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The efficacy of an increased hemoglobin oxygen affinity [decreased oxygen half-saturation pressure of hemoglobin (P50)] on capillary oxygen transport was evaluated in the hamster retractor muscle under conditions of a severely limited oxygen supply resulting from the combined effects of a 40% reduction in systemic hematocrit and hypoxic ventilation (inspired oxygen fraction 0.1). Two groups of hamsters were utilized: one with a normal oxygen affinity (untreated; P50 = 26.1 +/- 2.4 Torr) and one with an increased oxygen affinity (treated; P50 = 15.7 +/- 1.4 Torr) induced by the chronic short-term administration of sodium cyanate. Using in vivo video microscopy and image analysis techniques, we determined oxygen saturation and associated hemodynamics at both ends of the capillary network. During hypoxic ventilation, the decrease in oxygen saturation across the network was 3.6% for untreated animals compared with 9.9% for treated animals. During hypoxia, estimated end-capillary PO2 was significantly higher in the untreated animals. These data indicate that, at the capillary level, a decreased P50 is advantageous for tissue oxygenation when oxygen supply is severely compromised, because normal oxygen losses in capillaries are maintained in treated but not in untreated animals. The data are consistent with the presence of a diffusion limitation for oxygen during severe hypoxia in animals with a normal hemoglobin oxygen affinity.  相似文献   

NMR spectra of the downfield region of normal adult hemoglobin are reported as a function of oxygenation and temperature. Spectra were run in D2O at pD 7.4. A specially made NMR tube insert allowed precise measurement of the degree of oxygenation and of methemoglobin formation before and after taking the NMR spectrum. Plots of the estimated intensity of the most downfield prominent NMR peak, identified as arising from a deoxy-beta subunit by Davis et al. ((1971) J. Mol. Biol. 60, 101-111), versus the average degree of oxygenation y, measured optically, yield a nearly straight line within experimental error, for samples stripped of organic phosphates and for samples containing 2,3-diphosphoglycerate or inositol hexaphosphate. Intensities of peaks further upfield than this peak, previously attributed to deoxy-alpha subunits, are difficult to measure directly especially for samples containing inositol hexaphosphate. The latter samples show broadening in these alpha peaks as the degree of oxygenation increases. This extra broadening appears to increase with temperature. Linearity of the beta peak intensity with oxygenation is expected if there is no large oxygen affinity difference between alpha and beta subunits. However, the cooperativity of binding, and inaccuracy of the data, make it impossible to make accurate estimates of affinity differences.  相似文献   

It is well known that hemoglobin (Hb) possesses many oxidative enzyme activities, including a pseudo-peroxidase activity. It has also been shown by many investigators that various peroxidases in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and a halide ion exert a potent cytotoxic activity toward various mammalian cell types. It has further been observed by various investigators that the administration of relatively large amounts of purified Hb or a Hb derivative to a host animal during resuscitation experiments leads to a number of unrelated types of tissue damage and cell damage in the host. The first objective of this investigation was to determine if the observed tissue and cell damage may be due to a cytotoxic activity that Hb may exert in vivo analogous to that of the peroxidases. We also showed some time ago that peroxidases are able to activate peritoneal macrophages to the cytocidal state. Hence, we also addressed the question whether or not Hb is able to activate macrophages in a similar manner. Our results were negative with regard to both questions. Further investigations indicated that, unlike the peroxidases, ferryl-Hb is unable to oxidize iodide to iodine at a measurable rate, which appears to be the reason for the lack of cytotoxic activity.  相似文献   

D Awasthi  DF Church  D Torbati  ME Carey  WA Pryor 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,47(6):575-81; discussion 581-2
BACKGROUND: Free radicals may be involved in the pathophysiology of traumatic brain injury (TBI) through oxidative damage of neurovascular structures. Endogenous antioxidants, such as ascorbate and alpha-tocopherol, may play a critical role in combating these oxidative reactions and their oxidized products can serve as an important index of oxidative stress. METHODS: We used electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy and in vivo spin trapping (reaction of an organic compound with free radical species) to detect the possible generation of free radicals after TBI. Injury was inflicted by a weight drop technique over the head (5.7 kg-cm). Rats were intravenously infused with either 1 mL, 0.1 M of the spin trap, alpha-phenyl-N-tert-butyl nitrone (PBN), or an equivalent volume of saline immediately before TBI or sham-injury. Animals were divided into four groups: (1) Group I: PBN-infused sham-injured, (2) Group II: PBN-infused injured, (3) Group III: saline-infused sham-injured, and (4) Group IV: saline-infused injured. Additional groups of saline-infused uninjured, saline-infused, and PBN-infused injured animals were used for histopathology. Sixty minutes after TBI or sham-injury, rats were again anesthetized and decapitated. The brains were removed within 1 minute, homogenized, and extracted for lipids. The extracts were analyzed by ESR spectroscopy. Brain ascorbic acid (AA) concentration was determined spectrophotometrically, using the ascorbate oxidase assay. RESULTS: No PBN spin adduct signals (indicating trapped free radical species) were visible 60 minutes after TBI. All groups of rats showed an ascorbyl free radical signal. The ascorbyl signal intensity (AI) was, however, significantly higher in the injured rats, while the brain (AA) was significantly reduced. In addition, the ratio of AI/AA, which eliminates the effect of variable ascorbate concentrations in the brain, was also significantly higher in the injured animals. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that 60 minutes following TBI there was a significantly increased level of oxidative stress in the brain. This may reflect formation of free radical species with subsequent interaction with ascorbate (antioxidant) during the 60 minute period. The lack of PBN spin adduct signals 1 hour after TBI may indicate that free radical generation is time dependent and might be detectable earlier or later than the 60 minute period.  相似文献   

Transient transfection studies of human HepG2 and mouse Hepa hepatocarcinoma cells with a reporter gene construct regulated by a human antioxidant responsive element (ARE) from the NQO1 gene demonstrated that the element is responsive to low oxygen conditions. The antioxidant N-acetyl L-cysteine (NAC) strongly inhibited basal aerobic reporter gene activity in HepG2 cells without obviously affecting the hypoxic induction, as is consistent with ARE sensitivity to oxidative stress in aerobic cultures. Electrophoretic mobility shift (EMS) assays of nuclear extracts of HepG2 and Hepa cells lysed under aerobic or hypoxic conditions or after exposure to the phenolic compound 3-(2)-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole (BHA), showed specific and constitutive protein binding to the ARE under all of these conditions. Taken together, these findings show that the ARE can mediate gene expression in response to low oxygen conditions. Co-ordinately regulated expression of ARE-dependent genes, such as phase II detoxification enzymes, may be an important phenotype of solid tumors containing significant regions of pathophysiological hypoxia.  相似文献   

The regulators of G-protein signaling (RGS) family members contain a conserved region, the RGS domain, and are GTPase-activating proteins for many members of G-protein alpha-subunits. We report here that the core domain of RGS16 is sufficient for in vitro biochemical functions as assayed by its G-protein binding affinity and its ability to stimulate GTP hydrolysis by G alpha(o) protein. RGS16 also requires, in addition to the RGS domain, the divergent N-terminus for its biological function in the attenuation of pheromone signaling in yeast, whereas its C-terminus region is dispensable. Together with other evidence, these data support the notion that RGS proteins interact with other cellular factors and may serve to link specific G-proteins to different downstream effectors in G-protein-mediated signaling pathways.  相似文献   

This report describes in detail the procedures for growing human erythroid cells in liquid culture for evaluating the potential of pharmacological agents to affect hemoglobin production. The procedure consists of two phases: an erythropoietin-independent phase in which peripheral blood mononuclear cells are first cultured in the presence of a combination of hemopoietic growth factors, but in the absence of erythropoietin, where early erythroid committed progenitors proliferate and differentiate into more mature progenitors. In the second phase, the latter cells, cultured in an erythropoietin-supplemented medium, continue to proliferate and mature into orthochromatic normoblasts and enucleated erythrocytes. This procedure produces large cultures of relatively pure and synchronized erythroid cell populations derived from normal donors or patients with beta hemoglobinopathies. The cultured cells recapitulate many aspects of erythropoiesis in vivo, including the donor's pattern of hemoglobin production (types and proportions). Tested compounds, at different concentrations, are added at different stages of the culture. The various types of hemoglobins and globin chains produced can be measured by high performance liquid chromatographic techniques and their cellular distribution analyzed by flow cytometry using fluorescently labeled antibodies against specific hemoglobins. This approach provides a screening system for compounds with potential therapeutic efficacy in patients with beta hemoglobinopathies.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin A1c, the most abundant minor hemoglobin component in human erythrocytes, is formed by the condensation of glucose with the N-terminal amino groups of the beta-chains of Hb A. The biosynthesis of this glycosylated hemoglobin was studied in vitro by incubating suspensions of reticulocytes and bone marrow cells with [3H]leucine or 59Fe-bound transferrin. In all experiments, the specific activity of Hb A1c was significantly lower than that of Hb A, suggesting that the formation of Hb A1c is a posttranslational modification. The formation of Hb A1c in vivo was determined in two individuals who were given an infusion of 59Fe-labeled transferrin. As expected, the specific activity of Hb A rose promptly to a maximum during the 1st week and remained nearly constant thereafter. In contrast, the specific activity of Hb A1c and also of Hbs A1a and A1b rose slowly, reaching that of Hb A by about day 60. These results indicate that Hb A1c is slowly formed during the 120-day life-span of the erythrocyte, probably by a nonenzymatic process. Patients with shortened erythrocyte life-span due to hemolysis had markedly decreased levels of Hb A1c.  相似文献   

Vaccination with naked DNA may be an alternative to conventional vaccines because it combines the efficacy of attenuated vaccines with the biological safety of inactivated vaccines. We recently showed that the vaccination with naked DNA coding for the immunorelevant glycoprotein D (gD) of pseudorabies virus (PRV) induced both antibody and cell-mediated immunity in pigs and provided protection against challenge infection. To determine whether the efficacy of the naked DNA vaccination against PRV could be improved, we compared three sets of variables. First, the efficacy of the naked DNA vaccine coding only for the immunorelevant gD was compared with a cocktail vaccine containing additional plasmids coding for two other immunorelevant glycoproteins, gB and gC. Second, the intramuscular route of vaccination was compared with the intradermal route. Third, the commonly used needle method of inoculation was compared with the needleless Pigjet injector method. Five groups of five pigs were vaccinated three times at 4-weeks intervals and challenged with the virulent NIA-3 strain of PRV 6 weeks after the last vaccination. Results showed that although the cocktail vaccine induced stronger cell-mediated immune responses than the vaccine containing only gD plasmid, both vaccines protected pigs equally well against challenge infection. Intradermal inoculation with a needle induced significantly stronger antibody and cell-mediated immune responses and better protection against challenge infection than intramuscular inoculation. Our data show that the route of administering DNA vaccines in pigs is important for an optimal induction of protective immunity.  相似文献   

Objective: To test a stress process model of caregiving for persons with traumatic brain injury. Design: A correlational study using path analysis. Participants: One hundred eight caregivers affiliated with community- or Web-based support groups. Main Outcome Measures: The Modified Caregiver Appraisal Scale, the World Health Organization Quality of Life-Brief Version, the Interpersonal Support Evaluation List, and the COPE. Results: The normed fit index, comparative fit index, and parsimony ratio indicated a good fit for the model, suggesting that coping, social support, and caregiving appraisal contribute to quality of life. A more parsimonious model was respecified and achieved a better fit with fewer paths and variables. Conclusions: Empirical support was found for the proposed caregiving stress process model, which appears to provide useful information for future research and clinical interventions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., text rev., DSM–IV–TR; American Psychiatric Association, 2000), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Criterion A2 stipulates that an individual must experience intense fear, helplessness, or horror during an event that threatened the life or physical integrity of oneself or others to be eligible for the PTSD diagnosis. In considering this criterion, we describe its origins, review studies that have examined its predictive validity, and reflect on the intended purpose of the criterion and how it complements the mission of the DSM. We then assert that the predictive validity of Criterion A2 may not be an appropriate metric for evaluating its worth. We also note that the current Criterion A2 may not fully capture all the salient aspects of the traumatic stress response. To support this claim, we review empirical research showing that individuals adapt to extreme environmental events by responding in a complex and coordinated manner. This complex response set involves an individual's appraisal regarding the degree to which the event taxes his or her resources, as well as a range of other cognitions (e.g., dissociation), felt emotions (e.g., fear), physiological reactions (e.g., heart rate increase), and behaviors (e.g., tonic immobility). We provide evidence that these response components may be associated with the subsequent development of PTSD. We then describe the challenges associated with accurately assessing an individual's traumatic stress response. We conclude with a discussion of the need to consider the individual's immediate response when defining a traumatic stressor. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

1. Tedisamil is a new antiarrhythmic drug with predominant class III action. The aim of the present study was to investigate the blocking pattern of the compound on the transient outward current (I(to)) in human subepicardial myocytes isolated from explanted left ventricles. Using the single electrode whole cell voltage clamp technique, I(to) was analysed after appropriate voltage inactivation of sodium current and block of calcium current. 2. Tedisamil reduced the amplitude of peak I(to), but did not affect the amplitude of non-inactivating outward current. The drug accelerated the apparent rate of I(to) inactivation. The reduction in time constant of I(to) inactivation depended on drug concentration, the apparent IC50 value was 4.4 microM. 3. Tedisamil affected I(to) amplitude in a use-dependent manner. After 2 min at -80 mV, maximum block of I(to) was reached after 4-5 clamp steps either at the frequency of 0.2 or 2 Hz, indicating that the block was not frequency-dependent in an experimentally relevant range. Recovery from block was very slow and proceeded with a time constant of 12.1+/-1.8 s. Also in the presence of drug, a fraction of channels recovered from inactivation with a similar time constant as in control myocytes (i.e. 81+/-40 ms and 51+/-8 ms, respectively, n.s.). 4. From the onset of fractional block of I(to) by tedisamil during the initial 60 ms of a clamp step, we calculated k1 = 9 x 10(6) mol(-1) s(-1) for the association rate constant, and k2 = 23 s(-1) for the dissociation rate constant. The resulting apparent KD was 2.6 microM and is similar to the IC50 value. 5. The effects of tedisamil on I(to) could be simulated by assuming a four state channel model where the drug binds to the channel in an open (activated) conformation. It is concluded that in human subepicardial myocytes tedisamil is an open channel blocker of I(to) and that this effect probably contributes to the antiarrhythmic potential of this drug.  相似文献   

Resolution of the linkage functions between oxygenation and subunit association-dissociation equilibria in human hemoglobin into the constituent microscopic terms has been explored by numerical simulation and least-squares analysis. The correlation properties between parameters has been studied using several choices of parameter sets in order to optimize resolution. It is found that, with currently available levels of experimental precision and ranges of variables, neither linkage function can provide sufficient resolution of all the desired energy terms. The most difficult quantities to resolve always include the dimer-tetramer association constant for unliganded hemoglobin and the oxygen binding constants to alphabeta dimers. A feasible experimental strategy for overcoming these difficulties lies in independent determination of the dimer-tetramer association constants for unliganded and fully oxygenated hemoglobin. These constants, in combination with the median lignad concentration, provide an estimate of the energy for total oxygenation of tetramers which is essentially independent of the other constituent energies. It is shown that if these separately determinable parameters are fixed, the remaining terms may be estimated to good accuracy using data which represents either linkage function. In general it is desirable to combine information from both types of experimental quantities. A previous paper (Mills, F.C., Johnson, M.L., and Ackers, G.K. (1976), Biochemestry, 15, the preceding paper in this issue) describes the experimental implementation of this strategy.  相似文献   

alpha-Nitrosyl hemoglobin, alpha(Fe-NO)2beta(Fe)2, which is frequently observed upon reaction of deoxy hemoglobin with limited quantities of NO in vitro as well as in vivo, has been synthetically prepared, and its reaction with O2 has been investigation by EPR and thermodynamic equilibrium measurements. alpha-Nitrosyl hemoglobin is relatively stable under aerobic conditions and undergoes reversible O2 binding at the heme sites of its beta-subunits. Its O2 binding is coupled to the structural/functional transition between T- (low affinity extreme) and R- (high affinity) states. This transition is linked to the reversible cleavage of the heme Fe-proximal His bonds in the alpha(Fe-NO) subunits and is sensitive to allosteric effectors, such as protons, 2,3-biphosphoglycerate, and inositol hexaphosphate. In fact, alpha(Fe-NO)2beta(Fe)2 is exceptionally sensitive to protons, as it exhibits a highly enhanced Bohr effect. The total Bohr effect of alpha-nitrosyl hemoglobin is comparable to that of normal hemoglobin, despite the fact that the oxygenation process involves only two ligation steps. All of these structural and functional evidences have been further confirmed by examining the reactivity of the sulfhydryl group of the Cysbeta93 toward 4, 4'-dipyridyl disulfide of several alpha-nitrosyl hemoglobin derivatives over a wide pH range, as a probe for quaternary structure. Despite the halved O2-carrying capacity, alpha-nitrosyl hemoglobin is fully functional (cooperative and allosterically sensitive) and could represent a versatile low affinity O2 carrier with improved features that could deliver O2 to tissues effectively even after NO is sequestered at the heme sites of the alpha-subunits. It is concluded that the NO bound to the heme sites of the alpha-subunits of hemoglobin acts as a negative allosteric effector of Hb and thus might play a role in O2/CO2 transport in the blood under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Subunit dissociation has to be taken into account in the determination of the oxygen binding constants of hemoglobin, as described by Ackers and Halvorson in 1974. The seven apparent equilibrium constants for a particular set of conditions can be determined by using extrapolations to determine the fractional saturations YT of tetramer and YD of dimer from measured values of the fractional saturation Y of partially dissociated hemoglobin. Analytical methods are used to show that YT as a function of [O2] for tetramers can be calculated from Y of hemoglobin by linear extrapolation of measured Y values at high [heme] versus [heme]-1/2 to [heme]-1/2 = 0. YD for dimers can be calculated from measured Y values by linear extrapolation of Y versus [heme] to [heme] = 0 if sufficiently low [heme] can be used. These extrapolations have been tested with numerical calculations of Y for a particular hemoglobin as a function of [heme] and [O2] by using the seven apparent equilibrium constants determined by Mills, Johnson, and Ackers in 1976. The proposed procedure also yields the apparent association constant K" for 2TotD = TotT, where TotD is the sum of the dimers and TotT is the sum of the tetramers. This thermodynamic analysis of experimental data to determine the seven apparent equilibrium constants is independent of the model used to interpret the values of the thermodynamic parameters.  相似文献   

Objective/Method: Military personnel returning from Iraq and Afghanistan have been exposed to physical and emotional trauma. Challenges related to assessment and intervention for those with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and/or history of mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) with sequelae are discussed, with an emphasis on complicating factors if conditions are co-occurring. Existing literature regarding cumulative disadvantage is offered as a means of increasing understanding regarding the complex symptom patterns reported by those with a history of mild TBI with enduring symptoms and PTSD. Implications: The importance of early screening for both conditions is highlighted. In addition, the authors suggest that current best practices include treating symptoms regardless of etiology to decrease military personnel and veteran burden of adversity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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