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The first story, "AI Heralds a New Musical Age," discusses current uses of AI technology to analyze and categorize music, as well as synthesize musical accompaniment. The second story, "Multiagent Designs Could Safeguard Networks across the Web," looks at how multiagent systems and neural networks can provide security against malicious software attacks.  相似文献   

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On the face of it, scoring student essays would seem to push AI capabilities to their limits. After all, students express themselves through their writing in vastly different ways. Furthermore, they might misunderstand the essay questions they've been asked to write about, or drift off the topic in the course of writing. Even so, for decades now, researchers have known ways to automatically evaluate student writing. What's been lacking, explains Tom Landauer, executive vice president at the Knowledge Technologies group ol Pearson, is the computer processing power to make grading practical. Processing power has now become a nonissue, of course. LSA is one of many techniques that researchers are employing to advance the state of automated essay grading.  相似文献   

In the News     
In the first news story, "Intelligent Surveillance Empowers Security Analysts," governments and corporations worldwide are spending billions of dollars researching, developing, and deploying intelligent video surveillance systems, data mining software, biometrics systems, and Internet geolocation technology. Growing use of these technologies has increased public scrutiny of, and resistance to, them. In the second news story, "These Computers Know How You Feel," with the debate still going as to whether AI is actual intelligence or just clever programming, the question remains: Can a computer have an EQ (emotional quotient)? The first line researchers have taken in investigating computers' capacity for feeling involves affective, or emotional, computing, which refers to computers sensing, reasoning about, and responding to human emotion.  相似文献   

In the News     
James F. Hubbert 《EDPACS》2013,47(12):9-13

In the News     
《Software, IEEE》2006,23(5):96-98
The first story, "CodePlex: Microsoft's Latest Entry into Code Sharing," describes Microsoft's new environment for developers to create, host, and manage projects throughout the development cycle. The second story, "New Funding for Open Source Development," looks at the Open Source Development Labs' program for awarding fellowships to open source developers.  相似文献   

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This paper discusses how some artificial intelligence (AI) researchers and search experts are using AI methods to try to improve the accuracy of video search results. One example is a University of Oxford project in which researchers use statistical machine learning, specifically computer vision methods for face detection and facial feature localization, to provide automatic annotation of video with information about all the content of the video. Another example is the video search engine from Blinkx that objectively analyzes video content using speech recognition and matches the spoken words to context gleaned from a massive database. Finally, researchers at Dartmouth University are working on a technology that shows whether images or video clips have been doctored. This technique uses support vector machines to differentiate computer-generated images from photographic images. The paper goes on to discuss computer Go programs. Go is an ancient Asian board game which has become a challenge for AI researchers around the world. Go is resistant to Deep Blue's brute-force search of the game tree; the number of possible moves is too large. This inspires researchers to develop hybrid methods combining different methods and algorithms  相似文献   

分析了RSS新闻的传输原理,通过实例,讲述了使用Visual Studio2010+C#语言在ASP.NET网站的页面中获取远程RSS新闻数据,以及使用GridView控件分页显示新闻列表、查看新闻的方法。  相似文献   

Top of the News     
Grier  David Alan 《Computer》2009,42(4):10-13

一加8系列再次开售,全渠道销售额破亿元4月27日,一加8系列再次开售,全渠道销售额破亿元。其中,一加8 Pro斩获京东、天猫等平台手机单品销量和销售额的双冠军。一加8系列上市后收到的好评如潮,并在全平台持续热销,首销当天该系列就获得了开售一分钟销售额破亿元的亮眼成绩。由于火爆程度远超预期,一加8系列全系机型在各电商销售平台一度断货。  相似文献   

短讯2010研华技术应用创新论坛,作为研华公司2010年主题活动,以科技创新驱动智能应用为综合主题,首航站于2010年1月14日在深圳启航!为配合太阳能、风力发电等可再生能源直流系统的电参数测量及电能计量,参照我国对新能源电力设备运行和计算机智  相似文献   

《火山小视频》升级为“抖音火山版”1月8日,《火山小视频》正式宣布与《抖音短视频》品牌整合升级,《火山小视频》更名为“抖音火山版”,并启用全新图标。抖音CEO张楠表示,这次品牌整合升级的目的是优化用户体验,给用户提供更高效、易用的服务,同时为创作者提供更大的展现平台。此外,《火山小视频》和《抖音短视频》将在未来逐步实现内容互通,让用户能看到更丰富的内容,让创作者的内容获得更好的分发。  相似文献   

游戏分级制度下月出台,张艺谋、徐克下海做网游,CAPCOM携Steelfang进入大陆,《龙之帝国》崩溃,《上古卷轴4》公布……  相似文献   

天津市连续两次被评为世界七大智能城市称号本刊讯(特约通讯员王娟)2005年、2006年天津市连续两次被ICF(Intellignet Community Fourm,智能化城市论坛)评为“世界七大智能城市”称号。2007年3月份起,ICF组团对亚洲曾获智能城市称号的部分城市进行考察。3  相似文献   

《Expert Systems》2003,20(2):110-119


商业事务管理:网上银行业成功的关键为了试图满足越来越多的商业客户对更加方便、安全的银行业务的需求,各大金融机构每年都会投资数亿美元用于其网上银行业务的渠道建设。然而,其  相似文献   

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