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The amino acid sequence of submandibular rat 1 (SMR1) protein, deduced from its cDNA sequence, led to the prediction that the SMR1 gene encodes a hormone-like precursor [Rosinski-Chupin, I., Tronik, D. & Rougeon, F. (1988) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 85, 8553-8557]. SMR1 contains an N-terminal putative secretory signal sequence and a tetrapeptide (QHNP), located between dibasic amino acids which constitute the most common signal for prohormone processing. We have isolated and characterized from the male rat submandibular gland and its secretions three structurally related peptides, namely an undecapeptide (VRGPRRQHNPR), a hexapeptide (RQHNPR) and a pentapeptide (QHNPR) generated from SMR1 by selective proteolytic cleavages at pairs of arginine residues. The biosynthesis of these peptides is subjected to distinct regulatory pathways depending on the organ, sex and age of the rat. Furthermore, the peptides are differentially distributed in the submandibular gland and in resting or epinephrine-elicited submandibular salivary secretions, suggesting distinct proteolytic pathways for their maturation. The undecapeptide is generated in the gland of both male and female rats, but under basal conditions it is only released into the saliva in male animals. The hexapeptide is produced in large amounts in the gland of adult male rats and released into the saliva in both resting and stimulated conditions. The pentapeptide appears only in the male saliva and is present mostly under stimulated conditions. In addition, administration of epinephrine induces the release of the hexapeptide from the submandibular gland into the bloodstream. The evidence indicates that the rat submandibular gland can function as a dual exocrine and endocrine organ for the SMR1-derived hexapeptide, as has been reported for nerve growth factor, epidermal growth factor, renin and kallikrein. Although the biological activities of the SMR1-derived peptides are not yet known, their high production and adrenergic-induced release only into the saliva and bloodstream of adult male rats, suggest a physiological involvement in some male-specific processes.  相似文献   

In amino acid-starved yeast cells, inhibition of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor eIF2B by phosphorylated translation initiation factor 2 results in increased translation of GCN4 mRNA. We isolated a suppressor of a mutant eIF2B. The suppressor prevents efficient GCN4 mRNA translation due to inactivation of the small ribosomal subunit protein Rps31 and results in low amounts of mutant 40 S ribosomal subunits. Deletion of one of two genes encoding ribosomal protein Rps17 also reduces the amounts of 40 S subunits but does not suppress eIF2B mutations or prevent efficient GCN4 translation. Our findings show that Rps31-deficient ribosomes are altered in a way that decreases the eIF2B requirement and that the small ribosomal subunit mediates the effects of low eIF2B activity on cell viability and translational regulation in response to eIF2 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The negative regulator of splicing (NRS) from Rous sarcoma virus suppresses viral RNA splicing and is one of several cis elements that account for the accumulation of large amounts of unspliced RNA for use as gag-pol mRNA and progeny virion genomic RNA. The NRS can also inhibit splicing of heterologous introns in vivo and in vitro. Previous data showed that the splicing factors SF2/ASF and U1, U2, and U11 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) bind the NRS, and a correlation was established between SF2/ASF and U11 binding and activity, suggesting that these factors are important for function. These observations, and the finding that a large spliceosome-like complex (NRS-C) assembles on NRS RNA in nuclear extract, led to the proposal that the NRS is recognized as a minor-class 5' splice site. One model to explain NRS splicing inhibition holds that the NRS interacts nonproductively with and sequesters U2-dependent 3' splice sites. In this study, we provide evidence that the NRS interacts with an adenovirus 3' splice site. The interaction was dependent on the integrity of the branch point and pyrimidine tract of the 3' splice site, and it was sensitive to a mutation that was previously shown to abolish U11 snRNP binding and NRS function. However, further mutational analyses of NRS sequences have identified a U1 binding site that overlaps the U11 site, and the interaction with the 3' splice site correlated with U1, not U11, binding. These results show that the NRS can interact with a 3' splice site and suggest that U1 is of primary importance for NRS splicing inhibition.  相似文献   

The role of endothelin (ET)-1-mediated cytosolic calcium ([Ca2+]i) elevation in regulating ET-1-induced prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase, prostaglandin G/H synthase (PGHS)-2 mRNA expression and protein synthesis was investigated in mesangial cells (MC). Ionomycin, a calcium ionophore, and thapsigargin, an inhibitor of calcium ATPase, mimicked the ET-1-stimulated PGHS-2 mRNA and protein induction. Inhibition of [Ca2+]i increases with (2-?C2-bis-(carboxymethyl)-amino-5 methylphenoxy]methyl?-6-methoxy-8-bis-(carboxymethyl)-aminoquinoline tetra-(acetoxymethyl)ester (Quin/AM), a calcium chelator, or with the combined presence of [8-(diethylamino)-octyl-3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate, HCl] (TMB), an inhibitor of intracellular calcium stores release, and ethyleneglycol-bis-(beta-aminoethyl)- N,N,N',N'-tetra-acetic acid (EGTA) suppressed ET-1, as well as ionomycin and thapsigargin-mediated PGHS-2 mRNA and protein formation. Also, the ET-1-, ionomycin-, and thapsigargin-induced PGHS-2 mRNA expression and protein formation was inhibited in MC pretreated with inhibitors of calcium calmodulin kinase. In contrast, these conditions did not inhibit interleukin (IL)-1-induced PGHS-2 mRNA expression and protein synthesis. Pretreatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors abolished the ET-1-, ionomycin-, thapsigargin-, and IL-1-mediated PGHS-2 mRNA and protein induction. ET-1-, ionomycin-, and thapsigargin- induced protein tyrosine phosphorylation, but not IL-1-induced protein tyrosine phosphorylation, was suppressed by inhibiting either [Ca2+]i elevation or calcium calmodulin kinase activation. It was concluded that elevation of [Ca2+]i and activation of calcium calmodulin kinases are upstream mediators of ET-1-induced PGHS-2 gene expression through activation of non-receptor-linked protein tyrosine kinase in MC.  相似文献   

Mammalian cells have established mechanisms to reduce the abundance of mRNAs that harbor a nonsense codon and prematurely terminate translation. In the case of the human triosephosphate isomerase (TPI gene), nonsense codons located less than 50 to 55 bp upstream of intron 6, the 3'-most intron, fail to mediate mRNA decay. With the aim of understanding the feature(s) of TPI intron 6 that confer function in positioning the boundary between nonsense codons that do and do not mediate decay, the effects of deleting or duplicating introns have been assessed. The results demonstrate that TPI intron 6 functions to position the boundary because it is the 3'-most intron. Since decay takes place after pre-mRNA splicing, it is conceivable that removal of the 3'-most intron from pre-mRNA "marks" the 3'-most exon-exon junction of product mRNA so that only nonsense codons located more than 50 to 55 nucleotides upstream of the "mark" mediate mRNA decay. Decay may be elicited by the failure of translating ribosomes to translate sufficiently close to the mark or, more likely, the scanning or looping out of some component(s) of the translation termination complex to the mark. In support of scanning, a nonsense codon does not elicit decay if some of the introns that normally reside downstream of the nonsense codon are deleted so the nonsense codon is located (i) too far away from a downstream intron, suggesting that all exon-exon junctions may be marked, and (ii) too far away from a downstream failsafe sequence that appears to function on behalf of intron 6, i.e., when intron 6 fails to leave a mark. Notably, the proposed scanning complex may have a greater unwinding capability than the complex that scans for a translation initiation codon since a hairpin structure strong enough to block translation initiation when inserted into the 5' untranslated region does not block nonsense-mediated decay when inserted into exon 6 between a nonsense codon residing in exon 6 and intron 6.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli primase/SSB/single-stranded phage G4oric is a simple system to study how primase interacts with DNA template to synthesize primer RNA for initiation of DNA replication. By a strategy of deletion analysis and antisense oligonucleotide protection on small single-stranded G4oric fragments, we have identified the DNA sequences required for binding primase and the critical location of single-strand DNA-binding (SSB) protein. Together with the previous data, we have defined the structure of the primase/SSB/G4oric priming complex. Two SSB tetramers bind to the G4oric secondary structure, which dictates the spacing of 3' and 5' bound adjacent SSB tetramers and leaves SSB-free regions on both sides of the stem-loop structure. Two primase molecules then bind separately to specific DNA sequences in the 3' and 5' SSB-free G4oric regions. Binding of the 3' SSB tetramer, upstream of the primer RNA initiation site, is also necessary for priming. The generation of a primase-recognition target by SSB phasing at DNA hairpin structures may be applicable to the binding of initiator proteins in other single-stranded DNA priming systems. Novel techniques used in this study include antisense oligonucleotide protection and RNA synthesis on an SSB-melted, double-stranded DNA template.  相似文献   

Cell attachment to fibronectin stimulates the integrin-dependent interaction of p85-associated phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase with integrin-dependent focal adhesion kinase (FAK) as well as activation of the Ras/mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway. However, it is not known if this PI 3-kinase-FAK interaction increases the synthesis of the 3-phosphorylated phosphoinositides (3-PPIs) or what role, if any, is played by activated PI 3-kinase in integrin signaling. We demonstrate here the integrin-dependent accumulation of the PI 3-kinase products, PI 3,4-bisphosphate [PI(3,4)P2] and PI(3,4,5)P3, as well as activation of AKT kinase, a serine/threonine kinase that can be stimulated by binding of PI(3,4)P2. The PI 3-kinase inhibitors wortmannin and LY294002 significantly decreased the integrin-induced accumulation of the 3-PPIs and activation of AKT kinase, without having significant effects on the levels of PI(4,5)P2 or tyrosine phosphorylation of paxillin. These inhibitors also reduced cell adhesion/spreading onto fibronectin but had no effect on attachment to polylysine. Interestingly, integrin-mediated Erk-2, Mek-1, and Raf-1 activation, but not Ras-GTP loading, was inhibited at least 80% by wortmannin and LY294002. In support of the pharmacologic results, fibronectin activation of Erk-2 and AKT kinases was completely inhibited by overexpression of a dominant interfering p85 subunit of PI 3-kinase. We conclude that integrin-mediated adhesion to fibronectin results in the accumulation of the PI 3-kinase products PI(3,4)P2 and PI(3,4,5)P3 as well as the PI 3-kinase-dependent activation of the kinases Raf-1, Mek-1, Erk-2, and AKT and that PI 3-kinase may function upstream of Raf-1 but downstream of Ras in integrin activation of Erk-2 MAP and AKT kinases.  相似文献   

Previous studies using proteolytic fragments and synthetic peptides have indicated that domain I of human polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (PIgR) is necessary for ligand binding. The expression in E. coli, and subsequent IgM-affinity purification of domain I of human PIgR is described. The recombinant domain I protein (rDI) was similar in structure to native SC domain I in that it bound specifically to MAb 6G11, an antibody which recognizes a critical portion of the PIg binding site in domain I. The biological activity of rDI was indicated by high affinity binding to PIgA (Kd = 1.6 x 10(-7) M) and IgM (Kd = 5.1 x 10(-7) M). Domain I of human SC is therefore sufficient for binding to PIg.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein B (apoB) mRNA editing catalyzed by apoB mRNA editing catalytic subunit 1 (APOBEC-1) has been proposed to be a nuclear process. To test this hypothesis, the subcellular distribution of hemagglutinin- (HA) tagged APOBEC-1 expressed in transiently transfected hepatoma cells was determined by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. HA-APOBEC-1 was detected in both the nucleus and cytoplasm of rat and human hepatoma cells. Mutagenesis of APOBEC-1 demonstrated that the N-terminal 56 amino acids (1-56) were necessary for the nuclear distribution of APOBEC-1, but this region did not contain a functional nuclear localization signal (NLS). However, we identified a 24-amino acid domain in the C terminus of APOBEC-1 with characteristics of a cytoplasmic retention signal (CRS) or a nuclear export signal (NES). These data suggest, therefore, that the nuclear import of APOBEC-1 may not be mediated by a positive NLS; rather, it may be achieved by overcoming the effect of a CRS/NES. We also demonstrated that the nuclear distribution of APOBEC-1 occurred only in cell lines that were capable of editing apoB RNA. We propose that the cellular distribution of APOBEC-1 is determined by multiple domains within this protein, and a nuclear localization of the enzyme may be regulated by cell type-specific factors that render these cells uniquely editing competent.  相似文献   

We have developed a therapeutic program focusing on the inhibition of a human immunodeficiency virus-1 specific protein-RNA interaction. This program begins with a search for small organic molecules that would interfere with the binding of Tat protein to TAR RNA. The methodologies chosen to study the HIV-1 Tat-TAR interaction and inhibition include gel mobility shift assays, scintillation proximity assays, filtration assays, and mass spectrometry. These methods helped establish in vitro high-throughput screening assays which rapidly identified Tat-TAR inhibitors from our corporate compound library. Tat-activated reporter gene assays were then used to investigate the cellular activities of the Tat-TAR inhibitors. The cellular activity, selectivity, and toxicity data for select Tat-TAR inhibitors were determined. Evaluation of both the cellular data and the Tat-TAR inhibition results led to further testing in anti-HIV-1 infection assays.  相似文献   

The Tc1 element of Caenorhabditis elegans is a member of the most widespread class of DNA transposons known in nature. Here, we describe efficient and precise transposition of Tc1 in a cell-free system. Tc1 appears to jump by a cut-and-paste mechanism of transposition. The terminal 26 bp of the Tc1 terminal repeats together with the flanking TA sequence are sufficient for transposition. The target site choice in vitro is similar to that in vivo. Transposition is achieved with an extract prepared from nuclei of transgenic nematodes that overexpress Tc1 transposase but also by recombinant transposase purified from Escherichia coli. The simple reaction requirements explain why horizontal spread of Tc1/mariner transposons can occur. They also suggest that Tcl may be a good vector for transgenesis of diverse animal species.  相似文献   

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