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A fluidized-bed membrane reformer was operated in two independent laboratories to map various operating conditions, to investigate the effects of changing the composition of the natural gas feed stream and to verify earlier experimental trials. Two feed natural gases were tested, containing either 95.5 or 90.1 mol% of methane (3.6 or 9.9 mol% of other gaseous higher hydrocarbons). Experimental tests investigated the influence of total membrane area, reactor pressure, permeate pressure and natural gas feed rates. A permeate-H2-to reactor natural gas feed molar ratio >2.3 was achieved with six two-sided membrane panels under steam reforming conditions and a pressure differential across the membranes of 785 kPa. The total cumulative reforming time reached 395 h, while hydrogen purity exceeded 99.99% during all tests.  相似文献   

A compartment model was developed to describe the flow pattern of gas within the dense zone of a membrane-assisted fluidized-bed reactor (MAFBR), in the bubbling mode of operation for steam reforming of methane both with (adiabatic) and without (isothermal) entering oxygen. Considering such a flow pattern and using the experimental data reported elsewhere [Roy S, Pruden BB, Adris AM, Grace JR, Lim CJ. Fluidized-bed steam methane reforming with oxygen input. Chem Eng Sci 1999; 54:2095–2102.], the parameters of the developed model (i.e., number of compartments for the bubble and emulsion phases) were determined and fair agreements were obtained between model predictions and experimental data. The developed model was utilized to describe the behavior of an industrial scale adiabatic and isothermal MAFBR. Moreover, the influences of various operating and design parameters such as steam-to-methane ratio (SMR), oxygen-to-methane ratio (OMR), operating temperature and pressure, and the number of hydrogen membrane tubes on the performance capability of the MAFBR were investigated. Furthermore, the performance capability of the MAFBR was optimized subject to the various operating and design constraints, including 1 ≤ SMR ≤ 4 and 500 ≤ T ≤ 1250 K, in the bubbling regime.  相似文献   

This paper presents an experimental study for a newly modified K2CO3-promoted hydrotalcite material as a novel high capacity sorbent for in-situ CO2 capture. The sorbent is employed in the sorption enhanced steam reforming process for an efficient H2 production at low temperature (400–500 °C). A new set of adsorption data is reported for CO2 adsorption over K-hydrotalcite at 400 °C. The equilibrium sorption data obtained from a column apparatus can be adequately described by a Freundlich isotherm. The sorbent shows fast adsorption rates and attains a relatively high sorption capacity of 0.95 mol/kg on the fresh sorbent. CO2 desorption experiments are conducted to examine the effect of humidity content in the gas purge and the regeneration time on CO2 desorption rates. A large portion of CO2 is easily recovered in the first few minutes of a desorption cycle due to a fast desorption step, which is associated with a physi/chemisorption step on the monolayer surface of the fresh sorbent. The complete recovery of CO2 was then achieved in a slower desorption step associated with a reversible chemisorption in a multi-layer surface of the sorbent. The sorbent shows a loss of 8% of its fresh capacity due to an irreversible chemisorption, however, it preserves a stable working capacity of about 0.89 mol/kg, suggesting a reversible chemisorption process. The sorbent also presents a good cyclic thermal stability in the temperature range of 400–500 °C.  相似文献   

The reversible reaction between CaO and CO2 is an extremely promising method of removing CO2 from the exhaust of a power station, generating a pure stream of CO2 ready for geological sequestration. The technology has attracted a great deal of attention recently, owing to a number of its advantages: the relatively small efficiency penalty which it imposes upon a power station (estimated at 6–8 percentage points, including compression of the CO2); its potential use in large-scale circulating fluidised beds (a mature technology, as opposed to the vastly upscaled solvent scrubbing towers which would be required for amine scrubbing); its excellent opportunity for integration with cement manufacture (potentially decarbonising both industries) and its extremely cheap sorbent (crushed limestone).  相似文献   

Biomass pyrolysis offers a fast route to produce elevated yields towards highly valued liquid products. This research aims the determination of optimal experimental conditions for a slow and low temperature pyrolysis to produce the highest yield towards condensable (CVM) and non-condensable (NCVM) volatile matter from Mexican cane bagasse and to quantify and characterize the compounds that constitute CVM and NCVM obtained. Results indicate that yield towards volatiles is strongly dependent on temperature. The highest yield was achieved at temperatures greater than 500 °C at a heating rate of 10 °C/min, residence time of 60 min and a particle size between of 420 and 840 μm. Product quantification under isothermal conditions determined that at 550 °C the NCVM, CVM and solid residue was of 26, 57 and 16%, respectively. Preliminary thermodynamic analysis of steam reforming and CO2 absorption reactions using one of the main CVM products resulted in a potential high hydrogen production yield.  相似文献   

In this work, a novel fluidized-bed membrane reactor (FBMR) for naphtha reforming in the presence of catalyst deactivation has been proposed. In this reactor configuration, a fluidized-bed reactor with perm-selective Pd–Ag (23 wt% Ag) wall to hydrogen has been used. The reactants are flowing through the tube side which is a fluidized-bed membrane reactor while hydrogen is flowing through the shell side which contains carrier gas. Hydrogen penetrates from fluidized-bed side into the carrier gas due to the hydrogen partial pressure driving force. Hydrogen permeation through membrane leads to shift the reaction toward the product according to the thermodynamic equilibrium. This membrane-assisted fluidized-bed reactor configuration solves some drawbacks of conventional naphtha reforming reactors such as pressure drop, internal mass transfer limitations and radial gradient of concentration and temperature. In FBMR the hydrogen which is produced in shell side is a valuable gas and can be used for different purposes. The two-phase theory of fluidization is used to model and simulate the FBMR. Industrial packed bed reactor (PBR) for naphtha reforming is used as a basis for comparison. This comparison shows enhancement in the yield of aromatic production in FBMR for naphtha reforming. Although using FBMR reduces hydrogen mole fraction in reaction side and enhances catalyst deactivation due to coking, but this effect can be compensated using advantages of FBMR such as suitable hydrogen to hydrocarbon molar ratio, lowering deactivation rate due to lower temperature, control of permeation rate by adjusting shell side pressure and shifting the equilibrium reactions. The impacts of hydrogen to hydrocarbon molar ratio, pressure, membrane thickness, flow rate and temperature have been investigated in this work.  相似文献   

A two-stage pressure/vacuum swing adsorption (PSA/VSA) process was proposed to produce high purity H2 from steam methane reforming (SMR) gas and capture CO2 from the tail gas of the SMR-H2-PSA unit. Notably, a ten-bed PSA process with activated carbon and 5A zeolite was designed to produce 99.99+% H2 with over 85% recovery from the SMR gas (CH4/CO/CO2/H2 = 3.5/0.5/20/76 vol%). Moreover, a three-bed VSA system was constructed to recover CO2 from the tail gas using silica gel as the adsorbent. CO2 product with 95% purity and over 90% recovery could be attained. Additionally, the effects of various operating parameters on the process performances were investigated in detail.  相似文献   

This paper is assessing the hydrogen production from bioethanol at industrial scale (100000 Nm3/h hydrogen equivalent to 300 MW thermal) with carbon capture. Three carbon capture designs were investigated, one based on pre-combustion capture using chemical gas–liquid absorption and two based on chemical looping (one based on syngas and one using direct bioethanol looping). The carbon capture options were compared with the similar designs without carbon capture. The designs were simulated to produce mass and energy balances for quantification of key performance indicators. A particular accent is put on assessment of reforming technologies (steam and oxygen-blown autothermal reforming) and chemical looping units, process integration issues of carbon capture step within the plant, modelling and simulation of whole plant, thermal and power integration of various plant sub-systems by pinch analysis. The results for chemical looping designs (either syngas-based or direct bioethanol) show promising energy efficiency coupled with total carbon capture rate.  相似文献   

We assess the option to install a carbon capture and storage (CCS) unit in a coal-fired power plant operating in a carbon-constrained environment. We consider two sources of risk, namely the price of emission allowance and the price of the electricity output. First we analyse the performance of the EU market for CO2 emission allowances. Specifically, we focus on the contracts maturing in the Kyoto Protocol's first commitment period (2008 to 2012) and calibrate the underlying parameters of the allowance price process. Then we refer to the Spanish wholesale electricity market and calibrate the parameters of the electricity price process.We use a two-dimensional binomial lattice to derive the optimal investment rule. In particular, we obtain the trigger allowance prices above which it is optimal to install the capture unit immediately. We further analyse the effect of changes in several variables on these critical prices, among them allowance price volatility and a hypothetical government subsidy.We conclude that, at current permit prices, immediate installation does not seem justified from a financial point of view. This need not be the case, though, if carbon market parameters change dramatically, carbon capture technology undergoes significant improvements, and/or a specific governmental policy to promote these units is adopted.  相似文献   

There is great consensus that hydrogen will become an important energy carrier in the future. Currently, hydrogen is mainly produced by steam reforming of natural gas/methane on large industrial scale or by electrolysis of water when high-purity hydrogen is needed for small-scale hydrogen plants. Although the conventional steam reforming process is currently the most economical process for hydrogen production, the global energy and carbon efficiency of this process is still relatively low and an improvement of the process is key for further implementation of hydrogen as a fuel source. Different approaches for more efficient hydrogen production with integrated CO2 capture have been discussed in literature: Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) or Chemical Looping Reforming (CLR) and membrane reactors have been proposed as more efficient alternative reactor concepts relative to the conventional steam reforming process. However, these systems still present some drawbacks. In the present work a novel hybrid reactor concept that combines the CLR technology with a membrane reactor system is presented, discussed and compared with several other novel technologies. Thermodynamic studies for the new reactor concept, referred to as Membrane-Assisted Chemical Looping Reforming (MA-CLR), have been carried out to determine the hydrogen recovery, methane conversion as well as global efficiency under different operating conditions, which is shown to compare quite favorably to other novel technologies for H2 production with CO2 capture.  相似文献   

Pd-based membranes prepared by pore-plating technique have been investigated for the first time under fluidization conditions. A palladium thickness around 20 μm was achieved onto an oxidized porous stainless steel support. The stability of the membranes has been assessed for more than 1300 h in gas separation mode (no catalyst) and other additional 200 h to continuous fluidization conditions. Permeances in the order of 5·10−7 mol s−1 m−2 Pa−1 have been obtained for temperatures in a range between 375 and 500 °C. During fluidization, a small decrease in permeance is observed, as consequence of the increased external (bed-to-wall) mass transfer resistances. Moreover, water gas shift (WGS) reaction cases have been carried out in a fluidized bed membrane reactor. It has been confirmed that the selective H2 separation through the membranes resulted in CO conversions beyond the thermodynamic equilibrium (of conventional systems), showing the benefits of membrane reactors in chemical conversions.  相似文献   

Steam methane reforming (SMR) is currently the main hydrogen production process in industry, but it has high emissions of CO2, at almost 7 kg CO2/kg H2 on average, and is responsible for about 3% of global industrial sector CO2 emissions. Here, the results are reported of an investigation of the effect of steam-to-carbon ratio (S/C) on CO2 capture criteria from various locations in the process, i.e. synthesis gas stream (location 1), pressure swing adsorber (PSA) tail gas (location 2), and furnace flue gases (location 3). The CO2 capture criteria considered in this study are CO2 partial pressure, CO2 concentration, and CO2 mass ratio compared to the final exhaust stream, which is furnace flue gases. The CO2 capture number (Ncc) is proposed as measure of capture favourability, defined as the product of the three above capture criteria. A weighting of unity is used for each criterion. The best S/C ratio, in terms of providing better capture option, is determined. CO2 removal from synthesis gas after the shift unit is found to be the best location for CO2 capture due to its high partial pressure of CO2. However, furnace flue gases, containing almost 50% of the CO2 in produced in the process, are of great significance environmentally. Consequently, the effects of oxygen enrichment of the furnace feed are investigated, and it is found that this measure improves the CO2 capture conditions for lower S/C ratios. Consequently, for an S/C ratio of 2.5, CO2 capture from a flue gas stream is competitive with two other locations provided higher weighting factors are considered for the full presence of CO2 in the flue gases stream. Considering carbon removal from flue gases, the ratio of hydrogen production rate and Ncc increases with rising reformer temperature.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic equilibrium for glycerol steam reforming to hydrogen with carbon dioxide capture was investigated using Gibbs free energy minimization method. Potential advantage of using CaO as CO2 adsorbent is to generate hydrogen-rich gas without a water gas shift (WGS) reactor for proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) application. The optimal operation conditions are at 900 K, the water-to-glycerol molar ratio of 4, the CaO-to-glycerol molar ratio of 10 and atmospheric pressure. Under the optimal conditions, complete glycerol conversion and 96.80% H2 and 0.73% CO concentration could be achieved with no coke. In addition, reaction conditions for coke-free and coke-formed regions are also discussed in glycerol steam reforming with or without CO2 separation. Glycerol steam reforming with CO2 adsorption has the higher energy efficiency than that without adsorption under the same reaction conditions.  相似文献   

Being hydrogen the most promising energy carrier for distributed power generation and being the coal-to-hydrogen technologies far from their large-scale application, mainly due to their high costs, Sotacarbo has recently built up a pilot platform for the combined production of hydrogen and electrical energy from coal. The platform includes two different units: a 5 MWth demonstrative plant and a 200 kWth pilot plant (feed with a maximum of 35 kg/h of coal).  相似文献   

Steam methane reforming furnaces are the most important devices in the hydrogen production industry. The highly endothermic reaction system requires reaction tubes in the furnace to have a large heat transfer area and to be operated under high temperature and pressure conditions. In order to enhance heat transfer efficiency and protect reaction tubes, the controlling and optimization of the furnace structure have increasingly received more and more research attention. As known from the furnace structure, it is essential to couple the exothermic combustion with the endothermic reforming reactions due to the highly interactive nature of the two processes. Thus, in this paper, the combustion process in the furnace was numerically studied by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to model the combustion chamber, coupled with methane steam reforming reaction inside the reaction tubes, defined by a plug flow model. A set of combustion models were compared for the furnace chamber and a plug flow reaction model was employed for reforming reaction tubes, and then a heat coupling process was established. The predicted flue gas temperature distribution showed that the heat transfer in the furnace was not uniform, resulting in hot spots and heat losses on the tube wall. Therefore, structure optimization schemes were proposed. Optimization on arrangements of the tubes and the nozzles promoted the uniform distribution of flue-gas temperature and then improved heat transfer efficiency, thereby enhancing performance of the steam reforming process.  相似文献   

Techno-economic analysis (TEA) for CO2 reforming of methane in a membrane reactor (MR) was conducted by using process simulation and economic analysis. Parametric studies for key operating conditions like a H2 permeance, a H2O sweep gas flow rate, operating temperature, and a CO2/CH4 ratio were carried out for a conventional packed-bed reactor (PBR) and a MR using Aspen HYSYS®, a commercial process simulator program and some critical design guidelines for a MR in terms of a H2O sweep gas flow rate and a CO2/CH4 ratio were obtained. Further economic analysis based on process simulation results showed about 42% reduction in a unit H2 production cost in a MR (6.48 $ kgH2?1) than a PBR (11.18 $ kgH2?1) mostly due to the elimination of a pressure swing adsorption (PSA) system in a MR. In addition, sensitivity analysis (SA) revealed that reactant price and labor were the most influential economic factors to determine a unit H2 production cost for both a PBR and a MR. Lastly, profitability analysis (PA) from cumulative cash flow diagram (CCFD) in Korea provided positive net present value (NPV) of $443,760~$240,980, discounted payback period (DPBP) of 3.03–3.18 y, and present value ratio (PVR) of 7.51–4.97 for discount rates from 2 to 10% showing economic feasibility of the use of a MR as simultaneous CO2 utilization and ultra-pure H2 production.  相似文献   

Non-oxidative, catalytic decomposition of hydrocarbons is an alternative, one-step process to produce pure hydrogen with no production of carbon oxides or higher hydrocarbons. Carbon produced from the decomposition reaction, in the form of potentially valuable carbon nanotubes, remains anchored to the active catalyst sites in a fixed bed. To facilitate periodical removal of this carbon from the reactor and to make hydrogen production continuous, a fluidized-bed reactor was envisioned. The hypothesis that the tumbling and inter-particle collisions of bed material would efficiently separate nanotubes anchored to the active catalyst sites of the bed particles was tested and shown to be invalid. However, a switching mode reaction system for the semi-continuous production of hydrogen and carbon nanotubes by periodic removal and replenishment of the catalytic bed material has been successfully demonstrated.  相似文献   

Several CO2 storage demonstration projects are needed in a variety of geological formations worldwide to prove the viability of CO2 capture and storage as a major option for climate change mitigation. China has several low-cost CO2 sources at sites that produce NH3 from coal via gasification. At these plants, CO2 generated in excess of the amount needed for other purposes (e.g., urea synthesis) is vented as a relatively pure stream. These CO2 sources would potentially be economically interesting candidates for storage demonstration projects if there are suitable storage sites nearby.  相似文献   

With the aim of producing hydrogen at low cost and with a high conversion efficiency, steam methane reforming (SMR) was carried out under moderate operating conditions in a Pd-based composite membrane reactor packed with a commercial Ru/Al2O3 catalyst. A Pd-based composite membrane with a thickness of 4–5 μm was prepared on a tubular stainless steel support (diameter of 12.7 mm, length of 450 mm) using electroless plating (ELP). The Pd-based composite membrane had a hydrogen permeance of 2.4 × 10?3 mol m?1 s?1 Pa?0.5 and an H2/N2 selectivity of 618 at a temperature of 823 K and a pressure difference of 10.1 kPa. The SMR test was conducted at 823 K with a steam-to-carbon ratio of 3.0 and gas hourly space velocity of 1000 h?1; increasing the pressure difference resulted in enhanced methane conversion, which reached 82% at a pressure difference of 912 kPa. To propose a guideline for membrane design, a process simulation was conducted for conversion enhancement as a function of pressure difference using Aspen HYSYS®. A stability test for SMR was conducted for ~120 h; the methane conversion, hydrogen production rate, and gas composition were monitored. During the SMR test, the carbon monoxide concentration in the total reformed stream was <1%, indicating that a series of water gas shift reactors was not needed in our membrane reactor system.  相似文献   

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