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密闭电炉冶炼钛渣试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
隋建新 《轻金属》1998,(9):36-40
对3200kVA密羲电炉冶炼钛渣进行了工业性探索试验,在试验中炉况平稳,钛渣流动性好,初步解决了敞开炉冶炼钛渣中存在的问题,主要技术经济指标比国内现有方法生产钛渣的指标都好。  相似文献   

针对在钛冶金过程中钒是由富钛料带入的,必须除去的有害杂质这一事实,讨论了在制取高钛渣的电炉冶炼过程中对钒的氧化物进行还原,从而实现将钒分离出去的可行性,并在不同参数的电炉上进行了试验,结果表明,钒的氧化物能够在高钛渣冶炼过程中被还原,且冶炼条件不同,钒的降低程度不同。  相似文献   

在1800kVA敞口电炉上采用自焙电极和粉矿入炉方式,用冶金焦还原钛精矿获得TiO2为76.76%的酸溶钛渣。一半未配还原剂的铁矿在冶炼过程中逐渐加入,炉况顺行,无翻渣踏料现象。钛渣电耗为2200kWh/t,较以往钛渣试验降低500kWh/t渣,钛渣制造成本为1686元/t,较以往钛渣试验的制造成本下降500~700元/t,可被钛白生产商接受。  相似文献   

对自焙电极在大型钛渣电炉中的运用进行了讨论,介绍了电极糊的组成、自焙电极的焙烧、电极壳结构,以及自焙电极与石墨电极进行比较和自焙电极的硬断和软断及处理办法。  相似文献   

祝立祥 《轻金属》1996,(3):44-46
世界上钛渣主要生产厂家为加拿大QIT公司、前苏联等国。其特点为电炉容量大,工艺先进,指标好。提出应研制矩型密闭炉。本文在分析研究了国内外钛渣冶炼状况的基础上,提出了迅速改变我国钛渣冶炼落后面貌的具体建议。  相似文献   

以对照原有钛渣工艺为切入点,从直流一空心电极电炉熔炼所产生的熔池流动特性可以抑制碳热还原过程的碳(氮)化钛生成,和能够气化除杂等几个方面做了简要论述。并着重指出,这些熔炼特性对提高我国钛渣生产技术水平的重要意义。  相似文献   

王青  姜华 《有色金属设计》2011,38(4):12-13,16
高钛渣熔炼采用密闭电炉,可以将产生的烟气经洗涤处理后回收,用于原料及产品的干燥,既可减少环境污染,又可降低生产成本.  相似文献   

针对目前我国工业硅行业生产能耗高的问题,提出了一种可以减少短网电抗,降低能耗的新型供电方式即以低频电源为工业硅炉供电,并从理论上对此进行了分析论证,提出了低频电源技术在工业硅电炉上应用的优势。  相似文献   

密闭直流电弧炉冶炼钛渣热量平衡研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
密闭直流电弧炉冶炼生产钛渣利用输入电能进行加热,在高温情况下,钛精矿中的FeO和TiO2发生还原反应.反应进行程度影响熔池内渣的粘度,进而影响炉壁挂渣层的厚度和排渣排铁的难易程度,故还原反应过程必须控制输入能量使DC炉系统达到热量平衡;输入能量过高会使熔池内的渣过热,挂渣层变薄,造成炉壁腐蚀;输入能量过低,会导致渣的粘度明显增大,造成排渣困难,并产生泡沫渣.根据理论计算,每冶炼1t钛精矿需要消耗约911.55kWh的能量,云南某公司加料速率为5t钛精矿/h,钛精矿碳热还原,理论上需要消耗约4557.734kWh的电耗.能量支出方面有物料带走的物理热、炉壁和炉顶冷却水热损失、炉底风冷热损失、电力设备热损失以及少量未预见热损失,钛精矿冶炼过程中,能量的输出和输入是基本相等的,热量处于平衡状态.  相似文献   

韩丰霞  雷霆  周林  邹捷 《轻金属》2012,(12):51-55
以钛渣代替钛铁矿为硫酸法钛白粉生产的原料,可以减少硫酸消耗量,有效克服硫酸法废副产物多、环境污染大以及硫酸消耗量大等缺点。以生产数据为基础,分析云南某公司密闭直流电弧炉熔炼钛渣杂质成分及含量、钛渣粒度。在不同的渣酸比、酸解反应温度、酸解反应时间试验条件下,产品钛渣酸解率最低为89.443%。对比中华人民共和国黑色冶金行业标准指标,产品钛渣各项指标均符合标准要求。根据当地硫酸法钛白粉生产厂家实际生产经验,产品钛渣中SiO2含量偏高。从密闭直流电弧炉生产实际出发,提出控制入炉物料成分、调整配料比、增加渣包风冷时间、减少筛分分级四项措施来优化产品酸溶渣的品质。  相似文献   

The suitable titanium slag composition with high titanium content for electric furnace smelting of vanadium titanomagnetite was investigated through thermodynamics and related phase diagram analysis. According to the thermodynamic results, low-melting-point regions and MgTi2O5 primary phase area in the phase diagrams, the suggested titanium slag composition for the present vanadium titanomagnetite metallized pellets should consist of 50% TiO2, 8%–12% MgO and 13% Al2O3 (mass fraction) with a binary basicity of 0.8–1.2. Finally, the verified smelting experiments were conducted and successful separation of the molten iron from the titanium slag is obtained. The obtained vanadium-containing molten iron contains 0.681% V and 0.267% Ti, and the obtained titanium slag contains 52.21% TiO2 (mass fraction), in which MgTi2O5 is the primary phase. The titanium resource in the final titanium slag production could be used to produce TiO2 pigment by acid leaching methods.  相似文献   

根据国内引进的第一台30MW密闭直流电弧炉钛渣生产线的工艺流程,对采用云南省钛铁矿冶炼钛渣过程中产生的烟气进行了气体及烟尘的流量、含量、化学成分等分析。由于产生的烟气具有温度高、含尘量大(1.75%~9.60%)、SO2含量低、CO含量高的特点,选择烟气净化设备时,除了处理能力要符合生产要求,还需要考虑粉尘粒径和烟气温度这两个因素,以实现烟气回收利用的目的。经过研究,烟气净化工艺首先对烟气进行直接水冷使烟气降温,然后选用德国进口涤气机对烟气进行精处理,除尘效率可以达到99.983%。处理净化后的烟气,热值高,气体性质稳定,净化后可安全用于无烟煤/钛渣干燥及渣包/铁包的烘烤,实现节能减排的目标;烟尘可以回收利用。  相似文献   

通过分析沉淀池内锍液滴的沉降机理,导出了渣中最大锍液滴直径的计算公式。根据闪速炉的实际生产条件,计算出渣中最大锍液滴直径的理论值为0.063 mm,并用矿相显微镜对沉淀池出口处的渣样进行了观察,渣中最大锍颗粒粒径为0.06 mm,两者结果一致。由此证明了沉降机理分析的正确性。在此基础上,进一步分析渣中锍夹带损失影响因素。结果表明:增大熔体中离散态分布的锍液滴直径是降低渣中铜夹带损失的重要措施;其次是升高渣温度有助于渣中锍的沉降;减小渣层厚度等措施对降低渣中铜夹带损失作用不大。  相似文献   

攀枝花含钛高炉渣直接制备钛合金   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用固体透氧膜(SOM)法研究直接电解攀枝花含钛高炉渣制备钛硅合金.以经过1 150 ℃预烧2 h成型的攀枝花含钛高炉渣为阴极,以氧化锆管内碳饱和铜液为阳极,将两者置于CaCl2熔盐中,在1 100 ℃、电解电压3.5~4.0 V的条件下高温熔盐电解2~8 h.采用SEM、EDX和XRD等方法对电解产物进行分析.结果表明:含钛高炉渣电解还原后的产物为TixSiy系合金,含钛高炉渣中钙、镁和铝等金属元素被有效去除.  相似文献   

Lead is still principally produced in shaft and flame-fired furnaces. However, electric furnaces increase metal recovery, reduce environmental burdens and decrease energy consumption compared to conventional processes. Because lead has low melting and boiling points and aggressive slags, the design of the furnace, energy input, and slag conductivity and composition are very important. Secondary materials are easily handled in electric furnaces. Since additional amounts of lead will become available from secondary sources in the future, electric furnaces are expected to replace conventional smelting furnaces.  相似文献   

The SKS furnace is a horizontal cylindrical reactor similar to a Noranda furnace, however, the oxygen enriched air is blown into the furnace from the bottom. Mechanism model of the SKS process was developed by analyzing the smelting characteristics deeply. In our model, the furnace section from top to bottom is divided into seven functional layers, i.e., gas layer, mineral decomposition transitioning layer, slag layer, slag formation transitioning layer, matte formation transitioning layer, weak oxidizing layer and strong oxidizing layer. The furnace along the length direction is divided into three functional regions, that is, reaction region, separation transitioning region and liquid phase separation and settling region. These layers or regions play different roles in the model in describing the mechanism of the smelting process. The SKS smelting is at a multiphase non-steady equilibrium state, and the oxygen and sulfur potentials change gradually in the length and cross directions. The smelting capacity of the SKS process could be raised through reasonably controlling the potential values in different layers and regions.  相似文献   

Titanium slag in this study was produced by subjecting titanomagnetite concentrate to direct reductionelectric furnace smelting. Processing mineralogy and mineral phase reconstruction behavior at high temperature and slow cooling treatment were examined by chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction(XRD), optical microscopy(OM), scanning electron microscopy(SEM), and energydispersive spectroscopy(EDS). Anosovite solid solution is the main titanium product by the direct reduction and smelting process. Results of slow-cooling experiments show that crystal volume and size increase as cooling rate decreases. Anosovite and gangue mineral crystals develop fully with large crystal volume and size at a cooling rate of 2 K·min~(-1). Moreover, the growth of anosovite crystal was characterized by crystal nucleation and growth theory.These results provide further insights into the separation of anosovite from gangue by mineral processing.  相似文献   

A series of technical improvements have been implemented to address the issue of high copper losses in rotary holding furnace (RHF) slag, which were experienced at the Xstrata Copper Smelter at Mount Isa in 2007 and 2008. The copper losses in smelting slag in the RHF were more than 3% in 2006 and 2007. Thermodynamic models and viscosity models have been applied in the operation of Xstrata Copper Smelter in Australia. The theory of RHF key performance indicators has also been developed to reduce the copper losses in RHF slag. The RHF KPIs Theory has been applied in Mount Isa Copper Smelter. The copper losses in RHF slag dropped from 3.1% in 2007 to 0.76% in April 2009. The average copper loss in RHF slag in 2009 and 2010 was about 0.9%.  相似文献   

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