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Quality Assessment of Mine Water in the Raniganj Coalfield Area,India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a qualitative assessment of mine water from the Raniganj coalfield, 77 mine water samples were analyzed to assess water quality and suitability for domestic, industrial, and irrigation uses. The pH of the mine water ranged from 6.5 to 8.8. Total dissolved solids (TDS) ranged from 171 to 1,626 mg L−1; spatial differences between the TDS values reflect variations in lithology, activities, and prevailing hydrological regime. The anion chemistry was dominated by HCO3 and SO4 2−. On average, Cl contributes 10 and 19% of the total anionic balance, respectively, in the Barakar and Raniganj Formation mine water. F and NO3 contribute <2% to the total anions. The cation chemistry is dominated by Mg2+ and Ca2+ in the mine water of the Barakar Formation and Na+ in the Raniganj Formation mines. Much of the mine water, especially of the Barakar Formation area, has high TDS, total hardness, and SO4 concentrations. Concentrations of some trace metals (i.e. Fe, Cr, Ni) were found to be above the levels recommended for drinking water. However, the mine water can be used for irrigation, except at some sites, especially in the Raniganj Formation area, where high salinity, sodium adsorption ratio, %Na, residual sodium carbonate, and excess Mg restrict its suitability for agricultural uses.  相似文献   

Mine water from the West Bokaro coalfield was qualitatively assessed with respect to domestic and irrigation criteria. Thirty water samples from different mines were collected and analyzed for pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness, major cations, anions, and dissolved silica. The pH of the samples ranged from 6.6 to 8.3 in the post-monsoon season and 6.7–8.4 in the pre-monsoon season, indicating its near-neutral to slightly alkaline nature. TDS ranged from 349 to 1029 mg L?1 in the post-monsoon season and 499–1458 mg L?1 in the pre-monsoon season. The spatial differences in TDS reflect the local lithology, surface activities, and hydrology. Ca–Mg–SO4 and Ca–Mg–HCO3 were the dominant hydrogeochemical facies; SO4 2? and HCO3 ? were the dominant anions and Ca2+ and Mg2+ were the dominant cations during both seasons. High SO4 2? concentrations are attributed to oxidative weathering of pyrite and gypsum dissolution. Computed supersaturation with respect to dolomite and calcite for most samples may result from the dissolution of gypsum after the water is saturated with respect to the carbonate minerals. Despite moderate to high TDS, total hardness, and SO4 2? concentrations, most of the sampled mine water was of good to permissible quality for irrigation; however, locally higher salinity and Mg restrict its suitability for irrigation at some sites.  相似文献   

This study was carried out in the West Bokaro coalfield area of the Jharkhand state of India to assess water quality for drinking and domestic purposes. Thirty mine water samples were collected from opencast and underground mines, and concentrations of Al, As, Ba, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Se, and Zn were determined using ICP-MS. Spatial distribution maps were prepared using GIS software so that the quality of the mine water could be easily understood. Metal concentrations were higher in the pre-monsoon season than in the post-monsoon season, irrespective of location, but there were more significant seasonal variations in the opencast mine water than in the underground mine water. The concentrations of Al, Ba, Fe, Mn, and Ni exceeded the desirable as well as the permissible drinking water limits in both seasons. The quality of the surface water as well as the groundwater in the region may be adversely affected by the high metal concentrations in this mine water.  相似文献   

Surface excavation and overburden dumping in the Raniganj Coalfield have defaced the natural topography and impacted the hydrology. Excavation and dumping of overburden within the channels has obstructed streamflow and altered water availability in the lower parts of small catchment basins. The surface drainage paths of ephemeral channels and flow accumulation by channel networks was estimated from digital elevation remote sensing images using Arc Hydro Tools of Arc GIS software. The runoff from small basins was estimated using the US Soil Conservation Service Curve Number method and initial abstractions (depression storage) were estimated from CARTOSAT DEM satellite images using GIS techniques. In the studied area, 129 depressions (abandoned and working mines) were identified within 53 small basins over an area of more than 24 km2. The excavated areas arrest surface runoff, leading to degradation of downstream channels.  相似文献   

Mine water samples collected from the East Bokaro coalfield were analysed to assess suitability for domestic, irrigation, and industrial purposes. The pH of the samples ranged from 6.78 to 8.11 in the pre-monsoon season, 5.89–8.51 during the monsoon season, and 6.95–8.48 in the post-monsoon season. The anion chemistry was dominated by HCO3? and SO42?, with minor amounts of Cl?, NO3? and F?. The Fe concentrations exceeded the maximum permissible limit of the BIS drinking water standard in about 44% of the collected samples. Turbidity, TDS, Fe, total hardness (TH), SO42?, and Mg2+ also sometimes exceeded drinking water limits. The TDS, TH and SO42? concentrations of the mine water makes it unsuitable for domestic purposes or for industrial use; high values of %Na, SAR, RSC, and Mg-hazard at certain sites restrict its suitability for agricultural use.  相似文献   

神东矿区矿井水井下处理工艺研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对矿井水地面处理的缺点,研究了一种新型的矿井水井下处理工艺,该处理系统包括沉淀系统、过滤系统、阻垢系统和自控系统.运行结果表明:该系统特别适合于煤矿高悬浮物、含铁锰矿井水的井下处理,出水铁含量小于0.1mg/L、锰含量小于0.1mg/L、浊度小于3NTU、粒度小于5μm,完全满足井下回用水水质的要求.  相似文献   

本文以准东大井矿区为研究对象,基于资料分析得到矿井主采煤层B_1均处于Ⅳ含水段,通过常规经验计算方法估算了大井矿区巨厚煤层大采高分层开采和放顶煤分层开采导水裂隙带发育高度,分别为126.8~190.5m、232.9~334.5m和79.1~98.0m、158.2~196.0m,导水裂隙带均可发育至覆岩含、隔水层,从保水采煤角度出发,应减少分层采高,优先采用大采高分层开采方式。矿井涌水量达2 050m~3/d,且属高矿化度矿井水,结合矿区用水现状及企业类型,初步提出可采用蒸馏、电渗析、反渗透和蒸发结晶等水处理工艺,出水可分别作为矿区生产、生活及生态用水。  相似文献   

Chromite mining can create hostile conditions for organisms in the surrounding environment. Overburden soil and mine water samples were collected and analyzed for their microbial diversity, nutrient content, and water quality at the Boula-Nuasahi Mine. Most of the water parameters that were measured exceed national/international standards. The microbial population was low (soil: 45 ± 0.06 × 105 bacteria, 20 ± 0.03 × 105 fungus) and the overburden soils have a low nutrient (N, P, K) content. The metal ions were found to have leached to nearby agriculture lands, making them less fertile for crop production. Overburden dumps and seepage water were found to be the main sources of chromium pollution.  相似文献   

以现代沉积学、煤岩学、煤化学和煤相学理论为指导,充分利用煤心样品的测试数据与煤岩鉴定等资料,对位于三塘湖盆地西部库木苏凹陷的研究区煤质、煤岩和煤相特征进行了分析研究。研究结果表明:煤质特征为低水、低灰-中灰、特低硫-低硫、中高-高发热量煤;显微煤岩类型分析表明煤层顶部为惰镜煤,煤层下部为微镜煤;顶部煤层沼泽类型应为低位泥炭沼泽,中下部煤层为草本沼泽。综合分析认为研究区煤层沉积环境从草本沼泽向低位泥炭沼泽过渡,主要成煤期沼泽环境稳定。  相似文献   

龙永煤田四集矿区逆冲推覆构造特征与找煤分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过龙岩四集矿区逆冲推覆分析,发现推覆构造有2种类型,即层间逆冲推覆构造和基底逆冲推覆构造;它们对含煤地层的控制具有一定的规律性:其一,层间逆冲推覆构造,应寻找倾向上的富煤带;其二,基底逆冲推覆构造应找下伏系统的富煤带。进行此项研究为龙永东部煤田进一步寻找富煤带指明了方向。  相似文献   

针对峰峰矿区某矿井开采下组煤受底板灰岩岩溶裂隙水的威胁,在对矿井生产过程中的矿井涌水量及以往水文地质资料收集、分析的基础上,结合其水文地质条件和生产发展规划,采用水文地质比拟法和大井法预测了矿井涌水量。综合考虑这两种方法的优缺点和矿井实际情况,认为比拟法计算结果比较合理。  相似文献   

根据鸡西煤田合作煤矿区钻孔可采煤层的工业分析、硫分和灰成分分析数据,评价了矿区煤质特征,在此基础上重点讨论了煤中灰成分与成煤环境、母岩性质的关系。研究表明,合作矿区煤以特低水分含量、中灰产率和高挥发分产率为特征,总体属高挥发分A烟煤。煤中硫含量(<1.0%)并结合灰成分指数,表明煤形成于淡水弱还原的沼泽环境,此时物源供给较为充分。母岩指标Al_2O_3/TiO_2指示源区源岩主要由中酸性组分岩石组成。  相似文献   

神东矿区煤矿水害类型及水文地质特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用水文地质分析、岩相古地理分析等方法研究了神东矿区不同类型水文地质结构特征、分布规律、水文循环特征和岩相古地理成因,基于突水案例分析了神东矿区各类水害水文地质特征.研究表明:神东矿区包含两类典型水文地质结构,一类为下侏罗统煤层顶板薄基岩上覆中至强富水第四系厚层松散孔隙水系统,矿井水害以浅埋深、薄基岩条件下的厚松散砂层突水和溃砂为典型;另一类为下侏罗统煤层顶板厚基岩上覆中至强富水下白垩统裂隙孔隙裂隙水系统,矿井水害类型以厚基岩条件下白垩系突水为典型.矿区西部较完整保存的直罗组为实现神东矿区白垩系保水采煤提供了天然屏障.本研究为神东和鄂尔多斯盆地其它矿区矿井水害防治及保水采煤奠定了可靠研究基础.  相似文献   

神东矿区石圪台煤矿矿井突水因素   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
崔邦军  蒋泽泉 《煤炭技术》2012,31(1):119-121
神东矿区石圪台煤矿萨拉乌苏组分布广泛、厚度大,富水性较强,是矿井涌水的主要水源。文章论述了石圪台煤矿22302工作面涌水特点,认为矿井涌水量主要与萨拉乌苏组含水层厚度、煤层上覆基岩厚度、煤层采高等因素有关,提出了对冒落带进行注浆加固、减少矿井水产生量和保持生态水位稳定的新认识。  相似文献   

姜喜林 《煤炭技术》2014,(3):158-160
由于煤矿矿井涌水的特殊性质,对矿井涌水的净化处理显得尤为重要。从矿井涌水的性质分析入手,总结目前矿井涌水的主要处理方法,并结合鹤岗分公司实际应用经验,对矿井涌水的井下沉淀净化处理及先进做法进行阐述。  相似文献   

Abstract.  An investigation was undertaken to determine the effects of a large barite mining operation on local ground water quality near Mangampeta,Andhra Pradesh, India.Water samples were collected from drinking water wells in the mining and adjacent regions. The drinking water in the mining region had sulphate concentrations that ranged from 211 to 589 mg/L, compared to sulphate concentrations of 25 mg/L or less in the non-mined areas. The natural existence of barite and the widespread mine waste dumps at Mangampeta are believed to be responsible for the higher levels of sulphate in the ground water.  相似文献   

The Sukinda Valley of the Jajpur district of Odisha produces 98 % of India’s chromite ore. The region’s groundwater and Damsal Nala, the valley’s primary stream, have been contaminated by Cr(VI) due to surface runoff and leachates from overburden dumps. Samples of mine water, surface water, and groundwater were analyzed. The concentration of total Cr in the mine water ranged from 0.46 to 1.26 mg/L before treatment and between 0.03 and 0.45 mg/L after treatment. Effluent Cr(VI) ranged between 0.02 and 0.3 mg/L. Thus, discharge water at some mine sites still contain Cr(VI) at concentrations above the permissible effluent limits of 0.1 mg/L for inland surface water. Concentrations of Cr(VI) ranged from 0.02 to 0.23 mg/L in the Damsal Nala and nil to 0.13 mg/L in tube well water, sometimes exceeding the permissible limits, but were acceptable in dug wells. Pearson’s correlation analysis revealed that Cr(VI) positively correlated with sulfate (0.854) in surface water, hardness (0.379) and pH (0.361) in groundwater, and total Cr (0.970) in mine water.  相似文献   

根据峰峰矿区主要含水层常规水化学分析数据,采用贝叶斯判别法和模糊数学综合方法对充水水源进行判别。为了检验充水水源预测模型的有效性和准确性,用建立的贝叶斯模型和模糊数学模型对已知的29组数据逐一回判,正确率分别为96.6%和75.86%,可以利用这2个模型对峰峰矿区废弃矿井的充水水源进行判别。判别结果表明,峰峰矿区废弃矿井充水水源为奥灰水。  相似文献   

为了提高矿井水处理系统的处理能力和改善出水水质,韩城象山煤矿对矿井水处理系统进行了改造升级。改进后的矿井水净化处理系统采用混凝沉淀为主的处理工艺,使净化处理后的出水全部达到排放标准。详细介绍了处理工艺、工艺流程、主要设备和运行流程等,同时对经济效益进行了分析。  相似文献   

模糊评价法在潞安矿区水质评价中的应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
应用模糊数学法对潞安矿区矿井水水质进行了综合评价,评价结果与潞安矿区的实际监测数据吻合,模型选用合理,评价方法可行。此次评价为矿井水资源化开发利用提供了理论支撑和决策依据。  相似文献   

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