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针对现有大多数面向查询的多文档抽取式摘要方法通常是将句子的内容显著性及查询相关性分开计算的,且对向量表示的建模不充分的问题,提出一种基于层级BiGRU+Attention的面向查询的新闻多文档抽取式摘要方法.首先,通过训练层级BiGRU+Attention神经网络模型,获得具有丰富上下文语义信息的句子、文档向量表示;并在此过程中通过双线性变换注意力机制,使得文档向量表示不仅具有反映文档深层主旨信息的基本特性,还融入句子与用户查询的相关性信息,然后利用句向量与其进行相似度计算获得相应的句子重要性得分;其次,由句子重要性得分、句子中包含的关键词特征、句子的长度特征以及句子的时序权重系数加权组合得到最终的句子综合特征权重得分;最后,利用MMR算法来选择摘要句.实验结果表明,与其他方法相比本文提出的方法能在一定程度上提高面向查询的多文档抽取式摘要的质量,具有一定的有效性及优越性.  相似文献   

案件舆情摘要是从涉及特定案件的新闻文本簇中,抽取能够概括其主题信息的几个句子作为摘要.案件舆情摘要可以看作特定领域的多文档摘要,与一般的摘要任务相比,可以通过一些贯穿于整个文本簇的案件要素来表征其主题信息.在文本簇中,由于句子与句子之间存在关联关系,案件要素与句子亦存在着不同程度的关联关系,这些关联关系对摘要句的抽取有着重要的作用.提出了基于案件要素句子关联图卷积的案件文本摘要方法,采用图的结构来对多文本簇进行建模,句子作为主节点,词和案件要素作为辅助节点来增强句子之间的关联关系,利用多种特征计算不同节点间的关联关系.然后,使用图卷积神经网络学习句子关联图,并对句子进行分类得到候选摘要句.最后,通过去重和排序得到案件舆情摘要.在收集到的案件舆情摘要数据集上进行实验,结果表明:提出的方法相比基准模型取得了更好的效果,引入要素及句子关联图对案件多文档摘要有很好的效果.  相似文献   

临床决策支持系统中,通常使用电子病历中的病人描述作为查询检索,进而辅助医生做决策分析.我们提出了一个基于注意力机制的网络扩展查询方法以提高检索效果.由于医学文本注释的难度和成本很高,并受到了迁移学习理念的启发,我们选择了非医学领域数据集学习句子与实体的关系,迁移到医学领域数据集,模型用LSTM获得句子表征并用注意力机制来获得实体表示.我们提出的方法可以动态选择相关实体作为查询扩展,同时我们不仅考虑单个实体作为扩展的影响,也考虑了实体组合作为扩展的影响,解决了选择固定数目实体的问题.我们在TREC Clinical Decision Support Track三个标准数据集上进行实验,实验表明本文提出的方法在实验结果上有显著的提升.  相似文献   

是指从与司法案件相关的舆情信息中抽取与案件相关的句子作为摘要。在案件舆情文本中通常包含如涉案人员、案发地点等案件要素,这些案件要素对于摘要生成有着重要的指导意义。因此,针对案件舆情文本的特点,提出一种基于案件要素异构图的抽取式摘要模型。首先通过基于图注意力机制融入案件要素的方法,构建一个由句子节点、词节点和案件要素节点组成的异构图,来捕捉句子间的关联关系,最后对句子进行分类,生成摘要。在基于百度百科构建的案件舆情数据集上进行实验,结果表明,模型相比基于注意力机制融入案件要素的方法在ROUGE-L上取得14.22个百分点的提升。  相似文献   

针对现有多文档抽取方法不能很好地利用句子主题信息和语义信息的问题,提出一种融合多信息句子图模型的多文档摘要抽取方法。首先,以句子为节点,构建句子图模型;然后,将基于句子的贝叶斯主题模型和词向量模型得到的句子主题概率分布和句子语义相似度相融合,得到句子最终的相关性,结合主题信息和语义信息作为句子图模型的边权重;最后,借助句子图最小支配集的摘要方法来描述多文档摘要。该方法通过融合多信息的句子图模型,将句子间的主题信息、语义信息和关系信息相结合。实验结果表明,该方法能够有效地改进抽取摘要的综合性能。  相似文献   

关键词提取和摘要抽取的目的都是从原文档中选择关键内容并对原文档的主要意思进行概括.评价关键词和摘要抽取质量的好坏主要看其能否对文档的主题进行良好的覆盖.在现有基于图模型的关键词提取和摘要抽取方法中,很少涉及到将关键词提取和摘要抽取任务协同进行的,而文中提出了一种基于图模型的方法进行关键词提取和摘要的协同抽取.该方法首先利用文档中词、主题和句子之间的6种关系,包括词和词、主题和主题、句子和句子、词和主题、主题和句子、词和句子,进行图的构建;然后利用文档中词和句子的统计特征对图中各顶点的先验重要性进行评价;接着采用迭代的方式对词和句子进行打分;最后根据词和句子的得分,得到关键词和摘要.为验证所提方法的效果,文中在中英文数据集上进行关键词提取和摘要抽取实验,发现该方法不管是在关键词提取还是摘要抽取任务上都取得了良好的效果.  相似文献   

基于事件项语义图聚类的多文档摘要方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
基于事件的抽取式摘要方法一般首先抽取那些描述重要事件的句子,然后把它们重组并生成摘要。该文将事件定义为事件项以及与其关联的命名实体,并聚焦从外部语义资源获取的事件项语义关系。首先基于事件项语义关系创建事件项语义关系图并使用改进的DBSCAN算法对事件项进行聚类,接着为每类选择一个代表事件项或者选择一类事件项来表示文档集的主题,最后从文档抽取那些包含代表项并且最重要的句子生成摘要。该文的实验结果证明在多文档自动摘要中考虑事件项语义关系是必要的和可行的。  相似文献   

宋长平  李婧 《计算机应用研究》2020,37(11):3297-3301
传统序列到序列模型未充分利用输入文本的句子结构,导致其无法生成结构严谨、语法更好的摘要。因此,提出了一种融合句子基本结构的摘要生成方法。首先,明确提出融合句子结构生成文本摘要的概念。再者,在摘要生成器上增添了句子基本结构模块和监督模块,句子基本结构模块从输入文本中捕捉一系列句子结构,监督模块评估已捕获句子结构的重要性,以此协助句子基本结构模块从中提取可用的句子结构。最后,摘要生成器融合可用的句子结构生成最终摘要。在数据集LCSTS上的实验表明,此方法的ROUGE得分相较于seq2seq皆有提高,即其生成摘要的准确性优于seq2seq模型。实验也验证了句子基本结构模块和监督模块存在的必要性。  相似文献   

在网络购物平台上,简洁、真实、有效的产品摘要对于提升购物体验至关重要。网上购物无法接触到产品实物,产品图像所含信息是除产品文本描述外的重要视觉信息,因此融合包括产品文本和产品图像在内的多模态信息的产品摘要对于网络购物具有重要的意义。针对融合产品文本描述和产品图像的问题,提出一种融合多模态信息的产品摘要抽取模型。与一般的产品摘要任务的输入只包含产品文本描述不同,该模型引入了产品图像作为一种额外的信息来源,使抽取产生的摘要更丰富。具体来说,首先对产品文本描述和产品图像分别使用预训练模型进行特征表示,从产品文本描述中提取每个句子的文本特征表示,从产品图像中提取产品整体的视觉特征表示;然后使用基于低阶张量的多模态融合方法将每个句子的文本特征和整体视觉特征进行模态融合,得到每个句子的多模态特征表示;最后将所有句子的多模态特征表示输入摘要生成器中以生成最终的产品摘要。在CEPSUM (Chinese E-commerce Product SUMmarization) 2.0数据集上进行对比实验,在CEPSUM 2.0的3个数据子集上,该模型的平均ROUGE-1比TextRank高3.12个百分点,...  相似文献   

为提高中文文本摘要抽取的准确性与应用于不同类型文本的有效性,论文结合MMR算法、TextRank算法、文本主题以及篇章结构信息,提出一种基于集成学习的无监督中文文本摘要自动抽取模型。使用每种抽取方法单独抽取关键句,然后采用投票机制对各方法抽取出的句子进行加权投票,对多种方法共同抽取出的句子赋予更高的权重。实验结果表明,该模型应对不同结构文本泛化能力更强,在抽取单句摘要时Rouge_1得分要高于最优的单一抽取算法得分,Rouge_2、Rouge_L得分接近最优结果;在抽取多句摘要时Rouge_1、Rouge_2、Rouge_L得分要高于其他单一方法,比最优的单一抽取算法分别提高了1.7个、1.3个、1.5个百分点,相比传统摘要抽取算法提取的摘要质量更高。  相似文献   

Automatic document summarization aims to create a compressed summary that preserves the main content of the original documents. It is a well-recognized fact that a document set often covers a number of topic themes with each theme represented by a cluster of highly related sentences. More important, topic themes are not equally important. The sentences in an important theme cluster are generally deemed more salient than the sentences in a trivial theme cluster. Existing clustering-based summarization approaches integrate clustering and ranking in sequence, which unavoidably ignore the interaction between them. In this paper, we propose a novel approach developed based on the spectral analysis to simultaneously clustering and ranking of sentences. Experimental results on the DUC generic summarization datasets demonstrate the improvement of the proposed approach over the other existing clustering-based approaches.  相似文献   

We present an optimization-based unsupervised approach to automatic document summarization. In the proposed approach, text summarization is modeled as a Boolean programming problem. This model generally attempts to optimize three properties, namely, (1) relevance: summary should contain informative textual units that are relevant to the user; (2) redundancy: summaries should not contain multiple textual units that convey the same information; and (3) length: summary is bounded in length. The approach proposed in this paper is applicable to both tasks: single- and multi-document summarization. In both tasks, documents are split into sentences in preprocessing. We select some salient sentences from document(s) to generate a summary. Finally, the summary is generated by threading all the selected sentences in the order that they appear in the original document(s). We implemented our model on multi-document summarization task. When comparing our methods to several existing summarization methods on an open DUC2005 and DUC2007 data sets, we found that our method improves the summarization results significantly. This is because, first, when extracting summary sentences, this method not only focuses on the relevance scores of sentences to the whole sentence collection, but also the topic representative of sentences. Second, when generating a summary, this method also deals with the problem of repetition of information. The methods were evaluated using ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2 and ROUGE-SU4 metrics. In this paper, we also demonstrate that the summarization result depends on the similarity measure. Results of the experiment showed that combination of symmetric and asymmetric similarity measures yields better result than their use separately.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an optimization-based model for generic document summarization. The model generates a summary by extracting salient sentences from documents. This approach uses the sentence-to-document collection, the summary-to-document collection and the sentence-to-sentence relations to select salient sentences from given document collection and reduce redundancy in the summary. To solve the optimization problem has been created an improved differential evolution algorithm. The algorithm can adjust crossover rate adaptively according to the fitness of individuals. We implemented the proposed model on multi-document summarization task. Experiments have been performed on DUC2002 and DUC2004 data sets. The experimental results provide strong evidence that the proposed optimization-based approach is a viable method for document summarization.  相似文献   

针对面向查询的多文档自动文摘,本文将查询句混入多文档集合中的各句子中间,采用高效的软聚类算法SSC对所有的句子进行聚类。采用轮转法抽取文摘句,最后生成文摘。该方法在DUC2005的语料中测试效果很好。  相似文献   

Most existing research on applying the matrix factorization approaches to query-focused multi-document summarization (Q-MDS) explores either soft/hard clustering or low rank approximation methods. We employ a different kind of matrix factorization method, namely weighted archetypal analysis (wAA) to Q-MDS. In query-focused summarization, given a graph representation of a set of sentences weighted by similarity to the given query, positively and/or negatively salient sentences are values on the weighted data set boundary. We choose to use wAA to compute these extreme values, archetypes, and hence to estimate the importance of sentences in target documents set. We investigate the impact of using the multi-element graph model for query focused summarization via wAA. We conducted experiments on the data of document understanding conference (DUC) 2005 and 2006. Experimental results evidence the improvement of the proposed approach over other closely related methods and many of state-of-the-art systems.  相似文献   

Topic‐focused multidocument summarization has been a challenging task because the created summary is required to be biased to the given topic or query. Existing methods consider the given topic as a single coarse unit, and then directly incorporate the relevance between each sentence and the single topic into the sentence evaluation process. However, the given topic is usually not well defined and it consists of a few explicit or implicit subtopics. In this study, the related subtopics are discovered from the topic's narrative text or document set through topic analysis techniques. Then, the sentence relationships against each subtopic are considered as an individual modality and the multimodality manifold‐ranking method is proposed to evaluate and rank sentences by fusing the multiple modalities. Experimental results on the DUC benchmark data sets show the promising results of our proposed methods.  相似文献   

In paper, we propose an unsupervised text summarization model which generates a summary by extracting salient sentences in given document(s). In particular, we model text summarization as an integer linear programming problem. One of the advantages of this model is that it can directly discover key sentences in the given document(s) and cover the main content of the original document(s). This model also guarantees that in the summary can not be multiple sentences that convey the same information. The proposed model is quite general and can also be used for single- and multi-document summarization. We implemented our model on multi-document summarization task. Experimental results on DUC2005 and DUC2007 datasets showed that our proposed approach outperforms the baseline systems.  相似文献   

Sentence extraction is a widely adopted text summarization technique where the most important sentences are extracted from document(s) and presented as a summary. The first step towards sentence extraction is to rank sentences in order of importance as in the summary. This paper proposes a novel graph-based ranking method, iSpreadRank, to perform this task. iSpreadRank models a set of topic-related documents into a sentence similarity network. Based on such a network model, iSpreadRank exploits the spreading activation theory to formulate a general concept from social network analysis: the importance of a node in a network (i.e., a sentence in this paper) is determined not only by the number of nodes to which it connects, but also by the importance of its connected nodes. The algorithm recursively re-weights the importance of sentences by spreading their sentence-specific feature scores throughout the network to adjust the importance of other sentences. Consequently, a ranking of sentences indicating the relative importance of sentences is reasoned. This paper also develops an approach to produce a generic extractive summary according to the inferred sentence ranking. The proposed summarization method is evaluated using the DUC 2004 data set, and found to perform well. Experimental results show that the proposed method obtains a ROUGE-1 score of 0.38068, which represents a slight difference of 0.00156, when compared with the best participant in the DUC 2004 evaluation.  相似文献   

Multi-document summarization via submodularity   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Multi-document summarization is becoming an important issue in the Information Retrieval community. It aims to distill the most important information from a set of documents to generate a compressed summary. Given a set of documents as input, most of existing multi-document summarization approaches utilize different sentence selection techniques to extract a set of sentences from the document set as the summary. The submodularity hidden in the term coverage and the textual-unit similarity motivates us to incorporate this property into our solution to multi-document summarization tasks. In this paper, we propose a new principled and versatile framework for different multi-document summarization tasks using submodular functions (Nemhauser et al. in Math. Prog. 14(1):265?C294, 1978) based on the term coverage and the textual-unit similarity which can be efficiently optimized through the improved greedy algorithm. We show that four known summarization tasks, including generic, query-focused, update, and comparative summarization, can be modeled as different variations derived from the proposed framework. Experiments on benchmark summarization data sets (e.g., DUC04-06, TAC08, TDT2 corpora) are conducted to demonstrate the efficacy and effectiveness of our proposed framework for the general multi-document summarization tasks.  相似文献   

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