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2006216 Sensory and chemical aspects of frozen soy yoghurt fermented with Enterococcus faecium and Lacto-bacillus jugurti[刊,葡]/Peres Miguel D,Font de Valdez G,Rossi E A.//Alimentos e Nutricao.—2006,15(3):197-201.2006217 Innovative applications of power ultrasound during food freezing processes-a review[刊,英]/LiyunZheng and Da-Wen Sun//Trends in Food Science&Technology.—2006,17(1):16-23.2006218 Frozen food dispensing container[专,英]/Plosky D D.//UK Patent Application.GB 2 420 …  相似文献   

2006316 Ice crystallization in a scraped surface freezer[刊,英]./Drewett E M,Hartel R W.//Journal of FoodEngineering.—2007,78(3):1060-1066.2006317 Thermo-physical and thermo-mechanical assessment of partially baked bread during chilling andfreezing process.Impact of selected enzymes on crumb contraction to prevent crust flaking.[刊,英]/Ribotta P D,Bail A le.//Journal of Food Engineering.—2007,78(3):913-921.2006318 Stability of dehydrofrozen tomatoes pretreated with alternative osmotic…  相似文献   

20 0 4 316 Freezing :anunderutilizedfoodsafetytechnology ?[刊 ,英 ]/ArcherDouglasL .//InternationalJour nalofFoodMicrobiology .— 2 0 0 4 ,90 (2 ) .— 12 7~ 138.2 0 0 4 317 Ultrasonicmonitoringoffoodfreezing . [刊 ,英 ]/SigfussonHalldor ,ZieglerGregoryR ,CouplandJohnN .//JournalofFoodEngineering .— 2 0 0 4 ,6 2 (3) .— 2 6 3~ 2 6 9.2 0 0 4 318 Applicationofheattransferanalysisforfrozenfoodstoragecaverns .[刊 ,英 ]/UnverB ,AganC .//TunnelingandUndergroundSpaceTechnology .— 2 0 …  相似文献   

20 0 2 117 面包酵母中细菌冰核基因表达及其用于食品冷冻的可能性 [刊 ,英 ]/Wen -ZheHwang ,CoesterC ,TumerNE ,Tung -ChungLee/ /JournalofAgriculturalandFoodChemistry .— 2 0 0 1,4 9(10 ) .—4 6 6 2~ 4 6 6 6 .2 0 0 2 118 高蛋白低热量冷冻甜食 :FR2 80 5 439A1[专 ,法 ]/CEPRODI(AlloucheR) .— 2 0 0 1.8.31—FR0 0 -0 2 6 6 5 (2 0 0 0 .2 .2 9) .2 0 0 2 119 用于微波烹调的冷冻煎炸食品的生产方法 :US2 0 0 1/ 0 0…  相似文献   

近期外文文献题录陈娇(无锡轻工大学图书馆,无锡,214036)冰淇淋中沙门氏菌引发全国性肠炎传染病爆发[刊,英]/Hennessy,TW;Hedberg,CW;Slutsker,L//NewEnglandJournalofMedicine.—1996...  相似文献   

近期外文文献题录严而清(无锡轻工大学图书馆,无锡214036)98144冰淇淋[刊,英]/MannEJ//DairyIndustriesInternationel.—1996,6(1).—17~1898145冰淇淋中油脂[刊,英]/TalbotG//...  相似文献   

20 0 0 31 7 在不同的糖和聚合物基质中冷冻干燥的啤酒酵母 ,其存活力和热稳定性的研究 [刊 ,英 ]/LodatoP ,Sego riadeHuergoM ,BueraMP/ /AppliedMicrobiologyandBiotechnology .— 1 999,5 2 (2 )— 2 1 5~ 2 2 0 .2 0 0 0 31 8 制备个体速冻的豆类的工艺 .US5 91 6 6 2 4[专 ,英 ]/SeenergyFoodInc .(AjmeraSH )— 1 999.6 .2 9—US86 441 0 (1 997.5 .2 8)— 4页 .2 0 0 0 31 9 脂肪含量对冰淇淋的感官特性、融化、色泽和硬度的影响…  相似文献   

近期外文文献题录严而清(无锡轻工大学图书馆,无锡214036)在温控快速贮存过程中冰淇淋中冰的重结晶[刊,英]/DonhoweDP,HartelRW∥InternationalDairyJournal.—1996,6(11/12).—1191~120...  相似文献   

99247苋菜淀粉冷冻—融解的稳定性以及盐和糖对它的影响[刊,英]/BakerLA,Rayas-DuarteP//cerealChemistry.—1998,75(3).—301~30799248分馏塔盘中大量溶液冷冻干燥的初级和二次阶段的最优控制...  相似文献   

近期外文文献题录陈娇(无锡轻工大学,214036,无锡)融化温度和时间对冷冻食品品质的影响──实验调查结果报告书[日,期刊]/日本冷冻协会//食品工业,1995,38(13):76~81冷冻食品厂中质量卫生管理设备装置[日,期刊]//冷冻,1995,...  相似文献   

20 0 1417 青豆沉浸冷却或冷冻过程中的变化 [刊 ,英 ]/ChourotJM ,LauwerJ ,MassojiN ,LucaT ./ /InternationalJournalofFoodScience&Technology .— 2 0 0 1,36(2 ) .— 179~ 187.2 0 0 1418 胡萝卜片低温冷冻的最适工艺 [刊 ,英 ]/Byung -SunKang ,YourgChunLee ./ /FoodScienceandBiotech nology .— 2 0 0 1,10 (1) .— 4 0~ 4 4 .2 0 0 1419 稳定剂的不同浓度和老化时间对水牛乳制冰淇淋粘性的…  相似文献   

20 0 2 4 17 冷冻食品及冷冻罐装食品的制备工艺 :FR 2 819995A1[专 ,法 ]/GarnierP .— 2 0 0 2 .—FR 0 1 0 132 6(2 0 0 1.0 1.31) .2 0 0 2 4 18 海藻糖及静压对豆腐结构和口感的影响 [刊 ,英 ]/ /FuchigamiM ,OgawaN ./FoodScienceandE mergingTechnologies .— 2 0 0 2 ,3(2 ) .— 139~ 147.2 0 0 2 4 19 冷冻短面团的预包装处理方法 :US639135 0B1[专 ,美 ]/IwashitaY ,AdachY .— 2 0 0 2 .—JP 99 2 5 90 30 (1999.0 9.10 ) .2 0 0 2 4 2…  相似文献   

20 0 3115 脂类和乳化剂对冷冻面团品质的影响 [刊 ,英 ]/AbdEl HadyEA ,ShoukAA/ /EgyptianJournalofFoodScience .— 2 0 0 2 ,30 (1)— 77~ 94 .2 0 0 3116 水果冷冻方法 :EP 12 2 870 2A1[专 ,英 ]/StulensE(dirafrostFFINV) .—EuropeanPatentAppli cation .— 2 0 0 2—EP 0 1- 870 0 19(2 0 0 1.0 2 .0 6) .2 0 0 3117 用不同果糖作蔗糖替代物来生产具有天然风味冰淇淋 [刊 ,英 ]/MostafaEL ,MohamedLM /…  相似文献   

20 0 3416 Blanchingandlong termfreezingaffectvariousbioactivecompoundsofvegetablesindifferentways[刊 ,英 ]/Puupponen Pimi R ,H kkinenST ,AarniM //JournaloftheScienceofFoodandAgricul ture .— 2 0 0 3,83(14 ) .— 1389~ 14 0 2 .2 0 0 3417 Relativestabilitiesofmicroalgalcarotenoidsinmicroalgalextracts ,biomassandfishfeed :effectofstorageconditions[刊 ,英 ]/GouveiaL ,EmpisJ .//InnovativeFoodScienceandEmergingTechnolo gies .— 2 0 0 3,4 (2 ) .— 2 2 7~ 2 33.2 0 0 3418 Numericalsimulatio…  相似文献   

2005315 Frozen food product containing heat stable antifreeze protein[专,英]./Lillford P J,Mcarthur A J,Sidebottom C M,Wilding P.//European Patent,EP 0 918 863 B1,2005[Refs.EP 96305497(19960726)].2005316 Power and temperature distribution during microwave thawing,simulated by using Maxwell’s e-quations and Lambert’s law[刊,英]./Liu Chang-min,Wang Qi-zhi,Sakai N.//InternationalJournal of Food Science&Technology.—2005,40(1).—9~21.2005317 Ice-crystal formation in gelatin gel durin…  相似文献   

2006416 Effect of using liquid milk fat fractions on ice milk properties[刊,英]/Abd-El-Aziz M,Seleet F L,Hammad Y A.//Egyptian Journal of Dairy Science.—2006,34(1):103-110.2006417 Ice cream vendors warned of food poisoning risks[刊,英]/Anon.//World Food Regulation Review—2006,16(1):24.2006418 Direct labelling for ensuring ice cream traceability[刊,英]/Weil C.//Deutsche Milchwirtschaft.—2006,57(10):427-428.2006419 Tomato yoghurt ice cream[专,西]/Guerrero Garcia-Ortega M P,Crespo-…  相似文献   

20 0 4 2 1 6 Effectoftemperatureandglassystatesonthemolecularmobilityofsolutesinfrozentunamuscleasstudiedbyelectronspinresonancespectroscopywithspinprobedetection[刊,英] / OrlienV ,An dersenML ,JouhtimakiS ,RisboJ,SkibstedLH / /JournalofAgriculturalandFoodChemistry .—2 0 0 4 ,52 (8) .—2 2 69~2 2 76 .2 0 0 4 2 1 7 Three dimensionalmeasurementoficecrystalsinfrozendilutesolution[刊,英] / ShigeakiUeno,Gab SooDo,YasuyukiSagara,Ken ichiKudoh ,ToshiroHiguchi/ /InternationalJournalofRe…  相似文献   

99339 意大利冰淇淋工业的竞争越来越激烈[刊,意]/Troiani C//Latte.-1998,23(6).-44~47.  相似文献   

Experimental study of enriched froen diet on digestive enzymes and growth of jnvenile cuttlefish Sepia officinalis L.(Mollusca Cephalopoda),[刊,英]/PerrinA,Le Bihan E,Koueta N,//Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology,—2004,311(16)—267∽285.  相似文献   

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