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机场塔台顶层指挥明室因空管工艺需求,屋顶采用轻钢结构,受结构承载力和限高的要求,塔台无法设置高位消防水箱。通过火灾场景、烟气流动模拟和人员安全疏散分析,提出消防强化措施,主要包括采用稳高压消防系统、两路供水、两路供电、采用快速响应喷头、优化管材选择、采用物联网消防设备和配置空气呼吸机等。模拟结果显示,在发生火灾区域的自动灭火系统和排烟系统有效的情况下,清晰高度处的人员可用疏散时间较长,该消防方案能达到防止火灾大规模蔓延和保障建筑内人员安全的消防设计安全目标。  相似文献   

彭陈 《今日消防》2022,7(3):61-63
随着社会经济的逐渐发展,消防安全管理的问题也越来越复杂,给消防灭火救援工作带来了极大的压力和难度。在消防灭火救援中,往往因为现场指挥不力、安全设备不完善等因素,导致很多消防员在灭火救援中牺牲。因此,强化消防灭火救援工作安全管理力度,保障消防人员的人身安全,才能进一步保障消防灭火救援行动的有效性开展。文章主要对消防灭火救援中的安全管理问题进行分析,并重点探究了消防灭火救援中的安全管理应对措施,旨在进一步提升消防人员的安全防护能力,确保现代化消防灭火救援工作的有序开展。  相似文献   

消防员火场心理危机及其干预   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
现代火灾对消防员心理产生巨大的影响,危机干预能够为消防员提供强有力的心理支持。阐述了消防员火场心理危机现象及其危害,并就如何对火场中消防员的心理危机进行科学的干预进行了论述。  相似文献   

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH/PRL) conducted a series of large-scale experiments to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of various concentrations of an inert gas mixture (CO2, 8%; N2, 50%; Ar, 42%) for preventing and suppressing cab fires. Comparison of concentrations effectiveness in yielding safe times has led to the choice of an optimum gas mixture concentration, discharged in the cab through a muffled nozzle system, for the development of a dual cab fire inerting system. Of note is that safety training programs, including the synchronization of performed tasks, need to accompany this technology to enhance operator’s efficiency and safety during fire emergencies within the safe times yielded by the cab fire inerting system. Cab fires are caused by the ignition of flammable vapors and mists (ball of fire) that penetrate the cab during prolonged hydraulic fluid and fuel fires, and electrical malfunctions involving other cab combustible materials. Often, these fires force the operator to exit the cab under hazardous conditions during a time needed to perform emergency tasks. Hence, it is important to provide the operator, not only with an engine fire suppression system (dry chemical powder), but also with a cab fire protection system, effective both in preventing the ignition of flammable vapors in the cab, and suppressing cab material fires. This paper details the results of the experiments, and presents the development of a dual cab fire inert system, using an optimum gas mixture concentration discharged in the cab through a muffled nozzle system. Of note is that the design of a gas mixture concentration volume according to cab volumes, and system fabrication/installation have been undertaken by cooperating industries. Disclaimer: This information is distributed solely for the purpose of pre-dissemination peer review under applicable information quality guidelines. It has not been formally disseminated by NIOSH. It does not represent and should not be construed to represent any agency determination or policy.  相似文献   

针对近年来石油化工厂区、危险化学品存放港口火灾事故多发,消防员在灭火救援过程中多有人员伤亡的现状,提出一种专用于消防救援现场的有毒有害气体监测系统,阐述了系统的构成、工作原理,建立了现场有毒有害气体监测区域危险性和消防员现场作业危险性权值模型。应用机器学习方法对数据模型进行训练,在灭火救援现场为指挥员调度指挥提供科学的辅助决策支撑,有利于保障现场参战消防员的生命安全。  相似文献   

Fire ventilation measures taken by fire & rescue services, including positive pressure ventilation, were investigated. Fifteen tests were performed in a three-room apartment, with an attached staircase, on the first floor of a training facility. The fire source was a 0.5 m diameter pool of heptane. The temperature and pressure in the apartment, the weight of the fire source, and the flow through openings were recorded continuously. The tests showed that the rate of burning was increased by positive pressure ventilation. Also, positive pressure ventilation increases the temperature in rooms on the leeward side of the fire and reduces temperatures in rooms on the windward side of the fire. Safety and working conditions for fire fighters are improved by positive pressure ventilation, but it jeopardises the lives of anyone that might be trapped. The importance of command and control during fire fighting operations is prominent.  相似文献   

鉴于森林火灾的社会影响和我国森林火灾救援的现实需要,研究构建利于促进空地协同的森林火灾救援指挥体系。分析了森林火灾救援现状,论述了传统层级式森林火灾救援指挥体系的不足。结合OODA循环理论和协同决策理论,按照“信息感知-灾情研判-科学决策-调度执行”的基本思路,设计一种促进空地联动的空地一体化指挥体系,支持救援各方共享统一、动态的火场图景,提升森林灭火作战指挥效能。基于信息化、人工智能等技术,设计了包括数据支撑子系统、数据融合子系统、指挥调度决策子系统的森林火灾救援指挥信息系统。研究成果可为增强我国森林火灾救援指挥能力提供理论参考。  相似文献   

消防应急综合语音通信平台是武警消防部队信息化建设的重要组成部分,是实现各级消防指挥中心、灭火救援现场不同语音通信设备之间互联互通的基础平台。介绍了消防应急综合语音通信平台的系统构成、功能特点和平台关键设备的设计及重点解决的问题,并展望了系统的应用前景。  相似文献   

对一起散货船亡人爆炸事故进行现场勘查,运用X射线粉末衍射仪(XRD)、手持式X射线荧光合金成分分析仪(XRF)等手段,结合电化学、生物化学等理论知识探讨发生爆炸的机理,最终认定了事故的爆炸原因,同时提出了开展船舶类爆炸事故现场调查的建议及加强散货船的安全管理对策.  相似文献   

介绍了承德金太阳歌城"4.30"火灾事故的调查认定过程,通过缜密细致的现场勘验、广泛深入调查访问和物证技术鉴定,最后认定起火原因为放火。  相似文献   

由于建筑特殊性、功能多样性和致灾危险性,城市室内水上乐园历来是消防监督工作的重中之重。在进行火灾风险评估的过程中,烟气流动控制、人员安全疏散始终是评估工作的重点。以某室内水上乐园为例,根据消防安全工程学原理,针对不同季节、不同业态、游客行动能力及游乐设施特点等因素,按照最不利原则建立火灾场景模型,利用烟气层温度、CO浓度等控制性指标,对烟气流动和人员疏散开展定性与定量相结合的模拟分析,为城市室内水上乐园及相似的大跨度、大空间、多业态场所开展火灾风险评估提供参考。  相似文献   

赵崇金 《今日消防》2022,7(2):48-50
全国养老机构数量多,火灾风险高,发生火灾容易造成人员伤亡,是消防安全管理的重点、难点。文章从建筑火灾隐患、引火源、消防安全管理、人员素质等方面分析养老机构存在的消防安全问题,剖析养老机构消防安全管理薄弱环节,从政府部门消防安全监管和养老机构自身消防安全管理两个方面提出针对性措施,对养老机构火灾防控工作有现实意义。  相似文献   

王宇亮 《今日消防》2022,7(1):133-135
目前,消防安全工作中面临着复杂的形势与艰巨的救援任务,消防救援人员不断克服消防安全工作的难题。在灭火救援中,消防救援人员的反应能力是非常重要的。消防安全工作作为应急管理局重要的工作内容之一,在救援中发挥着重要的作用,可以有效应对消防安全工作以及处理安全突发事件,保障人们的生命财产安全。战训工作可以有效提高消防救援人员的整体作战能力,从而提升灭火救援效能。文章从战训工作中出现的问题着手,探究了加强消防战训工作、提升灭火救援效能的有效措施。  相似文献   

针对当前消防救援队伍指挥教学与案例研讨中面临的内容不可编辑、场景缺少交互、展示形式不直观以及制作成本较高等问题,基于Unreal引擎设计了一种可编辑火场沙盘软件,实现了场景快速编辑、救援行为AI仿真及火场沙盘效果呈现等技术,用户能够快速进行灾害场景复现及作战力量部署,并按照灭火战斗阶段进行推演展示。通过全过程的火场沙盘推演,用户在清晰展示指挥意图的同时,也便于观众直观、完整地观摩整个灭火战斗流程,提升战例讲评或案例推演的效果。  相似文献   

柴增辉  张工作 《今日消防》2021,6(9):112-114
《中华人民共和国消防法》(新修订)第五条规定"任何单位和个人都有维护消防安全、保护消防设施、预防火灾、报告火警的义务",即任何单位和个人都有报告火警的义务.随着近几年消防宣传力度不断加大,公民的消防安全意识有较大提升,"遇有火情,及时拨打119报警"的常识深入人心,但仍有些当事人不愿报警、不敢报警,导致贻误火灾救援的最佳时机,进而导致矛盾纠纷加剧,增加了社会不稳定因素.笔者结合青田县某火灾调查案例,探讨"不及时报告火警"案件办理程序,供参考.  相似文献   

概括了精细化消防调度指挥的概念及内涵,分析了存在的短板和不足,从建立精细化基础工作数据库、进行精细化数据分析研判、开展精细化作战力量计算、实施精细化单元力量调派、建立健全调度指挥工作标准和流程、加强调度指挥人才队伍建设等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

数字消防--消防管理现代化发展的必然趋势   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
从我国经济与社会发展及消防工作现状出发,提出构建消防综合管理信息系统,为各级消防部队提供社会消防安全管理、消防指挥调度等信息的现代化处理手段,提高工作效率和质量,适应时代发展的要求。  相似文献   

Mia Zmud 《Fire Technology》2008,44(4):329-336
In light of the events of September 11, 2001, a concern in the fire safety community is that the public attitudes toward emergency evacuation procedures and preparedness may have changed and that current assumptions about occupant behavior may no longer be valid. In 2006, a survey of high-rise building occupants was conducted to explore their knowledge of high-rise building safety and emergency evacuation procedures and their attitudes and perceptions about high-rise safety and emergency evacuation procedures. Some 244 residential building occupants in Chicago, New York City and San Francisco and 228 commercial building occupants in Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, and Philadelphia were surveyed. The study revealed that the events of September 11, 2001 have heightened occupants concerns about safety in high-rise buildings. Eight in ten commercial building respondents participated in a fire drill in the last year, compared to 18% of residential building respondents. Among both survey respondents, the most frequent top-of-mind suggestion to building management to improve safety was “more fire drills.” Almost all occupants know where the fire exits are. And, keeping with conventional wisdom, most occupants believe using elevators is unsafe during a fire, however, 28% also believe that going to the roof is a possible alternative to using the stairs. These findings support the need for continued public education about emergency evacuations procedures in high-rise buildings.
Mia ZmudEmail:

分析在高温环境条件下身穿重型防化服作战的消防员需承受的热负荷过载情况及其对身体机能的负面影响。介绍并分析目前国内外针对热负荷过载问题而采取的防护措施及其优缺点,提出利用航空宇航人体生命保障技术中的人体体温调节控制技术解决消防员本身热负荷问题的技术方案。以1kg冰作为冷源,经循环导管带走热量。测试人员在40℃的房间穿着防化服65min,心率、血压无明显变化,防化服后背测温点温度一直维持在27~29℃。  相似文献   

通过一起轰燃火灾事故调查,综合证人证言和火灾现场勘验、火灾物证技术鉴定等,分析认定起火部位、起火点和起火原因,并对在轰燃火灾现场勘验如何认定起火部位、起火点进行探讨.  相似文献   

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