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现代人的环保意识正日益增强,对于如何提高室内照明效果,改善光环境的科学探讨也不断有新的发展。最近,科学家们在试验室内照明效果时得到了一个非常有实用价值的结论:在两个同样布置的房间里,灯具外形也相同,只是一个灯具的外面有一条发光的边。无发光边灯具的房间里,灯具亮度是固定的;有发光边灯具的房间经操纵调光器可调节房间里灯的亮度。实验结果表示,当认为两个房间光亮相等即认为有相同的光胃口(“光欲”)时,有发光边灯具的房间里的照度中仍没有发光边灯具房间的85%-90%。由此可见,在两间有相同照度的房间中,如…  相似文献   

1907年,HenryJosephRound第一次在碳化硅里观察到电致发光现象,从此科技工作者们便开始了崭新的探索之旅,这一旅程,从黑暗到黎明,却是整整一个世纪。 20世纪20年代晚期,BerFihardGudden和RobertWichard在德国使用从锌硫化合物与铜中提炼的黄磷产生发光,但发光太暗,无法应用。  相似文献   

这种在黑暗处可以读数的手握式数字万用表(DMM),是用最新颖的低功耗的荧光条底板发光工作。PHILIPS公司的最新设计的4位手握式数字万用表PM2518X型就是这种用LCD显示的万用表,其功耗低,与用LED显示的表比较,其电池寿命可延长十倍。低功耗和在黑暗处显示读数的功能对航空很重要。  相似文献   

白炽灯(incandescent lamp)自发明至今全世界使用了100多年。白炽灯是将交流市电直接加在钨丝电阻上,使其发热而发光,从而照亮黑暗,使全世界数亿人口在夜晚有了电灯带来的光明与快乐生活,以及劳作的方便。  相似文献   

从来没有想过,在黑暗中看吸尘器,原来是如此的美丽;从来没有想过,在黑暗中看吸尘器,可以让人眼前一亮;从来没有想过,在黑暗中看吸尘器,会感觉如此的宁静……平日里,总是忙忙碌碌,对家里的贡献真的是少之又少,仔细想想,已经不记得离上一次用吸尘器做大扫除的日子有多久了,真是有些惭愧。于是决定,做完这期杂志,回家大扫除。  相似文献   

苑国良 《电气时代》2008,(10):88-88
蓄光型自发光材料照明主动吸蓄太阳光.灯光.紫外光及杂散光等可见光5~10min后,就可在黑暗中持续发光12h以上。并可根据实际需要.使其发出红.绿.蓝.黄.紫等多种彩色光.其在公路交通标志中应用广泛。  相似文献   

1引言 随着国民经济的迅速发展,我国高速公路建设和公路运输规模都得到了前所未有的发展。从1989年,全国第一条高速公路一上海沪嘉公路建成通车起,在这十多年的发展过程中,目前全国高速公路总里程已达3万公里,居世界第二。高速公路的快速发展对于产业经济的推动作用是巨大的,运输、交通等直接相关行业领域的变化是革新的。与此同时,管理这些高速公路的收费闸口的建设,也随着高速公路的发展,而不断规模化。  相似文献   

安徽道意:我很喜欢上期的《了却“尘缘”》,倒不是因为里面的吸尘器产品,而更多的是喜欢那种黑暗中的感觉。正如文章开始写的那样:从来没有想过,在黑暗中看吸尘器,原来是如此的美丽;从来没有想过,在黑暗中看吸尘器,可以让人眼前一亮;从来没有想过,在黑暗中看吸尘器,会感觉如此的宁静……真的是有这样的感觉,给我很大的惊喜。请问,前言中的配图是不是美的吸尘器?很感谢道意先生对我们《了却“尘缘”》的肯定,也非常感谢道意可以和我们的编辑有这样的共鸣,当我们完成本次策划的时候,黑暗中的吸尘器带给我们最多的东西就是惊喜。原来家电产品也…  相似文献   

蓄能发光材料又称为光致光超长余辉蓄光材料、非放射性蓄光材料、无电源自发光材料等。该材料主动吸蓄日光、灯光、紫外光、杂散光等可见光5~10min后,就可在黑暗中持续发光12h以上,并可根据实际需要,使其发出红、绿、蓝、黄、紫等多种彩色光。其发光原理是:分子或原子外围的电  相似文献   

介绍一种汽车前照灯昏暗自动发光及自动延时控制装置,包括:在接通点火开关K1和关闭前照灯开关K3后,在夜晚或在黑暗中行驶时可使前照灯工作的昏暗自动发光电路;在关闭点火开关K1和前照灯开关K3后仍可维持前照灯延时工作的自动延时控制电路,并分析了它们的工作原理。  相似文献   

This paper employs previously developed modeling, validation, and stimulation tools to address, for the first time, the realistic macroscopic simulation of a real large-scale motorway network. More specifically, the macroscopic simulator METANET, involving a second-order traffic flow model as well as network-relevant extensions, is utilized. A rigorous quantitative validation procedure is applied to individual network links, and subsequently a heuristic qualitative validation procedure is employed at a network level. The large-scale motorway network around Amsterdam, The Netherlands, is considered in this investigation. The main goal of the paper is to describe the application approach and procedures and to demonstrate the accuracy and usefulness of macroscopic modeling tools for large-scale motorway networks.  相似文献   

In many classes of applications like active vibration control and active noise control, the disturbances can be characterized by their frequency content and their location in a specific region in the frequency domain. The disturbances can be of narrow band type (simple or multiple) or of broad band type. A model can be associated to these disturbances. The knowledge of this model allows to design an appropriate control system in order to attenuate (or to reject) their effect upon the system to be controlled. The attenuation of disturbances by feedback is limited by the Bode Integral and the ‘water bed’ effect upon the output sensitivity function. In such situations, the feedback approach has to be complemented by a ‘feedforward disturbance compensation’ requiring an additional transducer for obtaining information upon the disturbance. Unfortunately, in most of the situations, the disturbances are unknown and time‐varying and therefore an adaptive approach should be considered. The generic term for adaptive attenuation of unknown and time‐varying disturbances is ‘adaptive regulation’ (known plant model, unknown, and time‐varying disturbance model). The paper will review a number of recent developments for adaptive feedback compensation of multiple unknown and time‐varying narrow band disturbances and for adaptive feedforward compensation of broad band disturbances in the presence of the inherent internal positive feedback caused by the coupling between the compensator system and the measurement of the image of the disturbance. Some experimental results obtained on a relevant active vibration control system will illustrate the performance of the various algorithms presented. Some open research problems will be mentioned in the conclusion. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pocket power     
For many companies that wish to make their operations leaner and more efficient, the biggest difficulties arise not in achieving the initial improvements, but in ensuring that the new way of working is sustainable over the long term. The paper discusses the three critical aspects to successful, sustainable change: the operating system, the management infrastructure and the mindsets, capabilities and behaviours of the organisation's employees. An operational change programme is more like a journey - with risks and obstacles to face along the way - than a neat or definable process. Overlapping, interacting elements from across the organisation must all be considered and tackled simultaneously if the objective is to be achieved. No organisation gets the balance right first time every time, but successful organisations are those that persist in the face of setbacks, shifting their attention all the time to ensure that systems, management and mindsets are all moving in the right direction and taking the organisation with them, little by little, towards the goal.  相似文献   

Not long ago organ transplants were headline news about frontier medicine; now they are commonplace. Today both the number of transplants and long-term survival are increasing. In addition, physicians have learned how to keep increasingly sick patients alive longer and how to make more people eligible for transplants. The dark cloud in this sunny picture is the shortage of donated organs. According to the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), which coordinates transplant registration, 3448 people died in 1995 because organs were not available for them in time. Last summer there were about 47,000 Americans awaiting transplants, but if this year is similar to 1995, only about 40% of them will actually receive an organ. A third to a half of all people on waiting lists die before an organ can be found for them. This shortage raises several difficult ethical problems, which can only be outlined in the space available here. Topics discussed include: i) how should the limited supply of organs be distributed? ii) should donors be encouraged to donate by the use of financial incentives? iii) the definition of death; iv) animal donors; v) organs from healthy donors; and vi) the changing physician-patient relationship  相似文献   

The transformation and the degradation of insulating materials interacting with cold plasma discharges have certain common points. This is examined in the present review where the discharge activity is regarded from a physico-chemical point of view. A critical time of interaction seems to be observable in many studies, which defines the line between transformation and degradation. The role played by the plasma species like electrons or ions depends on the conditions of discharge initiation. The synergistic aspect of these species is also presented, and experimental modeling considered  相似文献   

Most of us choose engineering as a profession because we like to solve problems and build things. I picture an engineer as a whole person, a well-rounded, well-adjusted individual who is capable of conducting business like anyone else, with the added benefit of technical skills. We are the modern-day renaissance men and women, like Edison and Da Vinci. These men could invent and create. They were artists who had a broad view of the world and saw possibilities that no one had seen before. There is no reason why we can't be like them and do even more. We understand more science and have modern tools like computers and lasers to design and build things, plus we can use information technology to gather data when we have knowledge gaps. The point is that, once we have a clear picture of who we want to be, now more than ever before, that vision is obtainable, and that vision becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy if we choose to act on it. Certainly, if we think we can't do it, we won't. I'd like to share my vision of an accomplished 21st century engineer and offer some thoughts on how to get there. I see successful engineers as people who take an early interest in science and engineering. They have alert minds and a natural curiosity for everything around them. Their drive to learn is insatiable, soaking up knowledge constantly. They do things for the love of it, not simply for monetary rewards, but for the pride and personal satisfaction that comes with doing something particularly well  相似文献   

Ferroelectric properties of PbZr0.4Ti0.6O3 (PZT) grains were examined by monitoring the surface potential. Hysteretic and time dependent behaviors of small grain were compared with those of large grain. The smaller grain yields smaller value of the surface potential. However, the normalize voltage versus surface potential behavior indicates the earlier saturation with respect to writing voltages. On the other hand, the surface potential hysteresis loop obtained from the smaller grain shows a similar shape that might be obtained from Zr rich PZT film, whereas hysteresis loop of the larger grain looks like that obtained from Ti-rich film. In addition, the time dependent behaviors of the smaller grains also reveal the better response than those of the larger grains. The overall ferroelectric property of smaller grain seems to be better than that of larger grain. At present, it is not sure about the whether the difference is due to the difference in the stoichiometry or not. In this study, the Ti/Zr ratio of PZT film was 60/40.  相似文献   

Real-time system for monitoring driver vigilance   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper presents a nonintrusive prototype computer vision system for monitoring a driver's vigilance in real time. It is based on a hardware system for the real-time acquisition of a driver's images using an active IR illuminator and the software implementation for monitoring some visual behaviors that characterize a driver's level of vigilance. Six parameters are calculated: Percent eye closure (PERCLOS), eye closure duration, blink frequency, nodding frequency, face position, and fixed gaze. These parameters are combined using a fuzzy classifier to infer the level of inattentiveness of the driver. The use of multiple visual parameters and the fusion of these parameters yield a more robust and accurate inattention characterization than by using a single parameter. The system has been tested with different sequences recorded in night and day driving conditions in a motorway and with different users. Some experimental results and conclusions about the performance of the system are presented.  相似文献   

The UK government will be keeping a close eye on the ambitious national motorway road pricing scheme being finalised in the Netherlands. Approved last year (2008), the system should start charging commercial trucks for road usage by 2011, and expand to every vehicle by 2018.  相似文献   

通过模拟三类典型大气环境加速腐蚀试验以及微观形貌对比分析 ,在北方城市工业集中厂区的雨季 ,即在工业气氛和弱高温高湿双重作用下 ,所生产的表面带有不均匀性黑膜的钢芯铝绞线与正常条件下生产的钢芯铝绞线 ,在腐蚀行为、腐蚀速率、氧化膜微观形貌以及电阻率等方面基本一致。因此可以认为 ,在产品库存与实际架线使用时间间隔较短的条件下 ,与我国南方高温雨季生产的“表面不均匀性黑膜的钢芯铝绞线”一样 ,均为“不影响使用性能 ,仅影响商业外观”的产品。  相似文献   

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