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It is well recognized that building form has significant influences on energy performance in buildings, especially in the cold climate. It is imperative to understand the relationship between built forms and energy use in order to provide guidance in early project stage such as preliminary design. Therefore, this study focuses on two aspects to understand characteristics of energy use due to the change of parameters related to building form. The first aspect is to apply new metamodel global sensitivity analysis to determine key factors influencing energy use and the second aspect is to develop reliable fast-computing statistical models using state-of-art machine learning methods. An office building, located in Harbin, China, is chosen as a case study using EnergyPlus simulation program. The results indicate that non-linear relationships exist between input variables and energy use for both heating and electricity use. For heating energy, two factors (floor numbers and building scale) show a non-linear yet monotonic trend. For electricity use intensity, building scale is the only significant factor that has non-linear effects. It is also found that the ranking results of critical factors to both electricity use and heating energy per floor area vary significantly between small and large scale buildings. Neural network model performs better than other machine-learning methods, including ordinary linear model, MARS (multivariate adaptive regression splines), bagging MARS, support vector machine, random forest, and Gaussian process. 相似文献
The analysis of the relationships between landscape visual quality and landscape structural properties is an active area of environmental perception research. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between landscape spatial pattern and the rating of visual aesthetic quality. Eight landscape photographs were evaluated for 11 visual attributes by 98 respondents. The scores obtained for these 11 attributes were subjected to principal components analysis in order to summarize the qualities used by the respondents and thus determine their visual preferences. For each photograph, three window sizes were defined (with respect to a landcover map) to cover the different areas corresponding to the visual field (foreground, mid-ground and background). The landscape spatial structure for each window was analyzed using spatial metrics. The correlation between each dimension and the spatial pattern indices of the landscape were then calculated. Positive correlations were obtained between visual aesthetic quality and a number of landscape pattern indices. The results suggest that landscape heterogeneity might be an important factor in determining visual aesthetic quality. 相似文献
A study on the thermal performance of the Tamar Suspension Bridge deck in Plymouth, UK, is presented in this paper. Ambient air, suspension cable, deck and truss temperatures were acquired using a wired sensor system. Deck extension data were acquired using a two-hop wireless sensor network. Empirical models relating the deck extension to various combinations of temperatures were derived and compared. The most accurate model, which used all the four temperature variables, predicted the deck extension with an accuracy of 99.4%. Time delays ranging from 10 to 66 min were identified between the daily cycles of the air temperature and of the structural temperatures and deck extension. However, accounting for these delays in the temperature–extension models did not improve the models' prediction accuracy. The results of this study suggest that bridge design recommendations are based on overly simplistic assumptions which could result in significant errors in the estimated deck movement, especially for temperature extremes. These findings aim to help engineers better understand the important aspect of thermal performance of steel bridges. This paper also presents a concise study on the effective use of off-the-shelf wireless technology to support structural health monitoring of bridges. 相似文献
Polishing of the aggregates used in pavements may reduce the friction of the road surface, which in turn may lead to slippery,
hazardous conditions in traffic. Although the use of studded tyres leads to wearing of the pavement and thus prevents the
aggregate becoming smooth, it also results in the generation of airborne dust. As a consequence, the trend to reduce the use
of studded tyres and increase the use of wear-resistant aggregate has resulted in more polishing. The paper reports some analyses
of polished stone values for the aggregates most commonly used in Norway and considers whether there is a correlation between
the polished stone value and in situ friction for mixtures of aggregates with varying polishing and wearing properties.
超前冲击钻钻探是岩石隧道中一种轻便、快捷、成本较低的直接地质预报方法,通过钻进数据可以判断掌子面前方地层的状况,降低地质事故的发生率.目前在地质钻预报方面主要是通过不在同一平面的三个钻孔来预测地层空间位置,对于地层性质的预测通常是定性的.作者以一种钻机为基础,进行了大量的现场实测,根据现场实测数据、实验室测试数据、现场的地质描述,分析了冲击钻钻速与岩石抗压强度、围岩类别的定量关系,建立了钻速与岩石BQ的统计关系式,这为隧道变更设计,预防事故提供了坚实的数据基础. 相似文献
目的探究饮用水类型与结直肠癌患病风险的关系。方法收集国内外饮用水类型与结直肠癌发病关系的文献,应用Meta分析方法对上述研究进行异质性检验和效应值合并,并进行亚组分析和敏感性分析。结果饮用自来水和井水与结直肠癌无关联性,其合并OR/RR值及95%CI分别是0.86[0.63,1.19],0.49[0.18,1.13]。饮用地表水是结直肠癌发生的危险因素,其合并OR/RR值及95%CI为2.59[1.05,6.37]。结论饮用地表水是结直肠癌的可能致癌因素之一。 相似文献
An equilibrator system connected to an infrared photo acoustic gas analyzer was used in order to measure directly in situ the concentrations of dissolved CO2 and CH4 in waters of a tropical reservoir (Petit Saut, French Guiana). The performance of the system was tested both on a vertical profile in the stratified water body of the reservoir and in the surface waters of the river downstream the dam. Results agreed with conventional GC analysis at +/-15% in a wide range of concentrations (CO2:50-400 micromol l-1 and CH4:0.5-350 micromol l-1 corresponding to gas partial pressures of respectively 1700-13,000 and 12-8800 microatm). The time needed for in situ measurements was equivalent to water sampling, time for GC analysis in the laboratory being suppressed. The continuous monitoring of gas concentrations for 24 h in the reservoir surface waters revealed rapid changes in concentrations highly significant in the daily emission budget. The system opens new perspectives for the monitoring of gas concentrations in highly dynamic systems like tropical reservoirs. 相似文献
目的 调查某肿瘤医院放射工作人员年累积受照剂量与甲状腺功能现状,探讨两者之间的关系,旨在为有效保护放射工作人员的身体健康提供参考.方法 以江西省某肿瘤医院放射科、放疗技术科、核医学科等科室的112名放射工作人员为调查对象.调查内容包括调查对象的性别、年龄及职业的性质、类别、时间等一般情况,以及其年累积受照剂量、血清游离三碘甲腺原氨酸(FT3)、血清游离甲状腺素(FT4)、促甲状腺激素(TSH)水平.年累积受照剂量的检测采用微机热释光测量法,FT3、FT4和TSH检测采用化学发光免疫分析法.采用线性回归分析法对放射工作人员FT3、FT4水平的影响因素进行分析.结果 112名放射工作人员的年累积受照剂量平均水平为(0.49±0.55 )mSv,核医学工作者的年累积受照剂量明显高于其他工种(F=9.165,P<0.001);所有调查对象的FT3、FT4和TSH水平均在正常值范围内,不同年龄组和不同职业时间组的FT4水平相比差异均有统计学意义(F=4.119、P=0.008,F=7.756、P=0.001);放射工作人员FT3、FT4水平与年累积受照剂量有关.结论 长期接触低剂量电离辐射会对放射工作人员的甲状腺功能产生一定的影响,应注重提高整体防护水平,同时加强重点工种放射工作人员的防护. 相似文献
对上海市某住宅建筑室内外PM10、PM2.5、PM1的浓度进行了测量,研究了最小通风量(外门窗关闭)条件下3种天气时颗粒浓度随时间变化的规律以及相关性,分析了颗粒物浓度与环境温湿度参数之间的关系。研究结果显示,测试期间,室内外空气中细颗粒(PM 2.5)占可吸入颗粒(PM 10)浓度比例分别达65%和87%以上;无明显室内源时,I/O比值小于1且随粒径减小而减小;室内外颗粒浓度相关性与粒径大小有关系,PM1、PM2.5的浓度相关性大于PM10。研究还表明,颗粒物浓度的关联性与天气状况有关系,多云、雨天和阴天时浓度关联性有显著差别;颗粒物的浓度受到室内外温湿度的影响,且受天气状况影响而呈现复杂性。 相似文献
This field study investigated the relationship between indoor and outdoor concentrations of airborne actinomycetes, fungal spores, and pollen. Air samples were collected for 24 h with a button inhalable aerosol sampler inside and outside of six single-family homes located in the Cincinnati area (overall, 15 pairs of samples were taken in each home). The measurements were conducted during three seasons - spring and fall 2004, and winter 2005. The concentration of culturable actinomycetes was mostly below the detection limit. The median indoor/outdoor ratio (I/O) for actinomycetes was the highest: 2.857. The indoor of fungal and pollen concentrations followed the outdoor concentrations while indoor levels were mostly lower than the outdoor ones. The I/O ratio of total fungal spores (median=0.345) in six homes was greater than that of pollen grains (median=0.025). The low I/O ratios obtained for pollen during the peak ambient pollination season (spring) suggest that only a small fraction penetrated from outdoor to indoor environment. This is attributed to the larger size of pollen grains. Higher indoor concentration levels and variability in the I/O ratio observed for airborne fungi may be associated with indoor sources and/or higher outdoor-to-indoor penetration of fungal spores compared to pollen grains. Practical Implication This study addresses the relationship between indoor and outdoor concentrations of three different types of bio-aerosols, namely actinomycetes, fungal spores, and pollen grains. The results show that actinomycetes are rare in indoor and outdoor air in Midwest, USA. Exposure to pollen occurs mainly in the outdoor air even during peak pollen season. Unexpectedly high fungal spore concentrations were measured outdoors during winter. The presented pilot database on the inhalable levels of indoor and outdoor bio-aerosols can help apportion and better characterize the inhalation exposure to these bio-aerosols. Furthermore, the data can be incorporated into existing models to quantify the penetration of biological particles into indoor environments from outdoors. 相似文献
目的研究六安市大气污染、气象因素对某医院心血管系统疾病门诊量的影响。方法采用广义相加Poisson回归模型的时间序列研究,在控制门诊量的长期趋势,星期效应,气象因素等混杂因素的影响后,分析六安市2012年1月1日—2013年12月31日大气污染物SO_2、NO_2、PM_(10)等浓度与六安市某医院心血管系统疾病门诊量之间的关系。结果研究期间,心血管系统疾病日门诊量为69.7人次。在单因素广义相加Poisson回归模型中,SO_2对心血管系统疾病门诊量存在保护作用,浓度每升高10μg/m~3在滞后第3天相应的RR达到最大值为0.9987(0.9975~0.9998)。NO_2、PM_(10)浓度分别滞后3天,第4天对心血管系统疾病门诊量的影响较明显,其浓度每升高10μg/m~3其相应的RR最大值分别为1.0022(1.0012~1.0031),1.00054(1.0002~1.0008)。结论大气污染物SO_2与六安市某医院心血管系统门诊量存在负相关。NO_2、PM_(10)与该医院心血管系统疾病门诊量存在正相关。 相似文献
作为中国近代一个有代表意义的城市——青岛,在城市的形成和发展过程中,城市规划起到了积极的促进作用。研究显示,合理的城市规划是城市发展的前提,城市规划在城市发展的不同阶段所起的作用是不同的,具体表现在城市空间发展方向、城市空间形态演变、城市形象、城市经济活动乃至城市社会结构等方面。近代青岛不仅用事实证明城市规划与城市发展的关系,而且对认识城市发展规律、进行城市规划决策都有借鉴价值。 相似文献
Shrinkage cracking is the primary reason for the anti-seepage failure of compacted clay liner (CCL) in a landfill final cover. With a focus on the surface crack characteristics and the water content distribution of three CCLs with different liquid limits and their mineral compositions, experiments were conducted to investigate the cracking mechanism of a CCL during the drying process. The results showed that the total crack ratio (TCR), the sum of the surface shrinkage crack ratio (SCR) and the surface boundary shrinkage ratio (BSR), is a function of the surface water content of a CCL. The change in the TCR with surface water content is consistent with the soil shrinkage characteristic curve (SSCC). The surface SCR is a function of the surface water content gradient of a CCL. The variations in the SCR with the water content gradient can be divided into the following three stages: the crack open stage, the crack linear expansion stage and the crack linear close stage. The effect of sample size, surface boundary shrinkage and shrinkage cracking are the main deformations of CCL specimens with low and high liquid limits, respectively, during the drying process. An increase in the amount of clay minerals in CCLs enhances the soil shrinkage capacity, leading to an increase in the SCR under the same water content gradient. A unified linear relationship exists between (where Kj is the slope of the SSCC) and the water content gradient in the crack linear expansion stage and the crack linear close stage for different CCL types. 相似文献
In this paper, field measurements were performed to determine SO(2) concentration gradients from a highway in Shanghai using passive samplers. It was demonstrated that passive sampling method is a cost-effective and convenient way to monitor specific gaseous pollutants at small scales over long sampling periods in air quality studies. Using function fit analysis for the measured results, a shifted power-law relationship had been found between SO(2) concentration and the distance from a highway. Accordingly, an empirical shifted power-law model was developed for describing and predicting the SO(2) gradients near a highway, in which k is the only parameter and named as diffusion attenuation coefficient. There was a surprisingly significant negative correlation between known SO(2) concentration at reference point (C(0)) and diffusion attenuation coefficient (k). By the correlation equation of C(0) and k, appropriate value of k could be calculated with measured C(0). Therefore, the empirical shifted power-law model developed in this study could be practically and conveniently applied for predicting the SO(2) distributions near a highway with known C(0). 相似文献
Landslide susceptibility is the likelihood of landslide occurrence, in a specific place and time. The identification of the potential relationships between landslide susceptibility and conditioning factors is very important towards landslide hazard mitigation. In this paper, we implement a local statistical analysis model geographically weighted regression, in two catchment areas located in northern Peloponnese, Greece. For this purpose, we examined the following eight conditioning factors: elevation, slope, aspect, lithology, land cover, proximity to the drainage network, proximity to the road network, and proximity to faults. Moreover, the relationship between these factors and landsliding in the study area is examined. The local statistical analysis model was also evaluated by finding its differences with the performance of a standard global statistical model logistic regression. The results indicated that the global statistical model can be enhanced by the application of a local model. The outputs of the proposed approach favored a better understanding of the factors influencing landslide occurrence and may be beneficial to local authorities and decision-makers dealing with the mitigation of landslide hazard. 相似文献
摄影作品以其视觉的冲击力和思想的震撼力为广大中学生所喜闻乐见。本文尝试将摄影艺术之"取景""特写""抓拍""蒙太奇"等技巧运用到指导学生作文,受到了学生的喜爱,对写作大有裨益。 相似文献