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城市众创空间的特征、机制及其空间规划应对   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在"大众创业、万众创新"的浪潮中,众创空间蓬勃发展,对城市空间规划变革提出了新的挑战。文章从共享视角出发,认为众创空间本质上是以"共享"为核心的微型创新产业集群,通过资源共享来降低创新成本、集聚创新要素。文章结合国内众创空间发展趋势与实践,从区位选择、外部空间和内部空间三个层面考察了众创空间的共享特征与机制,在此基础上提出引入规划体系、发展社区众创空间、改造存量空间等规划策略。  相似文献   

随着创新发展日益成为当前我国城市发展的主线,众创空间也成为创新经济和创业发展的重要空间载体。本文基于对众创空间研究对象的界定和相关调研数据,借鉴众创空间集中率指数及空间自相关统计Moran指数,对上海以区县为单元的众创空间地理分布格局进行研究。研究发现:上海众创空间发展格局整体上表现出非随机性特点,空间上呈现一定自相关性;上海众创空间组织尚未突破资本驱动时代地租理论所引导的城市圈层空间结构;众创空间发展理念有待提升,既是经济平台又是公共服务设施;上海众创空间与城市其他功能空间的融合有待提升。  相似文献   

伴随着技术创新和互联网共享经济的发展,创客运动席卷全球,由此孕育而生的众创空间作为一种新的空间载体,正在多地出现,并成为塑造城市空间的新模式。基于此,梳理众创空间产生的动因,探讨规划应对措施具有较强的现实意义。非正式创新联系网络的构建是众创空间产生的基础和核心,文章在梳理相关研究的基础上,探讨非正式创新联系网络的组织模式和网络构建,认为投资主体、运营主体、使用主体和生产性服务机构等是构建非正式创新联系网络的主体;入驻个体和团队间的咨询联系、情感联系和合作联系等非正式联系构成了内部联系网络,而各内部主体与外界的生产性服务企业间的业务联系则构成了外部联系网络,二者共同影响众创空间的选址和空间利用方式,是其得以发展的基础。进而分别从规划选址、社会环境建设和微空间设计等维度,构建众创空间规划编制和管理的内容体系,为创新城市规划提供思路。  相似文献   

通过对互联网众创空间内创业者(空间使用者)、管理者或经营者(空间提供者)的半结构化深入访谈以及实地观察,指出移动信息技术快速发展带来的市场机会以及政府的政策扶持推动该类众创空间的萌芽。但众创空间绝不仅仅是一个共享式办公场所,更是构建风险资本与孕育创新氛围的空间。这其中,"隐性知识"在创业者、管理者/经营者、风险资本投资人/公司的传递与交流,促进资本关系的建立与创新氛围的营造,是集聚互联网创业者的根本原因。最后,结合调研结论,从区位选择的视角探讨众创空间的发展与规划策略。  相似文献   

存量办公建筑升级是城市更新的重要环节,反映了城市发展的变迁。而创新驱动的众创空间动态生长性和多用途空间性也契合了存量办公建筑改造诉求。文章分别对存量办公建筑改造和众创空间进行分析,在对众创办公实地调研后,主要从存量办公建筑现状、众创办公建筑现状和创客行为需求反馈三个方面分析了存量办公建筑改造为众创空间的可行性,根据分析结果提出四个方面的价值分析。  相似文献   

在当前"大众创业,万众创新"的发展形势下,加快推进以科技企业孵化器为代表的众创空间建设对我国早日建成创新型国家具有重要意义。南京都市圈作为我国主要都市圈之一,是当下我国科技企业孵化器发展较快、发展模式比较有代表性的地区。文章主要从科技企业孵化器的空间角度出发,分别从区域、城镇和园区三个尺度及四个层面对科技企业孵化器多尺度的空间区位模式进行了详细研究,基本上揭示了南京都市圈科技企业孵化器空间区位模式及其特征,并分析了影响其多尺度空间区位模式产生的主要因素。  相似文献   

在中国经济发展转型升级和国家大力倡导"大众创业,万众创新"的时代背景下,越来越多的企业和民众投入到这轮创新创业的浪潮中。在一系列政策的推动下,全国各地众创空间如雨后春笋纷纷涌现,有的地方政府直接大包大揽众创空间的发展。但从实际效果来看,差异很大。本文结合荆州市众创空间发展的现状,探讨众创空间未来的发展趋势和在此过程中政府应该扮演的具体角色与定位。  相似文献   

在创新驱动发展战略推动下,高职院校创新创业教育发展迅速,"众创空间"建设进入"井喷式"增长阶段,不可避免地产生一些问题。从生态学视角出发,广州市高职院校"众创空间"存在创办类型单一、形式大于内容、评价体系不健全等生态问题。"众创空间"生态系统的构建,可以运用"生态平衡"原理,拓展"众创空间"创办类型;运用"协同进化"原理,发挥共治合力作用;运用"竞争机制"原理,实现"众创空间"错位发展。  相似文献   

文章在回顾国内主要城市创新产业空间集聚和布局特征相关研究的基础上,以杭州为实证案例,从园区和企业两个层面对互联网时代都市区创新空间的集聚规律与布局模式特征展开研究。总体而言,当前以杭州为代表的国内创新驱动型城市的创新经济集聚和空间布局已呈现新的特征,表现为创新要素集聚趋于网络化、簇群化;不同类型创新活动的区位选择开始分化,呈现出不同的区位偏好特征;创新类活动更强化对核心企业和机构的黏性,并围绕核心企业、机构形成了若干个创新圈;科技创新类活动由传统城市中心向外围溢出的效应明显,并由此带来都市区空间结构的显著调整。在此背景下,文章提出需要从适应创新要素集聚和创新网络培育方面进行有效的空间规划供给。  相似文献   

创新是一个城市可持续发展的核心动力,由城市内的创新主体,如企业家、众创空间等,通过聚集创新要素,完成创新活动,以达到挖掘城市的创新潜能,提升城市核心竞争力的目的。城市的创新能力取决于其创新环境质量,具体通过区域内各类资源的数量与质量体现。本文将众创空间视为一个城市的创新产物,通过抓取北京市已挂牌众创空间周围1千米范围内各类资源的POI数据,构建AHP-FCE模型,完成对北京市各行政区创新环境的评价工作。结果显示,各行政区创新环境质量存在较为明显的差异,其中海淀区作为创新活动的"先驱者"和"领头人",对整个城市的创新环境起到突出的促进与示范作用。  相似文献   


The present paper investigates the location patterns and the effects co-working spaces generate on the urban context, issues that have been neglected by the existing literature. The focus is on Milan, the core of the Italian knowledge-based, creative, digital, and sharing economy, and the city hosting the largest number of co-working spaces in Italy. The paper addresses three main questions: (1) Where are the main locations of co-working spaces in Milan? (2) Are there any transformative effects of co-working spaces, respectively at the urban scale and at the very local scale? (3) What are their impacts in terms of spatial transformation and in terms of innovation in practices (for instance, work, leisure, or culture)? Desk research showed that location patterns of co-working spaces resemble those of service industries in urban areas, with a propinquity to the so-called “creative clusters.” Field research shed light on urban effects, such as the participation of workers in co-working spaces in local community initiatives, their contribution to urban revitalization trends, and micro-scale physical transformations. The paper, therefore, helps to fill the gap in the literature about the location patterns of these new working spaces and their urban effects at different scales, both in terms of urban spaces and practices.  相似文献   

The need to better identify the spatio-relational nature of urban innovation systems and spaces is increasingly acknowledged. The aim of this paper, therefore, is to provide an enhanced understanding of the knowledge networks existing between urban Knowledge Intensive Business Service firms (KIBS) and universities, which are often key components of such systems and spaces. Drawing on an analysis of urban KIBS firms and universities in the United Kingdom, it is found that the nature of firms, their location, and the research intensity of their university partners are important determinants of the spatiality and localization of the networks they form. The results show that the smallest urban KIBS firms have the highest propensity to engage in local links with universities, suggesting that they rely most significantly on their own urban innovation system for collaborative network ties.  相似文献   

This paper introduces ‘fourth places’ as an additional category of informal social settings alongside ‘third places’. Through extensive empirical fieldwork on where and how social interaction among strangers occurs in the public and semi-public spaces of a contemporary masterplanned neighbourhood, this paper reveals that ‘fourth places’ are closely related to ‘third places’ in terms of social and behavioural characteristics, involving a radical departure from the routines of home and work, inclusivity and social comfort. However, the activities, users, locations and spatial conditions that support them are very different. They are characterized by ‘in-betweenness’ in terms of spaces, activities, time and management, as well as a great sense of publicness. This paper will demonstrate that the latter conditions are effective in breaking the ‘placelessness’ and ‘fortress’ designs of newly designed urban public spaces and that, by doing so, they make ‘fourth places’ sociologically more open in order to bring strangers together. The recognition of these findings problematizes well-established urban design theories and redefines several spatial concepts for designing public space. Ultimately, the findings also bring optimism to urban design practice, offering new insights into how to design more lively and inclusive public spaces.  相似文献   

Universities can significantly contribute to the regional development and innovation capability of a city if the knowledge produced in universities can be appropriately cycled back to the city in the form of technological innovation. Technology parks and technology transfer offices (TTOs), as urban knowledge and innovation spaces, are two important channels of building research platforms with enterprises where universities can disseminate knowledge. While technology parks create space for knowledge generation and innovation within a city, university TTOs play a critical role in enhancing knowledge spillover and creating new start-up firms. This paper highlights the contribution universities can make to Istanbul's potential of becoming an innovative city that houses successful urban knowledge and innovation spaces. By conducting interviews with the managers of technoparks and TTOs in Istanbul, we explore how the existence of technoparks and TTOs within a university affects the success of technology-transfer mechanisms.  相似文献   

Urban development in China has recently encountered various problems,and many of these problems have been caused by uneven distribution of public facilities in different districts,so it is signifi cant to choose reasonable locations for urban public facilities. Current researches on location of urban public facilities in China cover various aspects,involve different units,show diverse features,and make outstanding contributions. However,these researches have also obvious limitations. The future study on public facilities' location will focus on specifi c application of the model in different cities,or better consider characteristics of the city.  相似文献   

Urban amenities have been an increasing concern in recent scholarly discussion for their crucial role in promoting local economic development, especially for the rapid rise of the creative class. However, due to the Anglophone dominance in current discourse on this issue, the urban amenities for creativity in the particular context of China remain under-explored. This paper focuses on the location drivers for a specific sector of creative industries, photography studios, based at city level in Nanjing, China. It is suggested that urban amenities for creativity present great power to explain the spatial concentration of photography studios in the old downtown area of Nanjing. In general, photography entrepreneurship is closely associated with landscape amenities, leisure and networking amenities, and accessibility, whereas it is only slightly related to educational amenities. More specifically, the urban amenities for creativity for photography in Nanjing refer in particular to city gardens, cultural heritage, catering places, subway stations, locations which are relatively different from the attractions for creativity that are highlighted by the studies based in West. We therefore propose a contextualized and categorized approach for the urban policy of creative cities.  相似文献   

As shading, an important factor in urban environments, affects thermal environments and long-term thermal comfort, this study conducted several field experiments to analyze the outdoor thermal conditions on urban streets in central Taiwan. The RayMan model was utilized for predicting long-term thermal comfort using meteorological data for a 10-year period. Analytical results indicate that slightly shaded areas typically have highly frequent hot conditions during summer, particularly at noon. However, highly shaded locations generally have a low physiologically equivalent temperature (PET) during winter. Correlation analysis reveals that thermal comfort is best when a location is shaded during spring, summer, and autumn. During winter, low-shade conditions may contribute to the increase in solar radiation; thus, thermal comfort is improved when a location has little shade in winter. We suggest that a certain shading level is best for urban streets, and trees or shade devices should be used to improve the original thermal environment.  相似文献   

白雪锋  许浩  周燚 《中国园林》2023,39(4):71-76
寺庙是重要的公共空间,探究选址特征可挖掘其在城市中的地位与功能变化,是社会变迁与城市发展的缩影。基于ArcGIS和GeoDa平台,研究近代南京城市寺庙选址与路网中心性的耦合特征,探讨城寺关系,结果如下。1)寺庙选址。清末,寺庙多集中于城南和城西,寺庵、祠庙均由城南向城北扩散;民国,寺庵在城北呈多点集聚,祠庙则向中华门外扩展。2)城寺互动。近代城市寺庙与路网之间的相关性逐渐降低,在城市中的区位逐渐边缘化。清末,寺庙毗邻城市中心,与商业空间互融,城寺互动紧密;民国,寺庵与路网相关性远大于祠庙,在城市中占据更加优良的区位,祠庙因政权的转型、城市建设的影响而走向衰落。系统构建了近代南京城市寺庙GIS数据库,可为城市史、风景园林历史与理论研究提供量化方法参考,对南京近代寺庙遗产活化及当代寺观园林的选址具有实践意义。  相似文献   


This paper explores new types of workplaces that are emerging due to the growing flexibility in work arrangements and the use of information and communication technologies. In addition to home and office, third places, such as libraries and coffee shops, are increasingly used as temporary workplaces. Moreover, there is a proliferation of co-working spaces that are designed as temporary working locations. Thus, the boundaries between traditional urban functions have become blurred; different functions co-exist in the same spaces, and new functionalities emerge as people take spaces into new uses. We may call our cities “post-functionalist,” ones that are no longer based only on predetermined and designed functions. However, there has been little research on the spatial characteristics of these new workplaces as well as on the social features within these places. These phenomena have been empirically studied through observational studies, interviews, and spatial analyses of three such sites: Café Köket, Meetingpoint, and Helsinki Think Company in the city center of Helsinki. The results reveal new forms of appropriation of public and semi-public spaces for working purposes that have not yet been analyzed in the context of existing urban policies and practices. The findings provide input for future visions and the planning of new workplaces.  相似文献   

Public spaces have a central role, both physically and functionally, in urban planning and development. Many urban theorists state their significant role as one of the principal components of a healthy urban setting. This is in addition to their functional role, when they increase a sense of community when intensive social interaction takes place in these areas. However, recently, they have started to lose significance, when they are neglected in the urban planning process, or when existing spaces are lost. Additionally, accessibility and utilization of these areas decreases, since public spaces are neglected in urban planning and development processes. In this study, public spaces are assessed in terms of accessibility and utilization, regarding the effects of rapid urban growth on their physical and functional structure. This study first evaluates the significance of public spaces in an urban setting; second, determines the variables effective in terms of their accessibility and utilization; third, assesses the factors affecting the accessibility and utilization of public spaces through a questionnaire survey on the role of public spaces in social interaction, and concludes with an evaluation of the results and suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

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