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桩承式加筋路堤受力机理及沉降分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
作为一种经济、有效的软土地基处理方法,桩承式加筋路堤在国内外已开始使用。把单桩处理区域及上部路堤等效为圆桩体,采用弹塑性有限元法分析了瞬时加载后地基中超静孔隙水压力的分布特征及消散过程,研究了加筋格栅的受力和路堤的沉降特性等,分析了桩长、桩间距及桩托板大小对桩体荷载分担比和路堤沉降的影响。研究结果表明,打桩后桩体所受荷载向下传递,地基中的初始最大孔隙水压力出现在桩端以下土层。打穿软土层情况下,路堤的沉降量决定于浅部桩间土的压缩,而未打穿情况下,路堤的沉降量决定于桩端以下软土层的压缩。桩长是控制路堤沉降的最主要因素,其次是桩间距和桩托板尺寸。最后对一个工程实例进行了分析。  相似文献   

中低压缩性土地区桩承式加筋路堤现场试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将桩承式加筋路堤技术应用于中低压缩性土地区高速铁路桥台和涵洞之间填方路基的处理,通过逐渐改变CFG桩桩长形成刚度均匀变化的地基加固区,严格控制线路纵向差异沉降。通过现场试验对桥台、涵顶和路基中心地基沉降进行了长期观测,同时对桩承式加筋路堤桩间土沉降、孔隙水压力、格栅上下表面土压力和格栅变形进行了长期监测分析。研究结果表明:桩承式加筋路堤可有效减小中低压缩性土地基沉降,总沉降小且很快趋于稳定;桩承式加筋路堤通过土拱效应和张拉膜效应将路堤荷载向桩帽传递,格栅下桩土应力比明显高于格栅上,张拉膜效应明显,格栅上桩土应力比接近1.0,土拱效应较弱;格栅在路肩处发挥的作用强于线路中心处。  相似文献   

为了研究桩承式加筋路堤在移动荷载作用下的特性,采用FLAC 3D软件建立了移动荷载作用下道路的三维动力流固耦合分析模型,对桩承式加筋路堤和天然路堤在移动荷载作用下的竖向变形、桩土应力比、超孔隙水压力、加速度等进行了对比分析,并研究了不同轴载对路堤竖向变形的影响。分析结果表明:移动荷载作用下,桩承式加筋路堤通过桩体土拱效应和格栅张拉膜效应的联合作用,其路面竖向变形、桩土应力比、超孔隙水压力、加速度均比天然路堤的结果明显减小;随着轴载的增加,桩承式加筋路堤路面竖向变形不断增大。  相似文献   

路桥过渡段桩承式加筋路堤现场试验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
桩承式加筋路堤与路堤填土加筋技术联合应用于黄土地区路桥过渡段,减小路桥过渡段差异沉降和桥头跳车现象。通过 现场试验 对桩承式加筋路堤中心轴和路肩对应位置处格栅上、下表面桩顶和桩间土土压力、桩间格栅变形以及加筋路堤各断面格栅上、下表面土压力和格栅变形进行监测分析,研究结果表明:桩承式加筋 路堤通过土拱效应和张拉膜效应将路堤荷载向桩顶转移,从而可有效减小桩间土荷载;桩承式加筋路堤中心轴处路堤荷载转移主要以土拱效应为主,以张拉膜效应为辅,而路肩处格栅张拉膜效应较显著,路堤荷载传递由土拱效应和张拉膜效应共同完成,格栅在路肩处发挥作用效果大于路堤中心轴处;路堤加筋技术在桥台附近减载作用明显,随着距桥台距离的增加,减载作用逐渐减弱。  相似文献   

为揭示桩承式加筋低路堤的荷载传递机理及土工格栅的加固效应,选取武汉智能网联赛车道项目主赛道连接段某低路堤路段开展了一个承载单元的现场试验,分别测试了施工期桩帽顶部与格栅上层的土压力分布、路堤分层沉降、格栅应变与挠曲。数据分析表明:随着填土高度的增加,土拱效应与张拉膜效应逐渐发挥,桩帽顶部的土压力开始超过桩间土压力并在填筑结束后逐渐趋于稳定。在端承摩擦桩桩承式加筋低路堤的荷载传递机制中,桩间土承担主要荷载,占比62.23%,张拉膜效应仅占很小一部分,占总荷载的3.77%。土工格栅的最大应变出现在桩帽边缘处,但最大值仅为0.195%,这表明土工格栅性能难以得到充分发挥。在该桩承式加筋低路堤中,两桩中心处的桩间土沉降要明显大于四桩对角线中心处。  相似文献   

柔性桩承式加筋路堤桩土应力比分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对柔性桩承式加筋路堤,建立了路堤–网–桩–土相互协调共同工作的荷载传递模型,通过改进的路堤荷载传递模型和假定的柔性桩侧摩阻力分布模式分析了路堤土拱效应和桩土相互作用,根据平衡条件推导获得了新的可以考虑土拱效应、拉膜效应和桩土相互作用三者耦合条件下桩土应力比及桩土差异沉降计算公式。通过工程实例的分析计算,验证计算模型的合理性,并分析了各因素与桩土应力比的关系。结果表明:网上、下桩土应力比均随路堤填土内摩擦角的增加先增大后减小,随桩体压缩模量、路堤填土压缩模量的增加而增大,随桩间土压缩模量、桩间距的增加而减小,且网下桩土应力比大于网上桩土应力比;网上桩土应力比随土工格栅抗拉强度的增加而减小,网下桩土应力比随土工格栅抗拉强度的增加而增大,网上、下桩土应力比差随土工格栅抗拉强度、路堤填土重度和填土高度的增加而增大。桩土应力比和桩土差异沉降理论计算值与工程实例实测值对应较好。  相似文献   

通过缩尺模型试验,主要研究桩承式加筋路堤中正方形布桩的桩帽净间距、路堤填土性质对土拱效应的影响,分析填土黏聚力和桩帽间距对土拱效应的影响及其随附加荷载变化的规律。研究结果表明:(1)路堤填土的黏聚力使填土中土拱效应增强,桩帽上的土压力增大,而桩间土土压力减小;与黏聚力为0的填土相比,填土内黏聚力不等于0时,桩体荷载分担比增大,在相同荷载条件下桩间土和路堤表面的沉降均减小。(2)填土的成拱条件应与黏聚力无关,土拱高度应该大于1.0倍且小于1.5倍的桩帽净间距。(3)桩帽间距越大,土拱效应越弱,桩体荷载分担比越小。(4)不管路堤填土是否具有黏聚力以及桩帽净间距如何变化,桩承式加筋路堤中桩帽边缘处的土压力均大于桩帽中心处的土压力。  相似文献   

介绍了桩承式加筋路堤足尺模型实验装置,该实验装置利用PVC材料水袋模拟桩间软土,从而在一定程度上能够控制桩土差异沉降。路堤填筑过程中测试了路堤内部土压力以及格栅拉力,并且重点分析了桩帽和桩间不同位置处土压力以及格栅拉力随填筑高度的变化规律。实验结果表明,路堤在填筑过程中发生了明显的土拱效应,路堤填筑完成后桩土应力比约为8.46,土拱高度约为1.125倍桩间净距;单向土工格栅能够进一步将桩间上方土压力传递到桩顶上方;随着路堤填筑高度的增加,格栅拉力增长并不大,路堤横向滑移引起的格栅拉力可以忽略不计。  相似文献   

桩承式加筋路堤的路堤土拱效应、加筋体张拉膜效应以及桩土地基承载效应之间存在着较为复杂的耦合效应,由于土拱效应随路堤加载与桩间土下沉的演化,目前的计算理论与方法难以真实地评价桩承式路堤荷载调节与沉降稳定的全过程。引入混合试验的技术思路,开发一套阵列式多活动门试验装置及桩土地基混合试验方法,实现加筋垫层路堤物理模型与桩土地基数值模型的适时数据交换,开展9组不同路堤高度与加筋体拉伸模量的参数影响试验。试验结果表明:所建立的混合试验方法能够较好地实现桩承式加筋路堤的全组件参与、全效应耦合工作性能模拟,大大地节省了试验成本和时间,为桩承式加筋路堤的长期承载性能演化以及沉降预测提供了一种新的试验手段。同心圆力学模型能够较为准确地评价路堤的最大土拱效应。当路堤高度较低时,采用拉伸模量较高的加筋体能够提高桩的荷载分担比。采用拉伸模量较高的加筋体,在不同的加筋高度条件下均能够显著地降低桩间土沉降与桩土差异沉降。随着路堤高度的增加,不同加筋体模量试验的桩、土荷载分担比趋于一致,采用地基反力系数法不能可靠地反映桩间土的真实承载机制。  相似文献   

针对桩承式加筋路基这一复杂的工作系统,结合连霍高速某段桩承式路堤拓宽工程,通过有限元软件ABAQUS建立了桩承式加筋路堤整体三维有限元分析模型;从土拱效应、土工格栅的拉膜效应,以及桩土间刚度差异引起的不均匀沉降等方面分析了系统的工作机理。结果表明土工格栅最大变形和最大拉力发生在桩帽边缘处;拓宽路堤的施工阶段对地表沉降影响较小;软土的长期固结是造成不均匀沉降的主要原因等结论。  相似文献   

Soil arching and tensioned membrane effects are two main load transfer mechanisms for geosynthetic-reinforced pile-supported (GRPS) embankments over soft soils or voids. Evidences show that the tensioned membrane effect interacts with the soil arching effect. To investigate the soil arching evolution under different geosynthetic reinforcement stiffness and embankment height, a series of discrete element method (DEM) simulations of GRPS embankments were carried out based on physical model tests. The results indicate that the deformation pattern in the GRPS embankments changed from a concentric ellipse arch pattern to an equal settlement pattern with the increase of the embankment height. High stiffness geosynthetic hindered the development of soil arching and required more subsoil settlement to enable the development of maximum soil arching. However, soil arching in the GRPS embankments with low stiffness reinforcement degraded after reaching maximum soil arching. Appropriate stiffness reinforcement ensured the development and stability of maximum soil arching. According to the stress states on the pile top, a concentric ellipse soil arch model is proposed in this paper to describe the soil arching behavior in the GRPS embankments over voids. The predicted heights of soil arches and load efficacies on the piles agreed well with the DEM simulations and the test results from the literature.  相似文献   

Geosynthetic-reinforced and pile-supported (GRPS) embankments are becoming more and more popular as this technique showed good performances in practice. Various design methods were introduced to analyze GRPS embankments. However, the applicability of these design methods was not always fully validated. This paper focuses on the review of projects containing field observations of GRPS embankments. The comparison results showed that the assumptions related to the subsoil support, geosynthetic, arching shape, and its evolution are not consistent in the analytical methods. Comparison results with twenty-five full-scale cases and six series of experiments emphasize that these available design methods produce significantly different results in predicting loads transfer mechanism. The analytical models predict arching for cohesionless fill better that for cohesive fill soils. Besides, the analytical methods which consider subsoil support such as the CUR226 and EBGEO methods give results that are in a better agreement with experimental data as compared to other methods which do not consider the subsoil support. The CUR226 (2016) analytical model seems to be able to give the best performance with measured data when compared to other design methods. Finally, the results pointed out that the limit equilibrium model is adequate and has good performance.  相似文献   

Three centrifuge model tests were conducted to investigate the influence of the number of geosynthetic layers and the pile clear spacing on the global performance of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Pile-Supported (GRPS) embankments with side slopes constructed on soft soil foundations. This study found that the change of the geogrid number from one to two did not significantly affect the foundation settlement, the geogrid deflection, and the vertical stress at the embankment base. For the GRPS embankment with a single geogrid layer, the geogrid strain distribution at the embankment base showed an “M” shape along the transverse direction with the maximum strain near the embankment shoulder. When two geogrid layers with sand in between were used, the upper and lower layers showed different strain distributions with the maximum strains happening near the embankment shoulder and at the center of the embankment for the upper and lower layers respectively. The strains of the upper geogrid were smaller than those of the lower geogrid. Smaller pile clear spacing reduced the geogrid deflection and the foundation settlement. Despite the change of the pile clear spacing, the progressive development of soil arching with the normalized displacement at the embankment base followed a similar trend without an obvious stress recovery stage.  相似文献   

Given the limit studies on the behavior of GRPS embankments with different numbers of geosynthetic layers and pile caps in a triangular pattern, this paper conducted a series of three-dimensional (3-D) numerical analyses. The numerical model was verified based on a well-instrumented large-scale test. A 3-D soil arch model was proposed for pile caps in a triangular pattern, in which the crown of the upper boundary was approximately 1.4 times the clear spacing of pile caps. Inclusion of geosynthetic reinforcement reduced the soil arching effect but increased the total load carried by the piles. For the case with three geosynthetic layers, the lower layer had a significant effect on load transfer than the middle and upper layers, but each layer had an almost proportional effect on mitigating the differential settlement on the top of the gravel cushion. The maximum strains in the reinforcement concentrated on the geosynthetic strips bridging over two adjacent square cap corners.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2021,61(5):1319-1342
Geosynthetic-reinforced and pile-supported (GRPS) systems provide an economic and effective solution for embankments. The load transfer mechanisms are tridimensional ones and depend on the interaction between linked elements, such as piles, soil, and geosynthetics. This paper presents an extensive parametric study using three-dimensional numerical calculations for geosynthetic-reinforced and pile-supported embankments. The numerical analysis is conducted for both cohesive and non-cohesive embankment soils to emphasize the fill soil cohesion effect on the load and settlement efficacy of GRPS embankments. The influence of the embankment height, soft ground elastic modulus, improvement area ratio, geosynthetic tensile stiffness and fill soil properties are also investigated on the arching efficacy, GR membrane efficacy, differential settlement, geosynthetic tension, and settlement reduction performance. The numerical results indicated that the GRPS system shows a good performance for reducing the embankment settlements. The ratio of the embankment height to the pile spacing, subsoil stiffness, and fill soil properties are the most important design parameters to be considered in a GRPS design. The results also suggested that the fill soil cohesion strengthens the soil arching effect, and increases the loading efficacy. However, the soil arching mobilization is not necessarily at the peak state but could be reached at the critical state. Finally, the geosynthetic strains are not uniform along the geosynthetic, and the maximum geosynthetic strain occurs at the pile edge. The geosynthetic deformed shape is a curve that is closer to a circular shape than a parabolic one.  相似文献   

The main objective of this article is to investigate the influence of the thermal properties of the envelope on the thermal performance of occupied and naturally ventilated houses. A naturally ventilated house built in Southern Brazil was modelled and calibrated in the EnergyPlus computer programme. Based on this calibrated model, a reference model for computer simulations was defined, and variations in the materials of the envelope, occupation patterns and ventilation were carried out. Hourly air temperature and relative air humidity were the output data for the thermal zones of each model. By inputting such data in the Analysis Bio computer programme, the percentage of discomfort hours in the models was obtained. Correlations between the percentage of discomfort hours and the equivalent thermal transmittance, thermal capacity and thermal delay values of the components of the envelope were investigated. Such analysis made clear that there is an influence of the envelope on the thermal performance of the occupied and ventilated house, and that the number of discomfort hours is lower in the models with higher thermal capacity and thermal delay envelope values. It was also observed that thermal capacity was the thermal property with the best correlation to discomfort hours.  相似文献   

Museums have the most complicated lighting criteria of common building types. A stable lighting environment for visitors and artworks should be guaranteed within the exhibition areas of museums. This paper presents a challenge to the application of daylighting simulation integrated into the architectural design process (DSADP). The scale model measurements and computer simulations were carried out to verify the computer program RADIANCE. A comparison between the measurement and simulation results showed that there was considerable relative error at measurement points. Therefore, a correction factor (CF) and corrected simulation (CS) were recalculated to correct the simulation results. The Seoul Museum of Art (SMOA) was selected to make an application of DSADP. The monitor and sawtooth-shaped toplights were chosen as attractive alternatives for the existing skylight of SMOA. The application of DSADP was carried out by changing the light transmission efficiency and opening size of the toplights. The RADIANCE results showed that computer simulation models can accurately represent the lighting environment under clear sky conditions, and more importantly, they can be used to propose an alternative toplight for SMOA. Therefore, the research results showed that DSADP technology would be very useful during the schematic design stage of the architectural design process. The findings of this research also suggested that there are large differences between the real sky conditions for scale model measurements and the CIE sky conditions for computer simulations. More studies are required to reduce the differences between real and simulated sky conditions.  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2004,36(5):415-422
The potential of controlling techniques for an electrochromic device is investigated in a systematic way, using both experimental and theoretical tools. Concerning the theoretical part a model was developed in the TRNSYS environment and validated against experimental data. These data were collected from experiments, which were carried out in a PASSYS test cell with a movable wall. Having established a good model performance several cases of window types (such as a 4 mm clear window and a low-e double glazing) and controlling strategies for the electrochromic device are simulated. Obtained results from the series of simulations were compared in terms of the heating and cooling loads of the test cell for each case. It was found that the development of a scheduled control strategy for the electrochromic glazing is better in terms of cooling loads. Finally, a more sophisticated control strategy was examined based on the adaptive fuzzy approach.  相似文献   

陈福全  李阿池 《岩土工程学报》2007,29(12):1804-1808
具有深厚软土层的路堤若采用桩承加筋式复合地基,可提高地基承载力,减少路堤不均匀沉降,也可布置成疏桩,降低工程成本,在国内外得到越来越广泛的应用,但还没有可靠实用的设计计算方法,且现有的设计均忽略了桩间土的承载作用,这与工程实际有很大差别。基于三维土拱效应,改进Hewlett土拱效应算法,得到桩承式路堤的桩土荷载分担比,进而考虑加筋体影响以及桩间土承载作用,推导桩土应力比计算式,并将此式应用于路堤的设计。  相似文献   

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