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The authors extended Hobfoll's Conservation of Resources (COR) model to examine the influence of emotional dissonance and work resources on burnout among 392 Chinese human service employees. Bivariate correlation results showed that emotional dissonance correlated positively with display rules and burnout, but negatively with work resources, specifically, satisfactory work relations and job rewards. Results of structural equation modeling analyses supported the extension of the COR model to study the dissonance-resources-burnout association. In the revised model, display rules had a direct impact on emotional dissonance, which in turn influenced burnout indirectly through the mediation of work resources. Limitations of the study and implications for work stress management are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Based on the effort-recovery model, this study links work–family conflict (WFC) and family–work conflict (FWC) with the concept of recovery. The authors hypothesize that 2 recovery strategies—psychological detachment from work and verbal expression of emotions—moderate the relationship of these 2 types of conflict with 2 indicators of well-being, namely psychological strain and life satisfaction. For our sample of 128 emergency professionals from Spain, psychological detachment from work moderated the relationship between WFC and psychological strain, and between FWC and life satisfaction. Verbal expression of emotions moderated the relationship between both types of conflict and psychological strain. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study examines whether cognitive control deficits (CCDs) as a personal vulnerability factor amplify the relationship between emotional dissonance (ED; perceived discrepancy between felt and expressed emotions) and burnout symptoms (emotional exhaustion and depersonalization) as well as absenteeism. CCDs refer to daily failures and impairments of attention regulation, impulse control, and memory. The prediction of the moderator effect of CCDs draws on the argument that portraying emotions which are not genuinely felt is a form of self-regulation taxing and depleting a limited resource capacity. Interindividual differences in the resource capacity are reflected by the measure of CCDs. Drawing on two German samples (one cross-sectional and one longitudinal sample; NTOTAL = 645) of service employees, the present study analyzed interactive effects of ED and CCDs on exhaustion, depersonalization, and two indicators of absenteeism. As was hypothesized, latent moderated structural equation modeling revealed that the adverse impacts of ED on both burnout symptoms and absence behavior were amplified as a function of CCDs. Theoretical and practical implications of the present results will be discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that empowering managerial practises have small and variable effects on employees' behaviours. The objective of this study is to assess whether organisational climate and justice perceptions moderate the relationship between supervisor empowering managerial practises (SEMPs) and employees' behavioural empowerment. Self-report data were gathered from a sample of 358 employees from three service-sector organisations in a cross-sectional study. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that both perceptions of organisational climate and justice interact with SEMPs in the prediction of employees' behavioural empowerment. As expected, SEMPs were more positively related to behavioural empowerment when perceptions of organisational supportive climate and justice were higher. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Drawing from previous research on the effect of role conflict on burnout and the Conservation of Resources theory, the authors propose that individual differences in political skill and perceptions of organizational support will be negatively related to burnout and will also moderate the relationship between perceived role conflict and burnout. In a sample of 120 professional employees, political skill was associated with less depersonalization and feelings of reduced personal accomplishment and moderated the role conflict-reduced personal accomplishment relationship. Perceived organizational support was associated with less emotional exhaustion and depersonalization and moderated the role conflict-emotional exhaustion relationship. Implications of results are discussed and directions for future research are offered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In a quasi-experiment designed to examine the relief from job stress and burnout afforded by a vacation respite, 76 clerks completed measures of job stress and burnout twice before a vacation, once during vacation, and twice after vacation. There was a decline in burnout during the vacation and a return to prevacation levels by the time of the second postvacation measure. Comparing the two prevacation measures indicated no anticipation effects. However the return to work showed gradual fade-out, as burnout returned part way toward its prevacation level by 3 days after the vacation and all the way by 3 weeks after the vacation. Women and those satisfied with their vacations experienced greater relief; however, both subsamples also experienced the quickest fade-out. The respite effect and its complete fade-out were detected among all subgroups analyzed. Burnout, relief, interpersonal stress crossover, and burnout climate at work are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: The objective of this study was to examine cardiovascular responses among Black, non-Hispanic White, and Latina/o participants exposed to a potentially discriminatory situation. The study also examined the moderating role of prior history of discrimination on cardiovascular responses. Design: Black, Latina/o, and White participants engaged in a resting baseline and then interacted with an uncivil White research assistant. Main Outcome Measures: Two measures of prior exposure to discrimination were administered. Participants' blood pressure and heart rate (HR) were monitored throughout the protocol. The primary outcomes were resting cardiovascular function and cardiovascular reactivity to the uncivil interaction. Results: Past discrimination was related to higher resting systolic blood pressure (SBP) among Latina/o participants and lower resting SBP among White participants. Further, past discrimination was related to attenuated SBP and HR reactivity among Latina/o participants but was related to augmented HR reactivity among White participants. Discrimination was not related to resting levels or reactivity among Black participants. Conclusion: This study is the first to examine the relationship between discrimination and cardiovascular responses to interpersonal incivility among Black, Latina/o, and White individuals. Findings suggest that the relationship between discrimination and cardiovascular risk may differ by ethnicity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Research conducted with European Americans suggests that attention to the individual self intensifies emotional reactivity. We propose, however, that cultural models of the self determine which aspect of the self (individual vs. relational), when attended to, intensifies emotional reactivity. In 3 studies, we predicted and observed that attention to individual aspects of the self was associated with levels of emotional reactivity that were greater in individuals from European American contexts (which promote an independent model of the self) than in individuals from Asian American contexts (which promote an interdependent model of the self). In contrast, attention to relational aspects of the self was associated with levels of emotional reactivity that were similar or greater in individuals from Asian American than in individuals from European American contexts. These findings highlight the importance of considering cultural and situational factors when examining links between the self and emotion. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Predicted that situations capable of inducing negative affective states among supervisors would promote the use of coercion by supervisors. 57 white and 9 black 1st-line supervisors in a steel plant were asked to describe an incident in which they had used delegated powers to correct subordinate behavior. Analysis of these incidents revealed that supervisors used more coercion with black than white subordinates, and with union than nonunion subordinates. It is assumed that in both instances, heightened emotional responses caused by prejudice in the case of black subordinates and resistance to orders in the case of union members induced the use of coercion. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the role of psychophysiological reactivity to general stressors measured before smoking cessation as a predictor of relapse in individuals who quit for a minimum of 12 hrs and were then followed for a 12-mo interval. The study group consisted of 132 (56.9%) female and 100 (43.1%) male participants in a formal smoking cessation program. The reactivity measures were taken while the Ss were still smoking. Heart rate and blood pressure measurements were taken while Ss were resting, performing mental arithmetic, and delivering a speech and after Ss had been standing for 2 min. In the sample as a whole and for women, a higher level of systolic blood pressure reactivity to the cognitive challenge was associated with a shorter time to relapse. In men, greater systolic blood pressure decline to standing was significantly associated with a shorter time to relapse. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Prior research has shown that procedural fairness interacts with outcome fairness to influence employees’ work attitudes (e.g., organizational commitment) and behaviors (e.g., job performance, organizational citizenship behavior), such that employees’ tendencies to respond more positively to higher procedural fairness are stronger when outcome fairness is relatively low. In the present studies, we posited that people’s uncertainty about their standing as organizational members would have a moderating influence on this interactive relationship between procedural fairness and outcome fairness, in that the interactive relationship was expected to be more pronounced when uncertainty was high. Using different operationalizations of uncertainty of standing (i.e., length of tenure as a proxy, along with self-reports and coworkers’ reports), we found support for this hypothesis in 4 field studies spanning 3 different countries. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studies of Western samples (e.g., European Americans [EAs]) suggest that depressed individuals tend to show diminished emotional reactivity (J. G. Gehricke & A. J. Fridlund, 2002; G. E. Schwartz, P. L. Fair, P. Salt, M. R. Mandel, & G. L. Klerman, 1976a, 1976b). Do these findings generalize to individuals oriented to other cultures (e.g., East Asian cultures)? The authors compared the emotional reactions (i.e., reports of emotional experience, facial behavior, and physiological reactivity) of depressed and nondepressed EAs and Asian Americans of East Asian descent (AAs) to sad and amusing films. Their results were consistent with previous findings: Depressed EAs showed a pattern of diminished reactivity to the sad film (less crying, less intense reports of sadness) compared with nondepressed participants. In contrast, depressed AAs showed a pattern of heightened emotional reactivity (greater crying) compared with nondepressed participants. Across cultural groups, depressed and nondepressed participants did not differ in their reports of amusement or facial behavior during the amusing film. Physiological reactivity to the film clips did not differ between depressed and control participants for either cultural group. Thus, although depression may influence particular aspects of emotional reactivity across cultures (e.g., crying), the specific direction of this influence may depend on prevailing cultural norms regarding emotional expression. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the effects of objective and subjective stress levels and perceived control on serum uric acid (SUA). Respondents were 2,504 male and 1,176 female manufacturing employees. Objective job-related stress was assessed by the Ergonomic Stress Level (ESL) inventory (S. Melamed, D. Yekutieli, P. Froom, E. Kristal-Boneh, & J. Ribak, 1999). As expected, ESL was positively associated with SUA, but among male respondents only. The measure of subjective stress, environmental annoyance, was negatively related with SUA for male respondents, thus not confirming the hypothesis. Perceived control was not found to have a direct effect on SUA, after controlling for the ESL measure. For male respondents only, perceived control moderated the relationship between ESL and SUA: This relationship was negative for those reporting above-average control and positive for those reporting below-average control. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Urban teens face many traumas, with implications for potential growth and distress. This study examined traumatic events, posttraumatic growth, and emotional distress over 18 months among urban adolescent girls (N = 328). Objectives were to (a) describe types of traumatic events, (b) determine how type and timing of events relate to profiles of posttraumatic growth, and (c) prospectively examine effects of event type and posttraumatic growth on short- and long-term emotional distress with controls for pre-event distress. Results indicate that type of event was related to profiles of posttraumatic growth, but not with subsequent emotional distress. When baseline emotional distress was controlled, posttraumatic growth was associated with subsequent reductions in short- and long-term emotional distress. Implications for future research and clinical practice with adolescents are addressed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Given the salience of work in our society, this study investigated how intrinsic work motivation, work hours, and taking time for self influenced the interplay between the emotional climates of work and home. The authors examined day-to-day emotional transmission between work and home (spillover) for 143 families using the experience sampling method and interview data from the Sloan Center's 500 Family Study (L. J. Waite & B. Schneider, 1997). Intrinsic work motivation, work hours, and taking time for self were used as predictors of spillover. There was evidence of emotional transmission from work to home for mothers' happiness, anger, and anxiety as well as for father's anxiety. Also, fathers scoring higher on intrinsic work motivation tended to report greater overall anxiety at home after the workday. Anxiety from work was less likely to spill over to the home when fathers reported working longer hours. These findings have practice implications for improving worker productivity and the well-being of two-working-parent families. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In vivo microdialysis was used to assess the effects of novelty and pain on hippocampal ACh release in male and female rats. Experiments were carried out during the dark phase and consisted of 2 days of tests: on Day 1, after Baseline 1, animals were exposed to a new cage (Novelty) to which, 30 min later, a plastic cylinder (Object) was introduced. On Day 2, after Baseline 2, the Formalin test (50 microl of formalin 10%, s.c. injected in the dorsal hindpaw) was carried out in the animal's home cage. All behaviors were recorded. The extracellular levels of ACh in the dorsal hippocampus were estimated, in 10-min samples, by assay of ACh in the dialysates by HPLC. On Day 1 the raw values of ACh were higher in females than in males, but no sex difference was present when the percentage of change was considered. In both sexes the Novelty and Object tests induced an increase in ACh levels with respect to Baseline. Higher levels of exploration were present in females than males during the first 10 min of Novelty. On Day 2, ACh release increased in both sexes during the Formalin test. No sex difference in either ACh raw values or the percentages of change were found. Females showed higher levels of licking and lower levels of activity than males. The present study shows that novelty and pain induce similar hippocampal cholinergic activation in male and female rats but different behaviors. The results are discussed in light of the several anatomical and functional sex differences present in the hippocampus.  相似文献   

The goal of this naturalistic study was to examine heterogeneity among female and male civil psychiatric patients with a history of intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetration. Participants were 567 patients drawn from the MacArthur Violence Risk Assessment Study (J. Monahan et al., 2001). The authors examined subtype composition among 138 women and 93 men with positive histories of IPV and compared these groups with 111 women and 225 men with no histories of IPV. Findings for men and women were consistent with reports from studies of male perpetrators in forensic and community settings in that generally violent/antisocial, borderline/dysphoric, and family only/low-psychopathology subtypes of perpetrators were identified in both men and women. This study provides preliminary evidence for the generalizability of typologies derived from nonpsychiatric partner violence perpetrators to psychiatric populations and suggests that typologies derived from studies of male IPV perpetrators may provide useful guidance for the investigation of female IPV perpetration. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

People often encounter difficulty when making conscious attempts to regulate their emotions. We propose that nonconscious self-regulatory processes may be of help in these difficult circumstances because nonconscious processes are not subject to the same set of limitations as are conscious processes. Two experiments examined the effects of nonconsciously operating goals on people’s emotion regulatory success. In Experiment 1, participants engaged in an anxiety-eliciting task. Participants who had a reappraisal emotion control goal primed and operating nonconsciously achieved the same decrease in physiological reactivity as those explicitly instructed to reappraise. In Experiment 2, the effect of nonconscious reappraisal priming on physiological reactivity was shown to be most pronounced for those who do not habitually use reappraisal strategies. The findings highlight the potential importance of nonconscious goals for facilitating emotional control in complex real-world environments and have implications for contemporary models of emotion regulation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study used university-based statistics of performance and self-rated employee productivity to examine the relationship between stress levels, organizational commitment, health, and performance. The authors conducted a secondary analysis of data from staff in 13 higher education institutions. In common with earlier research, the authors found that stressors had a negative linear relationship with all the performance measures used. However, this relationship was also influenced by physical health, psychological well-being, and organizational commitment, and by the measure of performance used. In addition, the authors found variations in the relationship between performance and stress by category of staff, which suggests the influence of job factors. These findings are discussed in relation to previous research and their implications for English academic institutions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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