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本文叙述了加硒盐、加锌盐、加钙盐、加铁盐的加工方法,分析了产品不合格的原因,提出了强化营养盐加工中的注意事项。  相似文献   

刘茜 《中国井矿盐》2005,36(4):39-41
有效的铁强化剂用于铁盐的生产,结合铁离子的特性,在选择铁强化剂时要充分注意稳定性、气味和色泽.  相似文献   

实验首次建立了氢化物发生—原子荧光法测定硒强化营养盐中的硒的分析方法。方法检出限为0.047 mg/kg,RSD≤0.8%,平均回收率为103.4%。该方法简单易行、准确、稳定,十分适合硒强化营养盐中硒含量的测定。  相似文献   

本文叙述了加硒盐、加锌盐、加钙盐、加铁盐和加工方法,分析了产品不合格的原因,提出了强化褥卤加工中的注意事项。  相似文献   

利用酵母营养盐提高酵母活性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
酵母营养盐能为酵母提供所需的生长素和微量矿物质元素,使酵母形体均匀,健壮,不易衰老,提高酵母活性,提高啤酒中双乙酰还原能力,缩短发酵周期10-15%,营养盐的添加较适于凝集性酵母菌种,添加量在20-40mg/L之间。  相似文献   

本主要对QB2238-1996《强化营养盐》中硒离子的测定方法进行探讨,确定了3,3-二氨基联苯胺的浓度与配制。  相似文献   

多品种盐经过十多年的开发形成了一系列品种,可分为食用多品种盐和功能性多品种盐,但我国多品种盐只有80多个品种且市场占有率低,相对于美国、日本的10000多个品种和5%以上的市场占有率还是存在很大的差距。所以,扩大多品种盐品种及提高它的市场占有率已成为大势所趋。结合最近研究热点。笔者就开发有机锗强化营养盐提出自己一些不成熟的想法。  相似文献   

通过对锌营养盐结块因素分析,强化锌强化营养盐生产控制,从而达到改善防范锌盐结块的效果。  相似文献   

分析了影响锌强化营养盐锌含量稳定的因素,提出了控制锌含量稳定的解决措施,通过强化生产过程控制,达到产品质量稳定。  相似文献   

A triple fortified salt (TFS) containing vitamin A, iron and iodine was produced and studied under two controlled climatic conditions: 40 °C, 60% and 100% relative humidity (RH) for three months. The stability of commercially available vitamin A products and the effect of different iron and iodine compounds on vitamin A stability were investigated. The highest vitamin A stability was observed in premixes made with vitamin A palmitates stabilized in a solid matrix. Our best TFS formulation retained 65 ± 2% of vitamin at 60% RH. The highest retention at 100% RH was 45 ± 1%. The TFS containing vitamin A acetate retained a maximum of 48 ± 5% at 60% RH. Introduction of all three micronutrients into one premix particle resulted in reduced vitamin A retention to ∼10% at 60% RH. Vitamin A was more stable with ferric sodium EDTA than with any other iron compound. The source of iodine did not significantly affect vitamin A retention.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Determining the stability of iodine in fortified salt can be difficult under certain conditions. Current methods are sometimes unreliable in the presence of iron. OBJECTIVE: To test the new method to more accurately estimate iodine content in double-fortified salt (DFS) fortified with iodine and iron by using orthophosphoric acid instead of sulfuric acid in the titration procedure. METHODS: A double-blind, placebo-controlled study was carried out on DFS and iodized salt produced by the dry-mixing method. DFS and iodized salt were packed and sealed in color-coded, 0.5-kg, low-density polyethylene pouches, and 25 of these pouches were further packed and sealed in color-coded, double-lined, high-density polyethylene bags and transported by road in closed, light-protected containers to the International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (ICCIDD), Delhi; the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), Hyderabad; and the Orissa Unit of the National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau (NNMB), Bhubaneswar. The iodine content of DFS and iodized salt stored under normal room conditions in these places was measured by the modified method every month on the same prescribed dates during the first 6 months and also after 15 months. The iodine content of DFS and iodized salt stored under simulated household conditions was also measured in the first 3 months. RESULTS: After the color code was broken at the end of the study, it was found that the DFS and iodized salt stored at Bhubaneswar, Delhi, and Hyderabad retained more or less the same initial iodine content (30-40 ppm) during the first 6 months, and the stability was not affected after 15 months. The proportion of salt samples having more than 30 ppm iodine was 100% in DFS and iodized salt throughout the study period. Daily opening and closing of salt pouches under simulated household conditions did not result in any iodine loss. CONCLUSIONS: The DFS and iodized salt prepared by the dry-mixing method and stored at normal room conditions had excellent iodine stability for more than 1 year.  相似文献   

This study explored effects of different cooking methods, pork fat addition and food additives on physicochemical and nutritional attributes of beef meatballs fortified, or not, with 3% sugarcane fibre. TPA hardness of meatballs with fibre, cooked in boiling water, was lower compared to oven-baked and pan-fried (47.11, 56.24 and 59.22 N, respectively). Hardness also decreased with increasing fat content (5%, 10%, 15% and 20% fat; 62.07, 56.96, 54.02 and 45.51 N, respectively). Tetrasodium pyrophosphate and sodium tripolyphosphate provided similar results for all parameters except ash content where cooked meatballs with the latter were higher (1.98% and 2.22%, respectively). Cooking loss of 20% fat meatballs with fibre was lower (17.14%) compared to without fibre (20.28%). Loss of nutrients after cooking was lower for oven-baked compared to boiling. Using different ingredients to manipulate quality traits of meatballs is an alternative to manufacture suitable products for different market requirements, for example for elderly consumers.  相似文献   

儿童强化营养保健蛋粉的研制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据我国儿童日常食用鸡蛋的习惯,研究了能显著提高鸡蛋中儿童易缺乏的铁的含量而生产营养保健蛋粉的方法。研究表明,以0.5?Cl3·6H2O,5%NaCl溶液,强化10d左右效果较好。  相似文献   

1 方便面的营养情况 在2005年FIC的会议上,汇香源就《方便面营养化和实用新技术》作了专门的技术报告,提出:方便面就是方便食用的面条,推动面条的营养化,已成为众多厂家、消费者与科技工作者首要的任务与方向。方便面是主食食品的工业化产品,实现营养化是最终的目标,应贯彻谷豆互补、谷肉互补、谷莱互补的健康营养理念,弥补小麦面条在营养方面的缺点,很好地满足了人们对营养的合理需求。  相似文献   

针对我国缺少I、Fe、Zn、Se和Ca等微量元素的高发人群及市场饮食消费的需求,介绍了普通食盐、营养盐及风味盐的特性及分类。普通食盐制作汤类菜肴时,最适添加量为0.8%-1.2%;煮、炖食物时,最适添加量为1.5%-2.0%。营养盐是在普通食盐中按一定比例添加某些人体缺乏的营养素而制成的,如加碘盐、加铁盐、低钠盐、加锌盐、有机硒营养盐、营养钙盐和核黄素营养盐等,它们在使用时,对加热的时间长短、温度高低和用量等有一定的要求。风味型食盐不易结块,能迅速溶于水,主要有柠檬味食盐、香辣味食盐、芝麻香食盐和香菇风味盐等,可直接撒在食物上调味,使用方便。  相似文献   

The applicability of the iodide catalyzed reaction (Sandell-Kolthoff) between Ce4+ and As3+ for the determination of iodine in salt samples fortified with iron and iodine has been studied. A method verification program is presented; the catalytic method was compared with isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), for which the long-lived iodine nuclide 129I was used. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that both methods yielded consistent iodine results across salt samples from Morocco and the Ivory Coast that were either free of iron or fortified with different iron species. Although some bias was present, no influence of iron on the catalytic reaction was detected.  相似文献   

Oat and soy-based nutrition bars were fortified with 4 levels of fish oil (0, 6, 12, or 18 g per approximately 600 g batch), representing 0%, 20%, 40%, or 60% replacement of canola oil. The commercially available purified fish oil was not emulsified nor encapsulated, and contained tocopherols. Baked nutrition bars were evaluated for proximate composition, water activity, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic (DHA) content, and consumer acceptance using a 9-point hedonic scale. The bars were sealed in opaque bags and stored in a stability chamber at 25 °C and 50% relative humidity for 10 wk to assess oxidative stability. There were no significant (P > 0.05) differences in proximate composition, water activity, or ALA levels among treatments. EPA and DHA levels were significantly (P < 0.05) different among treatments, averaging 178.1 mg/serving (20-FO), 488.3 mg/serving (40-FO), and 664.6 mg/serving (60-FO), but none changed during storage. Headspace hexanal and propanal levels decreased over time but were not significantly different among treatments until week 10. Peroxide values were not significantly different except between the control and 60-FO bars. Low values obtained for these analyses suggest negligible oxidation in the bars. Consumer acceptance scores did not differ significantly between the control and lowest fortification level (20-FO), ranging from 6.4 to 6.6 for aroma, texture, flavor, and overall acceptability. These results suggest that nonemulsified, nonencapsulated fish oil can successfully replace canola oil in intermediate moisture nutrition bars to provide EPA and DHA levels as high as 178 mg/serving without affecting consumer acceptability or oxidative stability. Practical Application: Omega-3 fatty acid rich fish oil has been shown to have numerous health benefits, but there are limitations to its use in shelf-stable food products. In this study, nutrition bars were successfully fortified with nonencapsulated, nonemulsified fish oil to deliver 178 mg EPA and DHA per 35 g serving. The fortified bars were oxidatively stable over 10 wk and acceptable to consumers.  相似文献   

添加助剂的非木浆二氧化氯漂白   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了添加醛类助剂对非木浆二氧化氯漂白的活化效果。在ClO2脱木素(D)段添加1.0%~1.5%的甲醛助剂,可以有效地促进和改善ClO2脱木素的速率和效率。与对照样相比,ClO2脱木素(D)后和碱抽提(DE或DEP)后纸浆的卡伯值均有所降低,ClO2的实际消耗量增大,表明甲醛对ClO2脱木素有较好的活化作用。除了甲醛以外,乙醛、乙二醛、葡萄糖等醛类或醛糖也可以起到一定的活化效果。甲醛的活化效果与未漂浆初始卡伯值的高低有关。未漂浆初始卡伯值越高,甲醛对ClO2脱木素段的活化效果越好。对原浆卡伯值为21.7的烧碱-蒽醌法麦草浆,在D段添加1.5%的甲醛助剂,采用DEPP漂序,可使漂白终点白度达到81.8%,比对照样提高了2.5个点,部分强度指标有所下降。  相似文献   

以特精粉、特制粉、次粉为基础原料,按不同比例混合,以此研究混合粉理化性质、流变学特性及其馒头加工品质。结果表明,次粉加入对混合粉各理化性质及流变学特性具有不同影响,且对馒头加工品质呈有一定劣化作用。  相似文献   

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