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Phospholipids are essential components of the oil bodies present in seeds, and they are also the main components of the commercial seed lecithins used in many food formulas. In the present study, we analyzed the characteristics of the polar lipid fraction of seeds from different sunflower FA mutants. In sunflower seeds the accumulation of polar lipids reaches a maximum 25 d after anthesis before diminishing during the final stages of maturation and desiccation. We have developed an HPLC method, using ELSD, that produces optimal separation of all polar seed lipids. This method improves the results that could be obtained with previous HPLC methods and hence, we have used it to analyze the polar lipid fraction of sunflower seeds. We show that this fraction comprises phospholipids and glycolipids, of which PC is the most abundant species. Moreover, we found that the relative polar lipid content in control and mutant seeds is similar, suggesting that the mutant traits do not affect polar lipid synthesis. The degradation of polar lipids in isolated seeds was also examined and we found that the PC and PE present in developing sunflower seed kernels were rapidly degraded owing to the activity of D-type phospholipases.  相似文献   

This article explains a laboratory procedure to produce an antioxidant from grinded, dehulled and partially defatted sunflower seeds. Initially, a solvent suitable to extract phenols was searched among different solutions of water mixed with ethanol, methanol and acetone at 40% (vol/vol) (each tested at pH 5, 7 and 9). Both the ethanol/water 60:40 (vol/vol) and the acetone/water 60:40 (vol/vol) mixtures proved to be suitable for the dephenolization of sunflower seed shells, but in the next steps of this research, the mixture ethanol/water 60:40 (vol/vol) at pH 5 was used. Secondly, the procedure to obtain the antioxidant product was defined, which consisted in hydrolysis of sunflower seed phenols with 1.25 N NaOH at room temperature for 60 min and finally the recovery of caffeic acid formed from chlorogenic acid with ethyl acetate. From 25 g of partially defatted sunflower shells, around 90 mg of powdery antioxidant product, consisting of 58% caffeic acid, was obtained. The antioxidant product, the caffeic acid standard and propyl gallate were added to different edible fats at the same dose of 240 AU (antioxidant units) per kg fat. A Rancimat test, at 130 °C and an air flow of 20 L h?1, demonstrated that the effectiveness of the sunflower antioxidant product was essentially similar to that of the caffeic acid standard, but 15–20% lower than that of propyl gallate. In conclusion, dephenolization of sunflower seeds could be economically convenient, not only because a useful antioxidant can be produced, but also because the raw material composition can be improved for other uses.  相似文献   

The variation in fatty acid composition of the oil from seeds located in different positions within an individual sunflower head was determined. Each head was divided into three ring-shaped zones and four samples were taken from each zone. Ten heads from an inbred line and ten from an open-pollinated variety were sampled. Position of the seed within the head had a significant effect on the fatty acid composition of the oil. The linoleic and palmitic acid contents of the oil increased and the oleic acid content decreased from the perimeter toward the center of the head. Journal Article No. 399.  相似文献   

Whole sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus L.) were exposed to microwaves for 6, 12, 20 or 30 min at a frequency of 2450 MHz. The hulls were then stripped from the seeds. Molecular species and fatty acid distributions of triacylglycerols (TAGs), isolated from total lipids in the hulls, were analyzed by a combination of argentation thin‐layer chromatography (TLC) and gas chromatography. A modified argentation TLC procedure, developed to optimize the separation of the TAGs, provided 10 different groups of TAGs, based on both the degree of unsaturation and the total fatty acid chain‐length. Dilinoleolein (29.5—30.2 wt‐%), trilinolein (18.2—24.2 wt‐%), dilinoleopalmitin and dilinoleostearin (17.0—18.1 wt‐%), palmitoleolinolein and stearoleolinolein (11.4—14.0 wt‐%) and dioleolinolein (7.5—8.6 wt‐%) were the main TAGs detected after microwave roasting. However, roasting caused a significant decrease (p < 0.05), not only in TAG molecular species containing more than four double bonds, but also in the amounts of diene species present in TAGs. These results suggest that microwaves should affect TAGs in the hulls more significantly (p < 0.05) than those in the sunflower kernels.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the aqueous extract of cotyledons derived from the striped sunflower seeds, with regard to the kinetics of its antioxidant capacity and its phenolic composition. The results showed that, among the phenolic compounds of this extract which were identified by gas chromatography, chlorogenic acid (12.88%) was the prevailing compound. The effectiveness of the aqueous extract in the β‐carotene/linoleate model system was estimated on the basis of the oxidation induction period, which was determined by the method of tangents to the two parts of this extract's kinetic curve, and the study showed that the extract antioxidants may be effective in blocking radical chain reactions and may also interfere with the reactions that produce the secondary products that speed up the system's oxidative process when present in higher concentrations (233.2 µg/mL). The result found by the Rancimat® method showed that the aqueous extract at 300 µg/mL (15.2% IP) was comparable to the BHA standard at 100 µg/mL (16.0 ± 0.86%) in a lipidic system.  相似文献   

Sunflower seeds ((Helianthus annuus were roasted for 6, 12, 20 or 30 min at a frequency of 2450 MHz using a domestic microwave oven. After the kernels were separated from the sunflower seeds, the quality characteristics and the compositions of the oils were investigated in relation to their tocopherol distributions, and they were further evaluated as compared with an unroasted oil sample. Only minor increases (p < 0.05) in chemical and physical changes of the oils, such as the carbonyl value, the p‐anisidine value and the color development, occurred at a prolonged roasting period. Significant decrease (p < 0.05) was observed in the amounts of phospholipids in the oils after microwave roasting. Nevertheless, compared to the original level, more than 92 wt‐% tocopherols still remained after 30 min of roasting. With a few exceptions, these results indicate that the exposure of sunflower seeds to microwaves for 12 min caused no significant (p < 0.05) loss or change in the content of tocopherols and polyunsaturated fatty acids in the kernels.  相似文献   

Seven antifeedant sesquiterpene lactones (STLs), 4,5-dihydroniveusin A, argophyllin B, argophyllin A, 15-hydroxy-3-dehydrodesoxytifruticin, niveusin B, 1,2-anhydridoniveusin A, and an unidentified epoxide, in cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) have been quantified by a highperformance thin-layer chromatography and UV-reflectance scanning densitometry analysis. Age-related expression of STL content in sunflower reveals a heretofore undescribed pattern in which nonpolar STLs such as 15-hydroxy-3-dehydrodesoxytifruticin predominate up to an age of three weeks, but are subsequently displaced by polar STLs, especially argophyllin A, through later foliar stages and anthesis. This leaf pattern of STL ontogeny is maintained in three widely differentH. annuus cultivars (Giant Gray Stripe, Royal Hybrid 2141, Hybrid 7111), which in turn had similar total contents of STLs. Antifeedant activity for western corn rootworm was positively correlated with STL content, particularly with argophyllin A and its isomer argophyllin B, in respective tissue extracts. Enhanced amounts of highly antifeedant argophyllins, especially in newly grown leaf and floral tissues yielding sunflower progeny, strongly suggest that these epoxy-STLs are a chemical defense against insect herbivory.  相似文献   

Whole sunflower seeds were exposed to microwave roasting for 6, 12, 20 or 30 min at a frequency of 2450 MHz. The kernels were then separated from the sunflower seeds, and the lipid components and the positional distribution of fatty acids in triacylglycerols (TAGs) and phospholipids (PLs) were investigated. Major lipid components were TAGs and PLs, while steryl esters, free fatty acids and diacylglycerols were also present in minor proportions. The greatest PL losses (p < 0.05) were observed in phosphatidyl ethanolamine, followed by phosphatidyl choline or phosphatidyl inositol. Significant differences (p < 0.05) in fatty acid distributions occurred (with few exceptions) when sunflower seeds were microwaved for 20 min or more. Nevertheless, the principal characteristics for the positional distribution of fatty acids still remained after 20 min of microwave roasting; unsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic, were predominantly concentrated in the sn‐2‐position and saturated fatty acids, especially stearic and palmitic acids, primarily occupied the sn‐1‐ or sn‐3‐position. These results indicate that no significant changes in fatty acid distribution of TAGs and PLs would occur within 12 min of microwave roasting, ensuring that a good‐quality product would be attained.  相似文献   

It has been reported that diabetes and Sj?gren's syndrome patients exhibit variations in the amount of salivation and in the lipid components in saliva and salivary glands. We examined whether lipid compositions, especially phospholipid ones in the salivary glands of rats varied with aging. We analyzed phospholipid and fatty acid compositions in the salivary glands of young (5 to 6 weeks), adult (20 weeks), and old (50 weeks) rats and biochemical components in their blood. The aging (adult and old) rats had higher triacylglycerol, total lipid, total cholesterol and glucose contents in the plasma than the young one. The aging ones also had higher total lipid contents in the major salivary glands (parotid, submandibular and sublingual glands). They had higher wet weights of the major salivary glands and epididymal fat pads than the young ones, but had lower ratios of the major salivary glands to body weight. All of them had high phospholipid contents in the parotid and submandibular glands as compared to sublingual gland, but the aging ones had lower percentage of phospholipid contents of all salivary glands. Phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine were predominant among the phospholipids in the major salivary glands, and little difference was observed in phospholipid composition among the three groups. Palmitic and stearic acids (saturated acids), and linoleic, oleic and arachidonic acids (unsaturated acids) were major components of fatty acids of phospholipids in the major salivary glands. The aging ones had higher linoleic and lower arachidonic acid contents in the glands than the young one. In summary, the aging rats had higher total lipid contents than the young ones and had lower phospholipid contents of the major salivary glands. The n-6 fatty acid contents differed between aging and young ones. The results suggest that phospholipids in the major salivary glands change with the development of rat.  相似文献   

The seed lipids from five sunflower mutants, two with high palmitic acid contents, one of them in high oleic background, and three with high stearic acid contents, have been characterized. All lipid classes of these mutant seeds have increased saturated fatty acid content although triacylglycerols had the highest levels. The increase in saturated fatty acids was mainly at the expense of oleic acid while linoleic acid levels remained unchanged. No difference between mutants and standard sunflower lines used as controls was found in minor fatty acids: linolenic, arachidic, and behenic. In the high-palmitic mutants palmitoleic acid (16∶1n−7) and some palmitolinoleic acid (16∶2n−7, 16∶2n−4) also appeared. Phosphatidylinositol, the lipid with the highest palmitic acid content in controls, also had the highest content of palmitic or stearic acids, depending on the mutant type, suggesting that saturated fatty acids are needed for its physiological function. Positional analysis showed that mutant oils have very low content of saturated fatty acids in the sn-2 position of triacylglycerols, between the content of olive oil and cocoa butter.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia head rot (HR), caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, is an economically important disease of sunflower with known detrimental effects on yield and quality in humid climates worldwide. The objective of this study was to gain insight into the genetic architecture of HR resistance from a sunflower line HR21 harboring HR resistance introgressed from the wild perennial Helianthus maximiliani. An F2 population derived from the cross of HA 234 (susceptible-line)/HR21 (resistant-line) was evaluated for HR resistance at two locations during 2019–2020. Highly significant genetic variations (p < 0.001) were observed for HR disease incidence (DI) and disease severity (DS) in both individual and combined analyses. Broad sense heritability (H2) estimates across environments for DI and DS were 0.51 and 0.62, respectively. A high-density genetic map of 1420.287 cM was constructed with 6315 SNP/InDel markers developed using genotype-by-sequencing technology. A total of 16 genomic regions on eight sunflower chromosomes, 1, 2, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16 and 17 were associated with HR resistance, each explaining between 3.97 to 16.67% of the phenotypic variance for HR resistance. Eleven of these QTL had resistance alleles from the HR21 parent. Molecular markers flanking the QTL will facilitate marker-assisted selection breeding for HR resistance in sunflower.  相似文献   

The nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium requirement of sunflower was evaluated when the crop was grown on siliceous sands overlying clay in the south east of South Australia. Of the seven sites used in the investigation, significant seed yield responses to phosphorus were recorded at two, while at a further two sites seed yields were increased by potassium additions. Nitrogen applications did not significantly increase seed yields at any site but decreased seed yields at two. This lack of nitrogen response was attributed to the sites having been long term legume pastures prior to the sunflower crops.Oil concentrations of sunflower seed ranged from 40.6% to 45.3% between sites, but fertilizer treatment had no significant effect.Critical nutrient ranges for both soil (Colwell) extractable phosphorus and potassium were derived at maximum seed yield. These were 16–20 mg kg–1 for extractable phosphorus and 70–80 mg kg–1 for extractable potassium.  相似文献   

The effect of intercepted solar radiation during fruit filling on seed weight and oil content from seeds of three sectors of the head in two sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids of low and high potential oil percentage was investigated. Seed weight in each sector depended on both the level of radiation intercepted (modified by shading and thinning plants) and the genotype grown. A higher level of intercepted solar radiation increased seed weight in each sector. Central seeds of shaded plants showed the lowest weight. The seed and kernel oil content hierarchy among the three sectors was modified only in the hybrid with high potential oil content. For each head sector, variations in seed oil content associated with changes in the level of intercepted radiation could be accounted for by changes in the kernel oil content, not in the kernel/seed ratio. Significant relationships were found between seed oil and kernel oil contents when analyses between treatments (R>0.86) and sectors (R>0.92) were carried out. These relationships together with the growing conditions of plants during seed filling, the genotype, and the seed position on the head are essential factors that should be taken into account when selecting seeds in sunflower breeding programs since they affect the commercial/industrial quality of seeds.  相似文献   

Oil contents were determined by nuclear magnetic resonance on four samples, each consisting of six seeds, from each of three ring positions (outer, middle, and inner) for 10 heads from each of two open-pollinated varieties and two inbred lines of sunflowers. The largest source of variability for three of the entries was due to differences among heads. Variability due to seed position in the head was the largest for the fourth entry. When averaged over all entries, % oil was the highest for seeds samples from the middle ring position. In studies in which oil content is determined on single seeds or small samples, error variation can be reduced by sampling from either of the outer two ring positions, rather than sampling from the inner position or at random. Journal article no. 441 of the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station. ARS, USDA.  相似文献   

In this work, oil obtained from seeds of different red grape varieties, grown in the Autonomous Regions of Castilla‐La Mancha and Murcia (Spain), was characterized by determining physicochemical and sensory quality parameters, stability, and the composition in fatty acids and sterols. The physicochemical quality parameters (free acidity, peroxide index, K270 and wax) scored high (meaning low quality) compared with virgin olive oils, while the negative sensory attributes stood out over the positive ones. Therefore, the oil was not considered suitable for table use without undergoing a refining process. The samples showed high linoleic and low linolenic acid contents, while β‐sitosterol was the main sterol found. Drying grape seeds with hot air before extraction gave higher physicochemical quality, total phenolic content and stability, and lower wax content in comparison to air‐drying of seeds. The drying process affected the sterol composition but not the fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

Rust and downy mildew (DM) are two important sunflower diseases that lead to significant yield losses globally. The use of resistant hybrids to control rust and DM in sunflower has a long history. The rust resistance genes, R13a and R16, were previously mapped to a 3.4 Mb region at the lower end of sunflower chromosome 13, while the DM resistance gene, Pl33, was previously mapped to a 4.2 Mb region located at the upper end of chromosome 4. High-resolution fine mapping was conducted using whole genome sequencing of HA-R6 (R13a) and TX16R (R16 and Pl33) and large segregated populations. R13a and R16 were fine mapped to a 0.48 cM region in chromosome 13 corresponding to a 790 kb physical interval on the XRQr1.0 genome assembly. Four disease defense-related genes with nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NLR) motifs were found in this region from XRQr1.0 gene annotation as candidate genes for R13a and R16. Pl33 was fine mapped to a 0.04 cM region in chromosome 4 corresponding to a 63 kb physical interval. One NLR gene, HanXRQChr04g0095641, was predicted as the candidate gene for Pl33. The diagnostic SNP markers developed for each gene in the current study will facilitate marker-assisted selections of resistance genes in sunflower breeding programs.  相似文献   

The dose‐response of two horticultural plant species (Brassica chinensis L., and Helianthus annuus L.) to two light Rare Earth Elements (REEs), namely lanthanum and neodymium, in‐vitro, was investigated. The phytotoxicity of the studied REEs was determined by measuring the aboveground and belowground biomass of the plant parts, and the chlorophyll production. Based on these measurements, inhibition concentration causing 50 % decrease (IC50) in plant biomass and total chlorophyll were calculated. Moreover, the available ionic species of La and Nd in the media for plant uptake were predicted using Visual MINTEQ. The concentration of these elements were measured in different plant tissues to assay the ability of these plants to hyperaccumulate La and Nd. It was observed that La and Nd, at lower dosages (<~100 mg/kg), had hormetic effects, respectively, on the shoot and root of H. annuus L. Also, Nd had stimulatory effects on the number of leaves and chlorophyll content of B. chinensis L. However, these two elements were toxic to both plants at higher media concentrations. Between the two plant species, H. annuus L. was more resistant to the studied REEs when compared to B. chinensis L. IC50 values of La for the roots and shoots of both plant species (139–201 mg/kg) were markedly smaller when compared to IC50 values of Nd (222–333 mg/kg). Thus, between the two assayed elements, La was more toxic to the plants. Translocation factors for La and Nd were not high enough to consider the plant species as hyperaccumulators.

Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is an appropriate crop for current new patterns of green agriculture, so it is important to change sunflower receptacles from waste to useful resource. However, there is limited knowledge on the functions of compounds from the essential oils of sunflower receptacles. In this study, a new method was created for chemical space network analysis and classification of small samples, and applied to 104 compounds. Here, t-SNE (t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding) dimensions were used to reduce coordinates as node locations and edge connections of chemical space networks, respectively, and molecules were grouped according to whether the edges were connected and the proximity of the node coordinates. Through detailed analysis of the structural characteristics and fingerprints of each classified group, our classification method attained good accuracy. Targets were then identified using reverse docking methods, and the active centers of the same types of compounds were determined by quantum chemical calculation. The results indicated that these compounds can be divided into nine groups, according to their mean within-group similarity (MWGS) values. The three families with the most members, i.e., the d-limonene group (18), α-pinene group (10), and γ-maaliene group (nine members) determined the protein targets, using PharmMapper. Structure fingerprint analysis was employed to predict the binding mode of the ligands of four families of the protein targets. Thence, quantum chemical calculations were applied to the active group of the representative compounds of the four families. This study provides further scientific information to support the use of sunflower receptacles.  相似文献   

Cold-pressed oil content of Cannabis sativa (hemp) seeds from three different agro-ecological zones of Pakistan ranged from 26.90 to 31.50%. Protein, fiber, ash, and moisture content were found to be 23.00–26.50, 17.00–20.52, 5.00–7.60, and 5.60–8.50%, respectively. Results of some other physical and chemical parameters of the oil were as follows: iodine value, 154.00–165.00; refractive index (40°C), 1.4698–1.4750; density (24°C), 0.9180–0.9270 mg ml−1; saponification value, 184.00–190.00; unsaponifiable matter, 0.70–1.25%; and color (1-in cell), 0.50–0.80 R+27.00–32.00 Y. The induction period (Rancimat, 20 L h−1, 120°C) of the nondegummed and degummed oils ranged from 1.35 to 1.72 h and from 1.20 to 1.49 h, respectively. Specific extinctions at 232 and 270 nm were 3.50–4.18 and 0.95–1.43, respectively. The hemp oils investigated were found to contain high levels of linoleic acid, 56.50–60.50%, followed by α-linolenic, oleic, palmitic, stearic, and γ-linolenic acids: 16.85–20.00, 10.17–14.03, 5.75–8.27, 2.19–2.79, and 0.63–1.65%, respectively. Tocopherols (α, γ, and δ) in the nondegummed oils were found to be 54.02–60.40, 600.00–745.00, 35.00–45.60, respectively, and were reduced to 29.90–50.00, 590.00–640.00, and 30.40–39.50 mg kg−1, respectively, after degumming. The results of the present analytical study, compared with those found in the typical literature on hempseed oils, showed C. sativa indigenous to Pakistan to be a potentially valuable nonconventional oilseed crop of comparable quality.  相似文献   

One commonly observed effect of phytotoxic compounds is the inhibition or delay of germination of sensitive seeds. Mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seeds were incubated with aqueous extracts of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) leaves. Although sunflower phytotoxins did not influence seed viability, extracts completely inhibited seed germination. Inhibition of germination was associated with alterations in reserve mobilization and generation of energy in the catabolic phase of germination. Degradation of lipids was suppressed by sunflower foliar extracts resulting in insufficient carbohydrate supply. The lack of respiratory substrates and decrease in energy (ATP) generation resulted in suppression of the anabolic phase of seed germination and ultimately growth inhibition.Ewa Kupidłowska and Agnieszka Gniazdowska contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

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