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BACKGROUND: The incidence of anal cancer has increased in recent decades, particularly among women. To identify underlying risk factors, we conducted a population-based case-control study in Denmark and Sweden. METHODS: We conducted telephone interviews with 324 women and 93 men in whom invasive or in situ anal cancer was diagnosed between 1991 and 1994, 534 controls with adenocarcinoma of the rectum, and 554 population controls. The interviews covered a wide spectrum of possible risk factors for anal cancer. Odds ratios were calculated by logistic regression. Specimens of anal-cancer tissue and samples of rectal adenocarcinomas were tested for human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA with the polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Multivariate analysis revealed consistent and statistically significant associations between measures of sexual promiscuity and the risk of anal cancer in both men and women. There was a significant trend toward an association between higher numbers of partners of the opposite sex in women (P<0.001) and men (P<0.05) and strong associations with a variety of venereal diseases. In women, receptive anal intercourse, particularly before the age of 30 years, and venereal infections in the partner were also associated with an increased risk (odds ratios, 3.4 and 2.4, respectively). Fifteen percent of the men with anal cancer reported having had homosexual contact, as compared with none of the controls (P<0.001). High-risk types of HPV, notably HPV-16, were detected in 84 percent of the anal-cancer specimens examined, whereas all rectal-adenocarcinoma specimens tested were negative for HPV. CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides strong evidence that a sexually transmitted infection causes anal cancer. The presence of high-risk types of HPV, notably HPV-16 (which is known to cause cancer of the cervix), in the majority of anal-cancer tissue specimens suggests that most anal cancers are potentially preventable.  相似文献   

Interviews were carried out with 423 women and 93 men with invasive or in situ anal cancer in Denmark and Sweden in a search for clues to the aetiology of this neoplasm. Patients with rectal adenocarcinoma (n = 534) and persons drawn from the background population (n = 554) served as controls. Multivariate logistic regression analyses confirmed previous observations of a strong association between either male homosexual experience or a history of anogenital warts and the risk for anal cancer. Moreover, hitherto unknown, but strong and consistent associations were observed between measures of high heterosexual activity and the risk for anal cancer among both sexes. Polymerase chain reaction analysis revealed human papilloma-virus DNA in the majority (88%) of anal cancer specimens but in none of 20 examined rectal adenocarcinomas. It is concluded that most anal cancers appear to be caused by sexually transmitted types of human papillomaviruses and, consequently, that anal cancer is a potentially preventable neoplasm.  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate a possible association between reactivated herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection after lower third molar extraction and development of dry socket (DS). The HSV-1 antibody response was analyzed before and after tooth removal by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunoblotting in 208 patients. History of previous possible oral herpes reactivation was evaluated by a questionnaire that was based on self-rated frequency of oral cold sores. Tobacco users were identified. The anatomic proximity of the root apex to the mandibular nerve canal was classified radiographically before extraction. Fifteen patients (7%) developed DS after tooth extraction. Eleven of the 15 DS patients (73%) were HSV seropositive as compared with 7 of 15 (47%) in the matched control group. Seven of the 11 seropositive DS patients have shown HSV-1 reactivation by an increase of specific polypeptides, predominantly gB, gC, gD and ICP 4 and 6, in the immunoblot test. No change in HSV-1 reactivity was observed in control sera. DS patients reported a high frequency of oral cold sores (64%) compared with the controls (33%). Tobacco use was not found to influence the frequency of cold sores or the development of DS. A close radiographic proximity between the mandibular canal and root apex was more common (P < .05) in DS patients. The results indicate that extraction of a mandibular third molar could be a possible cause of reactivation and recurrence of an HSV-1 infection.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Eight-eight dogs admitted to the intensive care unit of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine were studied to determine the frequency of intravenous catheter-related infection. Dogs were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups. In group 2, the skin was scrubbed with an iodine soap before final rinsing with alcohol and tincture of iodine. After withdrawal of each catheter, its tip was examined by bacteriologic culture, and the limb was examined for signs of phlebitis. Bacteria were isolated from 24 (48.9%) catheter tips in group 1 and from 6 (15.4%) in group 2 (P less than 0.005). Phlebitis was evident in 6 dogs in group 1, and in 1 dog in group 2. One death occurred in group 1, from causes possibly associated with catheter infection. These data suggest that catheter-related infection may be wide-spread in the dog and that it can be reduced by meticulous skin preparation.  相似文献   

HISTORY AND CLINICAL FINDINGS: A 57-year-old man developed intermittent fever and fatigue 11 months after a two-chamber cardiac pacemaker had been implanted because of 2 degrees and 3 degrees A-V block. Antituberculosis treatment was initiated as tuberculosis was suspected. The infiltrate regressed, but the other symptoms persisted. Four months later he was admitted as an emergency because of septicaemia. INVESTIGATIONS: In addition to a recently discovered cardiac murmur there was a raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate (116 mm) and leucocytosis (13 600/microliters) with shift to the left. Coagulase-negative staphylococci were grown on several blood cultures. Transoesophageal echocardiography (TOE) demonstrated vegetation on the tricuspid valve, the pacing wires and the right ventricular outflow tract. DIAGNOSIS, TREATMENT AND COURSE: After the diagnosis of infective endocarditis had been established, antibiotic treatment was give with imipenem, gentamycin and teicoplanin, the pacemaker system and adherent thrombotic material were removed and a DDD pacemaker implanted from the other side. The patient remained free of symptoms during a follow-up period of 12 months. INTERPRETATION: Delayed diagnosis of infective endocarditis is not uncommon, because of the scarcity of typical symptoms. Repeated blood cultures and TOE are essential for the diagnosis.  相似文献   

The failure to eradicate group A beta-hemolytic streptococci from the pharynx is partly due to a low compliance, but above all, an alteration of the oropharyngeal microbiological flora: reduction of alpha-haemolytic streptococci which inhibit group A beta-hemolytic streptococci and increase of microorganisms such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis. These latter act indirectly destroying the beta-lactamic ring of penicillins. However, this obstacle is overcome by the use of antibiotics which do not contain beta-lactamic rings such as macrolides or associating amoxicillin with clavulanic acid or with new cephalosporins which are more resistant to beta lactamases. To restrict the diffusion of resistance to antibiotics, it is essential to limit their use diagnosing streptococcal tonsillopharyngitis more precisely, thanks to an improved use of micro-biological diagnostic tests and by a more extended use of tonsillectomy in recurrent tonsillitis (more than 6-7 in 1-2 years). Adenoiditis is closely related to the post nasal drip syndrome, to recurrent otitis media and to otitis media with effusion. All these situations could, therefore, represent an indication, although not well defined, for adenoidectomy. Nasopharyngeal obstruction due to adeno-tonsillar hypertrophy becomes critical during sleep when the hypotony of the upper airway muscles becomes additional to the anatomical obstruction. At this point the inspiratory effort required and the consequent decrease of intra airway pressure increase the pharyngeal obstruction suctioning the pharyngeal walls toward the median line. The resulting clinical picture is defined as sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) due to adenotonsillar hypertrophy (idiopathic), to be distinguished from SDB due to cranio-facial abnormalities or neuromuscular diseases. SDB includes both the more serious sleep apnea syndrome and the less severe upper airway respiratory resistance syndrome. A combination of symptoms and clinical data detectable both while awake or asleep, make the diagnosis simple. During sleep, both apnea and paradoxical inspiratory movements are highly specific while snoring is highly sensitive. To evaluate nasopharyngeal obstruction radiography and optic fibre endoscopy are both equally reliable. The gold standard test for non idiopathic SDB is the polysomnography, whereas for SDB, due to adenotonsillar hypertrophy, one is limited today to the recording during sleep of O2 saturation or of end tidal CO2. These investigations are, however, generally used up to 2 years of age, when the decision to carry out an adenoidectomy and especially a tonsillectomy is more difficult because of the greater risks which surgery involves at this age. The pharmacological therapy has a purely palliative function and is based on antibiotics, local vasoconstrictors, steroids and theophylline which acts more as an antiflogistic than as a breath stimulant. O2 therapy and nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) give better results, but are more difficult to carry out, in particular on a long term basis. Adenoidectomy especially if associated with tonsillectomy, leads to the resolution of the symptoms, but not always to a normalization of functional alterations (hypoxia and hypercapnia). For this reason, it is necessary to act on other factors which cause oedema of the nasopharyngeal mucosa contributing to the obstruction. In this area, the prevention of viral infections can be achieved by vaccination against influenza and by preventing the child from attending crowded day care centers. With regard to allergic inflammation, skin prick tests could be a first step in view of allergens avoidance measures. With regard to indoor air pollution, passive smoke must be stopped and the child kept out of the kitchen.  相似文献   

Candida parapsilosis should be recognized by primary care physicians as an important nosocomial pathogen, which is also frequently associated with sporadic skin and appendage infections. Its association with environmentally acquired skin ulcers can mimic fixed cutaneous sporotrichosis.  相似文献   

A case of the urachal sinus accompanied by umbilical infection is reported. A 21-day-old female infant was seen at the hospital because of umbilical granuloma, redness and umbilical purulent discharge. The separation of the umbilical cord in her neonate was delayed. IVP and CT examination revealed a urachal diverticulum from the urinary bladder to the umbilicus. The patient was diagnosed to have internal and external urachal sinus. In spite of systemic administration of antibiotic agents, the umbilical infection did not get well. After extruding of the external urachal sinus from the umbilicus, she had not had any symptoms. After 3 months the IVP did not revealed in urachal diverticulum.  相似文献   

The magnitude and pattern of surgical wound infection in a teaching hospital in Gondar, northwest Ethiopia, was studied prospectively over a one year period. Out of 129 abdominal surgical wounds from 129 patients, fifty (38.7%) yielded pathogenic organisms on culture. The wound infection rate was 21% on clinical grounds alone. Wound infection was significantly associated with class of wound; with the highest rate being 61.4% for contaminated or dirty wound. There was no difference in infection rate between emergency and elective operations. Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli were the leading aetiologic agents with rates of 28.8% and 27.1% of pathogenic isolates respectively. Surgical wound infection accounted for delay in the discharge of 14.7% of patients. This study has shown that the surgical wound infection rate in this teaching and tertiary level care hospital is high and control measures should be re-evaluated.  相似文献   

We report a case of acquired laryngomalacia in which airway obstruction due to prolapse of the epiglottis during inspiration was observed immediately after a unilateral mouth floor resection. Suggested causes are resection of unilateral elevator muscles of the hyoid bone, epiglottic oedema and transient loss of pharyngeal motor control due to surgical intervention and high-dose radiation.  相似文献   

We present a case report which describes a rare cause of a common clinical problem; eustachian tube dysfunction. A seven-year-old child presented with a history of chronic draining ears, despite rigorous medical therapy and multiple ventilation tubes. At myringotomy a mass was noted in the middle ear, and she was taken to the operating room for exploration. The patient was found to have a pedunculated lipoma arising from the anterior medial aspect of the middle-ear cleft producing intermittent obstruction of the eustachian tube orifice. This case represents the fourth case of a middle-ear lipoma in the world literature. We present a review of the literature and an exploration of possible aetiologies of this unusual entity in the differential diagnosis of eustachian tube dysfunction.  相似文献   

We report a 55-year-old woman with coccydynia due to a sacral mass. The histological diagnosis was haemangioma. The MRI findings and the unusual location of this lesion are discussed.  相似文献   

Out of 21 male patients with osteoporosis who visited an outpatient clinic for endocrine diseases in two years (1994-1995), three had systemic mastocytosis as diagnosed histopathologically. Two of these had characteristic features of urticaria pigmentosa, consisting of multiple brown nodules on the skin of trunk and extremities, and a positive Darier sign. In all of them the excretion of the histamine metabolites methylhistamine and methylimidazoleacetic acid in a 24-hour urine specimen was increased. When osteoporosis is diagnosed in men or premenopausal women, underlying pathology could be considered. Cautious investigation of signs and symptoms of systemic mastocytosis in such patients might prove this disease be less rare than is often assumed.  相似文献   

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