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以前驱物工业活性ZnO和碱式碳酸锌分解的ZnO为脱硫剂活性组分,在引入结构助剂γ-Al_2O_3、碱性助剂K2CO3改性的基础上,制备出转化吸收型氧化锌基脱硫剂。在300℃、空速2000h–1及常压下,考察了活性组分ZnO前驱物种类及不同前驱物制备的助剂γ-Al_2O_3对氧化锌基脱硫剂脱除硫化物性能的影响。结果表明:改性氧化锌基脱硫剂的孔隙结构和碱性显著影响其脱硫性能。与工业活性ZnO制备的氧化锌脱硫剂相比,以碱式碳酸锌分解的ZnO制备的脱硫剂对硫化氢的脱除效率和穿透硫容更高,穿透硫容约增加10倍。不同前驱物制备的γ-Al_2O_3对氧化锌基脱硫剂脱硫性能有较大影响。其中,拟薄水铝石分解的γ-Al_2O_3显著提高了氧化锌基脱硫剂脱硫性能,穿透硫容达12.18%。以碱式碳酸锌分解ZnO为活性组分,添加拟薄水铝石分解的γ-Al_2O_3和碱性助剂K2CO3制备的改性氧化锌基脱硫剂对COS的脱除起到转化与吸收作用,COS转化率达99.98%,穿透硫容为4.03%。  相似文献   

Desulfurization of biogas is essential for its application in solid oxide fuel cells. The influence of CH4, CO2, H2, and O2 as well as the effect of moisture onto desulfurization performance of an activated carbon, an adsorbent based on a CuO‐MnO mixture, and a zeolite adsorbent were analyzed. The use of moisturized gas had no negative influence on the H2S adsorption performance of activated carbon. The CuO‐MnO sorbent showed the best performance, but the presence of moisture had a negative influence. The performance of zeolite dropped for three gas mixtures, while for two other mixtures moisture had little to no influence on H2S adsorption performance.  相似文献   

阐述碱液催化脱除气体中硫化氢的工艺过程,硫磺结晶步骤,各种催化剂的特点,以及脱除硫化氢过程中,工艺及设备参数的确定原则。  相似文献   

The use of porous materials for the removal of traces of hydrogen sulphide from gas streams was investigated in this study. It was found that microporous carbons had the highest removal efficiency. This was due to the fact that carbons have extra potential for the oxidation of hydrogen sulphide while other sorbents remove the gas only by adsorption. The oxidative removal efficiency of microporous carbons was found to be a function of water vapour pressure, oxygen concentration and temperature. The mechanism of the reaction is discussed. © 1997 SCI.  相似文献   

利用自制的动力波实验装置,以氢氧化钠溶液为脱硫剂,模拟煤气组成,研究了不同操作条件下脱硫效率的变化。得到了装置达到最高脱硫效率时的相应操作条件。实验中发现,同样操作条件下,随着处理柱塔径的增加,脱硫率下降。因此得出:塔中心处净化效率高,塔壁处低,塔径越大,总净化效率越低。对高负荷的生产设备可采用"多中心效应"的方法,强化传质过程,提高总净化效率。在此基础上,对动力波工业装置进行设计。  相似文献   

Selective and simultaneous separation of H2S and CO2 from CH4 was accomplished in a hollow‐fiber membrane contactor (HFMC). The absorption of both H2S and CO2 using an aqueous solution of methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) was almost complete and acid gases were totally removed. Despite the large difference between H2S and CO2 concentrations, the rate of H2S absorption was not significantly influenced by CO2 absorption. The independent effect and interactions of several process variables on the separation performance of H2S and CO2 were investigated. The results indicated that the membrane contactor could be a highly efficient choice for removal of almost all H2S in the presence of a large CO2 content even at high gas/liquid flow ratio. The selectivity of H2S was about three times higher compared to the conventional absorption packed towers.  相似文献   

介绍了目前工业气体中硫化氢的脱除方法,主要有干法脱硫、湿法脱硫、微生物法、臭氧氧化法和电化学法等,提出了今后脱硫技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

林璐璐 《广东化工》2013,40(3):24-26
文章介绍了MDEA的性质、用途和吸收H2S和CO2的反应机理,应用ASPEN PLUS软件模拟分析了MDEA溶液吸收含H2S酸性气的过程,提出适宜的MDEA浓度、较少的理论板数、较低的操作压力和温度有利于选择性吸收H2S;模拟了溶剂吸收和再生的过程,得到合适的计算结果,为工业设计提供依据。  相似文献   

周英  刘宝生  郎春燕  陈小平 《广东化工》2012,39(5):95-96,94
硫化氢是具有恶臭气味的气体,它广泛存在于油气勘探、开采、加工以及后处理等各个环节。它具有强烈的腐蚀性和剧毒性,危害人身安全、腐蚀油气设备和污染钻井液等。但是硫化氢可以深加工为许多极具价值的产品。文章介绍了脱除硫化氢的三种工业方法:化学法、物理法、生物法。论述了硫化氢下游产品的开发、应用及最新研究进展。我国具有丰富的硫化氢资源,大力开发硫化氢后续产品是今后发展的一个方向。  相似文献   

干法脱除硫化氢技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了目前国内外干法脱除硫化氢技术研究进展,重点介绍了氧化铁法、氧化锌法、活性炭法等常用干法脱硫技术及其研究进展,指出未来脱硫技术的研究方向可能是研究出环境友好、效率高、成本低的脱硫方法。  相似文献   

任丙南  宁平  吴满昌 《广东化工》2006,33(12):5-7,23
在实验室中进行了脱硫化氢催化剂的制备实验研究,着重研究催化剂制备过程中浸渍液种类和浓度的影响,选择出了最合适的浸渍液种类及其浓度,并进行了新鲜催化剂和失效催化剂的电镜扫描,可以看出通过这种方法制备的催化剂对H2S有很好的吸附效果。  相似文献   

The performance of pressure swing adsorption (PSA), membrane separation, and gas absorption systems for H2 recovery from refinery off‐gas stream was studied by simulation‐based data. The PSA process was simulated using adsorbents of silica gel and activated carbon for removing heavy and light hydrocarbons. The mole fraction profiles of all components and the relationship between hydrogen purity and recovery as a function of feed pressure were examined. The solution‐diffusion model was applied for modeling and simulation of a one‐stage membrane process. The gas absorption process with a tower tray was simulated at sub‐zero temperature and the correlation between hydrogen purity and recovery as a function of tower pressure and temperature was evaluated at different solvent flow rates.  相似文献   

从吸收原理出发,经实验室及现场试验找到了由2种化合物组成的用于脱除氯化氢气体中氟化氢的湿法脱氟剂,确定了湿法脱氟工艺流程.现场脱氟试验表明,在常温下经该脱氟剂一级湿法脱氟后制取的盐酸中氟的质量浓度可以降至15 mg/L以下,脱氟率大于99.9%;脱氟得到的氟化产物经过滤、洗涤、干燥后产品主要成分符合相关要求,说明所开发...  相似文献   

介绍了一些生成单质硫的氧化法脱硫方法.分别从干法和湿法来阐述.  相似文献   

高效脱氯剂与气体中HCl高温脱除的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对五种脱氯剂在固定床反应器中与HCl气体反应研究发现 ,在温度为 30 0℃ ,空速为 30 0 0h-1 ,进口HCl气体质量浓度为 1× 10 -3 mg m3 条件下 ,所有脱氯剂都能迅速与HCl气体发生反应 ,并且在反应开始的一段时间内 ,能使混合气体中的HCl气体质量浓度降低至小于 0 5× 10 -6 mg m3 ,其中EC0 2脱氯剂具有较好的化学反应性和较高的氯容量。同时发现在相同反应时间和相同空速条件下 ,随温度的升高 ,EC0 2脱氯剂的氯容量也随之升高 ,此外还研究了 5 5 0℃时EC0 2脱氯剂床层的氯分布。  相似文献   

曹克勤 《安徽化工》2010,36(5):77-78,81
介绍了碘量法和亚甲蓝分光光度法分析含H2S和SO2气体的相互干扰原理,试验了气相色谱法分析硫回收装置中H2S和SO2的方法,用高分子多孔微球GDX303为固定相,2m聚四氟填充柱分离,火焰光度检测器检测,取得了满意的测定效果。对色谱柱进行了选择,并讨论了柱管材质和担体对样品的吸附作用。  相似文献   

Sorption isotherm of chloroform in polyvinyl dimethylsiloxane(PVDMS)polymer film was measured via the gravimetric method,and this film was confirmed experimentally to be good membrane material to recover chloroform from gas stream with high sorption capacity.A new PVDMS-Al_2O_3 composite hollow fibre membrane was further prepared by coating a PVDMS film on the outer surface of Al_2O_3 hollow fibre porpous substrate prepared by a dry/wet phase inversion method.Microstructure of the composite membranes was examined by scanning electron microscopy(SEM),indicating the PVDMS coating layer was uniform,free of defects,and around 15μm thick.Performance of the PVDMS-Al_2O_3 composite hollow fibre membranes for chloroform recovery was investigated.By comparing the experimental data that derived from a mathematical model,the permeabilities of chloroform and nitrogen in the PVDMS polymer membrane were obtained.The effects of temperature and feed flow rate on the chloroform recovery and permeate concentration were investigated both experimentally and theoretically.  相似文献   

96年以来,随着公司高硫原油加工量的增多,燃气脱硫能力存在瓶颈,特别当生产异常时,系统燃气硫含量过高,制氢转化炉长期燃烧高硫燃气,导致HK-40辐射炉管的损伤开裂,对流炉管腐蚀穿孔,本文结合实际生产工况和典型损坏事例,来分析腐蚀机理和对策。  相似文献   

对用氢氧化镁脱除水体淤泥中的硫化氢,改善水体质量进行了介绍,包括氢氧化镁与硫化氢的反应机理,用于脱除硫化氢的专用氢氧化镁,以及在下水道淤泥处理、工业废水处理和水产养殖场水体质量改良方面的应用。  相似文献   

冯江华  李慧敏  张继明  尹庆军 《广东化工》2011,38(12):52+62-52,62
通过对焦炉煤气脱硫系统中HCN分解装置的运行状况和存在的问题进行总结,找出了其堵塞原因,并在理论和实践分析的基础上对生产工艺进行改造、操作方法进行改进。经过改造后工艺实际生产效果明显改善,脱硫工序开工率、硫磺产量明显提高,取得了较好的经济效益和环境效益。  相似文献   

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