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Radiation detectors extensively used in high energy physics are briefly reviewed. Applications are discussed, together with remarks on light collection efficiency of various light pipes, ?erenkov counters, time-of-flight techniques, and use of integrated circuits. Finally, several new types of detectors are mentioned which may be suitable for identification of particles at very high energies (hundreds of BeV).  相似文献   

The fabrication and characterization of high purity germanium radiation detectors are described. These detectors are n-i-p diodes with a shallow (1.5?) diffused junction and a noninjecting metal-semiconductor contact. The germanium has a net acceptor concentration of approximately 7 × 1011 cm-3 and contamination during processing was prevented by using clean procedures and a KCN treatment. Electrical measurements show that with 500 volts of bias these detectors are fully depleted and have a capacitance of approximately 4.5 pf. Detection characteristics are determined from measurements of ?-rays and x-rays over the energy range of 6 keV to 136 keV. A deviation from linearity of less than ± 0.2 percent was measured. The resolution of the detectors is characterized by an effective Fano factor of 0.12. The average energy expended per created pair was determined to be 2.95 ±0.02 eV at 90°K.  相似文献   

This review paper discusses new applications of detectors in low energy nuclear physics and emphasizes semiconductor particle detectors where new developments have had an outstanding influence on the nuclear physics which can be done. The paper includes an account of: new limits of detector resolution; a new method for measurement of gamma ray lifetimes; gamma-gamma angular correlation studies with multiple scintillation detectors; kinematic energy shift correction with radial position sensitive detectors; an improved particle identification system with multiple detectors; and the application of germanium to measurements of long-range charged particles. The paper also discusses present state-of-the-art limitations and possibilities in areas of particular importance to nuclear physics.  相似文献   

本文综述X和γ射线能谱分析用的高纯锗探测器,阐述探测器对原始材料的要求,介绍制备、结构和性能参数,并与硅X射线探测器、锗锂γ射线探测器和碘化钠γ射线闪烁探测器进行了对比。  相似文献   

We have studied the performance of scintillating glass fiber-optic plates using 10 GeV/c particles at the SLAC test beam. The plates were composed of: (1) Terbium activated cladded-glass cores in a matrix of 15 ?m spacing; and (2) Cerium activated cladded-glass cores in a matrix of variable spacing 6-10 ?m. The target plates were viewed with a three-stage, gatable image intensifier. Particle tracks and nuclear interactions were recorded on film for both materials. We observe 5 detected hits/mm for minimum ionizing particles for the Tb glass, and 1-2 hits/mm for the Ce glass. The test results indicate that scintillating glass fiber-optic plates can be used as high spatial resolution tracking detectors for both fixed target and colliding beam experiments.  相似文献   

We review the use of drift chambers in the field of High Energy Physics: existing apparatus, plans and ... dreams. We comment especially on low cost large area drift chambers, use of pulse height information and high spatial resolution applications.  相似文献   

A survey is presented of the important damage-producing interactions in semiconductor detectors and estimates of defect numbers are made for MeV protons, neutrons and electrons. Damage effects of fast neutrons in germanium gamma ray spectrometers are given in some detail. General effects in silicon detectors are discussed and damage constants and their relationship to leakage current is introduced.  相似文献   

Calibrationsoffivetypesofbubbledetectors(T-12,T-14,T-24,T-34andT-15types)havebeencarriedoutwith400MeV/uXe,500MeV/uKr,600MeV/uFeand180MeV/uHe,respectivelyattheHIMACaccelerator(HeavyIonMedicalAcceleratorinChina).Bubbletracksformedinthedetectorshaveverydiffe…  相似文献   

High energy physics, as exemplified by the SSC, requires the analysis of increasingly complex events which occur at ever higher event rates. The SSC detectors embody an order of magnitude increase in cost and complexity. Research and development for a 500 M$ detector with 500K data channels must procede in step with accelerator design. Up to a decade of R&D at 1% per year (5M$) invested should be expected. This implies the close involvement of industry.  相似文献   

Characterization of the gallium diffused junctions found useful as amplifying radiation detectors indicate a rather surprising window-junction depth relationship. The window, at only the self bias of the junction, has been measured to be a micron or so although the junction depth is ~50 microns. This is a result of the unusual diffusion process used - diffusion to 75 microns with subsequent removal of the heavily acceptor doped, first 25 micron region. Because of potential for low energy detection of these structures (which require thin windows) stress is placed upon window measurements. Measurements made of the response of these structures as photon detectors in the near infrared (0.7 - 1.1 micron) wavelength region are reported. Also initial results which indicate that the x-ray cutoff for these structures lies in the 44-60 Angstrom range.  相似文献   

The Medical and Biophysical Sciences have often made use of technical developments in the Physical Sciences. High Energy Physics has made its contributions in recent years by bringing the use of scintillation and solid state detectors in trace element detection and in gamma imaging. More recently, the use of position sensitive detectors such as Multi-wire Proportional Chambers (MWPC) has been introduced into Medical and Biophysical Research. In this paper we cover some of the applications of MWPC to problems in Medical Imaging of X-rays and ? rays, Neutron Radiography and X-ray Crystallography of complex organic molecules. The fact that these devices can be used to produce digitized information as well as analog image displays makes them very useful for 3-dimensional Reconstruction of Radioisotope Images. Details of the construction and associated electronics of MWPC are covered.  相似文献   

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