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Effect of hydroxamic acid polymers on reverse flotation of bauxite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of hydroxamic acid starch (HAS) and hydroxamic acid polyacrylamide (HPAM) on the flotation of diaspore and kaolinite was investigated by flotation test. It is found that HAS depresses diaspore but activates kaolinite in acidic pulp,while HPAM activates both diaspore and kaolinite in the pH range of 2.0 - 10.5. The measurement of zeta potential shows that both HAS and HPAM can increase zeta potential of negatively charged diaspore, which indicates the existence of chemical bonding or hydrogen bonding between the reagents and diaspore.By covering the collector dodecyl amine(DDA) on diaspore surface, HAS increases the hydrophilicity of minerals and depresses the flotation of diaspore,however HPAM activates the flotation of diaspore by increasing the adsorption of DDA on diaspore surface.  相似文献   

浮选柱是一种高效的细粒物料分选设备,但应用于胶磷矿浮选仍然受诸多因素制约.为考查浮选柱结构特征、工作参数和操作条件等因素对其分选效果的影响,采用试验室浮选柱对贵州瓮安磷矿进行了单一反浮选试验,重点研究了矿浆浓度、药剂用量、筛板充填方式和充气量对浮选柱反浮选效果的影响.结果表明,在磨矿细度为-0.074 mm占88%、矿浆浓度为25%(质量分数)、油酸钠用量为1.8 kg/t、硫酸用量为5 kg/t和充气量为400 L/h时,反浮选的分选效果较好.由于浮选柱可以通过充填筛板来改善其分选环境,因此在较优条件下,其分选效率比用浮选机时高1.57%.  相似文献   

矿浆溶液的pH是影响浮选指标的重要因素之一,研究了三种胺类捕收剂在用量一定时,pH对云南某中低品位硅质胶磷矿脱硅的影响.试验结果表明,胺类药剂反浮选脱硅较适宜的pH范围为7.0~8.5.  相似文献   

磁种絮凝-磁分离法处理含锌废水的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用磁种絮凝-磁分离方法对模拟某锌盐制造企业的排放废水进行处理,研究了废水pH值对其Zn^2+去除效果的影响、絮凝剂聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)和磁种(Fe3O4)对氢氧化锌沉淀物沉降性能的影响以及外加磁场对磁种-氢氧化锌絮凝体沉降性能的影响。结果表明,有利于Zn^2+沉淀的最佳废水pH值为9-12;PAM与磁种同时使用能改善Zn(OH)2的沉降性能;在外加磁场作用下,废水中的磁种-氢氧化锌絮凝体由于受到与重力方向一致的磁力,其沉降速度加快,污泥压缩得更快、更实,上清液中锌的质量浓度降至0.83 mg/L;磁性矾花絮凝体经硫酸溶液或氢氧化钠溶液浸泡后,过滤得到的磁种可循环使用,滤液中的锌可回收利用。  相似文献   

Flotation experiments were performed to investigate the separation of muscovite and quartz in the presence of dodecylamine(DDA), tallow amine(TTA) and dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide(DTAC). The adsorption mechanisms of these three kinds of amines on muscovite and quartz were studied by FT-IR spectrum analysis, contact angle measurement and molecular dynamics(MD) simulation. The results reveal that the separation of muscovite from quartz is feasible at strong acid pulp condition using amine collectors. TTA and DTAC show poorer collecting ability for flotation of the two minerals compared with DDA. Physical adsorption is found to be the main adsorption module of amine collectors on muscovite and quartz by FT-IR analysis. MD simulation results show a strong physical adsorption ability of DDA+ cation on muscovite and quartz(muscovite(001):-117.31 kJ/mol, quartz(100):-89.43 kJ/mol), while neutral DDA molecular can hardly absorb onto the surface of these two minerals. These findings provide a novel explanation for the flotation mechanism from the perspective of MD simulation.  相似文献   

针对传统脂肪酸捕收剂选择性差、常温下分散性和溶解性差的问题,以工业棉籽油酸为原料,经高温高压使脂肪酸的双键水解而引入羟基活性基团,进一步与助剂按比例复配得到一种高效反浮选捕收剂HY.将其用于宜昌某高镁磷矿的浮选试验,经一反一扫简单浮选工艺流程获得了精矿五氧化二磷品位34.59%,五氧化二磷回收率96.46%,氧化镁品位0.28%的良好浮选选指标,氧化镁脱除率高达95%,各指标优于公开招标各项指标要求,且浮选在常温下进行,药剂用量仅0.84kg/t.表明反选捕收剂HY具有良好的浮选性能,其化学修饰改性改善了捕收剂的常温溶解性同时增强了其对钙离子、镁离子的选择性.  相似文献   

In order to selectively separate chalcopyrite from pyrite, the effect of organic depressant lignosulfonate calcium (LSC) on the flotation separation of chalcopyrite from pyrite was investigated by flotation tests. The depression mechanism was studied by Fourier-transform-infrared (FTIR) analysis. The flotation tests of single mineral show that LSC can depress the flotation of pyrite in a certain pH range, but it has little effect on chalcopyrite flotation. Flotation separation of a mixture of chalcopyrite and pyrite can be completed to obtain a copper concentrate grade up to 24.73% with a recovery of 80.36%. IR analysis shows that LSC and butyl xanthate compete in absorption on pyrite surface, and there exists an LSC characteristic peak on pyrite surface. There is little adsorption of LSC on chalcopyrite.  相似文献   

磷矿反浮选捕收剂大多数是由天然脂肪酸制成的,种类繁多,性能各异.从市场快速、准确地选择磷矿反浮选捕收剂,对浮选实践和浮选研究十分重要.浮选捕收剂的评价有助于掌握捕收剂的浮选性能,了解其在浮选过程中的作用.浮选法是浮选捕收剂的传统评价方法,程序复杂,耗时耗力.提出了一种新的浮选研究方法:燃烧-吸附量评价法,通过燃烧无机的矿石样品来测定其表面吸附的有机捕收剂量,评价磷矿反浮选捕收剂的性能.通过对油酸、硬脂酸和软脂酸这些结构明确且浮选工作者熟悉的脂肪酸的浮选性能和在白云石上的吸附量,建立了一个评价模型,验证燃烧-吸附量评价法的可行性.  相似文献   

To identify and establish beneficiation techniques for banded hematite quartzite (BHQ) iron ore, a comprehensive research on BHQ ore treatment was carried out. The BHQ ore was assayed as 38.9wt% Fe, 42.5wt% SiO2, and 1.0wt% Al2O3. In this ore, hematite and quartz are present as the major mineral phases where goethite, martite, and magnetite are present in small amounts. The liberation of hematite particles can be enhanced to about 82% by reducing the particle size to below 63 μm. The rejection of silica par...  相似文献   

Flotation column is widely used as the separation equipment for fine mineral due to its high selectivity. However, this device may be unsuitable for the coarse particle flotation and has high handling ability. A two-stage flotation column with dimensions of 2 000 mm× 1 000 mm×4 000 mm was designed to enhance the column flotation process. The energy input was modified by adjusting the flow rate and the head of circulating pump. The flotation column was designed with low energy input in the first stage (speed flotation stage) to recover easy-to-float materials quickly, and high energy input in the second stage (recovery stage) to recover difficult-to-float minerals compulsorily. Contrast experiments on the throughput and coarse coal recovery of high ash coal from the Kailuan Mine were conducted using conventional single-stage flotation column and the two-stage flotation column. The results show that the combustible matter recovery of the two-stage flotation column is 5.25% higher than that of the conventional single-stage flotation column. However, the ash contents of clean coal for both columns are similar. Less coarse coals with low ash are obtained using the two-stage flotation column than that using the single-stage column flotation with the same handling ability. The two-stage flotation column process can enhance coal flotation compared with the conventional single-stage column flotation.  相似文献   

浮选光度分析法是一种灵敏度高、选择性好的分析方法,具有处理样品量大(0.5~2.0L)、分离系数大(>104)、回收率高(>90%)、易于实现自动化等优点。常用的方法有:泡沫浮选(离子浮选、沉淀浮选)和溶剂浮选(萃取溶剂浮选、气体溶剂浮选)两种。文章综述了浮选光度法及其在大多数离子的浮选中的应用。  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION ThebauxiteinChinaismainlyofdiasporite type,withhighcontentofAl2O3butlowmassra tioofAl2O3toSiO2.Themainsiliceousminerals ofbauxitearekaolinite,illiteandpyrophyllite[1].Inordertoutilizethebauxiteeffectively,anewflotationdesilication Bayermethodwasdeveloped toproducealumina.Thepurposeofflotationdesil icationistoremovethesilicafromthebauxiteandtoincreasethemassratioofAl2O3toSiO2.Funda mentalresearchofreverseflotationdesilicationhas beenpaidmoreattentionduetoitsadvantageover…  相似文献   

The flotation separation of magnesite from calcium-containing minerals has always been a difficult subject in minerals processing. This work studied the inhibition effects of carboxymethyl cellulose(CMC),sodium lignosulphonate, polyaspartic acid(PASP) and sodium silicate on flotation behaviors of magnesite, dolomite and calcite, providing guidance for the development of reagents in magnesite flotation.The micro-flotation results showed that among these four depressants, sodium silicate presented...  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of butanol on quartz flotation when N-dodecyl ethylenediamine(ND)was used as collector, single mineral flotation and artificial mixed mineral(hematite and quartz were mixed at a mass ratio of 3:2) separation were conducted in the laboratory. Experimental results indicated that addition of butanol could improve the collecting performance of ND on quartz and enhance the floatability of quartz. Best flotation recovery of quartz was obtained when butanol was mixed with ND at a mass ratio of 1:1. Moreover, the molecular structure of alcohols had a significant effect on mineral recovery. Best separation efficiency could be obtained when tert-butanol was added as it had the largest cross-sectional area. Zeta potential measurements indicated that alcohols could strengthen electrostatic adsorption between quartz and collector. Molecular dynamic simulations revealed that co-adsorption of alcohols along with ND had taken place on the quartz surface, and ND/tert-butyl combinations were more easily absorbed on the quartz surface.  相似文献   

湖北省某地具有较为丰富铁矿资源,矿石中铁含量较低,原矿中全铁(TFe)含量约15%,属于贫磁铁矿,铁矿物的嵌布粒度较细,通过单一弱磁选很难得到全铁品位超过60%的铁精矿,针对该矿弱磁选精矿进行反浮选提铁脱硅研究,一粗一精开路反浮选流程精矿品位可达60%以上,铁回收率60%,产率50%左右.通过小型闭路试验,反浮选最终获得较好指标:精矿产率为68.57%,品位为58.62%,回收率为82.83%.  相似文献   

湖北省某地具有较为丰富铁矿资源,矿石中铁含量较低,原矿中全铁(TFe)含量约15%,属于贫磁铁矿,铁矿物的嵌布粒度较细,通过单一弱磁选很难得到全铁品位超过60%的铁精矿,针对该矿弱磁选精矿进行反浮选提铁脱硅研究,一粗一精开路反浮选流程精矿品位可达60%以上,铁回收率60%,产率50%左右.通过小型闭路试验,反浮选最终获得较好指标:精矿产率为68.57%,品位为58.62%,回收率为82.83%.  相似文献   

Primary beneficiation was successfully performed prior to dissolution of manganotantalite (sample A) and ferrotantalite (sample C) samples obtained from two different mines in the Naquissupa area, Mozambique. Magnetic separation removed the majority of iron and titanium, whereas H2SO4 leaching removed a large portion of thorium and uranium in these samples. Analytical results indicated that 64.14wt% and 72.04wt% of the total Fe and Ti, respectively, and -2wt% each of Nb205 and Ta205 were removed from sample C (ferrotantalite) using the magnetic separation method, whereas only 9.64wt% and 8.66wt% of total Fe203 and TiO2, respectively, and -2wt% each of NbEOs and Ta2O5 were removed from sample A (manganotantalite). A temperature of 50℃ and a leaching time of 3 h in the presence of concentrated HESOa were observed to be the most appropriate leaching conditions for removal of radioactive elements from the tantalite ores. The results obtained for sample A under these conditions indicated that 64.14wt% U3O8 and 60.77wt% ThO2 were leached into the acidic solution, along with 4.45wt% and 0.99wt% of Nb2O5 and Ta2O5, respectively.  相似文献   

用循环水和自来水作为浮选试验用水,用石膏和硫酸钾作为水质调整剂,通过实验室和工业试验,研究水质硬度对煤泥浮选的影响.结果表明:水质硬度是影响煤和黏土颗粒之间分散稳定性的关键因素.随着水质硬度的升高,浮选精煤灰分提高了1%~2%,但精煤产率没有明显变化.水质硬度小于35。DH时,水质硬度越高,煤和黏土颗粒之间的凝聚作用越强,精煤灰分越高;水质硬度大于35°DH时,这种凝聚作用不再增强,精煤灰分也不再提高.  相似文献   

微细粒低品位碳酸锰矿强磁选工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对某地微细粒低品位碳酸锰矿进行强磁选工艺试验,经强磁粗选,可获得品位和回收率分别为22 .64 %和51 .76 %的锰精矿,经疏水絮凝处理可将磁选精矿品位和回收率分别提高到23 .06 %和54 .89 %;经强化疏水絮凝处理,可获得品位和回收率分别为18 .80 %和10 .69 %的扫选精矿.  相似文献   

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