS: Hemorrhage was simulated in 19 healthy volunteers by the application of graded lower-body negative pressure (LBNP) (0, -20, -40, and -60 mm Hg) to pool blood in the lower body and reduce venous return. Measurements were also made before and after a standard blood donation (450 mL) in nine healthy volunteers. MEASUREMENTS and MAIN RESULTS: SD decreased significantly and progressively from the baseline level of 23.8+/-5.7 cm (mean+/-SD) at each level of LBNP: by 3.4+/-1.9, 7.4+/-2.5, and 11.8+/-3.2 cm at LBNP of -20, -40, and -60 mm Hg, respectively. Neither HR nor SI changed significantly at the lowest level of LBNP (-20 mm Hg), but they showed progressive, significant increases thereafter. Mean BP did not change significantly at any level of LBNP. Similarly, after a controlled hemorrhage of 450 mL, SD decreased significantly by 3.3+/-1.6 cm from 22.2+/-2.8 cm, whereas HR and SI remained unchanged and mean BP increased slightly. CONCLUSION: Changes in SD may provide an earlier indication of progressive blood loss than either HR or BP alone or in combination.  相似文献   

The present research examined the effects of sadness on the correction of social stereotypes. Participants who either were or were not induced to feel sad were asked to form an impression of a single individual who belonged to a group that had either stereotypically positive or negative implications. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that sad people corrected for their negative, but not for their positive stereotypes. Experiment 3 demonstrated that this asymmetry was not due to stereotype valence per se but to whether the stereotype was perceived as an inappropriate basis for judgment. A model is presented that suggests that sad people do not simply ignore category-based information, but rather correct for their stereotypes only when they are perceived as inappropriate, which tends to be more often the case if the stereotype is negative than if it is positive. The implications of the present results for 4 extant models of mood and information processing are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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