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基于滤波器组的改进型Wigner-Ville分布 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
针对时频分析中频谱图和Wigner-Ville分布(WVD)的不足,本文采用了一种滤波器组和WVD相结合的方法,并对这种改进的分布的性质进行了分析.最后举出实际例子说明它与其他几种常用的时频分析方法相比保留了 WVD能量集中的特性,而同时能够减少WVD带来的交叉项和人工产物,并能减少噪声的影响. 相似文献
针对现有的椭圆球面波函数(PSWFs)信号时频分析无显式表达式、数值仿真误差不可控、时频分布结果对称性缺失等问题,该文引入Legendre多项式以及Wigner-Ville分布(WVD),提出一种PSWFs信号WVD显式渐近求解方法。该方法根据误差要求,生成所需阶数的Legendre多项式WVD自项、交叉项,进而与对应的WVD-Legendre系数相乘后线性叠加,获取PSWFs信号WVD显式渐近表达式。理论及数值仿真结果表明,所提方法能够产生满足误差要求的PSWFs信号WVD显式渐近表达式,且能够有效保持信号原有的时域、频域对称性。此外,在相同采样点数情况下,相对于基于数值解的PSWFs信号WVD,所提方法获得的PSWFs信号WVD频域分辨率更高。 相似文献
水下目标辐射线谱噪声的多普勒信息可用于估计目标上的噪声源参数。由于噪声源的低频和低速特性,其多普勒频移变化微弱,需要在选定窄带内进行高分辨率时频分析。Wigner-Ville分布(WVD)具有良好的时频聚焦性能,但是当频率分辨率要求较高时,其计算量和存储空间长度也大幅增加。该文提出一种选带细化WVD的快速数值计算方法。该方法对线性调频Z变换(CZT)进行改进并与WVD相结合,可以大幅提高选定窄带内高分辨率WVD时频分析的计算效率。数值仿真和海试数据验证了方法的有效性。 相似文献
随着技术的发展,大电网互联已经成为了电力行业的重要发展趋势.远距离、大容量、跨区域的交换功率将成为主打.在不断扩大了电网以后,在电网中开始不断投运大容量机组.大量的应用了快速励磁后,在大型互联电网中会经常出现低频振荡问题,对电网的安全运行会带来较大的影响,所以对于这方面的问题,我们一定要重视起来. 相似文献
本文在分析Wigner Ville分布及其在瞬时频率提取中的应用的基础上,结合脉冲压缩雷达信号的特点,提出了基于中频数字化接收机,采用Wigner Ville分布检测脉冲压缩雷达信号的思路。最后分别针对模拟信号与实际信号进行了计算机仿真实验。 相似文献
时频分析作为时变非平稳信号分析的有力工具,成为现代信号处理研究的一个热点.这种分析方法提供了时间域与频率域的联合分布信息,为我们清楚地描述了信号随时间变化的关系.Wigner-Ville分布由于其良好时频集聚性,在非平稳信号分析中得到广泛应用,本文针对Wigner-Ville分布中的交叉项问题,提出了基于经验模式分解的Wigner-Ville分布,即对多分量信号运用经验模式分解,将其分解为单分量信号,再对每个单分量信号求Wigner-Ville分布进行线性叠加.提出运用相关系数法对经验模式分解伪分量进行剔除,提高了该方法的精度,并将该方法与Cohen类方法进行比较,阐述了该方法的优点. 相似文献
随着我国经济的发展,电能消耗量不断增加,交直流电力输送距离加大,电力系统稳定性问题变得更为复杂,导致电网低频振荡问题频发,成为制约电网传输能力和威胁电网安全的关键问题。文中以南通供电公司供电系统为依据,基于小波分析和Prony算法对电力系统低频振荡时的功率和电压信号进行分析,结合两者在电力系统低频振荡适用性,设计了低频振荡在线监测装置软硬件,为发电机运行可视化界面显示提供准确的显示信息,指导工作人员实时调控发电机的运行状态。实践证明在线监测装置实用性较强,可以有效解决分析电力系统低频振荡的难题,为电力系统在线监测低频振荡模式提供可靠的理论及实际工程依据。 相似文献
Higher-order time-frequency distribution (HO-TFD) outperforms the bilinear TFD in noisy conditions but suffers more severely from cross-terms when used to analyze multi-component signals. Various kernel functions have been introduced to suppress cross-terms in bilinear TFD but in general TFD with a fixed kernel do not give accurate TFR for all type of signals. In this paper, adaptive optimal TFR is obtained by extending the separable kernel design in bilinear TFD to the third-order TFD and is able to achieve accurate time-frequency representation at SNR as low as −2 dB. This globally adaptive optimal kernel smooth-windowed Wigner-Ville bispectrum (AOK-SWWVB) is designed where its separable kernel is determined automatically from the input signal, without prior knowledge of the signal parameters. It is shown that this system performance is comparable to the system when priori knowledge of the signal is known. 相似文献
The Wigner-Ville joint representation (WVJR) appears as a quite good candidate among the various time and frequency JR. This JR performs exact demodulation of finite energy signals even in presence of linear filtering. Signal or waveform synthesis may be derived from this JR or from ambiguity function. Asymptotic signals are depicted in such a way that modulation parameters may be estimated. Dealing with vibroseismic signals the WVJR allows to identify damping parameters related to propagation effects. Propagation models may be checked by this technique. An example of such a technique is provided by processing of synthetic seismic data. 相似文献
We presented a novel Fourier-Bessel (FB) series and Wigner-Hough transform (WHT) method for the analysis of multi-component non-stationary signals. The FB series decomposed multi-component non-stationary signals into mono-component signals. The Wigner-Ville distribution (WVD) was applied to each mono-component signal to analyze its time-frequency distribution (TFD). Summing up the WVDs of the individual components resulted in TFDs of the multi-component signals, where the cross terms and noise were significantly reduced. The Hough transform (HT) was applied on the TFD of the multi-component signal (obtained from FB-WVD). The HT provides an important tool for mapping the signals onto a parameter space where the detection and estimation problems are made easier. This mapping can be used in the detection and parameter estimation of signals which are unknown and embedded in noise. 相似文献
估计信号的瞬时频率常用Cohen类时频分布的时间一阶条件矩,但这些方法在更低信噪比下存在较大的估计方差。基于线性调频信号的自相关和互相关可以实现噪声压缩的结论,提出了改进的基于互Wigner Ville分布线性调频信号的频率估计方法。该方法具有更强的抗噪声能力,在多元信号频率估计时,抑制了交叉项的影响。仿真实验的结果证明了算法的有效性。 相似文献
An efficient estimation of the Wigner-Ville spectrum of non-stationary processes requires the segmentation of the observed signals into locally stationary signals. We present a detection procedure of such a segmentation based on the pseudo-Wigner estimates. These estimates are known to be uncorrelated estimates of the Wigner-Ville spectrum for neighboured, appropriately spaced frequencies. Therefore, a detection using the pseudo-Wigner estimates can be designed for detection of non-stationarities in any specified band of frequencies. The procedure is based on a subset regression approach and comes up with an informal Akaike type of criterion as a detector of changes of the signal structure. The performance of this detector is evaluated by a simulation study. It works especially well in the case of amplitude and frequency changes of deterministic signals in white noise. Examples dealing with the analysis of biological clocks and their non-stationary properties indicate the successful application of the method. 相似文献