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We prove that weak bisimilarity is decidable in polynomial time between finite-state systems and several classes of infinite-state systems: context-free processes and normed basic parallel processes (normed BPP). To the best of our knowledge, these are the first polynomial algorithms for weak bisimilarity problems involving infinite-state systems.  相似文献   

We investigate normed commutative context-free processes (Basic Parallel Processes). We show that branching bisimilarity admits the bounded response property: in the Bisimulation Game, Duplicator always has a response leading to a process of size linearly bounded with respect to the Spoiler’s process. The linear bound is effective, which leads to decidability of branching bisimilarity. For weak bisimilarity, we are able merely to show existence of some linear bound, which is not sufficient for decidability. We conjecture however that the same effective bound holds for weak bisimilarity as well. We suppose that further elaboration of novel techniques developed in this paper may be sufficient to demonstrate decidability.  相似文献   

分层刻画是传统的互模拟概念研究中的一个重要内容,它为一些互模拟判定算法提供了理论基石。(η,α)-互模拟是一种带折扣的近似互模拟概念,其定义蕴涵着一种折扣思想:在比较系统差异时,越晚出现的差异越不重要。为(η,α)-互模拟建立分层刻画,将清晰地揭示这种折扣思想。此外,由于(η,α)-互模拟一般不是等价关系,所以传统的互模拟判定算法中常用的最粗划分方法不适用于(η,α)-互模拟的判定,基于(η,α)-互模拟的分层刻画给出一种该互模拟的判定算法。还提供一个简单的例子用于说明(η,α)-互模拟及其判定算法在描述实现与规范之间关系时的应用。  相似文献   

History preserving bisimilarity (hp-bisimilarity) and hereditary history preserving bisimilarity (hhp-bisimilarity) are behavioural equivalences taking into account causal relationships between events of concurrent systems. Their prominent feature is that they are preserved under action refinement, an operation important for the top-down design of concurrent systems. It is shown that, in contrast to hp-bisimilarity, checking hhp-bisimilarity for finite labelled asynchronous transition systems is undecidable, by a reduction from the halting problem of 2-counter machines. To make the proof more transparent a novel intermediate problem of checking domino bisimilarity for origin constrained tiling systems is introduced and shown undecidable. It is also shown that the unlabelled domino bisimilarity problem is undecidable, which implies undecidability of hhp-bisimilarity for unlabelled finite asynchronous systems. Moreover, it is argued that the undecidability of hhp-bisimilarity holds for finite elementary net systems and 1-safe Petri nets.  相似文献   

We propose a fully abstract semantics for valuepassing CCS for trees (VCCTS) with the feature that processes are located at the vertices of a graph whose edges describe possible interaction capabilities. The operational semantics is given both in terms of a reduction semantics and in terms of a labelled transition semantics. We develop a theory of behavioral equivalences by introducing both weak barbed congruence and weak bisimilarity. In particular, we show that, on image-finite processes, weak barbed congruence coincides with weak bisimilarity. To illustrate potential applications and the powerful expressiveness of VCCTS, we formally compare VCCTS with some well-known models, e.g., dynamic pushdown networks, top-down tree automata and value-passing CCS.  相似文献   

In higher-order process calculi, the values exchanged in communications may contain processes. A core calculus of higher-order concurrency is studied; it has only the operators necessary to express higher-order communications: input prefix, process output, and parallel composition. By exhibiting a deterministic encoding of Minsky machines, the calculus is shown to be Turing complete. Therefore its termination problem is undecidable. Strong bisimilarity, however, is shown to be decidable. Furthermore, the main forms of strong bisimilarity for higher-order processes (higher-order bisimilarity, context bisimilarity, normal bisimilarity, barbed congruence) coincide. They also coincide with their asynchronous versions. A sound and complete axiomatization of bisimilarity is given. Finally, bisimilarity is shown to become undecidable if at least four static (i.e., top-level) restrictions are added to the calculus.  相似文献   

Process algebra approach to reasoning about concurrent actions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A reasonable transition rule is proposed for synchronized actions and some equational properties ofbisimilarity and weak bisimilarity in the process algebra for reasoning about concurrent actions are presented.  相似文献   

It is an open problem whether weak bisimilarity is decidable for Basic Process Algebra (BPA) and Basic Parallel Processes (BPP). A PSPACE lower bound for BPA and NP lower bound for BPP have been demonstrated by Stribrna. Mayr achieved recently a result, saying that weak bisimilarity for BPP is Πp2-hard. We improve this lower bound to PSPACE, moreover for the restricted class of normed BPP.Weak regularity (finiteness) of BPA and BPP is not known to be decidable either. In the case of BPP there is a Πp2-hardness result by Mayr, which we improve to PSPACE. No lower bound has previously been established for BPA. We demonstrate DP-hardness, which in particular implies both NP and co-NP-hardness.In each of the bisimulation/regularity problems we consider also the classes of normed processes.Note: full version of the paper appears as [18].  相似文献   

We prove that probabilistic bisimilarity is decidable over probabilistic extensions of BPA and BPP processes. For normed subclasses of probabilistic BPA and BPP processes we obtain polynomial-time algorithms. Further, we show that probabilistic bisimilarity between probabilistic pushdown automata and finite-state systems is decidable in exponential time. If the number of control states in PDA is bounded by a fixed constant, then the algorithm needs only polynomial time. The work has been supported by the research centre Institute for Theoretical Computer Science (ITI), project No. 1M0545.  相似文献   

We present an exact characterization of those transition systems which can be equivalently (up to bisimilarity) defined by the syntax of normed BPA and normed BPP processes. We give such a characterization for the subclasses of normed BPA and normed BPP processes as well. Next we demonstrate the decidability of the problem whether for a given normed BPA process there is some unspecified normed BPP process such that and are bisimilar. The algorithm is polynomial. Furthermore, we show that if the answer to the previous question is positive, then (an example of) the process is effectively constructible. Analogous algorithms are provided for normed BPP processes. Simplified versions of the mentioned algorithms which work for normed BPA and normed BPP are given too. As a simple consequence we obtain the decidability of bisimilarity in the union of normed BPA and normed BPP processes. Received: 3 June 1997  相似文献   

Exploiting linear type structure, we introduce a new theory of weak bisimilarity for the π-calculus in which we abstract away not only τ-actions but also non-τ actions which do not affect well-typed observers. This gives a congruence far larger than the standard bisimilarity while retaining semantic soundness. The framework is smoothly extendible to other settings involving nondeterminism and state. As an application we develop a behavioural theory of secrecy in the π-calculus which ensures secure information flow for a strictly greater set of processes than the type-based approach, while still offering compositional verification techniques.  相似文献   

In the study of process calculi, encoding between different calculi is an effective way to compare the expressive power of calculi and can shed light on the essence of where the difference lies. Thomsen and Sangiorgi have worked on the higher-order calculi (higher-order Calculus of Communicating Systems (CCS) and higher-orderπ-calculus, respectively) and the encoding from and to first-orderπ-calculus. However a fully abstract encoding of first-orderπ-calculus with higher-order CCS is not available up-tod...  相似文献   

It is an open problem whether weak bisimilarity is decidable for Basic Process Algebra (BPA) and Basic Parallel Processes (BPP). A PSPACE lower bound for BPA and NP lower bound for BPP have been demonstrated by Stribrna. Mayr achieved recently a result, saying that weak bisimilarity for BPP is Πp2-hard. We improve this lower bound to PSPACE, moreover for the restricted class of normed BPP.Weak regularity (finiteness) of BPA and BPP is not known to be decidable either. In the case of BPP there is a Πp2-hardness result by Mayr, which we improve to PSPACE. No lower bound has previously been established for BPA. We demonstrate DP-hardness, which in particular implies both NP and co-NP-hardness.In each of the bisimulation/regularity problems we consider also the classes of normed processes.Note: full version of the paper appears as [18].  相似文献   

The paper presents a case study on the synthesis of labelled transition systems (ltss) for process calculi, choosing as testbed Milner’s Calculus of Communicating System (ccs).The proposal is based on a graphical encoding: each ccs process is mapped into a graph equipped with suitable interfaces, such that the denotation is fully abstract with respect to the usual structural congruence.Graphs with interfaces are amenable to the synthesis mechanism proposed by Ehrig and König and based on borrowed contexts (bcs), an instance of relative pushouts originally introduced by Milner and Leifer.The bc mechanism allows the effective construction of an lts that has graphs with interfaces as both states and labels, and such that the associated bisimilarity is automatically a congruence.Our paper focuses on the analysis of the lts distilled by exploiting the encoding of ccs processes: besides offering major technical contributions towards the simplification of the bc mechanism, a key result of our work is the proof that the bisimilarity on processes obtained via bcs coincides with the standard strong bisimilarity for ccs.  相似文献   

RCCS is a variant of Milner's CCS where processes are allowed a controlled form of backtracking. It turns out that the RCCS reinterpretation of a CCS process is equivalent, in the sense of weak bisimilarity, to its causal transition system in CCS. This can be used to develop an efficient method for designing distributed algorithms, which we illustrate here by deriving a distributed algorithm for assembling trees. Such a problem requires solving a highly distributed consensus, and a comparison with a traditional CCS-based solution shows that the code we obtain is shorter, easier to understand, and easier to prove correct by hand, or even to verify.  相似文献   

It is well known that the family of context-sensitive grammars generate languages which are not context-free and that it is undecidable whether a context-sensitive grammar generates a context-free language. However, the mechanism by which the use of context allows a non-context-free language to be generated is not well understood. In this paper we attempt to focus on this problem by surveying some of the results which speak to two questions: (i) What constraints can be placed on the form of the rules of context-sensitive grammars without restricting the weak generative capacity? (ii) What (nontrivial) constraints can be placed on the form of the rules of context-sensitive grammars such that only context-free languages will be generated?  相似文献   

证明互模拟同余通常冗长且易出错.双代数为解决该问题提供统一的框架:若行为函子保持弱回拉,共代数范畴到基范畴的忘却函子有右伴函子,则最大共代数互模拟同余.但已有双代数理论建模类型化π演算存在以下困难:行为函子不保持弱回拉,进程互模拟与共代数互模拟不一致.为解决以上两个问题,用稠密拓扑导出布尔范畴作为语义范畴,令行为函子保持弱回拉;定义一类行为函子,使最大进程互模拟与最大共代数互模拟一致,而迟语义和早语义对应的行为函子属于该类函子.进而给出π演算最大进程互模拟同余的双代数模型,为进一步应用双代数框架对其他复杂演算建模奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   

We present a survey of confluence properties of (acyclic) term graph rewriting. Results and counterexamples are given for different kinds of term graph rewriting; besides plain applications of rewrite rules, extensions with the operations of collapsing and copying, and both operations together are considered. Collapsing and copying together constitute bisimilarity of term graphs. We establish sufficient conditions for—and counterexamples to—confluence, confluence modulo bisimilarity, and the Church–Rosser property modulo bisimilarity. Moreover, we address rewriting modulo bisimilarity, that is, rewriting of bisimilarity classes of term graphs.  相似文献   

In order to describe approximate equivalence among processes, the notions of λ–bisimilarity and behavioural pseudometric have been introduced by Ying and van Breugel respectively. Van Breugel provides a distance function induced by λ–bisimilarity, and conjectures that his behavioural pseudometric coincides with this function. This paper is inspired by this conjecture. We give a negative answer for van Breugel's conjecture first. Moreover, we show that the distance function induced by λ–bisimilarity is a pseudometric on states, and provide a fixed point characterization of this pseudometric.  相似文献   

We present and compare P-PRISMA and F-PRISMA, two parametric calculi that can be instantiated with different interaction policies, defined as synchronization algebras with mobility of names (SAMs). In particular, P-PRISMA is based on name transmission (P-SAM), like π-calculus, and thus exploits directional (input–output) communication only, while F-PRISMA is based on name fusion (F-SAM), like Fusion calculus, and thus exploits a more symmetric form of communication. However, P-PRISMA and F-PRISMA can easily accommodate many other high-level synchronization mechanisms than the basic ones available in π-calculus and Fusion, hence allowing for the development of a general meta-theory of mobile calculi. We define for both the labeled operational semantics and a form of strong bisimilarity, showing that the latter is compositional for any SAM. We also discuss reduction semantics and weak bisimilarity. We give several examples based on heterogeneous SAMs, we investigate the case studies of π-calculus and Fusion calculus giving correspondence theorems, and we show how P-PRISMA can be encoded in F-PRISMA. Finally, we show that basic categorical tools can help to relate and to compose SAMs and PRISMA processes in an elegant way.  相似文献   

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