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针对深空背景下的红外弱小目标检测,提出了一种基于聚类分析的目标检测方法,该方法将经过背景抑制的连续几帧图像构造组合帧,基于目标的运动特性,对分割后的组合帧进行聚类分析,从而检测到弱小目标并同时获得目标运动轨迹,再对检测结果进行聚类检验,从而去除虚假目标,降低虚警率。实验结果表明该算法对多目标的检测有较高的鲁棒性,且相对于传统的小目标检测算法有更高的检测率和较好的实时性。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to present an overall approach to forecasting the future position of the moving objects of an image sequence after processing the images previous to it. The proposed method makes use of classical techniques such as optical flow to extract objects’ trajectories and velocities, and autoregressive algorithms to build the predictive model. Our method can be used in a variety of applications, where videos with stationary cameras are used, moving objects are not deformed and change their position with time. One of these applications is traffic control, which is used in this paper as a case study with different meteorological conditions to compare with.
Marta Zorrilla (Corresponding author)Email:

In computer vision, occlusions are almost always seen as undesirable singularities that pose difficult challenges to image motion analysis problems, such as optic flow computation, motion segmentation, disparity estimation, or egomotion estimation. However, it is well known that occlusions are extremely powerful cues for depth or motion perception, and could be used to improve those methods.

In this paper, we propose to recover camera motion information based uniquely on occlusions, by observing two specially useful properties: occlusions are independent of the camera rotation, and reveal direct information about the camera translation.

We assume a monocular observer, undergoing general rotational and translational motion in a static environment. We present a formal model for occlusion points and develop a method suitable for occlusion detection. Through the classification and analysis of the detected occlusion points, we show how to retrieve information about the camera translation (FOE). Experiments with real images are presented and discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

针对红外热像仪定标和红外图像特征点提取难的缺点,提出一种借助虚拟CCD像机,并利用DEM数据对红外目标实时进行三维空间定位的方法。实验结果表明,该方法速度快,三维定位精度较高,易于工程应用。  相似文献   

动态地面背景下机载红外弱小目标的检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对机载红外弱小目标机载抖动、动态背景以及内在噪声等导致目标难检测问题,提出一种卷积模板并结合滤波算法,进行图像预处理,然后利用全局运动反射模型估计背景,再应用背景差分以及目标聚类识别,提取疑似目标,最后利用这些疑似目标进行管道区域化判定,即目标轨迹具有连续性出现的疑似目标是真目标,否则为假目标。  相似文献   

Real-time analysis of sperm motion using automatic video image digitization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A methodology is described for automatic, real-time analysis of sperm movement characteristics. Video micrographic images of spermatozoa are digitized, compressed, and then analyzed using a Motion Analysis Corporation Expert Vision system. The system includes a VP-100 video processor, a video camera, and a Sun-2/120 minicomputer. Algorithms for detection of and discrimination among sperm are described, and desirable operating characteristics of the system are considered. Salient parameters which characterize the kinematics of sperm swimming trajectories are discussed.  相似文献   

针对传统旋转运动参数估计都是采用两帧图像对齐技术,提出了为多帧运动参数估计方法,即使用多帧子空间约束技术.证明了当摄像机参数不变时,多帧运动参数集合可嵌入一个低维线性子空间上;使用奇异值分解方法来降低线性子空间的秩,用最小二乘技术求解所有帧的运动参数.该方法不需要恢复任何3D信息;由于多帧参数估计法比两帧有更多的约束,因此取得更精确的图像对齐效果.该方法可用小图像进行参数估计.  相似文献   

基于区域的手指三维运动跟踪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
提出了基于区域的多连接体(手指)的三维运动跟踪算法.该算法首先用多约束融合的方法以及手指的运动特性,得到初始帧手指的三维结构;然后根据刚性多连接体的运动模型以及相应的姿势约束模型,给出了这一特殊运动模型三维运动估计的优化算法,此算法能够鲁棒地估计手指的三维运动;最后利用区域跟踪的方法获取多连接体三维运动,并在真实的手指序列图象中实现了该算法.实验结果证实了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

本论文的研究对象是古旧电影胶片中的动态图像。将嵌入线性划痕噪声的动态胶片图像进行数字化处理后高速检索、修复。算法沿用传统的块匹配技术,并在其基础上做了改进,即采用平均位移量手段来推断对象象素的位移量、同时修正检索中心的位置,以达到精准快速的处理效果。这种处理方式在实验中得到了验证,在没有降低噪声修复质量的前提下提高了处理速度,基本实现了实时处理。  相似文献   

一种基于Curvelet变换的红外图像去噪方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
小波变换在分析二维图像中曲线或者直线边缘特征方面存在明显不足,用于红外图像去噪中没有较好的逼近精度和稀疏表达能力。为解决上述问题,提出一种基于Curvelet变换的阈值改进算法,即采用软硬阈值结合的方式,形成新的阈值函数。通过对可见光和红外图像进行仿真实验。结果表明,该方法与正交小波去噪以及软硬阈值去噪算法相比,在去噪和保持边缘的同时,取得了较好的红外视觉效果,并且峰值信噪比PSNR也得到一定的提高。  相似文献   

To be able to understand the motion of non-rigid objects, techniques in image processing and computer vision are essential for motion analysis. Lateral interaction in accumulative computation for extracting non-rigid shapes from an image sequence has recently been presented, as well as its application to segmentation from motion. In this paper, we introduce a modified version of the first multi-layer architecture. This version uses the basic parameters of the LIAC model to spatio-temporally build up to the desired extent the shapes of all moving objects present in a sequence of images. The influences of LIAC model parameters are explained in this paper, and we finally show some examples of the usefulness of the model proposed.  相似文献   

研究了独立分量分析(ICA)算法在运动模糊图像检索中的应用。首先,对图片库中的图像进行ICA处理,构造由相互独立的基向量构成的子空间,将图片库中的图像及运动模糊图像分别向该空间投影,获得各自的特征。其次,利用特征向量间的余弦距离作为相似度度量标准,根据最近邻准则进行特征匹配与图像检索。最后,对人为加入高斯噪声、进行45°和90°旋转的运动模糊以及缺损图像进行了匹配检索实验。实验结果表明,利用ICA算法提取出的特征可以准确地检索出运动模糊图像的原图像,并且对噪声污染、旋转变换和图像缺损具有良好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a unified framework for automatically detecting and tracking dim small targets in infrared (IR) image sequence under complex backgrounds. Firstly, the variance weighted information entropy (variance WIE) followed by a region growing technique is introduced to segment the candidate targets in a single-frame IR image after background suppression. Then the pipeline filter is used to verify the real targets. The position and the size of the detected target are then obtained to initialize the tracking algorithm. Secondly, we adopt an improved local binary pattern (LBP) scheme to represent the target texture feature and propose a joint gray-texture histogram method for a more distinctive and effective target representation. Finally, target tracking is accomplished by using the mean shift algorithm. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method can effectively detect the dim small targets under complex backgrounds and has better tracking performance compared with the gray histogram based tracking methods such as the mean shift and the particle filtering.  相似文献   

为了估计与补偿图像快速全局运动,研究了一种基于层次模型的处理方法,即首先把原始图像序列用亚采样的办法划分成具有金字塔式分辨率的多个子图像,使得每一个子图像运动相对小些,然后在每一个子图像中估计出传感器或摄像机的运动模型参数。通过对所有子图像的运动参数进行加权运算,得到原图像的运动参数。在估计传感器运动模型参数时,采用了回归技术:它首先估计局部运动,然后在最小二乘估计意义下,用局部信息来估计全局运动。在估计局部运动时,为去除奇异点,提出了一种叠代排除法。这种技术具有计算量少、实现简单、性能可靠等优点。  相似文献   

A new high-speed system for recording, processing, and analyzing vocal fold vibrations has been developed. Results obtained with this system are discussed from the technical and the medical points of view. Laryngeal movement can be recorded with a digital high-speed camera, at a maximum speed of about 5 600 frames/s and the sequence can contain as many as 8 192 single frames. Application specific software for adaptive, semiautomatic, motion analysis is used to calculate and plot the glottograms for selected points on each vocal cord. From the data obtained, we can calculate speed, acceleration rates, the fundamental frequency, amplitudes, and perturbation parameters. This approach to laryngeal examination, based on the digital films, motion plots and characteristic statistics, is a practicable method that promotes the possibilities of quantitative and graphic analysis of the moving vocal folds and overcomes the disadvantages of the currently common examination methods.  相似文献   

Designers and creative artists use computer graphics and image processing effects on stall photographs in application areas such as advertising entertainment broadcasting and the arts Most of the effects available in research arid commercial work are two-dimensional in nature, for example image processing filters [blur, edge enhancement) and creative effects (tilings, reflections) There is almost no usage of information taken from the 3-D world in which the objects appearing an the image are located. In this paper we present a novel method for creating 3-D effects on photographs or in general on any image created by rendering a 3-D world The artist interacts with the image using a set of intuitive direct manipulation interface objects These objects let the user define a 3-D model, display at, and manipulate it in a 3-D space which is correlated with that of the input image. The generated model can be an arbitrarily complex 3-D polyhedron Any texture, including texture taken from the input photograph, can be mapped into any of its faces arid used for special effects We discuss and show examples for effects such as copy and paste, motion blur, model editing and deformations lighting effects, and shadows.  相似文献   

黄浴  袁保宗 《自动化学报》1997,23(1):125-128
将目标的运动表示为一个匀速旋转且旋转中心做匀加速平移的模型,由此构造出一个由长序列立体图象、基于反对称矩阵分解(SSD)求解模型参数的线性最小二乘(LS)算法.文中给出了计算机模拟的结果.  相似文献   

目的 红外与可见光图像融合的目标是将红外图像与可见光图像的互补信息进行融合,增强源图像中的细节场景信息。然而现有的深度学习方法通常人为定义源图像中需要保留的特征,降低了热目标在融合图像中的显著性。此外,特征的多样性和难解释性限制了融合规则的发展,现有的融合规则难以对源图像的特征进行充分保留。针对这两个问题,本文提出了一种基于特有信息分离和质量引导的红外与可见光图像融合算法。方法 本文提出了基于特有信息分离和质量引导融合策略的红外与可见光图像融合算法。设计基于神经网络的特有信息分离以将源图像客观地分解为共有信息和特有信息,对分解出的两部分分别使用特定的融合策略;设计权重编码器以学习质量引导的融合策略,将衡量融合图像质量的指标应用于提升融合策略的性能,权重编码器依据提取的特有信息生成对应权重。结果 实验在公开数据集RoadScene上与6种领先的红外与可见光图像融合算法进行了对比。此外,基于质量引导的融合策略也与4种常见的融合策略进行了比较。定性结果表明,本文算法使融合图像具备更显著的热目标、更丰富的场景信息和更多的信息量。在熵、标准差、差异相关和、互信息及相关系数等指标上,相较于对比算法...  相似文献   

Three examples are given of the state-of-the-art of pattern recognition as regards the analysis of images of human and animal tissue: (1) the counting of cell nuclei of normal and abnormal rabbit kidney; (2) the detection of boundaries of endothelial cells of the living human cornea; and (3) the differentiation of normal and abnormal cells in the human liver. The methodology employed is that of cellular logic matched filtering using the Carnegie-Mellon SUPRPIC image processing system.  相似文献   

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