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林齐  李群  叶骞 《轻金属》2003,(7):13-15
研究各种添加剂在高温烧结Al(OH)3微粉得低钠α-Al2O3微粉过程中,对其α转化率、脱钠率、松散程度的影响。这些添加剂包括:NH4F、NH4Cl、H3BO3、AlF3、LZ-2(复合有机酯类)、SL-l(脂肪类)。  相似文献   

涂弿  刘政 《轻金属》2004,2(11):40-42
提出通过基体合金化改善Al2 O3(sf) /Al界面浸润性的想法 ,添加的合金元素M须满足以下两个条件 :(1 )元素M的表面能必须小于Al的 ,即ΓM<ΓAl;(2 )元素M的氧化物生成Gibbs自由能要小于氧化铝的。在试验中得以验证 ,元素Mg是一种良好的润湿增强剂 ,稀土元素La可在Mg的基础上进一步增强其润湿性 ,但未发现其在界面上生成任何反应产物  相似文献   

论述了一种首次应用于我国氧化铝生产的新型过滤介质CS无纺布的研制。此布种与传统的有纺布在材质、结构、热定型、后处理等方面有重大区别,理化性能优越;经长城铝业公司氧化铝厂工业试验和实际应用表明,经济效益明显。这种布种有在全国氧化铝厂广泛推广应用的价值。  相似文献   

赵春芳 《轻金属》2004,(12):10-12
本文利用综合热分析仪对不同性能Al(OH)3进行热分解行为分析,同时利用扫描电子显微镜、激光粒度仪对试验样品进行微观结构和粒度分布分析,深入研究了Al(OH)3热分解过程中样品特性对热分解行为的影响,为Al(OH)3焙烧制取多品种氧化铝提供参考。  相似文献   

以NiSO4-6H2O为原料,尿素为沉淀剂,聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)为分散剂,在130℃的温度下,通过乙二醇-水体系制得Ni(OH)2微球。XRD物相分析表明所得产物为α-Ni(OH)2,SEM表明产物是由片状Ni(OH)2构成的具有层次结构的微球,微球直径约1μm,呈现较好的分散性。用循环伏安法测试α-Ni(OH)2的电化学性能发现:产物具有一定的电化学氧化还原性。  相似文献   

利用水基流延法,选用纯丙乳液作为粘结剂,成功制备出表面光滑、结构均匀、柔韧性良好、强度较高的Al2O3生带材料,并发现当分散剂聚丙烯酸铵(PAA-NH4)含量为2.5%(质量分数)、粘结剂纯丙乳液用量为27%~28%(体积分数)、pH值为9.5~10时可制备出稳定性良好、流动性适宜的α-Al2O3的水基流延浆料。对纯丙乳液进行了DTA和TGA热分析,在此基础上确定流延素片的排胶温度在500℃;将该工艺制备的α-Al2O3流延素片在1650℃并保温2h的烧结条件下,获得了强度和致密度都较高的烧结体,其中烧结较好的流延片的相对密度达到94.5%。  相似文献   

超声场中溶胶凝胶法制备纳米氧化铝粉体的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
近年来,超声空化处理已被证明是一种制备纳米材料十分有效的技术,当将超声空化作用应用于溶胶凝胶法制备纳米粉体过程时,将为防止团聚体的生成创造一个独特的条件。本文以六次甲基四胺为沉淀剂,研究了超声场下溶胶凝胶法制备纳米Al2O3粉体的工艺,对产物进行了扫描电镜(SEM),X射线衍射(XRD)分析及粒度分析。实验结果表明,超声波的引入可显著提高粉体的性能。超声处理过的前驱体在1100℃煅烧2小时制得了团聚少,平均粒径在30nm左右的α-Al2O3粉体。超声波的辐射作用有利于纳米α—Al2O3粉体的制备,它的作用主要体现在防止胶粒之间的团聚和长大,及破碎团聚体的作用上。  相似文献   

均相沉淀法制备α—Ni(OH)2及其电化学性能研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用均相沉淀法制备了可以在强碱性溶液中稳定存在的A1代α—Ni(OH)2。X射线衍射和扫描电子显微镜测试表明,试样结晶度很高,形貌为细小颗粒的团聚。采用恒流充放电测试方法研究了所制备的α-Ni(OH)2的放电比容量。结果表明,试样的放电比容量较高,可以达到290mAh/g,而且充放电的极化程度小。  相似文献   

以硝酸铝和碳酸氢氨为主要原料,在超声场中采用化学沉淀法制备纳米γ-氧化铝粉末.实验研究了反应物的滴加顺序及方式对氧化铝粒径的影响,用正交试验法优化了制备工艺,并用扫描探针显微镜(SPM)、XRD、TEM技术对粉末进行了表征.结果表明:硝酸铝溶液一次性加入到碳酸氢氨溶液中,可获得较小的纳米颗粒,体系中含有乙醇可以减轻团聚现象的产生.900℃下,在硝酸铝与碳酸氢氨的物质的量之比为1/8,混合方式是硝酸铝一次性加入碳酸氢氨溶液中,水与乙醇的体积比是1/1时,煅烧1.25小时可获得38.6 nm左右的纳米γ-氧化铝粉.  相似文献   

多品种氧化铝的性质和用途1.多品种氢氧化铝。通过种分或碳分分解出湿Al(OH)3,再经干燥、粉碎、分级而得到的不同粒径的白色粉末。Al(OH)3硬度大,耐热耐磨,化学稳定性好,无味无毒,不挥发;在加热至130℃以上时开始失去结晶水、加热至260℃以上时脱水吸热,具有良好的消烟阻燃性能  相似文献   

康宁 《轻金属》2002,(6):42-44
碳渣是铝电解生产过程产生的有害废物 ,碳渣中含有大量的氟化盐 ,采用浮选法对碳渣中的氟化盐进行回收利用 ,不仅可以减少氟化盐的损失 ,提高资源的利用率 ,还避免了对环境的污染 ,有显著的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

Aluminum dross tailings, an industrial waste from the Egyptian Aluminum Company (Egyptalum), was used to produce two types of alums: aluminum sulfate alum (Al2(SO4)3·12H2O) and ammonium aluminum alum {(NH4)2SO4AL2 (SO4)3·24H2O}. This was carried out in two processes. The first involves leaching the impurities using diluted H2SO4 with different solid/liquid ratios at different temperatures to dissolve the impurities present in the starting material in the form of aluminum sulfates. The second process is the extraction of aluminum (as aluminum sulfate) from the purified aluminum dross tailings thus produced. This was carried out in an autoclave. The effects of temperature, time of reaction, and acid concentration on pressure leaching and extraction processes were studied in order to specify the optimum conditions to be applied in the bench scale production as well as the kinetics of leaching process.  相似文献   

多孔阳极氧化铝膜的制备及电化学阻抗谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在8℃、40V直流电压、0.3 mol/L的草酸电解液中,采用两步阳极氧化法用高纯度铝箔制备多孔阳极氧化铝(AAO)膜。用场发射扫描电子显微镜观察多孔阳极氧化铝膜的形貌。采用电化学交流阻抗法测量多孔阳极氧化铝膜制备过程中一次氧化和二次氧化后的电化学阻抗谱。试验结果表明,所制备的多孔阳极氧化铝膜为高度有序排列的纳米孔洞阵列。根据试验得到的电化学阻抗谱建立了R(QR)(QR)等效电路,该等效电路能较好地表征多孔阳极纳米氧化铝膜的电化学特性,进而找到了等效电路中电学元件与草酸电解液、多孔氧化铝膜的特性及界面电荷转移的关系。该研究有助于研究多孔阳极氧化铝膜的生长过程及形成机理。  相似文献   

A procedure for ellipsometric measurement of oxide film thickness on aluminum foil is reported. A method of cleaning the foil surface to give a reproducible natural film of thickness comparable with that on evaporated film and bulk aluminum is described. Using these techniques, an empirical relation between oxide film thickness and anodization voltage is derived.  相似文献   

介绍热处理可强化工业铝合金挤压材的在线淬火条件、可能性及其工艺。  相似文献   

The effect of electrochemical anodic oxidation on the formation of porous anodic oxide films (PAOF) on a high-grade aluminum (99.99%) in a sulfuric acid solution is studied. Anodizing modes are chosen such as to obtain PAOF with ordered nanostructure. It is shown that under an atomic force microscope, the anodic film reveals a cellular structure. The parameters of the latter are as follows: diameters of a pore (30–35 nm) and a circle circumscribed around a hexahedral cell (90 nm). A possible mechanism of the formation of regular nanoporous structures of anodic aluminum oxide is proposed.  相似文献   

通过试验建立了测定双硬脂酸铝中铝总量(以氧化铝计)的分析方法,用于对铝热轧乳液中重要成分双硬脂酸铝质量的检测。  相似文献   

The automotive product design and manufacturing community is continually besieged by Hercule an engineering, timing, and cost challenges. Nowhere is this more evident than in the development of designs and manufacturing processes for cast aluminum engine blocks and cylinder heads. Increasing engine performance requirements coupled with stringent weight and packaging constraints are pushing aluminum alloys to the limits of their capabilities. To provide high-quality blocks and heads at the lowest possible cost, manufacturing process engineers are required to find increasingly innovative ways to cast and heat treat components. Additionally, to remain competitive, products and manufacturing methods must be developed and implemented in record time. To bridge the gaps between program needs and engineering reality, the use of robust computational models in up-front analysis will take on an increasingly important role. This article describes just such a computational approach, the Virtual Aluminum Castings methodology, which was developed and implemented at Ford Motor Company and demonstrates the feasibility and benefits of integrated computational materials engineering. This article appears on the JOM web site (www.tms.org/JOMPT) in html format and includes links to additional on-line resources.  相似文献   

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