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通过对PPP模式与传统项目管理模式的目标控制、合同签订、监督管理、争议处理、约束力以及激励方式等方面的对比分析,归纳总结了PPP模式的三种适用情况.分析了建筑施工项目风险特点,并通过案例实证法对PPP模式的具体应用进行了介绍. 相似文献
资源分配与优化贯穿PPP项目生命周期,影响到PPP项目风险分配和风险控制效率,进而决定PPP项目的成败。项目实际实施过程中,政府和社会资本都存在转移风险的现象,合理的聚集、分配、优化资源和风险已经成为PPP模式理论及实践的关键问题。在确定PPP项目资源分配主体的基础上,构建资源和风险分配的博弈模型,探讨资源配置优化和风险分配优化的逻辑关系以及其对PPP项目成功的重要作用机理,并以郑州市白庙水厂PPP项目为例进行验证,期望为PPP项目资源和风险分配优化提供参考。 相似文献
结合PPP政策和PPP项目实际操作经验,分析PPP项目风险分配现有问题,在完善风险承担主体、风险分配相关原则、提出风险分配机制的初步方案的基础上,优化PPP项目风险分配基本框架,供同业参考。 相似文献
PPP项目的直接分担主体是公共部门和私人部门。在分析模糊控制系统与人脑决策系统的关联性基础上,建立以模糊控制系统为主体的PPP风险分担决策模型。通过该模型,对风险分担原则进行了具体化,并对决策者的经验和主观判断进行了量化和推理,从而得到风险分担的决策。运用MATLAB工具实现了该模型,并针对某地铁PPP项目进行了问卷调查和风险分担决策研究,为现实中的实际操作提供了一种有效思路。 相似文献
基础设施PPP项目的风险分担 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11
基础设施PPP(Public-Private Partnership)项目投资大、时间长、风险高、合同结构相对复杂,项目谈判过程往往旷日持久,很多时候由于在实施过程中无法兑现承诺或发生其他原因而出现争议,以至于实践中只有少量PPP项目能正常运作.其中,很大原因在于公共部门和私营部门之间缺乏公平的定量风险分担标准.本文通过详尽的文献综述,首先归纳风险分担在项目过程中的时点和要点,并总结风险分担对项目资金价值的影响,最后比较分析已有的风险分担准则和不同的风险分担结果,以期为PPP项目风险分担的研究和实际操作提供可参考依据. 相似文献
公私部门合理的风险分配是PPP项目成功的关键.通过梳理现有相关文献可知,目前针对公私部门在PPP项目各阶段风险分配中的地位对比及风险转移、信息条件、出价次序等方面的研究尚存在不足.基于此,从博弈论视角对上述不足进行探究,设计适用于PPP项目各阶段风险分配的讨价还价博弈模型.该模型不仅能够反映PPP项目整体生命周期及各阶... 相似文献
Huanming Wang Yuhai Liu Wei Xiong Jinbo Song 《International Journal of Project Management》2019,37(1):117-130
PPPs have become a popular way to supply infrastructure around the world. However, compared with developed countries, most developing countries have failed to attract private investment over the past years. Risk allocation and governance environment (e.g., the extent of public participation, the level of political stability, the quality of public services, the ability of regulations, abiding the law, and the extent of corruption) may be important factors. To test the hypotheses, using about 4560 PPP projects in 138 developing countries from 2002 to 2015, this paper applies the Tobit regression model to investigate the interaction effect of governance environment and risk assumed by private partners on private investment. Results indicate that private partners assume that less risk can attract more private investment, and that a higher level of governance (control of corruption, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, and rule of law) reduces the negative influence of risk assumed by private partners on private investments. 相似文献
作为整个国民经济系统布局的一个重要组成部分,交通运输布局合理与否直接影响到整个系统的布局效益好坏.通过分析城市聚集布局、经济系统的布局、政治因素和技术水平等对交通运输布局的影响及交通运输布局变化对聚落空间形态、商业网点布局、农业区位、工业布局和旅游资源的可开发性的影响,阐述了交通运输布局与布局因素之间复杂的互逆作用关系,为将来建立合理综合交通运输布局,实现整个国民经济系统布局的最优效益提供参考. 相似文献
通过分析风险管理矩阵中公路PPP项目的运营风险与管理风险,详细叙述了预算管理管理在公路PPP项目管理中的作用,分析结果表明,实施PPP模式,可以不断提升企业管理水平、技术水平和服务水平,能够提高运营效率.规范的PPP模式能够降低项目生命周期成本,从而有利于项目整体运营效率的提升. 相似文献
Xiao-Hua Jin 《International Journal of Project Management》2011,29(5):591-603
This paper aims to establish, train, validate, and test artificial neural network (ANN) models for modelling risk allocation decision-making process in public-private partnership (PPP) projects, mainly drawing upon transaction cost economics. An industry-wide questionnaire survey was conducted to examine the risk allocation practice in PPP projects and collect the data for training the ANN models. The training and evaluation results, when compared with those of using traditional MLR modelling technique, show that the ANN models are satisfactory for modelling risk allocation decision-making process. The empirical evidence further verifies that it is appropriate to utilize transaction cost economics to interpret risk allocation decision-making process. It is recommended that, in addition to partners' risk management mechanism maturity level, decision-makers, both from public and private sectors, should also seriously consider influential factors including partner's risk management routines, partners' cooperation history, partners' risk management commitment, and risk management environmental uncertainty. All these factors influence the formation of optimal risk allocation strategies, either by their individual or interacting effects. 相似文献
Peter Raisbeck 《Construction Management & Economics》2013,31(11):1145-1157
Southern Cross Station is one of the largest public–private partnership (PPP) projects undertaken in Australia. In this project the architects played a significant role in developing an iconic design which has received international professional design awards and much media attention. In the media the architects' design was perceived as having impacted negatively on capital costs. Given these contradictory perceptions, the aim of this study was to better understand perceptions of the architects' role in relation to project risks arising out of their design. A survey of key project executives working in the PPP consortium responsible for delivering the project was undertaken. The survey was structured by a framework combining the PPP life cycle, project risks and the idea that architectural design can be viewed as a research and development activity rather than simply as a problem‐solving activity. The survey responses point to the fact that the architects mitigated technical and operating risks and their activities had little bearing on the project's substantial write‐downs. This counters media perceptions of the project that the design activities of the architects created more risks than they mitigated. 相似文献
Allocation of construction risks between owners and their contractors has a significant impact on the total construction costs. This research presents an integrated fuzzy-system dynamics approach for quantitative risk allocation. All the factors affecting the risk allocation process are modeled using system dynamics approach. Fuzzy logic is integrated into system dynamics modeling structure to account for the existing uncertainties. The values of different factors that have an uncertain nature are determined by fuzzy numbers. The application of Zadeh's extension principle and interval arithmetic is proposed for the system dynamics to enable the system outcomes to be presented considering uncertainties in the input variables. Using the proposed integrated fuzzy-SD model, the project cost is simulated at different percentages of risk allocation. The optimum percentage of risk allocation is determined as a point in which the project cost is minimized. The performance of the proposed method is assessed by employing the method in a tunneling project. 相似文献
基于《内部控制基本规范》,结合基础设施PPP项目特点,从内部环境、风险评估、控制活动、监控和信息沟通等五个方面搭建内部控制体系框架并设计运作机制,以期在理论上拓展现有的多侧重于项目合约签订阶段的机制设计,为基础设施PPP项目的顺利实施提供实践参考。 相似文献