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Paul L. RosinAuthor Vitae 《Pattern recognition》2003,36(2):505-518
In a recent paper, we described a method for assessing the accuracy of polygonal approximation algorithms (IEEE Trans. PAMI 19(6) (1997) 659). Here, we develop several measures to assess the stability of such approximation algorithms under two classes of variations, namely perturbations of the data and changes in the algorithms’ scale parameters. In order to quantify the former, a break-point stability index is defined and tested. For the latter, two indices are introduced; (1) a monotonicity index is applied to analyse the change in the approximation error or the number of line segments against increasing scale, and (2) a consistency index quantifies the variation in results produced at the same scale by an algorithm (but with different input parameter values). Finally, the previously developed accuracy figure of merit is calculated and averaged over 21 test curves for different parameter values to obtain more reliable scores. 相似文献
In this paper, fast recursive algorithms for the approximation of an n-dimensional convex polytope by means of an inscribed ellipsoid are presented. These algorithms consider at each step a single inequality describing the polytope and, under mild assumptions, they are guaranteed to converge in a finite number of steps. For their recursive nature, the proposed algorithms are better suited to treat a quite large number of constraints than standard off-line solutions, and have their natural application to problems where the set of constraints is iteratively updated, as on-line estimation problems, nonlinear convex optimization procedures and set membership identification. 相似文献
Peng-Yeng YinAuthor Vitae 《Pattern recognition》2003,36(8):1783-1797
This paper presents a new polygonal approximation method using ant colony search algorithm. The problem is represented by a directed graph such that the objective of the original problem becomes to find the shortest closed circuit on the graph under the problem-specific constraints. A number of artificial ants are distributed on the graph and communicate with one another through the pheromone trails which are a form of the long-term memory guiding the future exploration of the graph. The important properties of the proposed method are thoroughly investigated. The performance of the proposed method as compared to those of the genetic-based and the tabu search-based approaches is very promising. 相似文献
We describe a new technique for fast “scan-along” computation of piecewise linear approximations of digital curves in 2-space. Our method is derived from earlier work on the theory of minimum-perimeter polygonal approximations of digitized closed curves.We demonstrate the specialization of this technique to the case where the error is measured as the largest Hausdorff-Euclidean distance between the approximation and the given digitized curve. We illustrate the application of this procedure to the boundaries of the images of a lung and a rib in chest radiographs. 相似文献
Object shape representation plays an important role in the area of image processing, pattern recognition and computer vision. In the past two decades, many algorithms have been suggested for creating approximated polygons. In this study, two new polygonal approximation methods based on the geometric moments and the orthogonal moments defined in terms of Legendre polynomials are proposed. The difference between the moments defined by the initial contour and those of the approximated polygon is taken as the objective function. Each algorithm provides various polygonal approximation results with different number of line segments for different application situations. For a given error bound, we can determine the optimal polygon with a minimum number of line segments. The procedures are applied to some digital curves and better results are obtained in comparison with some known methods. 相似文献
An optimization problem for polygonal approximation of 2-D shapes is investigated in this paper. The optimization problem for a digital contour of N points with the approximating polygon of K vertices has a search space of C(N, K) instances, i.e., the number of ways of choosing K vertices out of N points. A genetic-algorithm-based method has been proposed for determining the optimal polygons of digital curves, and its performance is better than that of several existing methods for the polygonal approximation problems. This paper proposes an efficient evolutionary algorithm (EEA) with a novel orthogonal array crossover for obtaining the optimal solution to the polygonal approximation problem. It is shown empirically that the proposed EEA outperforms the existing genetic-algorithm-based method under the same cost conditions in terms of the quality of the best solution, average solution, variance of solutions, and the convergence speed, especially in solving large polygonal approximation problems. 相似文献
Marc Salotti 《Pattern recognition》2002,35(2):435-443
We address the problem of finding an optimal polygonal approximation of digitized curves. Several optimal algorithms have already been proposed to determine the minimum number of points that define a polygonal approximation of the curve, with respect to a criterion error. We present a new algorithm with reasonable complexity to determine the optimal polygonal approximation using the mean square error norm. The idea is to estimate the remaining number of segments and to integrate the cost in the A* algorithm. The solution is optimal in the minimum number of segments. 相似文献
A new, sequential algorithm for polygonal approximation of plane, closed curves is presented. It runs in O(N) time and is based on a tolerance independent of the scale factor. 相似文献
M. Pawan Kumar Saurabh Goyal Sujit Kuthirummal C. V. Jawahar P. J. Narayanan 《Image and vision computing》2004,22(14):322-1239
Recognition of discrete planar contours under similarity transformations has received a lot of attention but little work has been reported on recognizing them under more general transformations. Planar object boundaries undergo projective or affine transformations across multiple views. We present two methods to recognize discrete curves in this paper. The first method computes a piecewise parametric approximation of the discrete curve that is projectively invariant. A polygon approximation scheme and a piecewise conic approximation scheme are presented here. The second method computes an invariant sequence directly from the sequence of discrete points on the curve in a Fourier transform space. The sequence is shown to be identical up to a scale factor in all affine related views of the curve. We present the theory and demonstrate its applications to several problems including numeral recognition, aircraft recognition, and homography computation. 相似文献
In some applications of triangulation, such as finite-element mesh generation, the aim is to triangulate a given domain, not just a set of points. One approach to meeting this requirement, while maintaining the desirable properties of Delaunay triangulation, has been to enforce the empty circumcircle property of Delaunay triangulation, subject to the additional constraint that the edges of a polygon be covered by edges of the triangulation. In finite-element mesh generation it is usually necessary to include additional points besides the vertices of the domain boundary. This motivates us to ask whether it is possible to trinagulate a domain by introducing additional points in such a manner that the Delaunay triangulation of the points includes the edges of the domain boundary. We present algorithms that given a multiply connected polygonal domain withN vertices, placeK additional points on the boundary inO(N logN + K) time such that the polygon is covered by the edges of the Delaunay triangulation of theN + K points. Furthermore,K is the minimum number of additional points such that a circle, passing through the endpoints of each boundary edge segment, exists that does not contain in its interior any other part of the domain boundary. We also show that by adding only one more point per edge, certain degeneracies that may otherwise arise can be avoided. 相似文献
Mathieu Gerard Author Vitae Bart De Schutter Author Vitae Author Vitae 《Automatica》2009,45(2):525-531
This paper describes a hybrid steepest descent method to decrease over time any given convex cost function while keeping the optimization variables in any given convex set. The method takes advantage of the properties of hybrid systems to avoid the computation of projections or of a dual optimum. The convergence to a global optimum is analyzed using Lyapunov stability arguments. A discretized implementation and simulation results are presented and analyzed. This method is of practical interest to integrate real-time convex optimization into embedded controllers thanks to its implementation as a dynamical system, its simplicity, and its low computation cost. 相似文献
J.M. Carnicer 《Computer Aided Geometric Design》2011,28(9):523-526
This note revisits the progressive iteration approximation property and some recent modifications from the point of view of iterative methods for solving linear systems. In particular we show the connection with the classical Richardson iteration and modified Richardson iteration. We propose to use GMRES as an alternative iterative method. Numerical experiments achieve much better approximations with only few iterations, which can be explained by an interpretation of the GMRES method. 相似文献
Guillaume Lavoue Author Vitae Florent Dupont Author VitaeAuthor Vitae 《Pattern recognition》2005,38(8):1139-1151
This paper presents an algorithm dealing with the data reduction and the approximation of 3D polygonal curves. Our method is able to approximate efficiently a set of straight 3D segments or points with a piecewise smooth subdivision curve, in a near optimal way in terms of control point number. Our algorithm is a generalization for subdivision rules, including sharp vertex processing, of the Active B-Spline Curve developed by Pottmann et al. We have also developed a theoretically demonstrated approach, analysing curvature properties of B-Splines, which computes a near optimal evaluation of the initial number and positions of control points. Moreover, our original Active Footpoint Parameterization method prevents wrong matching problems occurring particularly for self-intersecting curves. Thus, the stability of the algorithm is highly increased. Our method was tested on different sets of curves and gives satisfying results regarding to approximation error, convergence speed and compression rate. This method is in line with a larger 3D CAD object compression scheme by piecewise subdivision surface approximation. The objective is to fit a subdivision surface on a target patch by first fitting its boundary with a subdivision curve whose control polygon will represent the boundary of the surface control polyhedron. 相似文献
A. Carmona-Poyato Author Vitae R. Medina-Carnicer Author VitaeAuthor Vitae R. Muñoz-Salinas Author VitaeAuthor Vitae 《Pattern recognition》2011,44(1):45-54
This paper presents a novel method for assessing the accuracy of unsupervised polygonal approximation algorithms. This measurement relies on a polygonal approximation called the “reference approximation”. The reference approximation is obtained using the method of Perez and Vidal [11] by an iterative method that optimizes an objective function. Then, the proposed measurement is calculated by comparing the reference approximation with the approximation to be evaluated, taking into account the similarity between the polygonal approximation and the original contour, and penalizing polygonal approximations with an excessive number of points. A comparative experiment by using polygonal approximations obtained with commonly used algorithms showed that the proposed measurement is more efficient than other proposed measurements at comparing polygonal approximations with different number of points. 相似文献
Alexander Kolesnikov Author Vitae Pasi Fränti Author Vitae 《Pattern recognition》2007,40(4):1282-1293
Optimal polygonal approximation of closed curves differs from the case of open curve in the sense that the location of the starting point must also be determined. Straightforward exhaustive search would take N times more time than the corresponding optimal algorithm for an open curve, because there are N possible points to be considered as the starting point. Faster sub-optimal solution can be found by iterating the search and heuristically selecting different starting point at each iteration. In this paper, we propose to find the optimal approximation of a cyclically extended closed curve of double size, and to select the best possible starting point by search in the extended search space for the curve. The proposed approach provides solution very close to the optimal one using at most twice as much time as required by the optimal algorithm for the corresponding open curve. 相似文献
Let P andQ be two convex,n-vertex polygons. We consider the problem of computing, in parallel, some functions ofP andQ whenP andQ are disjoint. The model of parallel computation we consider is the CREW-PRAM, i.e., it is the synchronous shared-memory model where concurrent reads are allowed but no two processors can simultaneously attempt to write in the same memory location (even if they are trying to write the same thing). We show that a CREW-PRAM havingn
1/k processors can compute the following functions in O(k1+) time: (i) the common tangents betweenP andQ, and (ii) the distance betweenP andQ (and hence a straight line separating them). The positive constant can be made arbitrarily close to zero. Even with a linear number of processors, it was not previously known how to achieve constant time performance for computing these functions. The algorithm for problem (ii) is easily modified to detect the case of zero distance as well.This research was supported by the Office of Naval Research under Grants N00014-84-K-0502 and N00014-86-K-0689, and the National Science Foundation under Grant DCR-8451393, with matching funds from AT&T. 相似文献
Visibility has found wide applications in manufacturing operations planning and computer vision and graphics. The motivation of this paper is to accurately calculate visibility for objects whose surface is represented by polygonal facets. In this paper, the authors focus on determining non-visibility cones, which are the complementary sets of visibility. This is accomplished by determining sliding planes that comprise the boundaries of a non-visibility cone. The approach presented in this paper directly evaluates the boundaries of the non-visibility cone of an arbitrary convex planar polygon due to the visibility blocked by obstacle polygons. The method is capable of calculating visibility for convex polygons with any number of sides, not limited to triangular facetted models. Implementation is demonstrated in this paper for three to six sided polygonal models. 相似文献