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A salinity managem ent model is developed for analysing an irrigation system (small or large), which consists of a hydro-salinity su bmodel, a soil m oistu re chemistry submodel, and a groundwater salinity submodel. The hydro-salinity submodel calculates water and salt budgets for an irrigation system in order to determine the recharge rate into the groundwater reservoir. The soil moisture chemistry submodel predicts soil moisture m ovemen t and transport of solutes in the unsaturated soil profile considerin g the cation exchan ge, precipitation an d dissolution of gypsu m and lime in the soil solution. The three-dimensional grou ndwater salinity submodel predicts the spatial and temporal changes in groun dwater salinity, as well as temporal variations in the salin ity of pumped water.  相似文献   

Real-Time Operation of Reservoir System by Genetic Programming   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
Reservoir operation policy depends on specific values of deterministic variables and predictable actions as well as stochastic variables, in which small differences affect water release and reservoir operation efficiency. Operational rule curves of reservoir are policies which relate water release to the deterministic and stochastic variables such as storage volume and inflow. To operate a reservoir system in real time, a prediction model may be coupled with rule curves to estimate inflow as a stochastic variable. Inappropriate selection of this prediction model increases calculations and impacts the reservoir operation efficiency. Thus, extraction of an operational policy simultaneously with inflow prediction helps the operator to make an appropriate decision to calculate how much water to release from the reservoir without employing a prediction model. This paper addresses the use of genetic programming (GP) to develop a reservoir operation policy simultaneously with inflow prediction. To determine a water release policy, two operational rule curves are considered in each period by using (1) inflow and storage volume at the beginning of each period and (2) inflow of the 1st, 2nd, 12th previous periods and storage volume at the beginning of each period. The obtained objective functions of those rules have only 4.86 and 0.44?% difference in the training and testing data sets. These results indicate that the proposed rule based on deterministic variables is effective in determining optimal rule curves simultaneously with inflow prediction for reservoirs.  相似文献   

Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP) is widely used in reservoir operation problems. Besides its advantages, a few drawbacks have leaded many studies to improve its structure. Handling the infeasible conditions and curse of dimensionality are two major challenges in this method. The main goal of this paper is proposing a new method to avoid infeasible conditions and enhance the solution efficiency with new discretization procedure. For this purpose, an optimization module is incorporated into regular SDP structure, so that, near optimal values of state variables are determined based on the available constraints. The new method (RISDP) employs reliability concept to maximize the reservoir releases to satisfy the downstream demands. Applying the proposed technique improves the reservoir operating policies compared to regular SDP policies with the same assumptions of discretization. Simulation of reservoir operation in a real case study indicates about 15% improvement in objective function value and elimination of infeasible conditions by using RISDP operating policies.  相似文献   

为提高钱塘江杭州河段取水口取水安全保证率,基于C/S架构,应用平面二维数学模型和GIS技术研发了钱塘江河口盐度预报预警系统。系统由信息管理、盐度预报、盐度预警等功能模块组成,实际应用表明,系统可视化程度高、操作方便快捷,通用性好,为科学调度上游水库下泄流量和保证水厂取水提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

文章采用蒙特卡罗法、罗森帕卢思法和可靠度指标法对湖南省黄材水库溢洪道滑坡进行了稳定可靠度分析。分析结果认为溢洪道滑坡不稳定,因此提出了加固处理措施。  相似文献   

在水库建设和运行期,库区边坡安全对水库施工和运行影响显著,合理评价水库区边坡的安全性,在保证水库安全和评估环境影响等方面均有重要意义。通过合理简化水库区边坡的强度参数不确定性和水位变化随机性,建立了水库区边坡安全可靠度的实用分析方法。该方法包括2个算法:①通过分析,提出了基于土强度参数二维正态分布的边坡安全系数概率分布算法;②采用Weibull分布描述水位变化规律,提出相关算法,得出了水位变化条件下边坡安全系数的一维先验分布;该方法共有6个参数。采用提出的方法对典型算例进行了计算分析,结果验证了该方法的有效性。该方法对水库区边坡安全评价等方面的研究具有参考意义。  相似文献   

现代水库洪水调度系统研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
国家防汛抗旱总指挥部办公室自1998年以来,组织有关院校、科研单位以及有关部门研究开发出水库洪水调度系统标准化“开发模板”,并进行了现实水库(群)洪水调度系统建设与开发试点。该系统经过1998年、1999年两个汛期的运行,其系统运行稳定,功能齐全,操作简单,使用方便,预报精度优良,调度方案合理,并在实际使用中取得了显著的经济效益。  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the basin/reservoir system integration as a decision support system for short term operation policy of a multipurpose dam. It is desired to re-evaluate and improve the current operational regulation of the reservoir with respect to water supply and flood control especially for real time operation. The most innovative part of this paper is the development of a decision support system (DSS) by the integration of a hydrological (HEC-HMS) and reservoir simulation model (HEC-ResSim) to guide the professional practitioners during the real time operation of a reservoir to meet water elevation and flood protection objectives. In this context, a hybrid operating strategy to retain maximum water elevation is built by shifting between daily and hourly decisions depending on real time runoff forecasts. First, a daily hydro-meteorological rule based reservoir simulation model (HRM) is developed for both water supply and flood control risk. Then, for the possibility of a flood occurrence, hourly flood control rule based reservoir simulation model (FRM) is used. The DSS is applied on Yuvac?k Dam Basin which has a flood potential due to its steep topography, snow potential, mild and rainy climate in Turkey. Numerical weather prediction based runoff forecasts computed by a hydrological model together with developed reservoir operation policy are put into actual practice for real time operation of the reservoir for March – June, 2012. According to the evaluations, proposed DSS is found to be practical and valuable to overcome subjective decisions about reservoir storage.  相似文献   

This paper presents a constrained formulation of the ant colony optimization algorithm (ACOA) for the optimization of large scale reservoir operation problems. ACO algorithms enjoy a unique feature namely incremental solution building capability. In ACO algorithms, each ant is required to make a decision at some points of the search space called decision points. If the constraints of the problem are of explicit type, then ants may be forced to satisfy the constraints when making decisions. This could be done via the provision of a tabu list for each ant at each decision point of the problem. This is very useful when attempting large scale optimization problem as it would lead to a considerable reduction of the search space size. Two different formulations namely partially constrained and fully constrained version of the proposed method are outlined here using Max-Min Ant System for the solution of reservoir operation problems. Two cases of simple and hydropower reservoir operation problems are considered with the storage volumes taken as the decision variables of the problems. In the partially constrained version of the algorithm, knowing the value of the storage volume at an arbitrary decision point, the continuity equation is used to provide a tabu list for the feasible options at the next decision point. The tabu list is designed such that commonly used box constraints for the release and storage volumes are simultaneously satisfied. In the second and fully constrained algorithm, the box constraints of storage volumes at each period are modified prior to the main calculation such that ants will not have any chance of making infeasible decision in the search process. The proposed methods are used to optimally solve the problem of simple and hydropower operation of “Dez” reservoir in Iran and the results are presented and compared with the conventional unconstrained ACO algorithm. The results indicate the ability of the proposed methods to optimally solve large scale reservoir operation problems where the conventional heuristic methods fail to even find a feasible solution.  相似文献   

本文介绍了新立城水库水雨情自动测报系统在更新改造中针对原系统存在的可靠性不高问题,分析产生原因,采取了一些有效的改进措施,经实际运行证明效果很好.  相似文献   

 以渡槽槽架结构的层间位移和顶点位移作为控制标准,提出了渡槽槽架结构在小震作用下位移控制的可靠度分析模型;基于现行相关规范,提出了渡槽槽架结构的层间位移和顶点位移控制限值;根据各随机变量的统计特征,采用Monte-Carlo模拟与有限元相结合的方法对渡槽槽架结构体系位移控制的可靠度进行了研究,为渡槽结构在地震作用下的可靠度分析和设计提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

In the present study the WEAP-NSGA-II coupling model was developed in order to apply the hedging policy in a two-reservoir system, including Gavoshan and Shohada dams, located in the west of Iran. For this purpose after adjusting the input files of WEAP model, it was calibrated and verified for a statistical period of 4 and 2 years respectively (2008 till 2013). Then periods of water shortage were simulated for the next 20 years by defining a reference scenario and applying the operation policy based on the current situation. Finally, the water released from reservoirs was optimized based on the hedging policy and was compared with the reference scenario in coupled models. To ensure the superiority of the proposed method, its results was compared with the results of two well-known multi-objective algorithms called PESA-II and SPEA-II. Results show that NSGA-II algorithm is able to generate a better Pareto front in terms of minimizing the objective functions in compare with PESA-II and SPEA-II algorithms. An improvement of about 20% in the demand site coverage reliability of the optimum scenario was obtained in comparison with the reference scenario for the months with a higher water shortage. In addition, considering the hedging policy, the demand site coverage in the critical months increased about 35% in compared with the reference scenario.  相似文献   

于桥水库洪水调度系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据于桥水库洪水调度系统的发展概况,着重介绍了于桥水库洪水调度系统的最新组成情况,详细论述了该系统所包含的6个子系统,即数据采休子系统、数据处理子系统、水量自动计量子系统、洪水预报与洪水调度子系统、语言查询子系统、信息发布于子系统的功能、特点、设备配置、工作模式、工作原理以及工作内容。  相似文献   

基于Web的实时水库洪水调度自动化系统   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用Visual Studio.NET集成开发环境、采用SQL Server数据库设计和开发了结构合理、功能齐全、界面友好、具有很强实用性的基于Web的水库洪水调度系统,可实现在Internet环境下从卫星云图、气象预报信息、水雨情实时信息、防洪工情信息的收集处理到水库洪水预报调度方案的制定、评价与优选及防汛会商决策。简要介绍了系统结构和功能、运行环境、规范化和标准化设计,提出了解决问题的途径和方法。  相似文献   

随着水利自动化系统的不断发展和推广,各大水库陆续建立起自己的自动监测系统,水库是雷电发生频繁地区.这对自动化系统的安全产生很大的威胁.对水库自动化系统防雷技术包括电源防雷、通讯防雷、信号防雷和中心控制室的防雷做了详细的介绍,有利于提高水库自动化系统运行的安全性和可靠性.该技术成功地应用在辽宁省大伙房水库和柴河等各大水库自动化系统中,运行效果良好.  相似文献   

为了增强水库安全管理的直观性,利用Skyline三维地理建模软件和3DSMAX三维建模软件,通过遥感影像和数字高程模型(DEM)的叠加以及三维模型数据的加载,研制了水库安全运行三维管理系统。系统由三维浏览功能、水库业务管理和水库政务管理等功能模块组成。示范应用表明水库三维管理有效地管理了水库相关信息,有助于政府部门决策及水库管理人员对水库及其周边环境的了解,提高有关部门的管理效率和科学决策水平。  相似文献   

传统的手动或是由接近开关构成的简单控制系统的闸门控制方式不能满足与泵站计算机监控系统连接的要求,必须对其进行改造。介绍监控系统的功能及组成,为闸门控制自动化提供依据。系统的投入运用为水库防污指挥及时提供依据和作出决策发挥很大作用,尤其是强台风时在远地操作闸门更安全可靠。  相似文献   

分布式光纤温度传感系统是近年来发展起来的一种用于实时测量空间温度场分布的传感系统。它是一种分布式的、连续的、功能型光纤温度传感器。文中简述了分布式光纤温度传感测量系统的基本原理和将其应用于沥青混凝土面板坝渗流测量的一种方法。  相似文献   

在桩的线弹性地基反力法基础上,求出考虑承台以及埋深影响的沉井水平位移的通解,即在沉井计算中,经常遇到的地面处水平抗力不为0时新的计算方法。并对沉井的边界条件作出了数学上的归纳总结,它们涵盖了在实际中可能遇到的大多数情况。推导出了对应于每种工况的显式表达式,并利用安徽马鞍山长江大桥的实际数据验证了所求得的显式解的数学上的正确性和力学上的合理性。所得出的公式对长桩、短桩、细桩、粗桩以及沉井桩都适用。承台对沉井(桩)的约束体现在桩顶的边界条件中。  相似文献   

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