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<正>智能,是信息加工的最高产物,又是生命能力的最高体现。因此,智能科学技术既是信息科学技术的核心、前沿和制高点,也是生命科学技术最为精彩的学术篇章。  相似文献   

随着科技的进步以及正在兴起的物联网的建设,越来越多的自动化、智能化的产品进入到人们的生活。智能家居的出现更好地满足了人们的生活需求,使人们的生活上升到一定的阶段,而照明系统在有些时候没能满足人们的要求。该文以单片机为控制核心实现了家居中的灯光的明亮,柔和,微弱不同明暗程度的遥控控制以及智能化的节能控制系统。  相似文献   

智能特征模型和智能控制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴宏鑫 《自动化学报》2002,28(Z1):30-37
首先论述了控制理论的发展应走"实践-理论-实践"之路.接着分析了现有智能控制存在的问题.提出突破复杂系统的特征建模问题是建立智能控制理论体系的前提.简单阐述了智能特征建模的思想、方法和必要的物质基础,并提出了三类智能控制的设想和框架.最后讨论了为发展智能控制理论需研究的一些基本理论和工具.  相似文献   

近年来。网络普及使得电子商务技术得到了长足的发展,但仍存在着很多问题。特别是智能和个性化的电子商务已经成了人们追求的目标。本文试图将Agent技术运用于电子商务系统中,介绍了基于Intelligent Agent的智能电子商务系统的基本概念及目前智能电子商务的发展状况,并就Intelligent Agent的智能电子商务系统的未来发展提出了问题和建议。  相似文献   

当前,“系统建模与仿真”正在向复杂大系统的”协调化、智能化、集成化、网络化”建模与仿真的方向发展.在2009年在第四届“中国系统建模与仿真技术高层论坛”的特邀报告中提出,提高系统建模与仿真的“协调化、智能化、集成化、网络化”水平,研究开发“协同智能建模”、“协同智能仿真”的新方法、新技术、新系统.主要内容是:论述“系统建模与仿真”的发展方向,提出“协同智能建模与仿真”的概念理论基础、设计思想、总体方案、关键技术、开发策略,给出了应用实例.  相似文献   

The exchange of data and control information between man and machine or between various modules in a complex manufacturing system can either be done through standardized or specially defined interfaces. For either of the two ways applied, all data channels should be well defined and rigorously implemented otherwise proper functional operation cannot be secured. In the present practice this is the most formidable obstacle when creating flexible control systems.This paper surveys four approaches to establish more flexible, more intelligent interfaces. The self-adaptive interface is independent from the user and from the system as well. The extended man-machine interface is based on the roles of human communication. The interfaces in a data base environment provide indirect links through common media. The control and communication functions can be realized by a distributed architecture of an artificial intelligence system.  相似文献   

智能制造   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文首先引入了智能制造技术的概念,阐述了智能制造技术提出的背景,介绍了什么是智能制造技术及其特点和研究目标,论述了国内外智能制造技术的发展概况及现状,最后谈到了智能制造技术存在的一些问题,提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

分布式信号处理是随着智能化传感器系统的发展而实现的。它改进了被测数据的静、动态质量,并且减轻了控制系统的负担。叙述了如何构造一个传感器操作系统,并在此基础上利用场地总线构造智能传感系统。  相似文献   

智能互联网   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Intelligent Web functions essentially as an autonomic entity. The Web automatically regulates the func-tions and cooperation of related Web sites and available application services. In the paper we will discuss the key is-sues related to the intelligent Web, such as semantic representation, Agent, resource management, service manage-ment, Web mininlz and so on.  相似文献   

A framework for intelligent control is presented and different approaches to intelligent control are reviewed in light of this framework. The topics discussed include knowledge-based control, fuzzy control, neural networks, fault diagnosis, single loop control and distributed control. The key ideas behind these approaches are outlined and it is indicated how they may be used to make control systems with significantly improved capabilities.  相似文献   

Intelligent advertising   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Digital media is getting smarter. Home electrical goods are getting smarter. This article explores how one aspect of content is beginning to reflect this—digital advertising. It is becoming increasingly important for advertisers to target consumers as individuals and in communities of interest rather than by demographic. This article explores the impact of smart systems and artificial intelligence (AI) on advertising and examines different approaches to creating intelligent and smart content and how behaviour is fast becoming the guiding principle for new content forms.
Richard AdamsEmail:

Intelligent SQL     
Intelligent SQL is an intelligent database engine interface language which incorporates object-oriented, inferencing, and multi-media constructs. It is intended to be a powerful extension of existing SQL dialects. It also provides querying capabilities for object-oriented databases. Intelligent SQL was prototyped at Ashton-Tate. This paper discusses the main features of Intelligent SQL.  相似文献   

智能传感器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闫军 《自动化博览》2002,19(4):46-47
引言智能传感器最初是由美国宇航局1978年在开发出来的产品。因为宇宙飞船上需要大量的传感器不断向地面发送温度、位置、速度和姿态等数据信息,用一台大型计算机很难同时处理如此庞杂的数据,于是提出把CPU分散化,从而产生出智能化传感器。随着微电子技术的发展,1983年美国Honeywell公司首次推出用于过程工业的智能压力传感器。其它公司纷纷效仿,先后研制出各自的智能传感器产品。光电传感器具有反应速度快,能实现非接触测量,精度高、分辨率高和可靠性好等优点,因此在军事、工业检测与控制领域获得广泛应用,也使光电传感器的智能…  相似文献   

《Expert Systems》1995,12(1):70-71

《Expert Systems》1995,12(2):172-173

Warwick  Kevin 《ITNOW》1997,39(3):2-3

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