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目的 探究选区激光熔化技术工艺参数线间距对钛合金Ti–6Al–4V增材试件力学性能的影响。方法 通过SLM成形技术,以钛合金粉末为原材料、以线间距为变量制备增材成形试件,通过拉伸试验、断口形貌分析以及表面硬度测量获取不同线间距工艺参数条件下钛合金成形试件力学性能表现较好的较优解。结果不同线间距条件下成形试件拉伸曲线差异较大,线间距为0.05mm和0.10mm时,成形试件拉伸曲线表现较好,成形试件断口组织撕裂均具有连续性,韧窝结构明显,具有一定塑性。试件成形过程受氧化影响,其拉伸性能与硬度性能表现不一致。结论 试验最终工艺参数如下:曝光时间为80μs、点间距为40μm、线间距为0.05mm,SLM成形试件获得了较高的表面硬度,试件断口组织撕裂连续性较为明显,韧窝结构较大,断口界面缺陷较少,力学性能较优。 相似文献
采用TiZrNiCu合金作为中间层材料研究了Ti3Al基合金与Ti-6Al-4V合金的瞬间液相(TLP)扩散连接接头成分、组织转变及显微硬度.研究结果表明,连接温度和连接时间对接头成分和组织有较大的影响.随着连接温度的提高和连接时间的延长,接头中元素分布趋于均匀,连接区宽度增大.连接温度为850℃和900℃时,液相的残留使得接头中存在Ti-Cu金属间化合物.当连接温度为950℃,连接时间为30min时,等温凝固的完成使Ti-Cu金属间化合物从接头中消失.随着连接温度的提高和连接时间的延长,接头连接区硬度降低.当连接温度为950℃,连接时间为30min时,接头硬度分布较均匀. 相似文献
Yong LIU Jingchuan ZHU Zhongda YIN Mingwei LI School of Materials Science Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin China 《材料科学技术学报》2004,20(3):292-294
The effect of triple annealing on stress relaxation of Ti-6Al-4V alloy as well as the microstructure after stress relaxation werestudied. The results showed that triple annealing treatment enhanced the resistance of stress relaxation performance, andwhen the temperature was rising, this effect became notable. The stress relaxation deformation mechanism is of dislocationcreep at 400℃ and recovery creep at 600℃. 相似文献
M. Boivineau C. Cagran D. Doytier V. Eyraud M. -H. Nadal B. Wilthan G. Pottlacher 《International Journal of Thermophysics》2006,27(2):507-529
Ti-6Al-4V (TA6V) titanium alloy is widely used in industrial applications such as aeronautic and aerospace due to its good mechanical properties at high temperatures. Experiments on two different resistive pulse heating devices (CEA Valduc and TU-Graz) have been carried out in order to study thermophysical properties (such as electrical resistivity, volume expansion, heat of fusion, heat capacity, normal spectral emissivity, thermal diffusivity, and thermal conductivity) of both solid and liquid Ti-6Al-4V. Fast time-resolved measurements of current, voltage, and surface radiation and shadowgraphs of the volume have been undertaken. At TU-Graz, a fast laser polarimeter has been used for determining the emissivity of liquid Ti-6Al-4V at 684.5 nm and a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) for measuring the heat capacity of solid Ti-6Al-4V. This study deals with the specific behavior of the different solid phase transitions (effect of heating rate) and the melting region, and emphasizes the liquid state (T > 2000 K). 相似文献
Fretting fatigue tests of Ti‐6Al‐4V on Ti‐6Al‐4V have been conducted to determine the influence of stress amplitude and mean stress on life. The stress ratio was varied from R=−1 to 0.8. Both flat and cylindrical contacts were studied using a bridge‐type fretting fatigue test apparatus operating either in the partial slip or mixed fretting regimes. The fretting fatigue lives were correlated to a Walker equivalent stress relation. The influence of mean stress on fretting fatigue crack initiation, characterized by the value of the Walker exponent, is smaller compared with plain fatigue. The fretting fatigue knockdown factor based on the Walker equivalent stress is 4. Formation of fretting cracks is primarily associated with the tangential force amplitude at the contact interface. A simple fretting fatigue crack initiation metric that is based on the strength of the singular stress field at the edge of contact is evaluated. The metric has the advantage in that it is neither dependent on the coefficient of friction nor the location of the stick/slip boundary, both of which are often difficult to define with certainty a priori. 相似文献
The behaviour of oxidation at elevated tem-peratures and fretting in the laser-alloyed layer ofTi-6Al-4V with the addition of Pr was studied.The results show that the addition of Pr changes thestructure of oxide scale of Ti-6Al-4V,controls theshort-range diffusion of oxygen to thescale/substrate interface and increases the adhe-sion and ductility of the scale,thus changing theoxidation kinetics and considerably reducingoxidation rate.The analysis of fretting test showsthat the existence of high hardness layer in the al-loyed zone,fine dendrites perpendicular to the sur-face of the high hardness layer and the oxide scaleproduced during fretting at elevated temperaturesare all beneficial to the improvement of wear resist-ance. 相似文献
This paper presents the results of an investiga-tion of the effect of hydrogen treatment onmicrostructures and tensile and low cycle fatigueproperties of a Ti-6Al-4V cast alloy.The phasetransformation and the refining mechanism of thecast microstructure during the process of hydrogentreatment were studied.It was found that afterhydrogen treatment,the coarse Widmanstttenstructure of the as-cast Ti alloy was transformedinto a very fine and equiaxed α+β microstructurewithout any GBα phase.The tensile strength andductility and the low cycle fatigue life of thehydrogen treated specimens were significantly im-proved. 相似文献
Study on the flow properties of Ti-6Al-4V powders prepared by radio-frequency plasma spheroidization
Wen-Hou Wei Lin-Zhi Wang Tian Chen Xuan-Ming Duan Wei Li 《Advanced Powder Technology》2017,28(9):2431-2437
Spherical Ti-6Al-4V powders were prepared using radio-frequency plasma spheroidization. A laser particle size analyser, a scanning electron microscope, an X-ray diffractometer and a Freeman FT4 powder rheometer were used to analyse the granulometric parameters, micro-morphologies, phase constitutions and flow properties of the raw and the spheroidized powders, respectively. The spheroidized powders exhibited an almost 100% degree of sphericity, smooth surfaces, favourable dispersion and narrow particle size distribution under appropriate plasma technological parameters. The average particle size of the spheroidized powders increased slightly as compared with that of the raw powders. In addition, the spheroidized powders exhibited higher conditioned bulk density and improved flow properties (including the dynamic flow properties, aeration, compressibility, permeability and shear properties) as compared with those of the raw powders. 相似文献
Ling Ren ;Zheng Ma ;Mei Li ;Yu Zhang ;Weiqiang Liu ;Zhenhua Liao ;Ke Yang 《材料科学技术学报》2014,30(7):699-705
Surgical implant-associated bacterial infection is becoming a serious clinical problem.A series of copper-bearing titanium alloy,Ti—6AI—4V—xCu(x = 1,3,5 wt%),were fabricated in the present study in order to reduce the hazard of the bacterial infection problem by means of the strong antibacterial ability of Cu element.The metallography,X-ray diffraction,antibacterial ability,corrosion resistance and cytotoxicity of Ti—6AI—4V—xCu alloys were preliminarily studied with comparison to the commercial medical Ti—6AI—4V alloy.The Ti—6AI—4V—xCu alloys showed obvious antibacterial abilities with good corrosion resistance and cytocompatibility,and the antibacterial role was enhanced with increasing Cu content,which has significant potential for clinical applications as surgical implant materials. 相似文献
Wenbo HAN Kaifeng ZHANG Guofeng WANG Xiaojun ZHANGSchool of Materials Science Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin ChinaProf. Ph.D. 《材料科学技术学报》2005,21(1):60-62
Superplastic forming and diffusion bonding (SPF/DB) is a well-established process for the manufacture of components almost exclusively from Ti-6AI-4V sheet material. The sandwich structure of Ti-6AI-4V alloy is investigated. The effects of the microstructure on the SPF/DB process were discussed. The microstructure at the interfaces and the distribution of thickness were researched. 相似文献
AbstractShaped metal deposition is a novel technique to build near net-shape components layer by layer by tungsten inert gas welding. Especially for complex shapes and small quantities, this technique can significantly lower the production cost of components by reducing the buy-to-fly ratio and lead time for production, diminishing final machining and preventing scrap. Tensile testing of Ti-6Al-4V components fabricated by shaped metal deposition shows that the mechanical properties are competitive to material fabricated by conventional techniques. The ultimate tensile strength is between 936 and 1014 MPa, depending on the orientation and location. Tensile testing vertical to the deposition layers reveals ductility between 14 and 21%, whereas testing parallel to the layers gives a ductility between 6 and 11%. Ultimate tensile strength and ductility are inversely related. Heat treatment within the α+β phase field does not change the mechanical properties, but heat treatment within the β phase field increases the ultimate tensile strength and decreases the ductility. The differences in ultimate tensile strength and ductility can be related to the α lath size and orientation of the elongated, prior β grains. The micro-hardness and Young’s modulus are similar to conventional Ti-6Al-4V with low oxygen content. 相似文献
Shaped metal deposition is a novel technique to build near net-shape components layer by layer by tungsten inert gas welding. Especially for complex shapes and small quantities, this technique can significantly lower the production cost of components by reducing the buy-to-fly ratio and lead time for production, diminishing final machining and preventing scrap. Tensile testing of Ti-6Al-4V components fabricated by shaped metal deposition shows that the mechanical properties are competitive to material fabricated by conventional techniques. The ultimate tensile strength is between 936 and 1014 MPa, depending on the orientation and location. Tensile testing vertical to the deposition layers reveals ductility between 14 and 21%, whereas testing parallel to the layers gives a ductility between 6 and 11%. Ultimate tensile strength and ductility are inversely related. Heat treatment within the α+β phase field does not change the mechanical properties, but heat treatment within the β phase field increases the ultimate tensile strength and decreases the ductility. The differences in ultimate tensile strength and ductility can be related to the α lath size and orientation of the elongated, prior β grains. The micro-hardness and Young’s modulus are similar to conventional Ti-6Al-4V with low oxygen content. 相似文献
研究磷酸表面处理和复合SiO2涂层对Ti-6Al-4V合金600℃下空气中抗氧化性能的影响。结果表明:600℃氧化24h后,磷酸表面处理使Ti-6Al-4V合金平均氧化速率下降了近75%,复合非晶SiO2涂层样品600℃等温氧化100h后,平均氧化速率比空白样品降低一个数量级,抗氧化性能与单独的磷酸处理比较进一步提高。磷酸表面处理和复合SiO2涂层样品的氧化膜致密性增强且与基体的黏附性良好,二者氧化膜中TiO2的体积分数均低于空白样品。磷酸表面处理形成的TiP2O7层与SiO2涂层共同抑制了O的内扩散和Ti的外扩散。 相似文献
The titanium alloys are potential materials for high temperature applications in turbine components due to their very high temperature strength and lightweight properties. However, hot corrosion is a life-limiting factor when Ti alloys are exposed to different chemical environments at high temperature. In the present paper, hot corrosion behavior of Ti-6Al-4V (Ti-31) alloy in different salt environments viz. air, Na2SO4-60% V2O5 and Na2SO4-50% NaCl at 750 °C was studied. The parabolic rate constants were calculated for different environments from the thermo-gravimetric data obtained for the samples and they show that corrosion rate is minimum in air when compared to chemical environment. The scale formed on the samples upon hot corrosion was characterized by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), SEM, and EDAX analysis to understand the degradation mechanisms. 相似文献
P. J. GOLDEN T. NICHOLAS 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2005,28(12):1169-1175
The objective of this work was to compare the fretting fatigue performance of Ti‐6Al‐4V dovetail specimens on Ti‐6Al‐4V pads having various contact angles typical of engine hardware; 35°, 45° and 55° dovetail angles were considered. The dovetail fixtures were instrumented with strain gages so that the local normal and shear contact forces could be calculated. The contact force hysteresis loops were recorded showing the stick‐slip history. At R= 0.1, gross slip was observed for several thousand cycles followed by partial slip after the average coefficient of friction increased. At R= 0.5, gross slip was present only during the first half cycle. During partial slip, the slope of the shear versus normal force was a function of the dovetail angle. The local contact loads, therefore, differed for the same remotely applied force. Despite this, the fretting fatigue life depended primarily on the remotely applied load not dovetail angle. 相似文献
Ti-6Al-4V, among the Ti alloys, is the most widely used. In the present work, the behavior of Ti-6Ak-4V alloy has beeninvestigated by the uniaxial hot isothermal compression tests and a series of dilatometric experiments were also carried out todetermine the transformation temperatures at different cooling rates. Specimens for hot compression tests were homogenizedat 1050℃ for 10 min and then quickly cooled to different straining temperatures from 1050 to 850℃. Cooling rates were chosenfast enough to prevent high temperature transformation during cooling. Compression tests were conducted at temperaturesfrom 1050 to 850℃ in steps of 50℃ at constant true strain rates of 10~(-3) or 10~(-2) s~(-1). The apparent activation energy forcompression in two-phase region was calculated 420 kJ·mol~(-1). Partial globularization of cr phase was observed in the specimendeformed at low strain rates and at temperatures near the transformation zone and annealed after deformation. 相似文献
TC4钛合金惯性摩擦焊焊缝微观组织形成的研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
利用光学显微镜、扫描电镜、薄膜透射电镜研究了惯性摩擦焊缝组织的形成。结果表明,焊缝组织沿径向有较大的变化。心部为细小的等轴组织,焊口为片状组织,从心部到焊口形成了V字形焊缝。 相似文献