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压气机抽气储能调控可改善燃气轮机能源系统性能,为了使燃气轮机系统更加灵活、高效地与外界负荷匹配,提出太阳能耦合压气机出口抽气储能的燃气轮机热电联产系统。通过建立空气透平、余热锅炉和太阳能集热器的变工况数学模型,利用Thermoflex软件建立燃气轮机压气机出口抽气变工况模型,并对耦合系统进行变工况分析,研究系统在储能、释能和运行周期内热力参数的变化,以华南地区某宾馆的逐时负荷为例对太阳能耦合压气机出口抽气储能的热电联产系统进行案例分析,并与基准热电联产系统对比。结果表明:以某典型日为1个周期,本文设计系统的1次能源利用率比传统热电联产系统高3.2%,?效率高2.4%。  相似文献   

气体绝缘输电线(GIL)适用于大容量输电,尤其适用于空间有限而对环境要求较高的场所.GIL应用于电厂的突出优点是其具有较高的输送容量和可靠性,维护工作量小和绝缘长期稳定.GIL的直埋方式、室外安装方式以及隧道安装方式在电厂中可以根据技术经济最佳化的原则来选择应用.在电厂中开关系统使用气体绝缘开关设备(GIS)以及在输电系统使用GIL能够最大限度地实现电力传输系统的可靠性,这2种技术综合应用保证了输电系统的高效率,并使全寿命周期成本达到最低.  相似文献   

Performance of frequency relays for distributed generation protection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the efficiency of under/over frequency relays for protection of distributed synchronous generators considering islanding detection and frequency-tripping requirements. Comparison between frequency and vector surge relays, which are islanding detection-dedicated devices, shows that the former can be as effective as the latter. This feature supports the idea that frequency relays can replace vector surge relays for islanding detection purpose. In this case, frequency relays must also meet the generator manufacturer recommendations and the utility frequency-tripping requirements. In order to investigate the relay capability to meet both necessities, it is proposed the concept of application region, which defines a region in the detection time versus active power imbalance space where frequency-based relays can be adjusted to satisfy the anti-islanding and frequency-tripping requirements simultaneously. The paper also presents a set of formulas to determine directly the application region.  相似文献   

In combined-cycle units that have been commissioned within recent years at Russian thermal power stations, up-to-date models of high-capacity (from 260 to 290 MW) power gas turbine units (GTUs) were installed. In their schematic diagrams and designs some engineering solutions unusual for domestic practice have been implemented. In the course of tests carried out under operating conditions, there have been obtained high efficiencies of both GTUs themselves (from 36 to 39%) and their turbine machines: compressors and turbines, low design NO x emissions at operating loads, and favorable performance characteristics in a wide range of loads and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

关于广东发展液化天然气电厂必要性的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洪晖虹 《广东电力》2004,17(4):18-21
当前,国民经济的高速发展加速了电力工业的发展,为此,阐述了电力工业发展存在的若干问题。通过对广东省发电能源结构的分析,论述发展液化天然气(LNG)电厂的必要性,LNG电厂在电网中主要用于调峰和带中间负荷,其建设周期短、设备灵活、环境代价低。结合广东省电力工业的现状及远景规划,发展LNG电厂是可行的而且是必要的。  相似文献   

随着电力市场化改革进程的加快,作为保障电网安全、稳定运行的基本服务公司,调峰调频发电公司的管理日趋专业化.结合调峰调频发电公司的实际,建立其经营管理评价指标体系;基于标杆管理原理及雷达图评价方法,建立了标杆管理在调峰调频发电公司经营管理能力评价中的应用模型,对指标体系的处理及使用进行了分析.通过算例对上述模型的使用进行具体阐述.  相似文献   

Over the past several years, an unprecedented amount of new capacity has been added to the PJM footprint, at a time of negligible electricity demand growth, a shift towards policy-backed resources, and the emergence of new technologies. This report explores the potential equity investor returns for planned combined cycle gas turbines in PJM. Analysis results indicate that the current tranche of plants straddles target IRRs in the mid-teens.  相似文献   

上海电气集团股份有限公司引进西门子技术生产的THDF108/53型汽轮发电机,是与F级单轴燃气轮机组相配套的汽轮发电机。介绍了该型汽轮发电机的技术规范、性能特点、主要结构特点以及辅助系统特点,重点介绍了F级燃机发电机组的变频启动方式与系统结构。该型发电机性能优良,符合相关国际国内标准要求。  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for evaluating the performance of demodulation-based frequency measurement algorithms in the presence of additive interfering sinusoids. Determination of the performance of amplitude measurement schemes under such conditions is straightforward once the frequency responses of the filters involved in the process are known, since the error induced by a single interfering tone is easily computed using the cascade algorithm's frequency response magnitude. This paper presents a similar method for predicting the worst error of frequency measurement schemes with respect to sinusoidal interference. Once acquainted with the proposed error prediction formula, the only difficulty in designing effective frequency measurement algorithms is the appropriate selection of output filters to achieve the specified performance. The method has been used successfully in designing frequency measurement algorithms currently used in Hydro-Que/spl acute/bec's special protection schemes.  相似文献   

This article compares the transient performance of three algorithms for electric frequency measurement. The algorithms are based on different techniques: (a) measurement of intervals between zero-crossings; (b) adjustment of points to a sinusoidal waveform; and (c) measurement of phase shift between fundamental components of Discrete Fourier Transform. The comparison was performed by application of the three algorithms to signals obtained by numerical simulation and to voltage waveforms sampled in experimental cases. For the case of numerically simulated signals, a theoretical frequency was defined as a reference value for the comparison with the measured values. In the experimental sampled waveforms, the effect of abrupt signal changes and the effect of filters are shown. The characteristics of the filters were selected to obtain a similar time delay in the measurement of a step in the frequency. With such filters, the three algorithms showed a similar transient behavior in all the analyzed cases. The analysis of the effect of harmonic distortion in the voltage signal is out of the scope of this article.  相似文献   

燃气-蒸汽联合循环发电机组因高效、节能、环保而越来越受到重视,为此,从我国当前大力发展燃气-蒸汽联合循环发电机组的实际情况出发,全面分析联合循环机组轴系的配置型式及其影响,重点比较了单轴和多轴“2拖1”机组在设备投资、占地面积、建设周期、起动停机、功率和效率、检修和控制系统方面的优缺点,为燃气-蒸汽联合循环发电新机组建设的轴系配置提供参考。  相似文献   

发电机组参与电网一次调频的特性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
戴义平  赵婷  高林 《中国电力》2006,39(11):37-41
一次调频是确保电力系统频率稳定的主要途径之一,但目前采用DEH(数字式电液)控制系统的发电机组,通过调节系统设置较大的调频死区,切除一次调频的控制作用,大大降低了一次调频在突发性事故中稳定电网频率的作用。为研究发电机组参与电网一次调频的特性,建立了3区域互联系统的数学模型,并通过仿真试验,分析研究了不同的调频死区参数设置条件下,电网稳定所需要的一次调频容量,确定电网负荷扰动大小与机组调频容量之间的关系,对于指导电网中发电机组调节系统的参数设置和调整以及电网一次调频容量的确定具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

刘玉堂 《黑龙江电力》2004,26(6):418-421
对粉煤灰分选设备的结构、工作原理、工艺流程和性能特点进行了阐述,并以深圳妈湾电厂25t/h粉煤灰分选设备为例,对其投资及投产后的经济效益进行了分析,证明采用粉煤灰分选设备具有显著的经济效益。  相似文献   

电站用T91钢的性能及焊接   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吴军 《中国电力》2002,35(10):40-44
从化学成分,合金化原理,室温力学性能,高温力学性能,焊接接头的微观特点,焊接裂纹敏感性等几个方面系统介绍了T01钢的研究现状,并指出掌握T91钢的焊接和高温运行行为,克服其焊缝韧性劣化倾向及HAZ蠕变断裂强度下降,以充分发挥母材潜力,是T91钢的焊接研究急需突破的技术难题和紧迫任务。  相似文献   

1000MW机组一次调频性能优化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
针对超超临界直流百万机组在一次调频时响应滞后、积分电量少的问题,提出了对数字电液调节系统(DEH)、协调控制系统(CCS)中与一次调频相关的控制策略进行优化的改进方案.在现场试验中,解决了一次调频动作时百万机组功率响应滞后、实际积分电量少的问题.首次在西门子补汽阀控制技术下的超超临界直流百万机组上成功地进行了一次调频优化试验,对汽机主控指令中压力修正环节采用动态分离,确保一次调频动作时,汽机调门不会出现逆向调节.在国内超超临界直流百万机组实际运行中,采用减少低压抽汽来弥补极端工况下机组一次调频能力的不足.研究成果有效提高了百万机组的一次调频能力,有利于提高电网频率质量和安全稳定运行水平.  相似文献   

烟气脱硝催化剂的性能检测与评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
脱硝催化剂性能的定期检测与评价是烟气脱硝系统运行管理中的一项重要的工作。以厦门某电厂SCR脱硝催化剂为研究对象,对其表观活性、微观性能和表面沉积物进行全面、系统的测试与表征,研究发现:运行了25 144 h后的催化剂活性(K/K0)为0.72;孔径小于3.5 nm孔道基本消失,比表面积下降的幅度为13.5%~17.7%;VOx物种存在一定程度的流失;催化剂的晶体粒子也有抱团现象;运行催化剂表面沉积的Ca2+、Na+、K+、P的质量浓度分别是新鲜催化剂的4.5~5.0、115~140、4.6~5.7和7.4~7.9倍,同时存在砷的累积。研究方法与实验结果可为我国今后全面开展脱硝催化剂性能检测与评价提供借鉴,对烟气脱硝系统的运行优化、再生工艺选择、延长催化剂的寿命、降低SCR系统的生产运行成本等方面均有较大意义。  相似文献   

董学武  范岩 《广东电力》2006,19(8):74-77
随着高压变频调速技术日趋成熟。韶关电厂于2005年首先对一台200MW机组的引风机进行高压变频调速改造试用,结合本厂的实际应用经验,对高压变频器选型与应用时应注意的技术问题进行阐述.同时对实际应用中存在的问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

GW级机组凝结水泵变频运行性能分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为解决凝结水泵通过凝汽器调节门开度来控制凝汽器水位而造成的节流损失问题,上海外高桥第二发电厂将凝结水泵改造为"一用一备"控制方式的变频运行。介绍了凝结水泵改造为变频调速后的运行方式,分析了变频运行中对凝汽器水位的自动控制、2台凝结水泵的连锁保护等问题的控制逻辑策略,并通过对凝结水泵变频运行前后的系统性能比较计算证明了GW级机组凝结水泵采用变频运行对降低能耗,延长设备使用寿命,减小维护量,改善机组运行经济性起到了良好的效果。  相似文献   

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