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Heavy metals (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) in various vegetables (cabbage, green onion, lettuce, parsley, rocket, spinach, carrot, onion, potato and cauliflower) from the market in Jordan were measured using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn ranged from 0.009–0.275 mg kg?1 wet weight, 0.004–0.060 mg kg?1, 0.003–0.401 mg kg?1, 0.105–3.51 mg kg?1, 0.15–1.15 mg kg?1, 0.93–14.39 mg kg?1, 0.044–0.702 mg kg?1, 0.072–0.289 mg kg?1 and 2.23–6.65 mg kg?1, respectively. Parsley, followed by spinach, contained the highest concentration of heavy metals. Onion contained high levels of toxic heavy metals. The content of Cu in parsley and spinach and Pb in onion exceeded the Codex limits. However, the daily intake of heavy metals from the tested vegetables was lower than the maximum limits for allowable intake.  相似文献   

Sixty-one samples of canned tomato paste comprising seven brands originating from three countries and sold in local markets in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana were analysed for levels of iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry and for levels of mercury (Hg) by direct mercury analyzer. Mean heavy metal concentrations varied by brand, ranging from below the limit of detection (Cd) to a maximum concentration range of 1.68?±?1.63 to 58.6?±?14.5?µg?g??1 (Fe). Estimated mean ranges of other heavy metals are 2.06?±?0.62 to 8.52?±?0.68?µg?g??1 (Zn), 2.62?±?0.33 to 5.75?±?0.47?µg?g??1 (Mn), 0.070?±?0.003 to 0.116?±?0.012?µg?g??1 (Pb) and 0.011?±?0.001 to 0.102?±?0.001?µg?g??1 (Hg). Assessed metal levels in five brands were below the WHO/FAO permissible levels. Results of the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) conducted on the data suggested no significant variations (P?>?0.05) in the concentrations of the metals in the same brands of canned tomatoes.  相似文献   

目的 检测北京市售食用菌中重金属含量并进行健康风险评测。方法 采用随机采样的方法,选取北京市售常见新鲜食用菌,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱对食用菌中重金属砷、镉、铅、汞含量进行检测;采用靶标危害系数法 (target hazard quotients, THQ),评估人体每日通过食用菌摄入重金属所带来的健康风险。结果 共采集食用菌样品5类42份,重金属砷、镉、铅、汞含量均未超过国标限量要求,其中香菇中各种重金属的含量相对较高,各种重金属在不同种类食用菌中含量差异变化较大;儿童、成人摄入食用菌中重金属的THQ值和总THQ值依次递减。不同年龄人群膳食摄入食用菌中砷、镉、铅、汞的THQ值均<1。结论 本次采集的北京市售食用菌中砷、镉、铅、汞的含量均未超标,通过膳食途径摄入食用菌中重金属的健康风险较低。  相似文献   

目的 了解佛山市市售稻米及其制品中的高氯酸盐污染情况,为标准制订和风险管理提供理论基础。方法 2021年3月采集佛山市5个区25个街道的农贸市场、超市、餐饮店和母婴店销售的稻米及其制品共233份,采用液相色谱串联质谱仪法检测样中高氯酸盐浓度,分析稻米及其制品中的高氯酸盐污染特征。结果 高氯酸盐在稻米样品中检出率为57.8%(52/90),湿米粉为98.8%(79/80),糯米制品为90%(18/20),特色米制品为100%(12/12),婴幼儿辅食为87.1%(27/31)。稻米样品中的高氯酸盐平均浓度为2.5μg/kg,湿米粉为6.5μg/kg,糯米制品为3.7μg/kg,特色米制品为4.3μg/kg,婴幼儿谷类辅食为5.5μg/kg。不同稻米亚种中,籼米样品中的高氯酸盐平均浓度为2.9μg/kg,粳米为0.5μg/kg,糯米为4.2μg/kg。结论 市售稻米及其制品中的高氯酸盐污染较为普遍,其中稻米的高氯酸盐污染水平低于稻米制品和婴幼儿辅食,而湿米粉是稻米制品中高氯酸盐污染水平最高的一种,婴幼儿辅食中的高氯酸盐污染水平也较高。  相似文献   

目的 调查石家庄市售牛奶和奶粉中铅、镉、汞和砷等重金属的污染状况.方法 采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法对市售不同品牌的牛奶和奶粉中的污染物进行检测,并依据GB 2762—2017《食品安全国家标准食品中污染物限量》对牛奶中的铅、镉、汞和砷对公众健康危害风险度进行研究.结果 本研究共监测61份样品,铅、镉、汞、砷总合格率为1...  相似文献   

E-bikes in China are the single largest adoption of alternative fuel vehicles in history, with more than 100 million e-bikes purchased in the past decade and vehicle ownership about 2× larger for e-bikes as for conventional cars; e-car sales, too, are rapidly growing. We compare emissions (CO(2), PM(2.5), NO(X), HC) and environmental health impacts (primary PM(2.5)) from the use of conventional vehicles (CVs) and electric vehicles (EVs) in 34 major cities in China. CO(2) emissions (g km(-1)) vary and are an order of magnitude greater for e-cars (135-274) and CVs (150-180) than for e-bikes (14-27). PM(2.5) emission factors generally are lower for CVs (gasoline or diesel) than comparable EVs. However, intake fraction is often greater for CVs than for EVs because combustion emissions are generally closer to population centers for CVs (tailpipe emissions) than for EVs (power plant emissions). For most cities, the net result is that primary PM(2.5) environmental health impacts per passenger-km are greater for e-cars than for gasoline cars (3.6× on average), lower than for diesel cars (2.5× on average), and equal to diesel buses. In contrast, e-bikes yield lower environmental health impacts per passenger-km than the three CVs investigated: gasoline cars (2×), diesel cars (10×), and diesel buses (5×). Our findings highlight the importance of considering exposures, and especially the proximity of emissions to people, when evaluating environmental health impacts for EVs.  相似文献   


A total of 101 samples of beer from the Chinese market were analysed for the presence of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and sterigmatocystin (STC), using methods based on liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. The limit of quantification and the limit of detection in beer were 0.1 and 0.03 µg/kg, respectively. Recoveries of AFB1 and STC from spiked beer samples were 97.8–103.6% and 92.7–102.1%, respectively. None of the beer purchased samples were contaminated with AFB1 or STC.  相似文献   

目的 分析保健食品中重金属污染状况, 评价北京市售保健食品重金属铅、总砷、总汞的总体水平。方法 采用国家标准方法, 对2016~2017年北京市售的1397批保健食品进行铅、总砷、总汞含量测定, 采用Excel和SPSS 19.0进行数据统计, 依据GB 16740-2014和产品质量标准判定, 结合产品规格与食用方法, 计算产品中重金属每周摄入量, 用于安全评价。结果 共检测1397批产品, 总合格率为98.5%。铅、总砷、总汞合格率分别为98.9%、99.5%和99.8%; 检出率分别为95.2%、85.5%和50.4%; 5种剂型保健食品中, 3种重金属元素含量均以茶剂最高, 其差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.001); 1批胶囊剂中汞含量超标, 但基本存在于胶囊壳中。筛选出39批婴幼儿保健食品, 重金属含量均符合产品质量标准与国家标准要求。产品铅、总砷、总汞每周摄入量均符合粮农组织和世界卫生组织(FAO/WHO)联合法典委员会要求。结论 2016~2017年北京市售保健食品中重金属整体监测情况良好, 且无蓄积中毒的风险; 茶剂产品的重金属含量较高, 但考虑其冲泡方式的特殊性, 实际重金属摄入量较低; 另发现个别胶囊壳中汞含量超标, 建议加强保健食品辅料、包材中重金属污染情况监测。  相似文献   

As Rich and Xiao suggested, cigarette sharing and gifting play an important role in China's smoking epidemic. Understanding the cultural roots, history, and impacts of such practices should be emphasized in tobacco control efforts. "Tobacco as a social currency" is a consequence of the tobacco industry usurping traditional values and cultural customs to make cigarette gifting acceptable, desirable, and socially reinforcing. The cigarettes-social reinforcement link created by the tobacco industry can be broken by deglamorizing smoking and cigarette gifting and by reinforcing alternative healthful behaviors. A behavioral ecological perspective, with an emphasis of understanding and engineering cultures, should guide future health promotion efforts to reduce smoking and other risk practices in China.  相似文献   

Mercury emissions from biomass burning in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biomass burning covers open fires (forest and grassland fires, crop residue burning in fields, etc.) and biofuel combustion (crop residues and wood, etc., used as fuel). As a large agricultural country, China may produce large quantities of mercury emissions from biomass burning. A new mercury emission inventory in China is needed because previous studies reflected outdated biomass burning with coarse resolution. Moreover, these studies often adopted the emission factors (mass of emitted species per mass of biomass burned) measured in North America. In this study, the mercury emissions from biomass burning in China (excluding small islands in the South China Sea) were estimated, using recently measured mercury concentrations in various biomes in China as emission factors. Emissions from crop residues and fuelwood were estimated based on annual reports distributed by provincial government. Emissions from forest and grassland fires were calculated by combining moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) burned area product with combustion efficiency (ratio of fuel consumption to total available fuels) considering fuel moisture. The average annual emission from biomass burning was 27 (range from 15.1 to 39.9) Mg/year. This inventory has high spatial resolution (1 km) and covers a long period (2000-2007), making it useful for air quality modeling.  相似文献   

Fine particle emissions from on-road vehicles in the Zhujiang Tunnel, China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Little is known about the characteristics of particulate matter emissions from vehicles in China, although such information is critical in source apportionment modeling, emission inventories, and health effect studies. In this paper, we report a comprehensive characterization of PM2.5 emissions in the Zhujiang Tunnel in the Pearl River Delta region of China. The chemical speciation included elemental carbon, organic carbon, inorganic ions, trace elements, and organic compounds. The emission factors of individual species and their relative distributions were obtained for a mixed fleet of heavy-duty vehicles (19.8%) and light-duty vehicles (80.2%). In addition, separate emission factors of PM2.5 mass, elemental carbon, and organic matter for heavy-duty vehicles and light-duty vehicles also were derived. As compared to the results of other tunnel studies previously conducted, we found that the abundances and distributions of the trace elements in PM2.5 emissions were more varied. In contrast, the characteristics of the trace organic compounds in the PM2.5 emissions in our study were consistent with characteristics found in other tunnel studies and dynamometer tests. Our results suggested that vehicular PM2.5 emissions of organic compounds are less influenced by the geographic area and fleet composition and thereby are more suitable for use in aerosol source apportionment modeling implemented across extensive regions.  相似文献   

Tobacco exposure is a key risk factor for head and neck cancer, and continued smoking after diagnosis negatively affects outcomes. The present study examined tobacco smoking, nicotine dependence, alcohol use, and depression in survivors of head and neck cancer. Subjects at least 6 months post-initial diagnosis of head and neck cancer (N=694) drawn from three VA otolaryngology clinics (n=309, VA patients) and a university-based otolaryngology clinic (n=385, non-VA patients) were administered questionnaires and standardized rating instruments for nicotine and alcohol dependence and for depression. Additional clinical information was extracted from chart reviews. Despite high rates of prior smoking, less than one-quarter of all subjects continued to smoke. After controlling for significant confounding variables, we found that VA patients were more likely to be current smokers (OR=1.9, 95% CI=1.3-3.0), but current VA smokers did not differ significantly from non-VA smokers on the Fagerstr?m Test for Nicotine Dependence criterion (p=.69). The VA patients were more likely to screen positive for problem drinking on the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (OR=2.1, 95% CI=1.3-3.7). After adjusting for other variables, we found no statistical difference between the groups in depression scores on the Geriatric Depression Scale-Short Form. The study provides data on smoking, alcohol use, and depression in head and neck cancer survivors indicating that VA patients are at increased risk for continued smoking and problem drinking relative to non-VA patients. Head and neck cancer patients benefit from aggressive smoking cessation efforts by the VA, but many patients need specialized services that integrate smoking interventions with treatment of comorbid alcoholism.  相似文献   

为了揭示我国商业腐乳中生物胺存在形式和水平,采用丹磺酰氯柱前衍生结合高效液相色谱法(HPLC)对我国市售的20个品牌白方腐乳和20个品牌红方腐乳中的生物胺含量进行了分析。结果表明,我国市售的腐乳中存在的主要生物胺为酪胺、组胺、腐胺、色胺、β-苯乙胺和尸胺,其平均含量分别为73.7 mg/kg、43.7 mg/kg、38.5 mg/kg、27.7 mg/kg、5.4 mg/kg和5.4 mg/kg;每种生物胺在白方腐乳中的含量均显著高于红方腐乳(P<0.05),前者的酪胺、组胺、腐胺、色胺、β-苯乙胺和尸胺的平均含量分别为后者的1.6、1.9、3.4、3.3、2.3和3.0倍;且每种生物胺的水平在同一类型不同品牌腐乳之间均呈现高度差异化。  相似文献   

2001年我国部分蔬菜和肉类污染状况调查及分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
为了解我国蔬菜和肉类污染的状况 ,受卫生部和国家三绿工程办公室委托 ,我们于 2 0 0 1年秋季在全国 14个城市采集了 6种蔬菜 10 8份样品和 30份猪肉及 15份鸡肉进行了有关污染物的污染状况调查。监测指标有铅、砷、甲胺磷和氯霉素等。结果发现所检的 4 5份肉的铅、砷和氯霉素全部符合国家标准 ,10 8份蔬菜中有一份铅超标 ,砷含量全部合格 ,但是发现蔬菜中存在滥用剧毒农药甲胺磷的情况 ,蔬菜中甲胺磷的平均检出率为 12 % ,检出率最高的为卷心菜 2 7 7%。  相似文献   

矮地茶、葡萄籽、香菊提取物在卷烟中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为减少烟气自由基对吸烟者健康的危害,用矮地茶、葡萄籽、香菊复合提取物进行了降低卷烟烟气自由基试验.结果表明:添加5-10 mg/kg矮地茶提取物、葡萄籽提取物和神农香菊提取物的卷烟烟气气相自由基分别降低16.31%~19.73%,20.19%~23.73%和1 1.56%~14.85%;添加10 mg/kg 1:1:1...  相似文献   

Approximately 200 samples of rice (including white, brown, red, black, basmati and jasmine, as well as wild rice) from several different countries, including the United States, Canada, Pakistan, India and Thailand, were analysed for aflatoxins, ochratoxin A (OTA) and fumonisins by separate liquid chromatographic methods in two different years. The mean concentrations for aflatoxin B(1) (AFB(1)) were 0.19 and 0.17 ng g(-1) with respective positive incidences of 56% and 43% (≥ the limit of detection (LOD) of 0.002 ng g(-1)). Twenty-three samples analysed in the second year also contained aflatoxin B(2) (AFB(2)) at levels ≥LOD of 0.002 ng g(-1). The five most contaminated samples in each year contained 1.44-7.14 ng AFB(1) g(-1) (year 1) and 1.45-3.48 ng AFB(1) g(-1) (year 2); they were mostly basmati rice from India and Pakistan and black and red rice from Thailand. The average concentrations of ochratoxin A (OTA) were 0.05 and 0.005 ng g(-1) in year 1 and year 2, respectively; incidences of samples containing ≥LOD of 0.05 ng g(-1) were 43% and 1%, respectively, in the 2 years. All positive OTA results were confirmed by LC-MS/MS. For fumonisins, concentrations of fumonisin B(1) (FB(1)) averaged 4.5 ng g(-1) in 15 positive samples (≥0.7 ng g(-1)) from year 1 (n = 99); fumonisin B(2) (FB(2)) and fumonisin B(3) (FB(3)) were also present (≥1 ng g(-1)). In the second year there was only one positive sample (14 ng g(-1) FB(1)) out of 100 analysed. All positive FB(1) results were confirmed by LC-MS/MS.  相似文献   

全球电子烟市场近年来呈现迅猛增长态势,但其安全性、有效性尚未得到科学证实,相关争议越来越多。从各国政府对电子烟的管制情况看,目前主要有严格禁止、纳入药品管制、纳入烟草制品管制或作为消费品监管四种类型。从我国国情和电子烟市场发展实际出发,必须尽快加强对电子烟的政府管制,最为可行的管制方案是纳入烟草制品进行管制。   相似文献   

Two hundred samples of minimally processed, frozen, and prepacked potato chips, peas, corn, and a variety of combined vegetables from supermarkets in Gaborone, Botswana, were examined microbiologically. Determination of aerobic mesophilic plate count, aerobic psychrotrophic plate count, lactic acid bacteria, yeasts and molds, coliforms, Listeria spp., and Staphylococcus aureus were done. Chips had the lowest mean log values for all of the microorganisms enumerated except yeasts and molds. The mean log values for single vegetables ranged from 3.6 to 9.1, 3.4 to 8.9, 2.9 to 5.6, and 2.1 to 6.5 log CFU/ g aerobic mesophilic plate count, aerobic psychrotrophic plate count, lactic acid bacteria, and yeasts and molds, respectively. The microbial profiles of peas and corn were almost similar (P < 0.001). The mean values for combined vegetables were clustered within 4.6 and 5.4 and 4.2 and 5.2 log CFU/g aerobic mesophilic plate count and aerobic psychrotrophic plate count, respectively. All of the vegetables had a coliform population distribution ranging from 0 to < 10(4) most probable number per g. The predominant gram-negative bacteria isolated included members of Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonaceae (86.2%). Escherichia coli was not detected in all of the samples. The organisms isolated included those responsible for spoilage in frozen vegetables, namely Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Corynebacterium, lactic acid bacteria, and Flavobacterium. The predominant lactic acid bacteria were Lactobacillus spp. (55.9%). Other spoilage organisms were yeasts, and Cryptococcus spp. (55.4%) was predominant. Pathogens, namely Listeria monocytogenes, were also isolated at a rate of 2 to 10%, of which 4% was from corn, 2% each from peas and country crop, and 10% from stir-fry. Bacillus cereus was also isolated and accounted for 7.7% of the microorganisms from corn. S. aureus was isolated from all of the vegetables. Enterotoxigenic strains were from corn, peas, mixed vegetables, and stir-fry, and all of them produced enterotoxin A. In addition, the isolates from stir-fry vegetables also produced enterotoxins B and C. The study reveals the presence of pathogens and emerging opportunistic pathogens in the ready-to-use or ready-to-eat vegetables. If E. coli is the only indicator for safety and acceptability, consumers may be exposed to foodborne diseases. Inclusion of other groups as indicator organisms is suggested. Retailers are urged to invest in standby generators to maintain the cold chain.  相似文献   

为促进我国油脂加工行业碳排放认证,介绍了现有碳排放的计算方法、标准和数据库,对我国油脂加工行业减排案例及碳排放的认证现状进行了论述,探讨了碳排放计算和认证中存在的问题,并对油脂加工企业碳排放认证提出建议。我国油脂行业碳排放认证存在缺乏统一标准规范、提出的减碳方案空泛、认证计算不全面等问题,应制定油脂加工行业碳足迹计算标准规范,统一基础数据,建立数据库和碳足迹认证参数体系,以找到降低碳排放的关键环节,从而实现碳中和。  相似文献   

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