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Conducted longitudinal interval follow-up evaluations, using the method described by R. Shapiro and M. Keller (unpublished), with 113 19–60 yr old unipolar depressives who had completed a cognitive-behavioral intervention in an examination of 1- to 3-yr outcomes and risk factors for relapse. Ss were administered the Beck Depression Inventory, the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia, and a life satisfaction scale. 59, 28, and 26 Ss were assigned to major depressive, intermittent depressive, and double depressive categories, respectively, according to pretreatment symptomatology and the Research Diagnostic Criteria. Results indicate that the recovery rate of the major depressives (75%) was significantly higher than that of the intermittent depressives (43%) or that of the superimposed depressives (27%). Significant predictors of relapse, accounting for 38% of the variance, included the number of previous episodes of depression, family history, poor health, history of depression in 1st-degree relatives, dissatisfaction with major life roles, depression level at entry to the study, and age. (37 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

During the course of a treatment outcome study with female unipolar depressives (20–60 yrs old), 37 solicited and 45 nonsolicited patients were compared. Comparisons between the 2 groups on various demographic variables and measures of depression, personality, social adjustment, and assertion did not yield significant differences. Inasmuch as solicited and nonsolicited female unipolar depressives for treatment protocols can be remarkably similar, it is concluded that continued use of advertisements for recruiting such individuals seems warranted. However, careful and comprehensive screening of solicited patients is indicated. Procedures for such screening are outlined. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The predictive validity of expressed emotion (EE) and two conceptually related but more easily measured alternatives—marital distress, and patients' perceptions of criticism from spouses—were examined in a sample of hospitalized unipolar depressives. All three psychosocial variables were significantly associated with 9-month relapse rates. Expressed emotion and marital distress predicted the same proportion of variance in patients' outcomes. The single best predictor of relapse, however, was a patient's response to the question "How critical is your spouse of you?" Patients who relapsed rated their spouses as significantly more critical than did patients who remained well. Alone, the perceived criticism variable accounted for more of the variance in relapse rates than that explained by EE and marital distress combined. The results suggest that asking depressed patients how critical they believe their relatives are may facilitate the identification of individuals at high risk for relapse subsequent to hospital discharge. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine whether depressives' recall of parental behavior is a stable characteristic that persists even during asymptomatic periods. Recall of parental behavior was measured in a large community sample that was followed for one year. Four groups of subjects were formed according to their depression status: depressed, remitted depressed who had a history of depression but were not depressed during the study, cases who became depressed during the follow-up period, and never-depressed subjects. The results were generally consistent with the hypothesis that recalling one's parents as having been rejecting and unloving is not a stable personality characteristic of depression-prone persons. The currently depressed subjects differed as expected from the nondepressed subjects; however, the remitted depressed, regardless of how many past episodes of depression they had, did not differ from the nondepressed controls in their recall of parental behavior. The comparison of controls and cases resulted in an unexpected and difficult-to-interpret Sex?×?Group interaction. The implication of these findings for cognitive theories of depression are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Normal subjects participated in four experiments designed to examine their level of awareness of facial asymmetry and the possible lateralization of this awareness. For centrally displayed faces and symmetrical chimeras, subjects considered the normal face and its mirror-image as highly similar, and the two composite chimeras as highly dissimilar (Exp. 1, N = 10), but were unable to decide if the asymmetrical displayed stimulus was a normal or a mirrored face (Exp. 2, N = 30) except for experimentally familiarized subjects. For laterally displayed faces and chimeras, same/different judgements about pairs of stimuli (Exp. 3, N = 12) and face/nonface judgements (Exp. 4, N = 36) were very difficult even for trained subjects, and there was evidence for an advantage of the right visual field/left cerebral hemisphere. This study suggests that there is an awareness of facial asymmetry but not of the lateral direction of this asymmetry, that this awareness depends more on the processing of facial features than on holistic characteristics, and that within-face redundancy is an important parameter. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Cells obtained from 10-day mouse embryos were cultured for 3 h in medium containing colcemid. Chromosome preparations were subjected to G-banding in either calcium-magnesium free Hank's solution or the ASG method. From one to several occurrences of lateral asymmetry (unequal banding of sister chromatids) were observed in the majority of karytotypes analyzed.  相似文献   

Given the reported long-range cis-inactivating effect of the XIST gene in early embryonic development and the lack of requirement of X-chromosome-specific elements for propagating the inactive state, there exists the possibility of cis inactivation of autosomal material after de novo translocation to an inactive X chromosome (Xi) in differentiated cells. We have analyzed de novo radiation-induced translocations between the Xi and autosomes to study the maintenance and spreading of X-chromosome inactivation (X inactivation) in relation to the position of the X-inactivation center (XIC)/XIST in differentiated cells. Autosome/Xi translocations were detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The activation status of the chromosomes involved in the translocation was determined by simultaneous immunocytogenetic studies using antibodies against either BrdU incorporated at late S phase or acetylated histone H4. The position of XIC/XIST in the reciprocal products of the translocation was determined by XIST-specific FISH and computer enhancement. In other experiments, the Xq13 region carrying XIC/XIST was localized by computer enhancement of the DAPI banding pattern. Our study in differentiated cells provides a visual demonstration that physical separation from XIC/XIST does not result in reactivation of inactive X-chromosome material and that X inactivation is not spread to the translocated autosomes irrespective of the position of XIC/XIST. This observation suggests that physical linkage to XIC/XIST does not lead to de novo inactivation of autosomal material.  相似文献   

Using GSR as a measure of emotionality, 2 groups of patients (depressives and schizophrenics) were exposed to 2 kinds of music (exciting and calming). In general, the music was seen to have the predicted effect on all the patients. The depressives responded more to the music characterized as exciting than the schizophrenics. Music was seen to be a factor which could alter the subjective emotional experience of psychotic patients. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: In the last decades affective disorders were divided into unipolar and bipolar and this division has been generally accepted. The bipolar type is manifested by mania or by both mania and depression. On the other hand, unipolar affective disorders are manifested only by depression. In numerous investigations authors have noticed that there are very distinctive differences between these two types of depressive disorders such as: course of illness, personality disorders, sex, family history etc. Nevertheless, in practice it is often very difficult to make the right diagnosis. The bipolar type often starts with a few pure depressive episodes and sometimes mania occurs a few years later so only at that point the psychiatrist can make the right diagnosis and treat the patient correctly. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This investigation comprised 50 patients hospitalized at the Psychiatric Clinic in Novi Sad during 1992-1995. The experimental group consisted of 20 patients with a bipolar affective disorder (according to ICD-X), while the control group consisted of 30 patients with clinical diagnosis of unipolar depression (intensive, without psychiatric features). Both groups of patients were weekly evaluated by Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS), whereas the initial score for all patients had to be higher than 16. RESULTS: Patients suffering from unipolar depression were older than patients with bipolar depression and there were more females in this group. There were no differences in demographic characteristics (level of education, migration, etc.), but the experimental group had a greater genetic loading for affective disorders. Unipolar depressive patients had more agitation and they were more anxious than patients with bipolar depression. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The fact that unipolar depressive patients were older than bipolar is similar to most of the results gained in this kind of investigation. On the other hand, we did not find statistical differences in the intensity of disorders, and in the literature these results are contraindicating. Numerous investigators report that bipolar depressives had a stronger genetic loading for affective disorders and our study confirms the same. All these results can help us to make the right diagnosis of unipolar and bipolar affective disorders.  相似文献   

The X-ray crystal structure of a human copper/zinc superoxide dismutase mutant (G37R CuZnSOD) found in some patients with the inherited form of Lou Gehrig's disease (FALS) has been determined to 1.9 angstroms resolution. The two SOD subunits have distinct environments in the crystal and are different in structure at their copper binding sites. One subunit (subunit[intact]) shows a four-coordinate ligand geometry of the copper ion, whereas the other subunit (subunit[broken]) shows a three-coordinate geometry of the copper ion. Also, subunit(intact) displays higher atomic displacement parameters for backbone atoms ((B) = 30 +/- 10 angstroms2) than subunit(broken) ((B) = 24 +/- 11 angstroms2). This structure is the first CuZnSOD to show large differences between the two subunits. Factors that may contribute to these differences are discussed and a possible link of a looser structure to FALS is suggested.  相似文献   

Incubation of fluorescein-conjugated and biotinylated lectins with Rhipicephalus appendiculatus salivary glands revealed differences between the basal laminae of the haemocoelic surfaces of the three acinal types. There were some similarities in the lectin binding characteristics of the surfaces of type II and type III acini when Con A, PNA and TVA were applied, indicating the presence of galactose, mannose and glucose moieties on the acinal surfaces. The binding of BPA, HPA and HAA lectins, specific for galactosyl and glycosyl ligands, which occurred only on the surface of type III acini, was moderate to intense. The remaining galactose-reactive lectins (GMA, DBA and VVA) also bound only to type III acini and the level of binding was weak to moderate. Although the relationship between the haemocoelic surface of the R. appendiculatus salivary gland acini and Theileria kinetes is not known, the consistent differences in the surface carbohydrate composition of the acini confirm the existence of differences in the basic physiology of the acini which may correlate with the specific susceptibility of the type III acinus to Theileria parva infection.  相似文献   

13 former presidents of the American Psychological Association's Division 14 (Industrial and Organizational Psychology) wrote autobiographical accounts of their career choices, graduate training, and significant professional experiences. The present author summarizes trends in the field as revealed in these documents, which cover 5 decades. Illustrative quotations offer examples of factors in career choice and of student–professor interactions and make suggestions regarding graduate education in the industrial/organization field. Some incidents described provide insight into circumstances affecting the development of theory, research, and practice. (3 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three groups of Ss—depressed, nondepressed, and nondepressed pretreated with an inescapable-noise/insoluble-problems manipulation—were compared on anagram performance and on stated expectations of success on trials of a perceptual task. Ss were 48 undergraduates who had been rated on the Beck Depression Inventory, the MMPI Depression scale, and the Self-Consciousness Scale. The design, frequently used in learned helplessness research, was used in both a public (experimenter present) and a private (experimenter absent) condition. Expectancy-of-success results revealed differences among the group's behaviors across the public–private conditions, suggesting that interpersonal mechanisms between S and experimenter rather than a learned helplessness conceptualization may account for these data. (28 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The aggregates formed by the interactions of the human lens beta-crystallins have been particularly difficult to characterize because the beta-crystallins comprise several proteins of similar structure and molecular weight and because their sequences were not known until recently. Previously, it could not be ascertained whether the species of various acidities were different proteins or modifications of the same proteins. The recent determination of the sequences permits calculation of molecular weights and unambiguous identification of the various beta-crystallins and their modified forms by mass spectrometry. In this investigation, the components of the three sizes of beta-crystallin aggregates, beta1 (approximately 150,000), beta2 (approximately 92,000), and beta3 (approximately 46,000), were determined. The principal differences among the different beta-crystallin aggregates was the presence of betaA4 in beta1 and beta2, but not beta3, and the length of the N-terminal extension of betaB1. The size of the beta-crystallin aggregate correlated with the length of the N-terminal extension of betaB1, indicating that the flexible N terminus of betaB1 is critical to the formation of higher molecular weight aggregates of beta-crystallins. Separation of the components by ion exchange under non-denaturing conditions showed that betaB2 occurs as homo-dimers and homo-tetramers as well as contributing to hetero-oligomers. Other beta-crystallins were present only as hetero-oligomers.  相似文献   

Frances Degen Horowitz, President of the American Psychological Foundation (APF), will present the Gold Medal Awards and the Distinguished Teaching of Psychology Award at the 100th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. The APF Gold Medal Awards recognize distinguished and enduring records of accomplishment in three areas of psychology. The APF Distinguished Teaching in Psychology Award recognizes an outstanding career contribution to the teaching of psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two groups of 14 right-handed female undergraduates saw a series of slides for 1 msec. Subsequently, these slides were paired with similar but novel slides. One group was asked to view the pairs analytically and to select the one they thought they had seen before. The other group was asked to view the pairs holistically and indicate which of the 2 they preferred. Results support the hypothesis that analytically instructed Ss would be more likley to engage the parietal region of their left hemisphere and holistically instructed Ss would favor relative activation of the right parietal region. An inverse relation was also detected between parietal laterality and selection accuracy. It is suggested that differential hemispheric involvement may account for the observation that affective discrimination can be performed in the absence of conscious awareness. Findings are discussed in terms of a memory model of information processing. (27 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper examines the interaction between the effects of industrial unemployment and job conditions on workers' levels of psychological distress. Previous research finds that economic stress, defined as contexts of high unemployment, mainly affects distress indirectly through deteriorating job conditions. However, adaptive cost and identity salience hypotheses predict that the effects of industrial- and job-level conditions interact. I test for cross-level interactions between industrial unemployment and job demands and complexity using hierarchical linear modeling, individual data for 7,095 workers from the 1987-1988 National Survey of Families and Households, and industry data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics' 1986-1988 Current Population Surveys. Economic stress at the industrial level has a direct positive effect on worker distress, and economic stress is more distressing to workers in rewarding, complex jobs. In contrast, job demands increase distress, but this effect does not interact with industrial employment conditions.  相似文献   

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