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Given n points in the plane the planar dominance counting problem is to determine for each point the number of points dominated by it. Point p is said to dominate point q if x(q)x(p) and y(q)y(p), when x(p) and y(p) are the x− and y-coordinate of p, respectively. We present two CREW PRAM parallel algorithms for the problem, one running in O(log n loglog n) time and and the other in O(lognloglogn/logloglogn) time both using O(n) processors. Some applicationsare also given.  相似文献   

Two parallel algorithms for finding minimum spanning forest (MSF) of a weighted undirected graph on hypercube computers, consisting of a fixed number of processors, are presented. One algorithm is suited for sparse graphs, the other for dense graphs. Our design strategy is based on successive elimination of non-MSF edges. The input graph is partitioned equally among different processors, which then repeatedly eliminate non-MSF edges and merge results to gradually construct the desired MSF of the entire graph. Low communication overhead is achieved by restricting the message-flow to between the neighboring processors in the hypercube topology. The correctness of our approach is due to a theorem which states that with total-ordered edges, if an edge of an arbitrary subgraph does not belong to its MSF, then it does not belong to the MSF of the entire graph. For a graph of n vertices and m edges, our first algorithm finds an MSF in O(m log m)/p) time using p processors for p ≤ (mlog m)/n(1+log(m/n)). The second algorithm, efficient for dense graphs, requires O(n2/p) time for pn/log n.  相似文献   

We show that given any family of asymptotically stabilizable LTI systems depending continuously on a parameter that lies in some subset [a1,b1]××[ap,bp] of , there exists a C0 time-varying state feedback law v(t,x) (resp. a C0 time-invariant feedback law v(x)) which robustly globally exponentially stabilizes (resp. which robustly stabilizes, not asymptotically) the family. Further, if these systems are obtained by linearizing some nonlinear systems, then v(t,x) locally exponentially stabilizes these nonlinear systems. Finally, v(t,x) globally exponentially stabilizes any time-varying system which switches “slowly enough” between the given LTI systems.  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient algorithm for enumerating all minimal a-b separators separating given non-adjacent vertices a and b in an undirected connected simple graph G = (V, E), Our algorithm requires O(n3Rab) time, which improves the known result of O(n4Rab) time for solving this problem, where ¦V¦= n and Rab is the number of minimal a-b separators. The algorithm can be generalized for enumerating all minimal A-B separators that separate non-adjacent vertex sets A, B < V, and it requires O(n2(nnAnb)RAB) time in this case, where na = ¦A¦, nB = ¦B¦ and rAB is the number of all minimal AB separators. Using the algorithm above as a routine, an efficient algorithm for enumerating all minimal separators of G separating G into at least two connected components is constructed. The algorithm runs in time O(n3R+Σ + n4RΣ), which improves the known result of O(n6RΣ) time, where Rσ is the number of all minimal separators of G and RΣR+Σ = ∑1i, vj) ERvivj n − 1)/2 − m)RΣ. Efficient parallelization of these algorithms is also discussed. It is shown that the first algorithm requires at most O((n/log n)Rab) time and the second one runs in time O((n/log n)R+Σ+n log nRΣ) on a CREW PRAM with O(n3) processors.  相似文献   

A linear rotation based algorithm is proposed for solving linear system equations, Ax = b. This algorithm modified the conventional Gaussian elimination method and can avoid the problems of numerical singularity and ill condition. In this study, the implementation of a trapezoidal systolic array of n2/2 + n −2 processors as well as a linear array of n processors are accomplished for this algorithm. The trapezoidal systolic array performs the triangularization of a matrix A by using the modified linear rotation algorithm; while the linear array performs the backward substitution for evaluating the solution of x. The computing time for solving a linear equation system will be O(5n) time units. Also an implicit representation of the elimination factor by means of the sign parameter sequence instead of an numerical value is introduced for simplifying the hardware complexity. It is clear that this systolic architecture is simple, uniform, and regular, and therefore well suitable for the implementation of a VLSI chip.  相似文献   

Parallel clustering algorithms   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Clustering techniques play an important role in exploratory pattern analysis, unsupervised learning and image segmentation applications. Many clustering algorithms, both partitional clustering and hierarchical clustering, require intensive computation, even for a modest number of patterns. This paper presents two parallel clustering algorithms. For a clustering problem with N = 2n patterns and M = 2m features, the time complexity of the traditional partitional clustering algorithm on a single processor computer is O(MNK), where K is the number of clusters. The proposed algorithm on anSIMD computer with MN processors has a time complexity O(K(n + m)). The time complexity of the proposed single-link hierarchical clustering algorithm is reduced from O(MN2) of the uniprocessor algorithm to O(nN) with MN processors.  相似文献   

For an arbitrary n × n matrix A and an n × 1 column vector b, we present a systolic algorithm to solve the dense linear equations Ax = b. An important consideration is that the pivot row can be changed during the execution of our systolic algorithm. The computational model consists of n linear systolic arrays. For 1 ≤ in, the ith linear array is responsible to eliminate the ith unknown variable xi of x. This algorithm requires 4n time steps to solve the linear system. The elapsed time unit within a time step is independent of the problem size n. Since the structure of a PE is simple and the same type PE executes the identical instructions, it is very suitable for VLSI implementation. The design process and correctness proof are considered in detail. Moreover, this algorithm can detect whether A is singular or not.  相似文献   

We consider the calculation, on a local memory parallel computer, of all the zeros of an n th degree polynomial Pn(x) which has real coefficients. We describe a generic parallel algorith, which approximates all the zeros simultaneously and we give three specific examples of this algorithm which have orders of convergence two, three and four. We report extensive numerical tests of the algorithms; the fourth order algorithm is not robust, with many failures to convergence, whereas the other two algorithms are reliable and display very respectable parallel speedups for higher degree polynomials.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is double. First, we point out that the hypothesis D(t1)D(t2) = D(t2)D(t1) imposed in [1] can be removed. Second, a constructive method for obtaining analytic-numerical solutions with a prefixed accuracy in a bounded domain Ω(t0,t1) = [0,p] × [t0,t1], for mixed problems of the type ut(x,t) − D(t)uxx(x,t) = 0, 0 < x < p, t> 0, subject to u(0,t) = u(p,t) = 0 and u(x,0) = F(x) is proposed. Here, u(x,t) and F(x) are r-component vectors, D(t) is a Cr × r valued analytic function and there exists a positive number δ such that every eigenvalue z of (1/2) (D(t) + D(t)H) is bigger than δ. An illustrative example is included.  相似文献   

This paper makes an improvement of computing two nearest-neighbor problems of images on a reconfigurable array of processors (RAP) by increasing the bus width between processors. Based on a base-n system, a constant time algorithm is first presented for computing the maximum/minimum of N log N-bit unsigned integers on a RAP using N processors each with N1/c-bit bus width, where c is a constant and c ≥ 1. Then, two basic operations such as image component labeling and border following are also derived from it. Finally, these algorithms are used to design two constant time algorithms for the nearest neighbor black pixel and the nearest neighbor component problems on an N1/2 × N1/2 image using N1/2 × N1/2 processors each with N1/c-bit bus width, where c is a constant and c ≥ 1. Another contribution of this paper is that the execution time of the proposed algorithms is tunable by the bus width.  相似文献   

This paper describes some new techniques for the rapid evaluation and fitting of radial basic functions. The techniques are based on the hierarchical and multipole expansions recently introduced by several authors for the calculation of many-body potentials. Consider in particular the N term thin-plate spline, s(x) = Σj=1N djφ(xxj), where φ(u) = |u|2log|u|, in 2-dimensions. The direct evaluation of s at a single extra point requires an extra O(N) operations. This paper shows that, with judicious use of series expansions, the incremental cost of evaluating s(x) to within precision ε, can be cut to O(1+|log ε|) operations. In particular, if A is the interpolation matrix, ai,j = φ(xixj, the technique allows computation of the matrix-vector product Ad in O(N), rather than the previously required O(N2) operations, and using only O(N) storage. Fast, storage-efficient, computation of this matrix-vector product makes pre-conditioned conjugate-gradient methods very attractive as solvers of the interpolation equations, Ad = y, when N is large.  相似文献   

In this paper new methods of discretization (integer approximation) of algebraic spatial curves in the form of intersecting surfaces P(x, y, z) = 0 and Q(x, y, z) = 0 are analyzed.

The use of homogeneous cubical grids G(h3) to discretize a curve is the essence of the method. Two new algorithms of discretization (on 6-connected grid G6c(h3) and 26-connected grid G26(h3)) are presented based on the method above. Implementation of the algorithms for algebraic spatial curves is suggested. The elaborated algorithms are adjusted for application in computer graphics and numerical control of machine tools.  相似文献   

Newton's method for calculating the zeros of a polynomial almost always has periodic orbits or even stable periodic orbits. We identify a rational algorithm that converges globally to a root of the polynomial. We then proceed to examine the topology of the class of all rational functions T that have the property that for a given polynomial p(x), T(x) = x iff p(x) = 0. The topology of this set of rational functions is more complicated than the topology of Rat(n).  相似文献   

An on-line parser processes each word as soon as it is typed by the user, without waiting for the end of the sentence. Thus, in an interactive system, a sentence will be parsed almost immediately after the last word has been presented.

The complexity of an on-line parser is determined by the resources needed for the analysis of a single word, as it is assumed that previous words have been processed already. Sequential parsing algorithms like CYK or Earley need O(n2) time for the nth word. A parallel implementation in O(n) time on O(n) processors is straightforward. In this paper a novel parallel on-line parser is presented that needs O(1) time on O(n2) processors.  相似文献   

We compare five implementations of the Jacobi method for diagonalizing a symmetric matrix. Two of these, the classical Jacobi and sequential sweep Jacobi, have been used on sequential processors. The third method, the parallel sweep Jacobi, has been proposed as the method of choice for parallel processors. The fourth and fifth methods are believed to be new. They are similar to the parallel sweep method but use different schemes for selecting the rotations.

The classical Jacobi method is known to take O(n4) time to diagonalize a matrix of order n. We find that the parallel sweep Jacobi run on one processor is about as fast as the sequential sweep Jacobi. Both of these methods take O(n3 log2n) time. One of our new methods also takes O(n3 log2n) time, but the other one takes only O(n3) time. The choice among the methods for parallel processors depends on the degree of parallelism possible in the hardware. The time required to diagonalize a matrix on a variety of architectures is modeled.

Unfortunately for proponents of the Jacobi method, we find that the sequential QR method is always faster than the Jacobi method. The QR method is faster even for matrices that are nearly diagonal. If we perform the reduction to tridiagonal form in parallel, the QR method will be faster even on highly parallel systems.  相似文献   

In this paper, we derive time-minimal systolic arrays for Gaussian elimination and the Algebraic Path Problem (APP) that use a minimal number of processors. For a problem of size n, we obtain an execution time T(n) = 3n −1 using A(n) = n2/4+O(n) processors for Gaussian elimination, and T(n) = 5n −2 and A(n) = n3/+O(n) for the APP.  相似文献   

For an ordered set W = {w1, w2,…, wk} of vertices and a vertex v in a connected graph G, the (metric) representation of v with respect to W is the k-vector r(v | W) = (d(v, w1), d(v, w2),…, d(v, wk)), where d(x, y) represents the distance between the vertices x and y. The set W is a resolving set for G if distinct vertices of G have distinct representations. A new sharp lower bound for the dimension of a graph G in terms of its maximum degree is presented.

A resolving set of minimum cardinality is a basis for G and the number of vertices in a basis is its (metric) dimension dim(G). A resolving set S of G is a minimal resolving set if no proper subset of S is a resolving set. The maximum cardinality of a minimal resolving set is the upper dimension dim+(G). The resolving number res(G) of a connected graph G is the minimum k such that every k-set W of vertices of G is also a resolving set of G. Then 1 ≤ dim(G) ≤ dim+(G) ≤ res(G) ≤ n − 1 for every nontrivial connected graph G of order n. It is shown that dim+(G) = res(G) = n − 1 if and only if G = Kn, while dim+(G) = res(G) = 2 if and only if G is a path of order at least 4 or an odd cycle.

The resolving numbers and upper dimensions of some well-known graphs are determined. It is shown that for every pair a, b of integers with 2 ≤ ab, there exists a connected graph G with dim(G) = dim+(G) = a and res(G) = b. Also, for every positive integer N, there exists a connected graph G with res(G) − dim+(G) ≥ N and dim+(G) − dim(G) ≥ N.  相似文献   

To approximate all roots (zeros) of a univariate polynomial, we develop two effective algorithms and combine them in a single recursive process. One algorithm computes a basic well isolated zero-free annulus on the complex plane, whereas another algorithm numerically splits the input polynomial of the n th degree into two factors balanced in the degrees and with the zero sets separated by the basic annulus. Recursive combination of the two algorithms leads to computation of the complete numerical factorization of a polynomial into the product of linear factors and further to the approximation of the roots. The new root-finder incorporates the earlier techniques of Schönhage, Neff/Reif, and Kirrinnis and our old and new techniques and yields nearly optimal (up to polylogarithmic factors) arithmetic and Boolean cost estimates for the computational complexity of both complete factorization and root-finding. The improvement over our previous record Boolean complexity estimates is by roughly the factor of n for complete factorization and also for the approximation of well-conditioned (well isolated) roots, whereas the same algorithm is also optimal (under both arithmetic and Boolean models of computing) for the worst case input polynomial, whose roots can be ill-conditioned, forming clusters. (The worst case complexity bounds for root-finding are supported by our previous algorithms as well.) All algorithms allow processor efficient acceleration to achieve solution in polylogarithmic parallel time.  相似文献   

The backtrack search problem involves visiting all the nodes of an arbitrary binary tree given a pointer to its root subject to the constraint that the children of a node are revealed only after their parent is visited. We present a fast, deterministic backtrack search algorithm for a p-processor COMMON CRCW-PRAM, which visits any n-node tree of height h in time O((n/p+h)(logloglogp)2). This upper bound compares favourably with a natural Ω(n/p+h) lower bound for this problem. Our approach embodies novel, efficient techniques for dynamically assigning tree-nodes to processors to ensure that the work is shared equitably among them.  相似文献   

A parallel two-list algorithm for the knapsack problem   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
An n-element knapsack problem has 2n possible solutions to search over, so a task which can be accomplished in 2″ trials if an exhaustive search is used. Due to the exponential time in solving the knapsack problem, the problem is considered to be very hard. In the past decade, much effort has been done in order to find techniques which could lead to practical algorithms with reasonable running time. In 1994, Chang et al. proposed a brilliant parallel algorithm, which needs O(2n/8) processors to solve the knapsack problem in O(2n/2) time; that is, the cost of Chang et al.'s parallel algorithm is O(25n/8). In this paper, we propose a parallel algorithm to improve Chang et al.'s parallel algorithm by reducing the time complexity to be O(23n/8) under the same O(2n/8) processors available. Thus, the proposed parallel algorithm has a cost of O(2n/2). It is an improvement over previous literature. We believe that the proposed parallel algorithm is pragmatically feasible at the moment when multiprocessor systems become more and more popular.  相似文献   

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