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安装OFFICE时,若用网络管理安装,即Setup/A命令,将会出现一些问题。如在网络服务器上运行OF-FICE.EXE或Setup.EXE,将产生如下错误信息。 Could not open the file named: 'Setup. INI' Could not open the file named: 'Acmsetup. ex.' Cannot find CTR3DV. DLL Cannot find Setup. LTS 应用软件的网络管理安装,其设计思路是在网络服务器上安装该程序的一个备份,然后安装程序就可在工作站上安装必要的程序后直接运行该应用程序。  相似文献   

Cannot find a device file that may be needed to runWindows or a Windows application. The Windows registry or system. ini file refers to this de-vice file, but the device file no longer exists. If you deleted this file on purpose, try uninstalling the  相似文献   

Storage backends of parallel compute clusters are still based mostly on magnetic disks,while newer and faster storage technologies such as flash-based SSDs or non-volatile random access memory(NVRAM)are deployed within compute nodes.Including these new storage technologies into scientific workflows is unfortunately today a mostly manual task,and most scientists therefore do not take advantage of the faster storage media.One approach to systematically include nodelocal SSDs or NVRAMs into scientific workflows is to deploy ad hoc file systems over a set of compute nodes,which serve as temporary storage systems for single applications or longer-running campaigns.This paper presents results from the Dagstuhl Seminar 17202"Challenges and Opportunities of User-Level File Systems for HPC"and discusses application scenarios as well as design strategies for ad hoc file systems using node-local storage media.The discussion includes open research questions,such as how to couple ad hoc file systems with the batch scheduling environment and how to schedule stage-in and stage-out processes of data between the storage backend and the ad hoc file systems.Also presented are strategies to build ad hoc file systems by using reusable components for networking and how to improve storage device compatibility.Various interfaces and semantics are presented,for example those used by the three ad hoc file systems BeeOND,GekkoFS,and BurstFS.Their presentation covers a range from file systems running in production to cutting-edge research focusing on reaching the performance limits of the underlying devices.  相似文献   

不少玩家可能都有过这种经历:偶然碰到一个forWindows的软件,迫不及待地装上后,发现不能运行或者自己用不着,想把它从硬盘上请出去。而偏偏软件的编者没有提供Uninstal程序,只好手工把软件所在目录删除。亦或是一不小心把一有用的软件目录删除(可惜)。而这一删,麻烦就来了。 在启动Win95时,显示完LOGO画面后,屏幕上通常显示这样一些信息: Cannot find a device file that may be needed to run Win-dows or a Windows application.(找不到运行 Windows或  相似文献   

In a traditional way, when the execution of workflow is interruptted,we use compensateworktask for workflow recovery in order to keep the consistense of database. In this paper ,we open anew,feasible way for system-supported recovery mechanism via database log file and workflow log file,  相似文献   

例子P_1:建立一个文件[51] a) proc update=: b) begin file master, change, new master; c) open(master, "my·mastertape", magtapel); d) open(change," ", cardinl);  相似文献   

LT 《数码时代》2005,(1):77-77
文件分了各种各样的格式,TXT文件用记事本打开、DOC文件用Word打开、JPG文件用ACDSee打开等等等等。但我们也经常遇到因没有安装相应的应用程序,文件或应用程序关联错误造成文件无法打开的故障。但你遇到EXE可执行文件也无法打开的现象吗?  相似文献   

Many scientific fields increasingly use high-performance computing(HPC)to process and analyze massive amounts of experimental data while storage systems in today's HPC environments have to cope with new access patterns.These patterns include many metadata operations,small I/O requests,or randomized file I/O,while general-purpose parallel file systems have been optimized for sequential shared access to large files.Burst buffer file systems create a separate file system that applications can use to store temporary data.They aggregate node-local storage available within the compute nodes or use dedicated SSD clusters and offer a peak bandwidth higher than that of the backend parallel file system without interfering with it.However,burst buffer file systems typically offer many features that a scientific application,running in isolation for a limited amount of time,does not require.We present GekkoFS,a temporary,highly-scalable file system which has been specifically optimized for the aforementioned use cases.GekkoFS provides relaxed POSIX semantics which only offers features which are actually required by most(not all)applications.GekkoFS is,therefore,able to provide scalable I/O performance and reaches millions of metadata operations already for a small number of nodes,significantly outperforming the capabilities of common parallel file systems.  相似文献   

WIN.INI和SYSTEM.INI是Windows操作系统两个标准的初始化文件(Initialization file)。它们中包含有定义用户Windows环境的信息,Windows及其应用程序可以使用存贮在该两文件中的信息,来对它们自身进行设置以满足用户的需求和爱好。WIN.INI文件主要是保存一些信息,以便Windows按照用户的要求定制环境;SYSTEM.INI含有Windows能够满足用户系统硬件需求的一些设置。  相似文献   

通常情况下,一个文件只能被一种方式打开,如.doc文件只能用Word应用程序打开,.txt文件只能用记事本应用程序打开,这有时给我们的工作带来了诸多不便。其实通过设置,已注册的文件类型完全可以被另外一个应用程序打开。也就是说,一个文件  相似文献   

当我们用鼠标双击一个文件时,系统会以默认的打开方式打汗该文件,这就是Windows95中的文件关联。通常有两种方法可以建立文件关联,一种是安装一个应用程序后该应用程序自动对硬盘中存在的所有文件类型进行检索,并同自己能打开的文件类型建立关联;另一种是当双志一个未建立任何关税的文件时,系统自动揭示选择文件的打开方式,当选择了一个应用程序并选择了“始终用此程序打开该文件”选项后,该类型的文件就同选择的应用程序之间建立了关联。文件关联极大地方便了我们对文件的操作,但是我们也常常会遇到这样的苦恼。当某个应用程序已…  相似文献   

“关联”是Windows提供的一个快速打开文件的很有用的方式,当一个文件和一个应用程序关联后,你只需双击文件的图标即可打开该文件。一般软件安装时都自动的将文件和应用程序关联好。但有时我们想打开一个未和任何应用程序关联的文件或要改变一个不适合的关联时,我们就需要自己来管理“关联”了。在Windows3.x中是通过文件管理器来管理的。具体如下,先启动文件管理器,单击“文件”,选择“关联”,出现一对话框,在“文件扩展名”中输人要关联的文件的扩展名,然后单击“测览”,找到要关联的应用程序,“确定”后可见“关联程序”中…  相似文献   

Existing data management tools have some limitations such as restrictions to specific file systems or shortage of transparence to applications.In this paper,we present a new data management tool called AIP,which is implemented via the standard data management API,and hence it supports multiple file systems and makes data management operations transparent to applications.First,AIP provides centralized policy-based data management for controlling the placement of files in different storage tiers.Second,AIP uses differentiated collections of file states to improve the execution efficiency of data management policies,with the help of the caching mechanism of file states.Third,AIP also provides a resource arbitration mechanism for controlling the rate of initiated data management operations.Our results from representative experiments demonstrate that AIP has the ability to provide high performance,to introduce low management overhead,and to have good scalability.  相似文献   

现象:开机后,可进入Windows的窗口界面.但只要启动任何一个应用程序,就会出现“无法找到Windows.exe文件.该程序用于打开‘应用程序’类型的文件”的提示。  相似文献   

Various 3D modeling software has been developed for design and manufacturing.Most of the commercially available software uses native file formats,which may not be able to be read or understood by other software.This paper deals with the development of a generic approach of a 3D model conversion program for virtual manufacturing(VM),using a lexical analyzer generator Lex and the Open Graphic Library(OpenGL).The program is able to convert 3D mesh data between four universal file formats,i.e.,Stereolithography(STL),Virtual Reality Modeling Language(VRML),eXtensible Markup Language(XML),and Object(OBJ).Simple assembly functions can be applied to the imported models.The quaternion angle is used for object rotation to overcome the problem of gimbal lock or a loss of one degree of rotational freedom.The program has been validated by importing the neutral format models into the program,applying the transformation,saving the new models with a new coordinate system,and lastly exporting into other commercial software.The results showed that the program is able to render and re-arrange accurately the geometry data from the different universal file formats and that it can be used in VM.Therefore,the output models from a VM system can be transferred or imported to another VM system in a universal file format.  相似文献   

目前许多微机配置了CD-ROM驱动器、声卡、影像解压卡、传真卡等多媒体装置及图像、影像、文字处理软件.多媒体和应用程序的操作在Windows保护模式下通过击打相应的图标打开或复原,进入一个媒体应用程序往往需要打开若干个图标,如果切换到另一个应用程序还需复原、打开等一系列操作,如果应用程序较多,互相切换及文件调用比较麻烦.利用微软公司的MS-Wordfor Windows可以将一些经常使用的应用程序、声视频媒体文件、动画演示文件、高分辨率静止图像、文字等排放在一个Word文档中形成一个多媒体演示与操作平台,需要时直接调用出来,用鼠标双击任一图标即可实现文件的快速播放与处理.  相似文献   

1、快速打开文档两法 当要打开某个文档时,一般双击文档文件就可以了。但有时比如想用WORD打开“.TXT” 文件或想用PHOTOSHOP打开“.BMP”时都要先打开应用程序,然后再选择“文件”/“打开”来打开文档才行,否则就会用系统默认的记事本或ACDSEE32来打开。这里就介绍两种简单的方法来解决这个问题。  相似文献   

1、打开所需要的图片(.bmp.jpg或其他),在file下选择输出Exprot/GIF89a Exprot; 2、在弹出的对话框选项中,Palette项选择Adaptive(适应的);colors项的选择则根据需要选择256色或其他参数:并在Interlaced前的复选框里点击一下,然后点击“OK”,存贮成一个.gif文件。  相似文献   

许多电脑爱好者拿到一个不知道如何打开的文档时,总喜欢尝试用各种应用程序来打开它,但是如果忘记将“始终使用该程序打开这种类型的文件”左边的”√”去掉,那么以后这类文件都用该程序打开,而不管这种打开  相似文献   

防止误删系统文件在纯DOS状态下的C盘根目录下输入以下命令: C:\>DOSKEY DELTREE* .SYS=Bad command orfile name! C:\>DOSKEY DEL* .SYS=Bad command or file name! 防止误删动态链接库文件在纯DOS状态下的C盘根目录  相似文献   

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