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The sulfidation properties of Ni-Nb alloys containing additions of niobium up to 40 wt.% have been studied at atm over the temperature range 550-700 °C. The sulfidation reactions followed the parabolic rate law; the sulfidation rates decreased with increasing amounts of niobium. An Arrhenius plot of the rate constants gave activation energies of 25.0+3.5 kcal/ mole. The scales formed on Ni-Nb alloys were multilayered, generally consisting of an outer layer of nickel sulfide ( NiS1+x and Ni3S2) and an inner complex layer of NiNb3S6 plus NbS2. The position of the original metal surface was notedy platinum-wire marker experiments to be the interface between the inner andouter layers. The location of the marker indicates that the outer layer, generally greater in thickness than the inner layer, grew by outward diffusion of the nickel cations, and the inner layer formed probably by the inward diffusion of sulfur. Neither preferential sulfidation nor internal sulfidation was observed. The development of the scale structures from the transient stage to steady state was also studied.  相似文献   

The corrosion of Fe-Nb alloys containing up to 40 wt.% Nb has been studied over the temperature range 600–980°C in a mixed gas of constant composition having sulfur and oxygen pressures ranging from 10–8 to 10–4 atm. and from 10–27 to 10–18 atm., respectively. All alloys were two-phase, consisting of an Fe-rich solid solution and an intermetallic compound, Fe2Nb. The scales formed on the Fe-Nb alloys were duplex, consisting of an outer layer of iron sulfide (FeS) and an inner complex layer of FexNbS2(FeNb2S4 or FeNb3S6), FeS and unreacted Fe2Nb. No oxides were detected at any temperature. The addition of Nb reduced the corrosion rate. The corrosion kinetics of Fe-Nb alloys followed the parabolic rate law, regardless of alloy composition and temperature. Platinum markers, attached to the original alloy surfaces, were always located at the interface between the inner and outer scales.  相似文献   

The complete range of binary Fe-Mn alloys were sulfidized in pure sulfur vapor (1 atm) at 700–1000°C. It was found that the corrosion kinetics could be divided into four groups, depending upon the alloy concentration. The first group, up to 11 w/o Mn, had a constant corrosion rate. The second group, up to about 63 w/o Mn, had an exponentially decreasing rate of corrosion with increasing manganese content. In the third group, about 63–80 w/o Mn alloys, the corrosion rate did not follow the parabolic law. The corrosion rates became constant above 80 w/o Mn. These corrosion kinetics were explained by considering the scale structure and alloy substrate.  相似文献   

Fe-30Mo alloys containing up to 9.1 wt% Al were sulfidized at 0.01 atm sulfur vapor over the temperature range of 700–900°C. The sulfidation kinetics followed the parabolic rate law for all alloys at all temperatures. For alloys containing small and intermediate amounts of Al (<4.8 wt.%), a duplex sulfide scale formed. The outer layers of the scales were found to be relatively compact FeS in all cases; whereas the inner layers were composed of the layered compound MoS 2 (intercalated with iron), the Chevrel compound Fe x Mo 6 S 8,a spinel double sulfide Al x Mo 2 S 4,depending on the Al content of the alloy and the sulfidation temperature. Extremely thin scales were found on the alloys with higher Al contents. Accordingly, extremely slow sulfidation rates were observed—even slower than the sulfidation rate of pure Mo. The transition of the sulfidation kinetics from a high-rate active mode to a low-rate passive mode requires both a critical Al content in the alloy and a critical Mo content. Because of the two-phase nature of the alloys, the latter requirement implies a critical volume fraction of the intermetallic second-phase in the alloy, which has been known as the multiphase effect. Interestingly, the multiphase effect in these alloys was also a function of the Al content in the alloys.  相似文献   

Mo-50Re was sulfidized over the range of 1000–1100°C in sulfur vapor at pressures of 10–4 and 10–2 atm. The reaction kinetics followed the parabolic rate law with an activation energy of 55.4 kcal/mole for and 48.2 kcal/mole for atm. The pressure dependence varied between +1/4 to +1/6 for the slope of a plot of log Kp vs log .Analysis of the diffusional processes occurring in both the scale and the alloy substrate gave an expression for the ratio of the thickness of the scale and of the -phase as a function of the corresponding rate constants for the growth of each layer. Finally, the conditions required for the formation of the -phase layer between the outer scale and the alloy substrate were obtained in terms of the ratio between the diffusion coefficients of the two metals in the intermetallic compound.  相似文献   

The sulfidation behavior of Co-Mo-X alloys, where X is Al, Cr, Mn, or Ti, has been studied over the temperature range 600 or 700°C to 900°C in 10–2 atm. sulfur vapor to determine the effectiveness of the various ternary elements at reducing the sulfidation rate relative to Co-Mo alloys. For comparative purposes, each ternary alloy contained a constant atomic proportion (i.e., 55Co, 20Mo, and 25X). All of the alloys were multiphase, and sulfidized to form complex, multilayered scales. The scales usually consisted of an outer layer of cobalt sulfide, an intermediate layer that contained primarily the ternaryelement sulfide, and an inner layer which was heterophasic. Usually, each phase within the multiphase alloy sulfidized independently of one another. In the region of the alloy/scale interface there was often a narrow band of fine porosity (transitional band) together with fine precipitates that separated the inner sulfide from the base alloy. It was found that Al and Cr improved the sulfidation resistance of the Co-Mo binary alloy, whereas Mn had the opposite effect. The Ti-containing alloy underwent a mixed sulfidation/oxidation process, so that its kinetics were inapplicable. Aluminum was found to exert the most beneficial effect. The sulfidation behavior of Co-Mo-Al alloys containing a range of Al concentrations was studied at both 700 and 900°C. It was found that for Al to be effective, a sufficient amount of the spinel, Al0.55Mo2S4, had to form within the inner portion of the scale.  相似文献   

Iron-molybdenum alloys containing up to 40 wt.% molybdenum were exposed to sulfur vapor at a partial pressure of 0.01 atm at temperatures of 600–900°C. Sulfidation kinetics were measured over periods of up to 8 hr using a quartz-spring thermogravimetric method. The sulfidation kinetics of all alloys studied obeyed the parabolic rate law. The sulfidation rate of iron was found to be reduced by factors of 60 at 900°C and 120 at 600°C by the addition of 40 wt.% molybdenum. Duplex sulfide scales formed on all alloys at all temperatures, the scales consisting of an inner layer of mostly MoS2 and an outer layer of FeS. Platinum markers were located at the interface between the outer and inner scales, showing that outward iron diffusion and inward sulfur diffusion through the inner layer occurred. The improved sulfidation resistance was attributed to the formation of the MoS2, which acted as a partially protective barrier to the diffusion of the reacting species. Sulfidation activation energies were found to range from 24.3 to 28.5 kcal mole for the alloys compared to 20.6 kcal/mole, for pure iron. The rate-controlling step was outward iron diffusion through the outer iron sulfide layer.  相似文献   

The sulfidation behavior of Co-Mo alloys containing up to 40 wt.% Mo was studied over the temperature range 600–900°C in both 10–2 and 10–4 atm. sulfur vapor. All of the alloys were two-phase, with the alloys containing up to 30Mo consisting of Co3Mo plus solid-solution Co, and the Co-40Mo alloy consisting of the two intermetallic compounds, Co3Mo and Co7Mo6. The sulfide scales which formed were duplex, with an outer layer of cobalt sulfide and a complex, heterophasic inner layer whose phases were both composition- and temperature-dependent. The parabolic rate constant for the sulfidation kinetics decreased with increasing Mo content at all temperatures investigated. Three activation energies, all different from that of pure Co, were observed. Furthermore, Co-30Mo exhibited a kinetics inversion between 800 and 850°C. This inversion was largely the result of the formation of an innermost layer of Co1.62Mo6S8 at the high temperatures. Specifically, the presence of this sulfide in the inner scale caused a significant decrease in the growth rate of the outer layer of cobalt sulfide. In fact, formation of a more compact, innermost layer of Co1.62Mo6S8 at 900°C compared to that at 850°C resulted in a negative activation energy for the growth of the cobalt sulfide in this temperature range. The variation in the activation energies was due to both the duplex nature of the scales which formed and the phase constitution of the inner scale. A simple model has been developed to explain the changes in the activation energies. At 800°C the sulfidation rate of the Co-Mo alloys was essentially the same at the two sulfur pressures studied. The predominant phase in the inner layer of Co-10Mo and Co-20Mo was CoMoS3, while for Co-30Mo and Co-40Mo it was MoS2. However, in the case of the latter alloys, Co1.62Mo3S4 formed in the region of the alloy/scale interface at temperatures 850°C and above. Although the MoS2, which had formed on Co-40Mo, appeared to be a continuous layer, it was in fact found to be relatively nonprotective. Platinummarker experiments revealed the position of the original metal surface to be the interface between the inner and outer scales.  相似文献   

Five ternary additions, Cr, Ti, Mn, V, and Al were studied at equi-atomicpercent levels (17 a/o) for their effect on the sulfidation behavior of Ni-19a/o Mo (28–30 w/o) over the range of 600–800°C in 0.01 atm S2. Al was by far the most effective addition. A linear decrease in log kp vs. Al content was observed up to 7.5w/o Al, beyond which no further change was observed. All alloys followed the parabolic rate law. Arrhenius plots gave activation energies of 36.9–41.2 Kcal/mol for alloys containing Ti, Cr, Mn, and V, whereas the activation energies for Al-containing alloys were 47.2 Kcal/mol, indicating that a different diffusion process was involved. Complex scales were formed on all alloys, consisting of an outer layer of Nis1+x and complex inner layers which depended upon alloy composition. Two alloys, those with Cr and Mn, formed intermediate layers of Cr2S3 and MnS, respectively, but these layers had little effect on the kinetics. MoS2 was a constituent of the inner scales except for the alloys with Al. A ternary sulfide, Al0.55Mo2S4 and Al2S3 were observed. The presence of the mixed sulfide was always associated with the low sulfidation rates. The formation of MoS2 on alloys results in a different, less-protective behavior than for MoS2 formed on pure Mo. This effect is due to the intercalation of Ni into MoS2 in octahedral positions between the weakly bonded layers of covalently bonded sheets of trigonal prisms. The size of Al+3 is too small to be intercalated, and thus MoS2 is destabilized by Al.  相似文献   

Iron-base alloys containing ca. 27 a/o (atomic percent) manganese and up to 17.3 a/o molybdenum were sulfidized in H2/H2S gases of 4 Pa sulfur partial pressure at temperatures of 700–1000° C. Three-layered scales developed on all the molybdenum-containing alloys, and an internal sulfidation zone was observed in most cases. The overall scaling process and individual layer growth all followed parabolic kinetics. The outer and intermediate layers comprised Fe(Mn)S and Mn(Fe)S, respectively. Sulfidation rates varied with the morphology and constitution of the inner layer. The reaction product FexMo6S8–z, which was restricted to the inner layer, is permeable to sulfur, iron and manganese, but not molybdenum.For high-molybdenum levels, the overall scaling rate decreased, as a result of the slow diffusion of iron in FexMo6S8–z. For low-molybdenum levels, this beneficial effect is small and outweighed by the formation of an inner two-phase layer.  相似文献   

The corrosion behavior of Co-15 at.% Mo alloys containing up to 20at.% Al in gaseous H 2 -H 2 O-H 2 S mixtures was studied over the temperature range of 600–900°C. The corrosion kinetics of all alloys followed the parabolic rate law over the temperature range of interest. Corrosion resistance increased with increasing aluminum content. Complex scales formed on the alloys, consisting of an outer layer of cobalt sulfide and a heterophasic inner layer. Al 2 O 3 formed only at high temperatures in alloys having aluminum additions of 15at.% or more. The absence of Al 2 O 3 in some cases is due to the small volume fraction of the intermetallic phase CoAl in the alloys and the nature of the slow growth rate of Al 2 O 3.Improvement in corrosion resistance is attributed to the presence of a ternary sulfide, Al 0.55 Mo 2 S 4,and Al 2 O 3 in the inner layer.  相似文献   

The sulfidation behavior of Co-Nb alloys containing up to 30wt.% Nb was studied in sulfur vapor at a pressure of 0.01 atm in the temperature range of 600–700°C. Increasing niobium content decreased the sulfidation rate, following the parabolic rate law. An activation energy of 25.6 kcal/mole was obtained for Co-10Nb, Co-20Nb, and Co-25Nb, while a value of 20.5 kcal/mole was found for Co-30Nb. All were two-phase alloys, consisting of solid solution -Co and the intermetallic compound, NbCo3. The two-phase alloys formed a rather thick outer layer of cobalt sulfides and a heterophasic inner layer that was complex. The inner layer always contained the mixed sulfide CoNb2S4 which, depending on the alloy composition, coexisted with cobalt sulfide, NbS2, and / or NbCo3 particles. Short-time sulfidations showed that the solid solution initially sulfidized rapidly to form nodules of cobalt sulfide, whereas the NbCo3 phase formed a thin protective layer of NbS2. The nodules grew laterally until they coalesced into the continuous, outer thick layer, while the NbS2 completely or partially reacted with the cobalt sulfide to form CoNb2S4. Platinum markers were always found at the interface between the inner and outer scales, the location of the original metal surface.  相似文献   

The kinetics and mechanism of high-temperature sulfidation of cobaltchromium alloys were investigated. It has been found that the sulfidation rate of low-chromium alloys, up to 2% Cr, is higher than that of pure cobalt. The one-layer homogeneous scale on these alloys is a solid solution of chromium sulfide in cobaltous sulfide. In the case of alloys containing more chromium, up to 43%, sulfidation rate decreases gradually with chromium content, the scale consisting of two layers. The growth mechanism of scales as well as the influence of chromium concentration on sulfidation rate is discussed.This work was carried out under contract No. 03.10 coordinated by the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

Plasma tungstening followed by carburization (W-C duplex treatment) was performed on the Ti2AlNb-based (O phase) alloy by using the double glow plasma process to enhance its wear resistance. The microstructure and high-temperature tribological behaviors of the un-treated and W-C duplex-treated samples were investigated. The results show that the duplex-treated layer is mainly composed of W2C or W6C2.54 phases and the contents of W and C elements in the alloyed layer change gradually along the depth by surface plasma duplex treatment. The diffusion depth of W is about 12 μm, while the carbon atoms most exist in the depth more than 12 μm. High temperature tribometer tests indicate that the friction coefficient of the W-C duplex-treated layer is approximately 1/6 that of substrate. The wear rate of the duplex-treated layer is about 28% that of the untreated one. So, plasma surface W-C duplex treatment can obviously improve the high-temperature tribological resistance of Ti2AlNb-based alloy. The tribological mechanism of the duplex-treated layer is discussed by dividing the friction process of the duplex-treated layer into three fluctuate stages. The first stage is the formation of oxide film between W-C duplex-treated layer and counterface. The second stage is the detachment of oxide film, acting as “the third body”. The last stage is the period that the friction and wear occur between the compact particle layer and counterface.  相似文献   

An Fe-23Cr-5Al alloy and those containing 0.17 w/o Zr or 0.12 w/o Hf were oxidized to form -Al2O3 scales in a flow of pure O2 at 1300 K for specified periods up to 400 ks, and subsequently sulfidized at 1200 K in an H2 –10% H2S atmosphere without intermittent cooling. The protectiveness of the preformed scale was evaluated by the protection time after which a remarkable mass gain takes place owing to the rapid growth of sulfides. In general, the protection time increases as the scale thickens. Both additives increase the protection time to some degree by forming more structurally perfect scales. However, ZrO2 particles on or near the outer surface of the scale on the Zr-containing alloy provide sites for sulfide formation. The scales formed on the grain boundaries of the Hf-containing alloy are ridged. The tops of the ridges are associated with cracks, which provide preferential sites for sulfide growth.  相似文献   

Ni-20Cr alloys with 2, 3.5, and 5 wt.% Al have been preoxidized up to 100 hr at 1000°C in dry H2, in H2/23% H2O and in air and subsequently exposed to an H2/5% H2S atmosphere at 750° C. During the preoxidation treatment different types of oxide scales were formed which affect the sulfidation protection in different ways. Optimum results were obtained for alloys with 3.5 and 5 wt.% Al after 20 hr exposure to dry H2 at 1000°C. A thin Al2O3 scale is formed which decreases the sulfur attack by more than one order of magnitude. Preoxidation conditions for Ni-20Cr-2Al alloys in H2 and for Ni-20Cr-2Al and Ni-20Cr-3.5Al in H2/H2O were observed to be less effective. No improvement was found for preoxidation in air or for Ni-20Cr-5Al alloys preoxidized in H2/H2O.  相似文献   

The kinetics of oxidation in air of chromium-lanthanum alloys have been investigated in the temperature range 1100–1400°C. The positive effect of lanthanum on the heat resistance of chromium was established and is explained as a result of the formation of a barrier oxide film consisting of Cr2O3 and LaCrO3. The dispersed particles of lanthanum chromite distributed on grain boundaries form diffusion barriers that change the oxidation law from parabolic to logarithmic. An empirical equation which quantitatively describes masstransport processes with decreasing effective diffusion area and simultaneous sublimation of scales is proposed.  相似文献   

Transport properties of sulfide scales and sulfidation of metals and alloys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mrowec  S.  Przybylski  K. 《Oxidation of Metals》1985,23(3-4):107-139
Oxidation of Metals - Defect and transport properties of metal sulfides are discussed, showing the differences from and similarities with oxide systems. The sulfidation kinetics and mechanism of...  相似文献   

The corrosion of Fe–28Cr, Ni–28Cr, Co–28Cr, and pure chromium in a number of gas atmospheres made up of CO–CO2(–N2) was studied at 900°C. In addition, chromium was reacted with H2–H2O–N2, and Fe–28Cr was reacted with pure oxygen at 1 atm. Exposure of pure chromium to H2–H2O–N2 produced a single-phase of Cr2O3. In a CO–CO2 mixture, a sublayer consisting of Cr2O3 and Cr7C3 was formed underneath an external Cr2O3 layer. Adding nitrogen to the CO–CO2 mixture resulted in the formation of an additional single-phase layer of Cr2N next to the metal substrate. Oxidizing the binary alloys in CO–CO2–N2 resulted in a single Cr2O3 scale on Fe–28Cr and Ni–28Cr, while oxide precipitation occurred below the outer-oxide scale on Co–28Cr, which is ascribed to the slow alloy interdiffusion and possibily high oxygen solubility of Co–Cr alloys. Oxide growth followed the parabolic law, and the rate constant was virtually independent of oxygen partial pressure for Fe–28Cr, but varied between the different materials, decreasing in the order chromium >Fe–28Cr>Ni(Co)–28Cr. The formation of an inner corrosion zone on chromium caused a reduction in external-oxide growth rate. Permeation of carbon and nitrogen through Cr2O3 is thought to be due to molecular diffusion, and it is concluded that the nature of the atmosphere affects the permeability of the oxide.  相似文献   

The sulfidation of Ni-10Cr-5Al, Ni-20Cr-5Al, and Ni-50Cr-5Al, and of the same alloys containing 1% Y, was studied in 0.1 atm sulfur vapor at 700°C. The sulfidation process followed linear kinetics for all the alloys except Ni-50Cr-5Al-1Y, and possibly Ni-50Cr-5Al, which followed the parabolic law. The reaction rates decreased with increasing chromium content in alloys without yttrium, and the addition of yttrium reduced the rates by at least a factor of two for the alloys containing 10 and 20% Cr and by an order of magnitude for Ni-50Cr-5Al. Alloys containing 10 and 20% Cr (with and without yttrium) formed duplex scales consisting of an outer layer of NiS1.03 and an inner lamellar layer of a very fine mixture of Cr2S3 and A12O3 in a matrix of NiS1.03. The two alloys containing 50% Cr formed only a compact layer of Cr2S3, which was brittle and spalled during cooling. The lamellae in the duplex scales were parallel to the specimen surface and bent around corners. The lamellae were thicker than those on Ni-Al binary alloys. The lamellae were also thicker in scales on the 20% Cr alloy than on the 10% Cr alloy. The presence of yttrium refined the lamellae and increased the lamellae density near the scale/metal interface in the 10% alloy, but in the 20% Cr alloy the lammellae were thicker and more closely spaced. Platinum markers were found in the inner portion of the exterior NiS1.03 layer close to the lamellar zone. A counter-current diffusion mechanism is proposed involving outward cation diffusion and inward sulfur diffusion, although diffusion was not rate controlling for alloys containing 10 and 20% Cr. Auger analysis of scales formed on Ni-50Cr-1Y showed an even distribution of yttrium throughout the layer of Cr2S3, suggesting that some yttrium dissolved in the sulfide. The reduced sulfidation rate of samples containing yttrium is explained by the possible dissolution of yttrium as a donor. The presence of Y4+ would then decrease the concentration of interstitial chromium ions in the N-type layer of Cr2S3, which would decrease the reaction rate.  相似文献   

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