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This paper presents an approach to concurrent toolpath planning for multi-material layered manufacturing (MMLM) to improve the fabrication efficiency of relatively complex prototypes. The approach is based on decoupled motion planning for multiple moving objects, in which the toolpaths of a set of tools are independently planned and then coordinated to deposit materials concurrently. Relative tool positions are monitored and potential tool collisions detected at a predefined rate. When a potential collision between a pair of tools is detected, a dynamic priority scheme is applied to assign motion priorities of tools. The traverse speeds of tools along the x-axis are compared, and a higher priority is assigned to the tool at a higher traverse speed. A tool with a higher priority continues to deposit material along its original path, while the one with a lower priority gives way by pausing at a suitable point until the potential collision is eliminated. Moreover, the deposition speeds of tools can be adjusted to suit different material properties and fabrication requirements. The proposed approach has been incorporated in a multi-material virtual prototyping (MMVP) system. Digital fabrication of prototypes shows that it can substantially shorten the fabrication time of relatively complex multi-material objects. The approach can be adapted for process control of MMLM when appropriate hardware becomes available. It is expected to benefit various applications, such as advanced product manufacturing and biomedical fabrication.  相似文献   

Tool chains have grown from ad-hoc solutions to complex software systems, which often have a service-oriented architecture. With service-oriented tool integration, development tools are made available as services, which can be orchestrated to form tool chains. Due to the increasing sophistication and size of tool chains, there is a need for a systematic development approach for service-oriented tool chains. We propose a domain-specific modeling language (DSML) that allows us to describe the tool chain on an appropriate level of abstraction. We present how this language supports three activities when developing service-oriented tool chains: communication, design and realization. A generative approach supports the realization of the tool chain using the service component architecture. We present experiences from an industrial case study, which applies the DSML to support the creation of a service-oriented tool chain. We evaluate the approach both qualitatively and quantitatively by comparing it with a traditional development approach.  相似文献   

CASE (computer aided software engineering) tools are believed to have played a critical role in improving software productivity and quality by assisting tasks in software development processes since the 1970s. Several parametric software cost models adopt "use of software tools" as one of the environmental factors that affects software development productivity. Several software cost models assess the productivity impacts of CASE tools based only on breadth of tool coverage without considering other productivity dimensions such as degree of integration, tool maturity, and user support. This paper provides an extended set of tool rating scales based on the completeness of tool coverage, the degree of tool integration, and tool maturity/user support. Those scales are used to refine the way in which CASE tools are effectively evaluated within COCOMO (constructive cost model) II. In order to find the best fit of weighting values for the extended set of tool rating scales in the extended research model, a Bayesian approach is adopted to combine two sources of (expert-judged and data-determined) information to increase prediction accuracy. The extended model using the three TOOL rating scales is validated by using the cross-validation methodologies, data splitting, and bootstrapping. This approach can be used to disaggregate other parameters that have significant impacts on software development productivity and to calibrate the best-fit weight values based on data-determined and expert-judged distributions. It results in an increase in the prediction accuracy in software parametric cost estimation models and an improvement in insights on software productivity investments.  相似文献   

Developing software engineering tools is a difficult task, and the environments in which these tools are deployed continually evolve as software developers’ processes, tools and tool sets evolve. To more effectively develop such evolvable environments, we have been using component-based approaches to build and integrate a range of software development tools, including CASE and workflow tools, file servers and versioning systems, and a variety of reusable software agents. We describe the rationale for a component-based approach to developing such tools, the architecture and support tools we have used some resultant tools and tool facilities we have developed, and summarise the possible future research directions in this area.  相似文献   

In this paper we present dETI, the next generation of the Electronic Tool Integration (ETI) platform, an open platform for the interactive experimentation with and coordination of heterogeneous software tools via the internet. Our redesign, which is based on the experience gained while running the ETI platform since 1997, focusses on the tool integration process, which clearly marked the bottleneck for the wide acceptance of the ETI platform on the side of an important group of users: the tool providers. The new integration approach makes use of standard Web Services technology, which perfectly fits in the overall ETI architecture.Our approach realizes a clear separation of concerns, which overcomes all the previously observed obstacles by (i) decoupling the integration tasks of the tool providers and the ETI team, (ii) pulling the ETI team out of the upgrading and maintenance loop and (iii) handing the upgrading and access control over to the tool providers.This guarantees the scalability in the number of tools available within ETI, and addresses the flexibility concerns of the tool providers.  相似文献   

This research mentions integration problems and describes a novel model‐driven approach that intend to reach a higher degree of interoperability among different software development tools coming from different technological spaces (TSs) by representing data of tools through the models. The proposed concept introduce a way to integrate various software related tools and aim to provide a modular syntax for tool integration that leverage the collaboration of different tools. In this work, the proposed approach has been tested through a case–study by demonstrating a single aspect of the model‐driven tool integration because the model‐driven tool integration has a wide scope and it is difficult to show all aspects of it in one research. It is proved that the model‐driven tool integration is possible based on the proposed concept between different TSs, and the formulation of the proposed approach is provided. As the results indicate, the proposed system integrates selected software‐related tools coming from different TSs and enables them to use each other's capabilities. This work paves the way to contribute for the standardization efforts of the model‐driven tool integration. Finally, further research opportunities are provided. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nowadays, typical software and system engineering projects in various industrial sectors (automotive, telecommunication, etc.) involve hundreds of developers using quite a number of different tools. Thus, the data of a project as a whole is distributed over these tools. Therefore, it is necessary to make the relationships of different tool data repositories visible and keep them consistent with each other. This still is a nightmare due to the lack of domain-specific adaptable tool and data integration solutions which support maintenance of traceability links, semi-automatic consistency checking as well as incremental update propagation. Currently used solutions are usually hand-coded one-way transformations between pairs of tools only. In this article we propose a new rule-based approach that allows for the declarative specification of data integration rules concerning multiple data repositories. Hence, we call our approach “Multi Document Integration”. It generalizes the formalism of triple graph grammars and replaces the underlying data structure of directed graphs by the more general data structure of MOF-compliant meta models. Our integration rule specifications are translated into JMI-compliant Java code which is used for various purposes by a tool integration framework. As a result we give an answer to OMG’s request for proposals for a MOF-compliant “queries, views, and transformation” approach from the “model driven application development” (MDA) field.  相似文献   

Cluster tools are widely used as semiconductor manufacturing equipment. While throughput analysis and scheduling of single-cluster tools have been well-studied, research work on multicluster tools is still at an early stage. In this paper, we analyze steady-state throughput and scheduling of multicluster tools. We consider the case where all wafers follow the same visit flow within a multicluster tool. We propose a decomposition method that reduces a multicluster tool problem to multiple independent single-cluster tool problems. We then apply the existing and extended results of throughput and scheduling analysis for each single-cluster tool. Computation of lower-bound cycle time (fundamental period) is presented. Optimality conditions and robot schedules that realize such lower-bound values are then provided using ldquopullrdquo and ldquoswaprdquo strategies for single-blade and double-blade robots, respectively. For an -cluster tool, we present lower-bound cycle time computation and robot scheduling algorithms. The impact of buffer/process modules on throughput and robot schedules is also studied. A chemical vapor deposition tool is used as an example of multicluster tools to illustrate the decomposition method and algorithms. The numerical and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed decomposition approach provides a powerful method to analyze the throughput and robot schedules of multicluster tools.  相似文献   

To address the problem of estimating the effects of unknown tools, we propose a novel concept of tool representation based on the functional features of the tool. We argue that functional features remain distinctive and invariant across different tools used for performing similar tasks. Such a representation can be used to estimate the effects of unknown tools that share similar functional features. To learn the usages of tools to physically alter the environment, a robot should be able to reason about its capability to act, the representation of available tools, and effect of manipulating tools. To enable a robot to perform such reasoning, we present a novel approach, called Tool Affordances, to learn bi-directional causal relationships between actions, functional features and the effects of tools. A Bayesian network is used to model tool affordances because of its capability to model probabilistic dependencies between data. To evaluate the learnt tool affordances, we conducted an inference test in which a robot inferred suitable functional features to realize certain effects (including novel effects) from the given action. The results show that the generalization of functional features enables the robot to estimate the effects of unknown tools that have similar functional features. We validate the accuracy of estimation by error analysis.  相似文献   

Most of the literatures on machining economics problems tend to focus on single cutting operations. However, in reality most parts that need to be machined require more than one operation. In addition, machining technology has been developed to the point that a single computer numerical control (CNC) machine is capable of performing multiple operations, even simultaneously, employing multiple spindles and cutting tools. When several operations are performed on a CNC turning machine, various tools are required for the cutting operations. Determining the life of these cutting tools under different machining conditions is an arduous task for the operators. They usually replace the tools based on their experience or according to the specific cutting tool handbook. Frequent tool replacements may result in wasted tools and tool utilization, while infrequent tool replacements may result in poorly machined parts. In this study we propose a mathematical model in which several different turning operations (turning, drilling, and parting) with proper constraints are performed. The issue of tool replacement is taken into account in the proposed cutting model. In addition, an evolutionary strategy (ES)-based optimization approach is developed to optimize the cutting conditions of the multiple turning-related operations while taking into account the minimizing unit cost criteria under the economical tool replacement strategy.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach to improve tool selection for arbitrary shaped pockets based on an approximate polygon subdivision technique. The pocket is subdivided into smaller sub-polygons and tools are selected separately for each sub-polygon. A set of tools for the entire pocket is obtained based on both machining time and the number of tools used. In addition, the sub-polygons are sequenced to eliminate the requirement of multiple plunging operations. In process planning for pocket machining, selection of tool sizes and minimizing the number of plunging operations can be very important factors. The approach presented in this paper is an improvement over previous work in its use of a polygon subdivision strategy to improve the machining time as well as reducing the number of plunges. The implementation of this technique suggests that using a subdivision approach can reduce machining time when compared to solving for the entire polygonal region.  相似文献   

Soft systems methodology (SSM) attempts to make sense of complex problem situations which involve human activity. These problem situations are not well defined, often being described as ‘fuzzy’. SSM uses models of these purposeful activity systems (human activity systems) to help their interpretation. Tools are not usually associated with this approach because problem situations are difficult to model and tools are considered inappropriate by many of the approache's proponents. In this paper we discuss the benefits of the soft systems approach and the use of tools in general, consider some of the issues relating to tools in the context of soft systems and describe our research in developing tools in this area, in particular, a tool supporting the drawing of rich picture diagrams called Get Rich Quick!  相似文献   

Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) and interpolation tools can provide solutions to unknown problems by adapting solutions from other problems already solved. We propose a generic approach using an interpolation tool during the CBR-adaptation phase. The application EquiVox, which attempts to design three dimensional representations of human organs according to external measurements, was modelled. It follows the CBR-cycle with its adaptation tool based on Artificial Neural Networks and its performances are evaluated and discussed. The results show that this adaptation tool meets the requirements of radiation protection experts who use such prototypes and also what the limits are of such tools in CBR-adaptation. When adaptations are guided by experience grained through trial and error by experts, interpolation tools become well-suited methods for automatically and quickly providing adaptation strategies and knowledge through training phases.  相似文献   

Scandura  J.M. 《Computer》1994,27(4):55-61
Describes a code conversion tool that helps programmers visualize and understand system design. The author first reviews current software reengineering tools and then describe a new cognitive approach to system (re)engineering based on code comprehension tools that provide a visual representation of code containing less cognitive noise. This better enables programmers to understand system design. The approach integrates code comprehension tools with current reengineering methodologies to create an integrated reengineering workbench for converting legacy code into newer languages such as Ada or C/C++  相似文献   

Nowadays, typical software and system engineering projects in various industrial sectors (automotive, telecommunication, etc.) involve hundreds of developers using quite a number of different tools. Thus, the data of a project as a whole is distributed over these tools. Therefore, it is necessary to make the relationships of different tool data repositories visible and keep them consistent with each other. This still is a nightmare due to the lack of domain-specific adaptable tool and data integration solutions which support maintenance of traceability links, semi-automatic consistency checking as well as update propagation. Currently used solutions are usually hand-coded one-way transformations between pairs of tools. In this article we present a rule-based approach that allows for the declarative specification of data integration rules. It is based on the formalism of triple graph grammars and uses directed graphs to represent MOF-compliant (meta) models. As a result we give an answer to OMG's request for proposals for a MOF-compliant “queries, views, and transformation” (QVT) approach from the “model driven application development” (MDA) field.  相似文献   

It is the intent of this paper to discuss a philosophy of Information Technology and Systems (IT & S) as tools and the impact of this philosophy on the Global Technical Transfer (GTT) process of IT & S.It is argued that IT & S by definition, are artefacts, tools that have been made, used, inherited and studied within a cultural context which encompasses economic, historical, technical and social values and assumptions which are focussed in particular skill sets. It is assumed that these skill sets are mostly in evidence in any culture that receives the IT & S tool for use in a technical transfer process. It is argued, therefore, if we understand the cultural context in which a tool is made then we will understand the skills to transfer and use such tools in an effective manner. The issue we must face as makers, users, inheritors and scholars of IT & S tools, however, is that the tool context and inherent in-built values and skill sets, may not be in evidence across all cultures. This would make the effective use of IT & S, in a global sense, a difficult and complex (if not impossible) undertaking.From this position it is argued that IT & S tools reflect the IT & S discipline, as it is these tools which embody the assumptions of the discipline and hence, its paradigm. The Bunker and Dean (Bunker DJ, Dean RG. Philosophical Traditions in Information Systems: Challenger of an Interdisciplinary View, Faculty of Commerce Workshop, University of Wollongong, July 10--11, 1997) disciplinary model is highlighted as a means of understanding how tools are made within a cultural context and how they reflect the discipline in which they are created. This paper then goes on to explain the ramifications of IT & S as a discipline on the GTT process and proposes a skill-focussed approach, within a culture, to determining what IT & S may be appropriate for that particular cultural context.  相似文献   

《Software, IEEE》2006,23(4):76-83
The Eclipse integrated development environment continues to gain popularity among Java developers. Our usage monitoring approach allows tool builders to sample how developers are using their tools in the wild. The data gathered about tool use can be used to prevent feature bloat and to evolve the environments according to user needs. Information about how developers work in a development environment can also provide a baseline for assessing new software development tools. We hope this report provides a start in defining which in formation to collect and distribute on an on going basis to help improve Eclipse and other similar platforms and tools.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a generic approach for designing vulnerability testing tools for web services, which includes the definition of the testing procedure and the tool components. Based on the proposed approach, we present the design of three innovative testing tools that implement three complementary techniques (improved penetration testing, attack signatures and interface monitoring, and runtime anomaly detection) for detecting injection vulnerabilities, thus offering an extensive support for different scenarios. A case study has been designed to demonstrate the tools for the particular case of SQL Injection vulnerabilities. The experimental evaluation demonstrates that the tools can effectively be used in different scenarios and that they outperform well-known commercial tools by achieving higher detection coverage and lower false-positive rates.  相似文献   

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