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Intrinsically disordered proteins are involved in many biological processes such as signaling, regulation, and recognition. A common strategy to regulate their function is through phosphorylation, as it can induce changes in conformation, dynamics, and interactions with binding partners. Although phosphorylated intrinsically disordered proteins have received increased attention in recent years, a full understanding of the conformational and structural implications of phosphorylation has not yet been achieved. Here, we present all-atom molecular dynamics simulations of five disordered peptides originated from tau, statherin, and β-casein, in both phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated state, to compare changes in global dimensions and structural elements, in an attempt to gain more insight into the controlling factors. The changes are in qualitative agreement with experimental data, and we observe that the net charge is not enough to predict the impact of phosphorylation on the global dimensions. Instead, the distribution of phosphorylated and positively charged residues throughout the sequence has great impact due to the formation of salt bridges. In statherin, a preference for arginine–phosphoserine interaction over arginine–tyrosine accounts for a global expansion, despite a local contraction of the phosphorylated region, which implies that also non-charged residues can influence the effect of phosphorylation.  相似文献   

NMR spectroscopy is one of the main techniques used for high‐resolution studies of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), permitting mapping of the structural and dynamic features of all the amino acids constituting the polypeptide at atomic resolution. Only proline residues are less straightforward to characterize because they lack any amide proton, thus rendering them not directly visible in the commonly used 2D 1H,15N correlation experiments. However, proline residues are highly abundant in IDPs and can mediate important functions. In this work we present an easy and effective way to obtain fingerprints of proline residues in IDPs at high resolution.  相似文献   

Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are proteins that usually do not adopt well-defined native structures when isolated in solution under physiological conditions. Numerous IDPs have close relationships with human diseases such as tumor, Parkinson disease, Alzheimer disease, diabetes, and so on. These disease-associated IDPs commonly play principal roles in the disease-associated protein-protein interaction networks. Most of them in the disease datasets have more interactants and hence the size of the disease-associated IDPs interaction network is simultaneously increased. For example, the tumor suppressor protein p53 is an intrinsically disordered protein and also a hub protein in the p53 interaction network; α-synuclein, an intrinsically disordered protein involved in Parkinson diseases, is also a hub of the protein network. The disease-associated IDPs may provide potential targets for drugs modulating protein-protein interaction networks. Therefore, novel strategies for drug discovery based on IDPs are in the ascendant. It is dependent on the features of IDPs to develop the novel strategies. It is found out that IDPs have unique structural features such as high flexibility and random coil-like conformations which enable them to participate in both the "one to many" and "many to one" interaction. Accordingly, in order to promote novel strategies for drug discovery, it is essential that more and more features of IDPs are revealed by experimental and computing methods.  相似文献   

Intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) in proteins are highly abundant, but they are still commonly viewed as long stretches of polar, solvent‐accessible residues. Here we show that the disordered C‐terminal domain (CTD) of HIV‐1 Rev has two subregions that carry out two distinct complementary roles of regulating protein oligomerization and contributing to stability. We propose that this takes place through a delicate balance between charged and hydrophobic residues within the IDR. This means that mutations in this region, as well as the known mutations in the structured region of the protein, can affect protein function. We suggest that IDRs in proteins should be divided into subdomains similarly to structured regions, rather than being viewed as long flexible stretches.  相似文献   

The process of phase separation allows for the establishment and formation of subcompartmentalized structures, thus enabling cells to perform simultaneous processes with precise organization and low energy requirements. Chemical modifications of proteins, RNA, and lipids alter the molecular environment facilitating enzymatic reactions at higher concentrations in particular regions of the cell. In this review, we discuss the nucleolus as an example of the establishment, dynamics, and maintenance of a membraneless organelle with a high level of organization.  相似文献   

Carbon‐13 direct‐detection NMR methods have proved to be very useful for the characterization of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs). Here we present a suite of experiments in which amino‐acid‐selective editing blocks are encoded in CACON‐ and CANCO‐type sequences to give 13C‐detected spectra containing correlations arising from a particular type or group of amino acid(s). These two general types of experiments provide the complementary intra‐ and inter‐residue correlations necessary for sequence‐specific assignment of backbone resonance frequencies. We demonstrate the capabilities of these experiments on two IDPs: fully reduced Cox17 and WIPC. The proposed approach constitutes an independent strategy to simplify crowded spectra as well as to perform sequence‐specific assignment, thereby demonstrating its potential to study IDPs.  相似文献   

Transmembrane proteins (TMPs) play important roles in cells, ranging from transport processes and cell adhesion to communication. Many of these functions are mediated by intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs), flexible protein segments without a well-defined structure. Although a variety of prediction methods are available for predicting IDRs, their accuracy is very limited on TMPs due to their special physico-chemical properties. We prepared a dataset containing membrane proteins exclusively, using X-ray crystallography data. MemDis is a novel prediction method, utilizing convolutional neural network and long short-term memory networks for predicting disordered regions in TMPs. In addition to attributes commonly used in IDR predictors, we defined several TMP specific features to enhance the accuracy of our method further. MemDis achieved the highest prediction accuracy on TMP-specific dataset among other popular IDR prediction methods.  相似文献   

Anchor residues, which are deeply buried upon binding, play an important role in protein-protein interactions by providing recognition specificity and facilitating the binding kinetics. Up to now, studies on anchor residues have been focused mainly on ordered proteins. In this study, we investigated anchor residues in intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) which are flexible in the free state. We identified the anchor residues of the N-terminus of the p53 protein (Glu17-Asn29, abbreviated as p53N) which are involved in binding with two different targets (MDM2 and Taz2), and analyzed their side chain conformations in the unbound states. The anchor residues in the unbound p53N were found to frequently sample conformations similar to those observed in the bound complexes (i.e., Phe19, Trp23, and Leu26 in the p53N-MDM2 complex, and Leu22 in the p53N-Taz2 complex). We argue that the bound-like conformations of the anchor residues in the unbound state are important for controlling the specific interactions between IDPs and their targets. Further, we propose a mechanism to account for the binding promiscuity of IDPs in terms of anchor residues and molecular recognition features (MoRFs).  相似文献   

Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) that lack stable conformations and are highly flexible have attracted the attention of biologists. Therefore, the development of a systematic method to identify polypeptide regions that are unstructured in solution is important. We have designed an “indirect/reflected” detection system for evaluating the physicochemical properties of IDPs using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). This approach employs a “chimeric membrane protein”-based method using the thermostable membrane protein PH0471. This protein contains two domains, a transmembrane helical region and a C-terminal OB (oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide binding)-fold domain (named NfeDC domain), connected by a flexible linker. NMR signals of the OB-fold domain of detergent-solubilized PH0471 are observed because of the flexibility of the linker region. In this study, the linker region was substituted with target IDPs. Fifty-three candidates were selected using the prediction tool POODLE and 35 expression vectors were constructed. Subsequently, we obtained 15N-labeled chimeric PH0471 proteins with 25 IDPs as linkers. The NMR spectra allowed us to classify IDPs into three categories: flexible, moderately flexible, and inflexible. The inflexible IDPs contain membrane-associating or aggregation-prone sequences. This is the first attempt to use an indirect/reflected NMR method to evaluate IDPs and can verify the predictions derived from our computational tools.  相似文献   

The impact of pressure on the backbone 15N, 1H and 13C chemical shifts in N‐terminally acetylated α‐synuclein has been evaluated over a pressure range 1–2500 bar. Even while the chemical shifts fall very close to random coil values, as expected for an intrinsically disordered protein, substantial deviations in the pressure dependence of the chemical shifts are seen relative to those in short model peptides. In particular, the nonlinear pressure response of the 1HN chemical shifts, which commonly is associated with the presence of low‐lying “excited states”, is much larger in α‐synuclein than in model peptides. The linear pressure response of 1HN chemical shift, commonly linked to H‐bond length change, correlates well with those in short model peptides, and is found to be anticorrelated with its temperature dependence. The pressure dependence of 13C chemical shifts shows remarkably large variations, even when accounting for residue type, and do not point to a clear shift in population between different regions of the Ramachandran map. However, a nearly universal decrease in 3JHN–Hα by 0.22±0.05 Hz suggests a slight increase in population of the polyproline II region at 2500 bar. The first six residues of N‐terminally acetylated synuclein show a transient of approximately 15 % population of α‐helix, which slightly diminishes at 2500 bar. The backbone dynamics of the protein is not visibly affected beyond the effect of slight increase in water viscosity at 2500 bar.  相似文献   

Intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) are preferred sites for post‐translational modifications essential for regulating protein function. The enhanced local mobility of IDRs facilitates their observation by NMR spectroscopy in vivo. Phosphorylation events can occur at multiple sites and respond dynamically to changes in kinase–phosphatase networks. Here we used real‐time NMR spectroscopy to study the effect of kinases and phosphatases present in Xenopus oocytes and egg extracts on the phosphorylation state of the “unique domain” of c‐Src. We followed the phosphorylation of S17 in oocytes, and of S17, S69, and S75 in egg extracts by NMR spectroscopy, MS, and western blotting. Addition of specific kinase inhibitors showed that S75 and S69 are phosphorylated by CDKs (cyclin‐dependent kinases) differently from Cdk1. Moreover, although PKA (cAMP‐dependent protein kinase) can phosphorylate S17 in vitro, this was not the major S17 kinase in egg extracts. Changes in PKA activity affected the phosphorylation levels of CDK‐dependent sites, thus suggesting indirect effects of kinase–phosphatase networks. This study provides a proof‐of‐concept of the use of real‐time in vivo NMR spectroscopy to characterize kinase/phosphatase effects on intrinsically disordered regulatory domains.  相似文献   

O-glycosylation of mammalian proteins is one of the important posttranslational modifications. We applied a support vector machine (SVM) to predict whether Ser or Thr is glycosylated, in order to elucidate the O-glycosylation mechanism. O-glycosylated sites were often found clustered along the sequence, whereas other sites were located sporadically. Therefore, we developed two types of SVMs for predicting clustered and isolated sites separately. We found that the amino acid composition was effective for predicting the clustered type, whereas the site-specific algorithm was effective for the isolated type. The highest prediction accuracy for the clustered type was 74%, while that for the isolated type was 79%. The existence frequency of amino acids around the O-glycosylation sites was different in the two types: namely, Pro, Val and Ala had high existence probabilities at each specific position relative to a glycosylation site, especially for the isolated type. Independent component analyses for the amino acid sequences around O-glycosylation sites showed the position-specific existences of the identified amino acids as independent components. The O-glycosylation sites were preferentially located within intrinsically disordered regions of extracellular proteins: particularly, more than 90% of the clustered O-GalNAc glycosylation sites were observed in intrinsically disordered regions. This feature could be the key for understanding the non-conservation property of O-glycosylation, and its role in functional diversity and structural stability.  相似文献   

Src, the prototype of Src family kinases (SFKs), is a modular protein consisting of SH4 (SH4) and unique (UD) domains in an N-terminal intrinsically disordered region (IDR), and SH3, SH2, and kinase (KD) folded domains conserved among SFKs. Src functions as a pleiotropic signaling hub in proliferating and post-mitotic cells, and it is related to cancer and neurological diseases. However, its regulatory mechanism is unclear because the existing canonical model is derived from crystallographic analyses of folded constructs lacking the IDR. This work reviews nuclear magnetic resonance analyses of partially structured lipid-binding segments in the flexible UD and the fuzzy intramolecular complex (FIMC) comprising IDR and SH3 domains, which interacts with lipid membranes and proteins. Furthermore, recently determined IDR-related Src characteristics are discussed, including dimerization, SH4/KD intramolecular fastener bundling of folded domains, and the sorting of adhesive structures. Finally, the modulatory roles of IDR phosphorylation in Src activities involving the FIMC are explored. The new regulatory roles of IDRs are integrated with the canonical model to elucidate the functions of full-length Src. This review presents new aspects of Src regulation, and provides a future direction for studies on the structure and function of Src, and their implications for pathological processes.  相似文献   

Coarse-grained (CG) force fields have become promising tools for studies of protein behavior, but the balance of speed and accuracy is still a challenge in the research of protein coarse graining methodology. In this work, 20 CG beads have been designed based on the structures of amino acid residues, with which an amino acid can be represented by one or two beads, and a CG solvent model with five water molecules was adopted to ensure the consistence with the protein CG beads. The internal interactions in protein were classified according to the types of the interacting CG beads, and adequate potential functions were chosen and systematically parameterized to fit the energy distributions. The proposed CG force field has been tested on eight proteins, and each protein was simulated for 1000 ns. Even without any extra structure knowledge of the simulated proteins, the Cα root mean square deviations (RMSDs) with respect to their experimental structures are close to those of relatively short time all atom molecular dynamics simulations. However, our coarse grained force field will require further refinement to improve agreement with and persistence of native-like structures. In addition, the root mean square fluctuations (RMSFs) relative to the average structures derived from the simulations show that the conformational fluctuations of the proteins can be sampled.  相似文献   

The nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) from the hepatitis C virus (HCV) is responsible for processing the non-structural region of the viral precursor polyprotein in infected hepatic cells. NS3 protease activity, located at the N-terminal domain, is a zinc-dependent serine protease. A zinc ion, required for the hydrolytic activity, has been considered as a structural metal ion essential for the structural integrity of the protein. In addition, NS3 interacts with another cofactor, NS4A, an accessory viral protein that induces a conformational change enhancing the hydrolytic activity. Biophysical studies on the isolated protease domain, whose behavior is similar to that of the full-length protein (e.g., catalytic activity, allosteric mechanism and susceptibility to inhibitors), suggest that a considerable global conformational change in the protein is coupled to zinc binding. Zinc binding to NS3 protease can be considered as a folding event, an extreme case of induced-fit binding. Therefore, NS3 protease is an intrinsically (partially) disordered protein with a complex conformational landscape due to its inherent plasticity and to the interaction with its different effectors. Here we summarize the results from a detailed biophysical characterization of this enzyme and present new experimental data.  相似文献   

The liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) of biomolecules is a phenomenon which is nowadays recognized as the driving force for the biogenesis of numerous functional membraneless organelles and cellular bodies. The interplay between the protein primary sequence and phase separation remains poorly understood, despite intensive research. To uncover the sequence-encoded signals of protein capable of undergoing LLPS, we developed a novel web platform named BIAPSS (Bioinformatics Analysis of LLPS Sequences). This web server provides on-the-fly analysis, visualization, and interpretation of the physicochemical and structural features for the superset of curated LLPS proteins.  相似文献   

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