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As the economy evolves, so do the coefficients of input-output (I-O) tables. Yet input substitutions occur primarily within economic sectors rather than between them. Consequently, at broader levels of economic aggregation, the annual revision of I-O tables may prove unnecessary. This study compares annual I-O accounts to a fixed benchmark I-O table using integrated-small area modeling of the industrial sector. The model uses annual data on manufacturing employment at primarily the 2-digit SIC level for the St. Louis metropolitan area. Annual I-O accounts do not appear to improve the estimation results at this degree of aggregation.An earlier version of this paper was presented on November 8, 1991 at the meetings of the Regional Science Association in New Orleans. I thank Charles L. Leven for his helpful comments.  相似文献   

In the first, theoretical part, the paper gives an overview of possible measures of the impact of loops and feedbacks in an input-output structure. In the second part, the paper provides indicators that measure interregional connectedness. Applying the influence graphs theory, a distinction is proposed between partial interconnectedness (between two or three regions, sectors, ...) and global interconnectedness (between all regions, sectors, regional sectors ...). Lastly, this approach is illustrated by a comparison of two French tables (1982 and 1992), computed by a simple method of biproportion, and consisting of 6 large regions and 6 large sectors.Received: December 2000 / Accepted: May 2003  相似文献   

This paper uses survey-based data for 16 South Korean regions to refine the application of Flegg's location quotient (FLQ) and its variant, the sector-specific FLQ (SFLQ). These regions vary markedly in terms of size. Especial attention is paid to the problem of choosing appropriate values for the unknown parameter δ in these formulae. Alternative approaches to this problem are evaluated and tested. Our paper adds to earlier research that aims to find a cost-effective way of adapting national coefficients, so as to produce a satisfactory initial set of regional input coefficients for regions where survey-based data are unavailable.  相似文献   

Conclusions Most regional input-output models are constructed for purposes of providing a basis for making policy decisions relative to regional economic growth and development. Evidence suggests they are used increasingly for this purpose. A major implication of this paper is that information generated from regional input-output models developed by modifying a national model may lead to unjustified optimism by those who make such decisions. At a minimum researchers and decision-makers should be aware that this may be a problem in models estimated using the net export-import technique. The significant of this problem may be expected to vary among regions. That is, its significance will vary inversely with, among other things, the level of economic integration within the region. If examination of secondary data vis-a-visa priori knowledge of the regional economy leads the analyst to believe that this may be a significant problem, steps could be taken to help alleviate it. Even studies with extremely limited resources could include a survey of major sectors to obtain estimates of their actual exports and imports. Su [10] suggests that costs may be reduced by a survey conducted on theproportion of required inputs for each sector imported from other regions in the total inputs of that sector. Such an approach is amendable to a mail or telephone survey that could yield, at minimum costs, sufficient data on exports and imports. Resultant percentages could then be used in conjunction with the technical coefficients matrix in a manner similar to the traditional net export-import technique. The Delphi technique of multi-round surveys of industry experts also holds promise for obtaining such proportions.  相似文献   

In thirty years, regional input-output has emerged from its origins as a research technique developed by a few pioneering academics and has become a practical tool widely used by a large commercial market. This development of regional input-output techniques is traced and considered in the context of technological change. While regional input-output remained the preserve of academics it was a technique supported by the technology of Regional Science. The diffusion of the technique has not always been accompanied by the diffusion of the technology with the result that regional input-output has increasingly been abused by those who seek to make the most practical use of the technique.  相似文献   

Regional multiplier is a very useful and popular tool in economic study of a region. However, conventional regional multiplier derived from a static input-output model fails to provide time path of the impact over period. In many cases, it restricts the impact within a year period. To alleviate the problem, this paper introduces a regional dynamic multiplier which makes the impact to spread out over period. In the absence of the technical change, each period multiplier added up to the static multiplier. Utilizing Oklahoma data, the paper estimates the capital coefficients and the dynamic multipliers of Oklahoma regional economy. Finally, it provides a comparative study of dynamic multipliers for various industries.The author is grateful to Professor Wassily Leontief who generously sent him the U.S. Capital Coefficient data and to the referees for their valuable suggestions. This research was supported in part by the Center for Economic and Management Research, the University of Oklahoma. Mr. Chun K. Chang and Mr. Ui Nam Choi provided computer assistance and data gathering works. The final revision was done at Harvard University.  相似文献   

The changing interests and focus of research in the field of regional input-output analysis is examined. After reviewing some of the recent trends and suggesting the tenor of the prevailing philosophy in the field, attention is focused on three, interdependent emerging trends. These are characterized as (1) the conceptualization of input-output within the traditions of econometric analysis; (2) the integration of input-output with other regional and interregional models and (3) attempts to link input-output analysis with regional growth and development theory.The support of the National Science Foundation (Grant No. SES 84-05961), International Programs and Studies, University of Illinois and the University of Queensland Development Fund is appreciated.  相似文献   

The changing interests and focus of research in the field of regional input-output analysis is examined. After reviewing some of the recent trends and suggesting the tenor of the prevailing philosophy in the field, attention is focused on three, interdependent emerging trends. These are characterized as (1) the conceptualization of input-output within the traditions of econometric analysis; (2) the integration of input-output with other regional and interregional models and (3) attempts to link input-output analysis with regional growth and development theory.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the role of input-output data sources in regional econometric input-output models. While there has been a great deal of experimentation focused on the accuracy of alternative methods for estimating regional inputoutput coefficients, little attention has been directed to the role of accuracy when the input-output system is nested within a broader accounting framework. The issues of accuracy were considered in two contexts, forecasting and impact analysis focusing on a model developed for the Chicago region. We experimented with three input-output data sources: observed regional data, national input-output, and randomly generated inputoutput coefficients. The effects of different sources of input-output data on regional econometric input-output models revealed that there are significant differences in results obtained in both forecast and impact analyses. The adjustment processes inherent in the econometric input-output system did not mask the differences imbedded in input-output tables derived from different data sources. Since applications of these types of models involve both impact and forecasting exercises, there should be strong motivation for basing the syste on the most accurate set of input-output accounts.  相似文献   

This paper uses input-output analysis to study some aspects of of growth pole theory with special reference to the role of a propulsive firm in the development process of a growth pole in the State of Minas Gerais (Brazil). The empirical results of three simple linear models related to a very detailed input-output table built for that growth pole are analysed. In its first part, the results of a comparison between the production structures of the State and those of the country are also shown to emphasize once more that we should be very careful in using national technical coefficients when studying the economies of areas in a country with large regional growth disparities.The research for this article was made possible by means of a Ford Foundation grant to Cedeplar. The author wishes to thank Jacques Schwartzman, Márcio Olympio Guimarães and Arthur Silvers for reading the first draft of this paper and Haydn Pimenta for his help with the English version of this text.  相似文献   

This note addresses the role of survey information and expert opinion in constructing input-output tables. In contrast to assuming polar positions between tables based on expert opinion and tables based on empirical observation, we argue that the distinction is not well-defined. We provide, as evidence, a comparison of U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) data on the use of commodities by industries with corresponding Bureau of the Census (BOC) Census of Manufacturers data on selected use of materials by industry (published as Census Table 7). Results show that changes in BEA data cannot be explained by corresponding changes in the Census data on which they are founded.  相似文献   

Conclusions Because of the many theoretical and statistical problems inherent in the construction of regional econometric models, I believe that considerable caution should be exercised by anyone who tries to use one of these models. I intentionally chose to emphasize the negative aspect of these models because I believe there is widespread misuse of econometrics and I fear that many people do not realize how tenuous the conclusions drawn from econometric models really are. This does not mean that I recommend the abandonment of econometric techniques in regional analysis. Instead, I wish to emphasize the weaknesses of regression analysis which are usually not treated by model builders.Regional models may be useful in providing short term forecasts and in assessing the immediate effects of policy decisions. The national econometric models have had limited successes in this area, and it is possible that regional econometric models will also serve in this area.However, given the structural problems of econometric models and the dubious forecasting properties of national models when compared with simple projections of time trends, I remain skeptical as to whether regional econometric models are worth building for structural analyses or as long term forecasting aides. Probably, the best reasons for employing regional econometric models in these capacities are that these models yield information which may be better than nothing at all and that there still are no better techniques available.This research was sponsored by a grant from the Economic Development Administration (project number OER-224-G-68-12). The conclusions found in this paper are not necessarily those of the Economic Development Administration.  相似文献   

Recent research on integrated econometric+input-output modeling for regional economies is reviewed. The motivations for and the alternative methodological approaches to this type of analysis are examined. Particular attention is given to the issues arising from multiregional linkages and spatial effects in the implementation of these frameworks at the sub-national scale. The linkages between integrated modeling and spatial econometrics are outlined. Directions for future research on integrated econometric and input-output modeling are identified. Received: 20 January 1999 / Accepted: 26 June 1999  相似文献   

分析了建筑艺术民族性、地域性的重要性和迫切性,通过对隐喻设计思想的阐述和相关建筑实践的分析,指出了其在面对如何体现建筑艺术民族性、地域性问题上发挥的积极作用.  相似文献   

The degradation under various accelerated weathering conditions of one and two part polyurethane, one and two part polysulphide was studied using FTIR spectroscopy. Sealants cast in rectangular aluminium moulds were exposed to various accelerated weathering conditions. FTIR spectra and elastic recovery were monitored up to 35 days. For polyurethane (one and two parts), the FTIR spectra show that the degradation of sealant as indicated by the reduction of elastic recovery could be due to hydrolysis of urethane linkage and chain degradation. On the other hand, polysulphide (one and two parts) degraded extensively with the formation of epoxy ring and broadening of CH2 deformation band indicating chain degradation.  相似文献   

Using cost estimates for the control of particulate matter and sulfur dioxide emissions in the state of West Virginia developed in a recent study by William H. Miernyk and J. Sears, this paper examines the impact of meeting federal air pollution abatement standards on manpower requirements in that region. Within a regional input-output framework, the effects of the technological changes and the capital requirements of several abatement alternatives are presented and compared.  相似文献   

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