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Phase slips by 2 in the critical flow of superfluid 4He through an orifice have been known to exist for some time. Besides these small, regular events, large and precipitous drops of the velocity which may cause up to a full collapse of the flow through the orifice have been observed by a number of authors. We have found that collapses are robust and repeatable features during the same cool-down and correspond to events involving n quantized vortices. They depend on temperature, pressure, 3He content and resonator drive level. At a given pressure, their appearance is governed solely by the magnitude of the superfluid velocity vs.  相似文献   

Flow measurements in ultra-pure 4 He through a micron-size orifice at millikelvin temperatures show the transition from thermal to quantum nucleation of nanometer-size vortices below a crossover temperature of 0.147 K. Detailed analysis, similar to that done for macroscopic quantum tunnelling in superconducting junctions, yields parameters which accurately predict the mean value and the distribution width of the critical velocities at all temperatures. These observations establish the close relationship between this type of critical flow and negative ion motion in superfluid 4 He and strongly suggest that the underlying mechanism is identical.  相似文献   

The velocity threshold for phase slips, vc, has been measured in ultra-pure4He and ultra-dilute3He-4He mixtures, down to a temperature of 15 mK. These experiments have revealed a crossover from a temperature-dependent régime above 150 mK to a plateau of v c below in ultra-pure4He. Concentrations of3He impurities as low as a few parts in 10–9 greatly affect the plateau régime, causing v c to decrease markedly at low temperature. These observations are interpreted in the framework of the nucleation, either thermally activated or by quantum tunnelling, of vortices in the approximate shape of half-rings. These vortices form on wall asperities at local velocities us estimated to be 22 m/s in these experiments. The half-ring model is shown to yield a critical velocity of the same magnitude but leaves many basic questions unanswered.  相似文献   

Measurements have been made of the relative superfluid density sp/ and the critical mass current I sc for the onset of dissipation in the superfluid flow of pure 4He and 3He/4He mixtures in the circular cylindrical pores of Nuclepore near the transition, using a double-ended Helmholtz resonator. Pore diameters of 0.03, 0.1, and 0.4 m were studied using 3He mole fractions of 0.0,0.2, and 0.4. For each pore diameter d p and mole fraction x our results for sp / were fitted relatively well by the form C(tt 01)0.675 and those for I sc by the form I sc0(tt 0c ) g , where t [T T]/T . For each combination of d p and x the reduced onset temperatures t 01 and t 0c are in rough agreement with each other but somewhat larger than values found by others for Nuclepore. For the smaller two pore diameters, these onset temperatures are consistent with the universality hypothesis that near T, 2 sb /m 4 2 k B T should be a constant independent of T and x. Here is the reduced Planck constant, sb is the bulk superfluid density, is the coherence length, m 4 is the 4He atom mass, k B is Boltzmann's constant, and T is the absolute temperature. At each value of x the amplitudes C agree well with the corresponding amplitude for sb /, and g equals 1.17 ± 0.04 for all cases. Measurements of the velocity of second sound at x = 0.000, 0.190, 0.401, and 0.450 are also reported.Work supported by U.S. Department of Energy contract EY-76-S-02-1569.  相似文献   

Measurements of the shear viscosity at saturated vapor pressure through the lambda transition indicate a singular behavior of the form |1 – (/)|=A x , (where =|1–(T/T )|, with equal values for the critical exponent on both sides of the transition.Work sponsored by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome (Italy).  相似文献   

We report measurements of the temperature, density, and concentration gradients in3He-4He mixtures, induced by a vertical heat flux. The flat horizontal cell included two superposed capacitors and the density was determined by means of the dielectric constant method. The experiments were carried out on mixtures with mole fractionsX 3=0.37, 0.15, and 0.05 at saturated vapor pressure, with special emphasis on the region near the superfluid transition. Our measurements under steady-state conditions give the conductivity , the thermal diffusion ratiok T , and the coefficient of thermal expansion. We describe the singular behavior of these quantities in the neighborhood ofT (X). In the superfluid phase, we test with fair success a relation by Khalatnikov between gradX/ gradT and several static properties. From the relaxation times needed to attain steady-state conditions, and in combination with measured static and transport properties, we obtain in the normal phase the mass diffusionD, which diverges strongly asT is approached. In the superfluid phase, we test successfully a scaled relation that results from the solution of Khalatnikov's hydrodynamic equations. From our data the dispersion relations for scattered light are calculated: o/q 2 in both the normal and the superfluid phases and 2/q 2 in the normal phase.Research supported by NSF grant DMR 8024056.  相似文献   

Measurements of the acoustic attenuation and dispersion in liquid 3He-4He mixtures near the superfluid transition T (x) are reported. The frequency range is /2gp=1–45 MHz and the 3He mole fraction X of the mixtures is 0.007, 0.05, 0.15, and 0.36. Comparisons are made with the measurements of Buchal and Pobell for similar mixtures obtained in the kHz region, and on the whole, the consistency between the two experiments is very satisfactory. An analysis is then performed using both the kHz and MHz data. In the normal phase, where the energy dissipation is caused by order parameter fluctuations having a lifetime F , the attenuation data can all be scaled according to the expression = (T )f(F. Here (T )1+y, with y being a function of the mole fraction X and F(TT )–x, with x increasing weakly with X. In the superfluid phase, we attempt a similar scaling representation, which is found to be fairly successful, but where x(T\s-T ) is roughly 15% larger than x(T>T ). In the superfluid phase we also analyze the attenuation data, assuming the additivity of relaxation and fluctuation-dissipation mechanism, and discuss the relaxation times so derived. In contrast to the attenuation, the dispersion data cannot be brought satisfactorily into a scaling representation. However, at T , we find U()-U(0)y as predicted by Kawasaki, where y is in good agreement with the values from attenuation experiments.Supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Using superleak condenser transducers, the velocity of second soundU 2 has been measured near the superfluid transition temperature T in3He-4He mixtures with molar concentrationsX of3He of 0.0, 0.038, 0.122, 0.297, and 0.440. We have obtained the superfluid density s/ fromU 2 on the basis of linearized two-fluid hydrodynamics. The results for s/ are consistent with those obtained from the oscillating disk method, as expected from two-fluid hydrodynamics. The value of s/ at eachX could be expressed by a single power law, s/=k, where =1-T/R, with the experimental uncertainty. It is found that the exponent is independent of concentration forX0.44 within the experimental uncertainty. This concentration independence of is in agreement with the universality concept. From the conclusion that the values of are universal forX0.44, the concentration dependence of the superfluid component s is expressed by an empirical equation s(X, )=2s(0, ). It is found that corresponds to the volume fraction of4He in the superfluid3He-4He mixture. The value of is in agreement with that obtained from the measurement of the molar volume by others.This paper is based on a thesis submitted to Tokyo University of Education in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree.  相似文献   

A brief summary of the present status of the renormalization-group theory of heat transport near the superfluid transition of4He is presented. This includes the thermal conductivity, second-sound damping, mutual friction coefficients, boundary resistance and nonlinear effects on the temperature profile in the presence of a finite heat current.  相似文献   

Measurements of the concentration susceptibility % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafeart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4baFfea0dXde9vqpa0lb9% cq0dXdb9IqFHe9FjuP0-iq0dXdbba9pe0lb9hs0dXda91qaq-xfr-x% fj-hmeGabiqaaiaacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaacuaHhpWygaacai% abg2da9iabgkGi2kaadIfacaGGVaGaeyOaIyRaeuiLdqKaaiykamaa% BaaaleaacaWGubaabeaaaaa!3C99!\[\tilde \chi = \partial X/\partial \Delta )_T \] are reported for 3He-4He mixtures at saturated vapor pressure and at constant mole fraction X(3He) as a function of temperature. Here is the isotopic difference in chemical potentials. The mixtures cover the range from X = 0.60 to X = 0.677. Particular emphasis is given to the region near the lambda line for three mixtures and to the region close to the tricritical point. The method makes use of the vertical concentration gradient induced in the mixture by gravity. This difference X is measured via the dielectric constant over a height of 2 mm using a capacitance technique. The predicted peak of the susceptibility at the superfluid transition is observed and as the tricritical point is approached, this peak is progressively broadened by gravity effects. The data are compared with those from other methods and also with estimations based on calorimetric data for more dilute mixtures. The susceptibility data are transformed into results along a path at constant chemical potential . Sufficiently close to T , these can be fitted to an expression with a weakly singular term, which is consistent with the predictions on the grounds of universality. These predictions are based on the calorimetric data of more dilute mixtures. The width of this critical region is found to be consistent with theoretical estimations by Riedel, Meyer, and Behringer. The tricritical scaling scheme by these authors is tested by the new data and the resulting scaling curve is found to be in reasonable agreement with that obtained from earlier data by Goellner, Behringer, and Meyer, except in the region closest to the tricritical point. There the new data appear to be more consistent with measurements from light scattering. In addition, the concentration susceptibility for more dilute mixtures (0.05 < X < 0.4) is calculated both from calorimetric data and from saturated vapor pressure measurements and the results are found to be internally consistent.Supported by grants from the AFOSR and from the NSF.  相似文献   

A.P. Severijns 《低温学》1980,20(3):115-121
A novel dilution refrigerator system is proposed, which offers the potentiality of very high circulation rates. The design of this refrigerator is described and the construction and performance of a prototype are discussed. He4 is circulated by means of a multi-stage thermomechanical or fountain pump, which can build up high fountain pressures.  相似文献   

High-resolution measurements of are reported for liquid4He and3He-4He mixtures at saturated vapor pressures between 1.2 and 4.2 K with particular emphasis on the superfluid transition. Here is the mass density, the shear viscosity, and in the superfluid phase both and are the contributions from the normal component of the fluid ( n and n ). The experiments were performed with a torsional oscillator operating at 151 Hz. The mole fraction X of3He in the mixtures ranged from 0.03 to 0.65. New data for the total density and data for n by various authors led to the calculation of . For4He, the results for are compared with published ones, both in the normal and superfluid phases, and also with predictions in the normal phase both over a broad range and close to T. The behavior of and of in mixtures if presented. The sloped/dT near T and its change at the superfluid transition are found to decrease with increasing3He concentration. Measurements at one temperature of versus pressure indicate a decreasing dependence of on molar volume asX(3He) increases. Comparison of at T, the minimum of n in the superfluid phase and the temperature of this minimum is made with previous measurements. Thermal conductivity measurements in the mixtures, carried out simultaneously with those of , revealed no difference in the recorded superfluid transition, contrary to earlier work. In the appendices, we present data from new measurements of the total density for the same mixtures used in viscosity experiments. Furthermore, we discuss the data for n determined for4He and for3He-4He mixtures, and which are used in the analysis of the data.  相似文献   

Attenuation of first sound has been measured in 4He under saturated vapor pressure near the lambda temperature T at frequencies /2 ranging from 10.2 to 271 MHz. The frequency dependence of the critical part of the attenuation is determined and the dynamic scaling hypothesis is examined. Above the lambda point, it is found that the critical attenuation is described by a scaling function (, ) = 1+y F(), where = 0x and = T/T1, with the results x = 1.02±0.05 and y = 0.33±0.03. The characteristic frequency of the order-parameter fluctuation with the wave number k equal to the inverse correlation length is then proportional to x , which is in an excellent agreement with the prediction of dynamic scaling. Below the lambda point, a characteristic relaxation time or times shorter than previously expected at lower frequencies appears to exist in the present frequency range.Based on a Ph.D dissertation submitted by K. Tozaki to the University of Tokyo (1977).  相似文献   

The Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation is derived from Landau two-fluid hydrodynamics applied to the thickness oscillation of the superfluid 4He film at low temperatures, where the main restoring force is van der Waals attraction from the substrate and the thermomechanical force due to phonons is a small correction. Since the usual third-sound generators and detectors are far wider than the individual solitons, the asymptotic solution of the KdV equation provided by the inverse scattering method is coarse-grained by regarding it as a continuous train of sharp pulses. The envelope so obtained still shows a singular front proportional to (t–t 0)–1/2, where t 0 is the arrival time of the fastest soliton, and should therefore be observable with the appropriate experimental arrangement.  相似文献   

We have made a numerical scheme of solving two fluid hydrodynamics near the point, which includes the mass density, momentum density, entropy density, and complex order parameter. In our model the normal fluid velocity vanishes at the boundaries due to finite viscosity. As preliminary examples we examine coexistence of a superfluid region and a normal fluid region in two space dimensions firstly in heat flow and secondly in gravity and heat flow. We observe formation of a vortex from a wall in the second case.  相似文献   

A CCD camera operating at T = 65 K was mounted in the vacuum space of our nuclear demagnetization cryostat. This has allowed us to make observations of3He crystals at temperatures below the superfluid phase transitions, in contrast to direct optical observations, which have so far been limited to T 20 mK.1 The good thermal equilibrium provided by the superfluid allows us to nucleate single crystals of3He in the region of the cell visible to the optical system. This occurs either spontaneously (due either to gravitational pressure gradients or local surface defects) or as a result of a small applied heat pulse.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present article is to emphasize the usefulness of the ideas of E. R. Huggins in thinking about vortex motion and phase slip in superfluid4He, and is primarily pedagogical. Several explicit illustrations of vortex motion and phase-slip processes are considered. In addition, it is shown that Huggins's results lead to a generalization and a more complete understanding of the familiar expression E+vs · p for the energy in the rest system of an excitation in the flowing superfluid, as applied to vortex excitations. Here, E is the energy and p is the momentum of the excitation in the moving system, and vs is the superfluid velocity.  相似文献   

The excitations of the free surface of liquid4He at zero temperature are studied, with special emphasis to the short wave length region. The hybridization mechanism between surface and bulk modes is discussed on a general basis, investigating the scattering of slow rotons from the surface. An accurate density functional, accounting for backflow effects, is then used to determine the dispersion of both bulk and surface excitations. The numerical results are close to the experimental data obtained on films and confirm in an explicit way the general reflection mechanism exhibited by rotons. Moreover they reveal the occurrence of a damped ripplon branch above the roton threshold.  相似文献   

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