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Kim RH  Zhang J  Eknoyan O  Taylor HF  Smith TL 《Applied optics》2006,45(20):4927-4932
Bragg grating reflectors etched in amorphous silicon overlay films have been integrated with Ti:LiNbO3 optical waveguides to obtain a narrow (0.05 nm) reflectance spectrum with a > 20 dB dip in the transmittance spectrum. These results were realized at a wavelength of 1542.7 nm for TE polarization on an x-cut, y-propagating substrate with gratings etched to a depth of approximately 93 nm in a 105 nm thick silicon film over a length of 12.5 mm. The reflectance in the channel waveguides is found to be strongly dependent on the depth of the etched grating. The effect of the Bragg waveguide loss factor on the transmittance and reflectance spectra is investigated by using a model for contradirectional coupling that includes an attenuation coefficient. The values for coupling constants kappa and amplitude attenuation constants alpha of samples etched for different time durations to control the grating depths are obtained from the model through the use of the depth of the dips in the transmittance spectra and the spectral widths of the reflectance peaks. It is concluded that the corrugated Si overlay film increases the insertion loss by approximately 2.7 dB, and the loss is not significantly affected by the grating depth.  相似文献   


The transverse magnetic and transverse electric mode size and effective refractive index as functions of the Ti-strip initial width W, diffusion temperature T and Ti-strip initial thickness H in c-cut Ti-diffused LiNbO3 waveguides have been theoretically studied at wavelengths of 3.0 and 3.39 μm on the basis of modified expressions for the waveguide surface index increment. The single-mode, multiple-mode and cut-off conditions have been identified from those effective refractive index plots. These mid-infrared numerical results are discussed comparatively with near-infrared data reported earlier.  相似文献   

The paper presents a detailed study of a single optical beam splitting into several beams (the branching effect) in photorefractive sensitive Ti:LiNbO3 optical slab waveguides. The near-field patterns of the multibeam structures are presented for different values of optical power coupled into TE guided modes of different orders. The process of partial recovery of the optically damaged waveguide (the partial shrinking of the multibeam bundle created) is also described.  相似文献   

Waveguides in LiNbO3 are realized by a soft proton exchange (SPE) process with use of a melt of stearic acid highly diluted by lithium stearate. No phase transitions are formed when alpha-phase waveguides are obtained by SPE. The alpha-phase presents the same crystalline structure as that of pure LiNbO3 crystal, and it maintains the excellent nonlinear and electro-optical properties of the bulk material. The kinetics of the SPE method is studied by the use of secondary-ion mass spectrometry and prism-coupling techniques. The hydrogen effective diffusion coefficient as well as the self-diffusion coefficients of H+ and Li+ ions are determined as a function of the proton-exchange temperature for X-cut LiNbO3.  相似文献   

The diffusivity of thicker than usual Ti films into LiNbO3 to create deep waveguides has been investigated as a function of crystal orientation and diffusion ambient for temperatures ranging from 1050 to 1100 degrees C. The diffusion parameters for substrates diffused in water vapor environment are always larger than ones diffused in dry ambient. Differences in the diffusion coefficient for the extraordinary mode as high as 90, 66, and 84% are measured for X-, Y-, and Z-cut crystals, respectively. Smaller but noticeable differences are detected for the ordinary mode. Similar enhancing effects of the water vapor are also obtained for the surface-index change. Severe rough surface finish and surface contouring, revealing an etchedlike appearance, are observed on Z-cut substrates diffused in wet atmosphere. In general, substrates diffused in dry O2 produced relatively smoother surfaces. No outdiffused modes are excited in Z-cut substrates when diffused in dry oxygen ambient for long times at high temperatures.  相似文献   

Hou WX  Chong TC 《Applied optics》1997,36(21):5083-5088
We report a systematic study of the annealing process in proton-exchanged ZnO:LiNbO(3) optical waveguides. A z-cut multimode waveguide was subjected to annealing for different durations of time. A two-stage change in index profiles with annealing time was observed, which was consistent with the change in the m-line spectrum. A power-law relationship was established to correlate the optical parameters with annealing time. Annealed Li(+) concentration in the waveguide was solved based on the thermal diffusion equation. An analytical function was used to model the annealed-index profile of single-mode, proton-exchanged waveguides. Good agreement between the theoretical analysis and the experimental result was obtained.  相似文献   

The authors’ work on LiNbO3 waveguide quasi-phase matched nonlinear optic wavelength conversion devices is reviewed. The requirements of domain-inverted gratings for efficient wavelength conversions are shown by theoretical analysis of the device performances. The fabrication apparatus of the domain-inverted gratings is described, and it is shown that the fabricated gratings satisfy the requirements. A variety of LiNbO3 waveguide quasi-phase matched (QPM) wavelength conversion devices were fabricated and examined. Second-harmonic green/blue/ultraviolet light generation with normalized conversion efficiencies of ∼ 100%/W, third-harmonic generation by cascading second-harmonic generation and sum-frequency generation, and difference-frequency generation for wavelength conversion in infrared wavelength range are demonstrated.  相似文献   

An X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) study of X-cut LiNbO3 proton exchanged in pure and lithium benzoate buffered benzoic acid melt has been performed. Binding energies and full width at half maximum for the Li1s, O1s and Nb3d peaks in the depth range 0–10 nm were investigated by using Ar ion sputtering. The largest changes with increasing depth are established for the surface atomic layers between 0 and 1 nm. Li-enrichment of the surface is observed when both buffered and pure benzoic acid melts are used.  相似文献   

A new proton source – LiHSO4 vapors at low temperature – was used in forming optical waveguides in LiNbO3 and LiTaO3. The proton-exchanged layers were investigated by mode spectroscopy and infrared absorption spectroscopy. An estimate of the optical losses and phase contents of the waveguides was made. The diffusion parameters were determined for both types of crystal, and were compared to those obtained when benzoic acid melt was used as a proton source. The results presented could contribute to the realization of waveguides with controled phase compositions. The method proposed allows the use of a very simple and safe chamber construction, and the production of low-loss waveguides in a single technological step.  相似文献   

A fundamental T-branch in one-dimensional photonic crystal waveguides based on the omnidirectional reflection is constructed. Numerical simulations of this T-branch indicate that without any structural optimization, four high reflectance peaks and three high transmittance peaks appear alternately within a wide enough frequency band. The T-branch with the unique transmission characteristics can be used as a wavelength splitter. Combining the fundamental T-branch with flexible bends of one-dimensional photonic crystal waveguides, we construct simple and compact wavelength splitters with arbitrary branching angles. Those wavelength splitters are expected to be applied to high density photonic integrated circuits.  相似文献   

De Micheli M  Russell PS 《Applied optics》1986,25(21):3896-3898
We report the presence of a curious and highly reproducible effect in multimode lithium niobate waveguides fabricated by proton exchange (PE) in molten benzoic acid at temperatures ranging from 160 degrees C to approximately 250 degrees C. The spectral lines in the mode spectra of these guides (measured using a prism coupler) are anomalously side-shifted out of the expected geometrical plane. Transforming these measurements back into the plane of the waveguide, we find that the direction of scattering (relative to the crystal axis) is extremely precise (<1% deviation about a mean), and that the effect can be explained by postulating the existence of precisely oriented, stress-induced gratinglike structures (with irregular periods in the 10-70-microm range) in the guides.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated the possibility that near-stoichiometric Ti:LiNbO(3) strip waveguides are fabricated by carrying out vapor transport equilibration at 1060 degrees C for 12 h on a congruent LiNbO(3) substrate with photolithographically patterned 4-8 microm wide, 115 nm thick Ti strips. Optical characterizations show that these waveguides are single mode at 1.5 microm and show a waveguide loss of 1.3 dB/cm for TM mode and 1.1 dB/cm for TE mode. In the width/depth direction of the waveguide, the mode field follows the Gauss/Hermite-Gauss function. Secondary-ion-mass spectrometry (SIMS) was used to study Ti-concentration profiles in the depth direction and on the surface of the 6 microm wide waveguide. The result shows that the Ti profile follows a sum of two error functions along the width direction and a complementary error function in the depth direction. The surface Ti concentration, 1/e width and depth, and mean diffusivities along the width and depth directions of the guide are similar to 3.0 x 10(21) cm(-3), 3.8 microm, 2.6 microm, 0.30 and 0.14 microm(2)/h, respectively. Micro-Raman analysis was carried out on the waveguide endface to characterize the depth profile of Li composition in the guiding layer. The results show that the depth profile of Li composition also follows a complementary error function with a 1/e depth of 3.64 microm. The mean ([Li(Li)]+[Ti(Li)])/([Nb(Nb)]+[Ti(Nb)]) ratio in the waveguide layer is about 0.98. The inhomogeneous Li-composition profile results in a varied substrate index in the guiding layer. A two-dimensional refractive index profile model in the waveguide is proposed by taking into consideration the varied substrate index and assuming linearity between Ti-induced index change and Ti concentration. The net waveguide surface index increments at 1545 nm are 0.0114 and 0.0212 for ordinary and extraordinary rays, respectively. Based upon the constructed index model, the fundamental mode field profile was calculated using the beam propagation method, and the mode sizes and effective index versus the Ti-strip width were calculated for three lower TM and TE modes using the variational method. An agreement between theory and experiment is obtained.  相似文献   

A two-port polarization-independent tunable spectral slicing filter at the 1530?nm wavelength regime is presented. The design utilizes an asymmetric interferometer with a sparse index grating along its arms. The sparse grating makes it possible to select equally spaced frequency channels from an incident WDM signal and to place nulls between them to coincide with the signal comb frequency. The number of selected channels and nulls between them depends on the number of coupling regions used in the sparse grating. The free spectral range depends on the spacing between the coupling regions. The Z-transform method is used to synthesize the filter and determine the spectral response. The operation of a device with six coupling regions is demonstrated, and good agreement with theoretical predictions is obtained. A 3?dB bandwidth of ~1?nm and thermal tuning over a range of ~13?nm are measured.  相似文献   

The periodic domain inversion by direct electron-beam (EB) bombardment on Ti:LiNbO(3) is presented. Gratings with a 6.6-mum period are achieved. The inverted patterns are observed after chemical etching by use of a scanning electron microscope, and they exhibit a high resolution, as expected. Next, the influence of the EB parameters on the inversion phenomenon is developed for both LiNbO(3) and Ti:LiNbO(3). In this way we can provide an explanation of the phenomenon of domain inversion with an EB, which is not completely understood. Finally, quasi-phase-matched second-harmonic generation is presented in bulk LiNbO(3) by use of a Nd:YAG laser light. These experiments allowed us to achieve the characteristics of the inverted domains along the crystal in particular.  相似文献   

Gisin N  Passy R  Stamp P  Hori N  Nagano S 《Applied optics》1994,33(9):1726-1731
A direct and nondestructive measurement technique for the determination of the refractive index profiles of one- and two-dimensional LiNbO(3) waveguides is presented for the first time to our knowledge. The technique generalizes the refracted near-field method, which is well known for optical fiber characterization. The spatial resolution and accuracy are 0.1 and 0.4 μm, respectively. The refractive-index calibration is done by an analysis of the near-field light power distribution, and its resolution is approximately 2 × 10(-4). The proposed experimental setup permits sample installation and data acquisition in a few minutes.  相似文献   

We propose optimized processes for the reproducible production of LiNbO3 ridge waveguides with propagation losses lower than 0.2 dB/cm. The performances are achieved for both Z-propagating and Y-propagating waveguides, TE and TM polarizations, in X-cut LiNbO3 congruent substrates, and could be easily extrapolated to Z-cut substrates. The fabrication procedure is composed of three steps: titanium deposition, optical grade dicing and diffusion at high temperatures, so that lithography or cleanroom facilities are not required. The reproducible smooth waveguides with low propagation losses result from the diffusion step, which is performed after the production of the ridges. We also show how the losses can be evaluated from the Fabry–Perot effect in the waveguides, without any assumption on the input and output reflection coefficients.  相似文献   

Campillo AL  Hsu JW 《Applied optics》2003,42(36):7149-7156
The design and implementation of a phase-sensitive near-field scanning optical microscope incorporating both heterodyne interferometric detection and a phase feedback mechanism are described. Using this microscope we demonstrate a new method for measuring the effective index of the guided mode of a waveguide from the phase images. Two types of LiNbO3 waveguide, defined by titanium diffusion or annealed proton exchange, were studied. Both the profile and the effective index of the mode were measured experimentally. For titanium-diffused waveguides, both agree well with values determined from numerical simulation. In annealed proton-exchanged waveguides that contain periodically poled domains, we find evidence for backreflection from the boundaries between neighboring regions of opposite pole directions, which could result in transmission loss in this type of waveguide.  相似文献   

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