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以三芳甲烷类隐色体染料为发色剂,配合显色剂和溶剂合成了适用于织物应用的温致变色涂料。考察了溶剂复配,发色剂、显色剂、溶剂种类对温变涂料颜色及颜色变化的影响。探讨了添加涂料对温变涂料颜色调节作用。结果表明,在温变涂料中添加涂料能有效改变温致变色涂料颜色并且不影响其温致变色能力和变色温度;发色剂、显色剂、溶剂间极性不同会破坏温变涂料温变色能力;制备温变涂料所用溶剂为十六醇与十二醇质量比4∶1和3∶2时,温变涂料变色温度分别为42℃和36℃,说明改变溶剂比例能有效调控温变涂料变色温度。  相似文献   

合成了10个内酯型冠醚化合物,其中7个冠醚是新化合物,其结构均由元素分析,及红外、核磁、质谱分析证实。  相似文献   

自然采光給医疗系统的正能量医院的房间往往是非人性化且苛刻的设计-荧光灯,灰白色的墙壁和小小的甚至没有窗户。这种通用的设计可能是由于太着重考虑病房的功能性。它们被设计得更易于清洁,并让医护人员有更少的干扰。但是,研究表明,在病房的设计中应考虑采光,因为有效的采光策略对患者和医护人员都有很多好处。  相似文献   

结晶紫内酯(CVL)的合成分为两步:首先合成无色结晶紫内酯(LCVL),然后将LCVL氧化成CVL,综述了合成LCVL和CVL的主要方法及CVL的热变色机理。  相似文献   

针对传统夯土墙用的溶剂型变色涂料存在大量易挥发有机物,从而给装饰带来污染的问题,制备一种以水性丙烯酸为基液,以致热变色微胶囊为变色材料,以轻质碳酸钙、增稠剂、流平剂为助剂的新型装饰变色合成涂料.通过试验,确定了制备合成涂料的最佳配比.在性能方面,该涂料的变色温度和复色温度区间分别在37.8~40.2℃、37.3~32....  相似文献   

本文以孔雀绿内酯为变色剂,通过可逆性示温剂的配制,基料、溶剂的选择,研制了一种可逆示温涂料。这种涂料色变鲜明,可逆、蓝绿色淡黄绿色、变色温度低(50-55℃),变区间窄、附着力强。  相似文献   

以氟碳树脂为基料,钴盐为变色材料,三氧化二铝为填料制备了低温可逆氟碳变色涂料.该变色涂料具有较好的耐水性、耐腐蚀性、耐候性和热变色效果.  相似文献   

低温可逆变色微胶囊的制备及其在水性涂料中的应用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以结晶紫内酯/双酯A为变色组分,月桂醇为溶剂,将其在水中分散为粒径10-100μm的液滴,在其外部包覆一层明胶/阿拉伯树胶,制得可逆变色颜料的微胶囊,将油性的变色颜料改性成为粉末,克服了原来油性颜料与水性涂料相容性差,分散困难的缺点。  相似文献   

程启朝 《涂料技术》1998,(1):13-15,4
随着科学技术的发展,新型变色涂料和它们的应用技术也有了长足的发展。本文重点介绍了液晶,色素染料,高分子材料及仿生等几类新型的变色涂料。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of microwave output power and sample amount on color change kinetics of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) during microwave drying. The color parameters for the color change of the materials were quantified by Hunter L (whiteness/darkness), a (redness/greenness), and b (yellowness/blueness) system. These values were also used for calculation of the total color change (ΔE), chroma, hue angle, and browning index. The microwave-drying process changed color parameters of L, a, and b, causing a color shift toward the darker region. The mathematical modeling study of color change kinetics showed that a and b fitted to a first-order kinetic model, while L and total color change (ΔE) followed a zero-order kinetic model. However, chroma and browning index (BI) followed a first-order kinetic model, whereas hue angle followed a zero-order kinetic model. For calculation of the activation energy for colour change kinetic parameters, the exponential expression based on Arrhenius equation was used.  相似文献   

主要利用光学显微镜、能量色散(EDXRF)、XPS、SEM、TEM对圆明园出土的部分绿色琉璃瓦釉-绿中泛红现象进行分析,以研究圆明园出土琉璃瓦的变色机理和烧制过程.通过以上分析表明,琉璃瓦的釉层属于一种铅硅系玻璃,其绿色和红色是由于釉中Cu元素存在价态与含量不同所致,并且绿色区域是以Cu2+形式存在,黑红色和鲜红色区域主要以Cu+和Cu0并存形式存在,而且黑红色区域Cu0的含量要高于鲜红色,所以Cu0对于呈红色起到主要作用.绿色到红色转变是釉层中Cu2+被圆明园遭到火烧时产生的C和CO还原为Cu0和Cu2O析出富集到表面所致,其本质与铜红釉呈色机理相同.  相似文献   

The color change phenomenon of 1,3,5‐triamino‐2,4,6‐trinitrobenzene (TATB) has puzzled the energetic researchers for decades. Many efforts have been dedicated to identifying the “colored TATB”, however, hardly any of well‐established evidences have been ascertained. After detailed reviewing the literatures, we herein propose a new insight to survey the coloration of TATB. And a 3D photonic crystal model has been proposed to elucidate the color change phenomenon of TATB. Coloration behavior of the TATB is confirmed by home‐made TATB thin film. It is proved that the coloration of TATB is a physical appearance, structural color.  相似文献   

目的采用color pilot和Matlab软件处理数码照片及定点计算,评价数码照片是否能察觉牙齿颜色的变化。方法采用Vita比色板A2及C1作为试件,登士柏树脂附送的A2比色板作为参照,应用同一台数码照相机拍摄数码照片。根据光源、拍摄者、光圈、拍摄时间分组。将每张数码照片采用colorpilot软件处理,进行色彩矫正。结果经过计算机校正处理,同一试件的色差值基本上在1.5以下,有少数几项在1.5~3之间。其中,使用同一光圈的色差基本上都在1.5以下,不同的试验者,不同的时间,不同的照明环境对色差的影响并不明显。不同的光圈数值对色差的影响较大。不同的试件不论在何种条件下色差值均在3以上。结论经过色彩校正的数码照片可以察觉不同物体的颜色变化。  相似文献   

将聚偏二氟乙烯(PVDF)膜用不同碱性溶液浸泡后置于非质子极性溶剂DM SO或其它有机溶剂中,观察膜片的颜色变化和反应体系的pH值变化,研究PVDF膜在碱性DMSO中的变色反应并探讨反应机理.结果表明,PVDF膜具有碱不稳定性,用NaOH溶液浸泡后置于DMSO中,膜片很快变为棕黑色,反应体系由强碱性变为近中性或弱酸性....  相似文献   

In this present study, the effect of microwave output power and sample amount on color change kinetics of Turkey okra (Hibiscus esculenta L.) were investigated by using microwave drying technique. The color parameters for the color change of the materials were quantified by Hunter L (whiteness/darkness), a (redness/greenness), and b (yellowness/blueness) values. These values were also used for calculation of the total color change (ΔE), chroma, hue angle and browning index. The microwave drying process changed color parameters of L, a, and b, causing a color shift toward the darker region. The values of L and b decreased, whereas values of a and total color change (ΔE) increased during microwave drying. The mathematical modeling study of color change kinetics showed that L and b fit a first-order kinetic model, whereas a and total color change (ΔE) followed a zero-order kinetic model. However, chroma and browning index (BI) followed a first-order kinetic model, whereas hue angle followed a zero-order kinetic model. On the other hand, the data of the total color change (ΔE), chroma, hue angle, and browning index depending on the ratio of the microwave output power to sample amount were adequately fitted to a quadratic model. For calculation of the activation energy for color change kinetics parameters, the exponential expression based on Arrhenius equation was used.  相似文献   

目的观测甲酚红的变色性能,判断其pH分辨能力的大小。方法分光光度法测定pH 0.0~10.0时的吸收曲线和最大吸收波长处的吸光度,色差计法测定相邻pH之间的色差。结果测出甲酚红及其试纸在pH 0.0、1.0、2.0、3.0、4.0、5.0、6.0、7.0、8.0、9.0、10.0的色品、色调和相邻pH之间的色差。结论按最大吸收及其吸光度的差别,或按色差值的大小,用甲酚红可正确检测pH 0.0~3.0和pH 7.0~10.0的pH。  相似文献   

In this present study, the effect of microwave output power and sample amount on color change kinetics of Turkey spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) were investigated by using microwave drying technique. The color parameters for the color change of the materials were quantified by the Hunter L (whiteness/darkness), a (redness/greenness), and b (yellowness/blueness) system. These values were also used for calculation of the total color change (ΔE), chroma, hue angle, and browning index. The microwave drying process changed color parameters of L, a, and b, causing a color shift toward the darker region. The values of L and b decreased, while values of a and total color change (ΔE) increased during microwave drying. The mathematical modeling study of color change kinetic showed that L and b fitted to a first-order kinetic model, while a and total color change (ΔE) followed by a zero-order kinetic model. However, chroma and browning index (BI) followed a first-order kinetic model, while hue angle followed a zero-order kinetic model. To illustrate the relationship of the L, a, b, total color change (ΔE), chroma, hue angle, and browning index depending on the ratio of the microwave output power to sample amount, the data adequately fitted to a quadratic (second order polynomial) model. For calculation of the activation energy for color change kinetic parameters, the exponential expression based on an Arrhenius equation was used.  相似文献   

分析了不同原料制备的生物油含氧化合物的组成差异,综述了生物油中典型含氧化合物(酚类化合物、呋喃类化合物、醚类化合物、酸类和酯类化合物)的加氢脱氧机理,重点介绍了含氧化合物加氢脱氧动力学数据及反应路径;同时,还对生物油加氢精制过程进行了描述,主要论述了生物油加氢精制过程的机制以及O、S、N等杂原子在不同催化剂下的脱除活性;最后指出生物油加氢精制面临的问题是人们对其反应机理了解不够深入,而模型化合物加氢脱氧无法真实反映生物油的反应过程,今后应重点研究不同类型含氧化合物的相互作用和真实生物油的反应机理。  相似文献   

以二苯胺磺酸钠作指示剂的重铬酸钾测定法是一种常用的容量分析法,主要用来测定样品中铁的含量,但在测定时,有时终点颜色得不到正常的紫色,而是出现墨黑色.文章对此现象进行了探讨并提出了一些解决方案.  相似文献   

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