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美国Crompton公司开发的有机摹PVC热稳定剂(OBS)系列在环保要求严格的欧洲市场上已全面取代了传统的重金属热稳定剂,而且随着近年来全球对PVC的环保要求的日益提高,该系列热稳定剂在北美乃至除欧洲以外的全球PVC加工市场中将对传统的热稳定剂发起挑战。  相似文献   

黄泽雄 《国外塑料》2006,24(5):75-75
在欧洲市场率先使用的一系列PVC有机热稳定剂,目前正销往北美市场。这些有机基热稳定剂(OBS),是美国康普顿(Crompton)公司于6年前为了帮助欧洲塑料管材加工厂商弃用铅类热稳定剂,而专门开发的环保型热稳定剂新品种,最初设计用于PVC硬制品的加工方面,最近已开始应用于软制品加工  相似文献   

最近,美国的一家国际市场研究公司Frost&Sullivan公司发表了一篇有关塑料用热稳定剂及光稳定剂的报告。这篇长达250页的报告,剖析了这两类稳定剂的市场,预测了五年之后该市场的趋势,为生产厂家描绘出了前景。该报告的作者——Frost&Sullivan公  相似文献   

国内外热稳定剂现状及发展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
工业上常用的热稳定剂主要包括铅盐、金属皂、有机锡、有机锑、有机稀土、纯有机化合物等,本文详细论述了各类热稳定剂的性能特点。据估计,我国目前有热稳定剂生产能力7万t/a,2000年消费量约为8万t/a。我国铅盐的发展重点是消除粉尘污染,目前已经采取相关措施;有机锡在我国市场消费比例偏低;由于高性能的辅助稳定剂推广工作不力,市场上还缺乏性价比较优的复合金属皂体系;稀土稳定剂是我国热稳定剂发展中的一支生力军。全球热稳定剂的消费已经超过30万t/a,美国代表着世界热稳定剂发展的最新水平,在无铅化方面走在世界的前列;日本的热稳定剂产量约6万~7万t/a,仍以铅盐类为主;西欧热稳定剂消费量约11万t/a。  相似文献   

PVC制品主要有片材、管材、异型材、薄膜等,主要使用甲基有机锡作热稳定剂,而罗门哈斯的甲基有机锡热稳定剂Advastab TM-181FS已成为中国市场的主要品牌。在塑料管材生产中,目前国内大都使用铅热稳定剂,而这种铅热稳定剂在美国已被禁用,欧洲也计划在2003~2005年禁用,铅热稳定剂在我国塑料水管生产中必将被安全性较高且成本合理的有机锡热稳定剂所取代。罗门哈斯公司专门开发出安全环保的有机锡热稳定剂生产配方,并提供技术服务,正  相似文献   

PVC热稳定剂及国内发展现状   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
较详细地阐述了铅盐稳定剂、有机锡稳定剂、稀土稳定剂、有机锑稳定剂、复合稳定剂、水滑石和有机辅助热稳定剂的性能、特点,介绍了我国主要热稳定剂的市场现状以及我国PVC热稳定剂的发展趋势。  相似文献   

热稳定剂研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
概括了热稳定剂的历史沿革、作用机理、性能要求和测试方法 ,介绍了热稳定剂的分类、特性及应用情况 ,概述了热稳定剂的市场现状和发展趋势。  相似文献   

介绍了国内外塑料热稳定剂行业及市场的无铅化进程和现状,针对国内聚氯乙烯(PVC)用塑料热稳定剂生产与应用中存在的问题和低铅化趋势进行了分析和探讨,并根据不同类型塑料热稳定剂的毒性类别,提出无毒或低毒性的钙、锌复合稳定剂、无重金属元素有机热稳定剂和有机锡稳定剂是国内塑料热稳定剂行业的无铅化技术发展趋势。  相似文献   

PVC热稳定剂的发展趋势与锌基无毒热稳定剂技术进展   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:11  
阐述了PVC热稳定剂的发展趋势与锌基无毒热稳定剂技术进展,目前实际使用的热稳定剂按主效稳定剂的不同可分为铅基、镉基、有机锡基、锑基、锌基和有机化合物基热稳定剂6类,根据现有热稳定剂体系的性能特点和目前的有关环保法规和标准,锌基和有机化合物基无毒热稳定剂是主要的发展方向,但锌基无毒热稳定剂具有更现实的推广应用价值和更大的市场空间。  相似文献   

我国塑料热稳定剂生产现状与研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了国内塑料热稳定剂生产、市场和发展趋势。目前我国塑料热稳定剂无论是品种和产品质量等与国外先进水平仍有较大的差距,提出了我国热稳定剂的发展建议。  相似文献   

Poly(Vinyl) Chloride (PVC) is used extensively as a material for the growing building‐products market. The color preferences of consumers for markets such as vinyl siding have forced the industry to seriously reconsider the use of PVC especially for the medium‐to‐dark color palettes, where the performance is critical. Organotin mercaptides have always been the stabilizers of choice in the U.S. market because of their inherent outstanding heat‐stabilization properties. On the other hand, this technology is also known to be a compromise between processability and weathering characteristics. In a market that drives for excellence, all additives must be optimized to meet the final performance requirement. Organotin carboxylates and specifically maleates have long been known for excellent weathering but have not been used extensively in the industry owing to less‐than‐optimum intrinsic heat stabilization efficiency, and in some cases, troublesome lachrymatory properties. A new generation of organotin maleates has been successfully developed to address both issues. This paper describes the improved lachrymatory behavior of the new technology compared to standard organotin maleates and also shows its outstanding weathering performance in PVC capstock compared with conventional organotin mercaptide during natural aging.  相似文献   

Heat transfer enhancement is important in the development of high performance thermal systems. Some enhanced tubes that are currently on the market are vulnerable to fouling. Economic and technical problems associated with fouling in process systems have been previously discussed in literature; however, they still require additional examination. Parameters that influence fouling include: surface geometry, surface temperature, surface material/finish, fluid dynamics, flow velocity and fluid properties. Vipertex? enhanced surfaces are optimized process surfaces that increase heat transfer through a combination of factors that include: increasing fluid turbulence, secondary flow development, disruption of the thermal boundary layer and increasing the heat transfer surface area. Vipertubes? that have been exposed to a fouling environment produce more heat transfer than smooth tubes exposed to the same fouling conditions; additionally there was less total fouling over a given time period. The reduction in the rate of fouling is the result of secondary flow patterns that form as a result of the patented Vipertex surface design. These secondary flows circulate near the tube surface and clean it; slowing down the buildup of materials. Vipertex EHT series tubes enhance heat transfer (even under fouling conditions), minimize operating costs and recover more energy than smooth tubes under the same conditions. These surfaces provide an opportunity to advance the design of various heat transfer products.  相似文献   

本文扼要地阐述了国内外环化橡胶的研究发展状况,介绍了环化天然橡胶、环化聚异戊二烯橡胶和环化聚丁二烯橡胶的合成新方法及其结构表征技术。其中,重点介绍了环化聚丁二烯橡胶的合成新技术。由于环化橡胶负性光刻胶对金属及硅片的粘接性和耐酸性方面的优异性能以及其良好的热稳定性能,因此被广泛应用于硅、二氧化硅及铬不锈钢等材料的光刻,因而在高密度集成电路的生产与研制上得到了广泛应用。同时,本文还介绍了市场上常见的几种环化橡胶光刻胶产品。  相似文献   

综述了国外塑料着色剂和颜料的最新市场,尤其是美国和西德市场的最新动向。分别陈述了美国着色剂中镉的消费量和西德塑料工业中镉的消费量。指出了镉颜料具有色彩鲜艳、遮盖力强、分散性好、以及耐候、耐化学品和超热稳定性的优点。但是公众对重金属镉有引起肾病和致癌可能性的关注和耽忧与日俱增,因此在塑料制品中逐渐摒弃镉颜料及着色剂、使用镉的代用品,是一个值得注意的新动向。一些公司在摒弃镉的同时,正在研制符合环境要求的安全替代品。本文还对最新上市的十余种塑料着色剂及颜料新产品进行了报导。  相似文献   

Canola rapeseed is a major oilseed in Canada, Europe and Japan. Recently, Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) status was granted to low erucic acid rapeseed oil for use in the U.S. market. Commercial oil extraction of the seed results in a meal that contains 44% protein and which has been subjected to considerable heat. The meal is presently utilized as livestock feed supplement. A number of processes for the preparation of protein concentrates and isolates from canola/rapeseeds and meal have been proposed, although none have proven commercially viable. In addition to protein concentration, a successful process must reduce the levels of glucosinolates, phenolics, phytates and fiber. These antinutrients present a barrier to the use of canola/rapeseed protein materials in foods. Processes to produce protein concentrates have included water extraction of undesirable compounds from heat denatured, dehulled seed followed by solvent extraction for oil recovery and the isopropanol washing of dehulled, defatted flours. Isolates have been prepared by traditional alkaline extraction, and by acid or water extractions followed by isoelectric, heat or polyelectrolyte precipitation of the protein. Isolates have been chemically and enzymatically modified to improve fooduse properties. In this paper, the effects of various processing methods on the functional properties of solubility, color and flavor of canola protein products are reviewed. Presented at the 78th American Oil Chemists' Society Annual Meeting, May 17–21, 1987, New Orleans, LA.  相似文献   

Since several years there has been a demand for food products free of palm oil, noticeable in the Western European market. Alternatives based on liquid oils, fully hydrogenated fats, and exotic fats like shea and sal etc., have been developed by the research groups of several specialty oils and fats suppliers. This article describes the advantages and disadvantages of those products and compares them to similar products based on palm oil. It is also discussed how reasonable the replacement of palm products would be, since sustainable and 3‐MCPD/glycidolester‐reduced palm based specialty oils are also available on the market.  相似文献   

采用HCZ 1083糊状钙锌热稳定剂与其他助剂制备医用软质PVC试样,测试其静态热稳定性能和透明性.研究结果表明,与国内外同类产品相比,使用HCZ 1083的PVC试样具有较优的热稳定性、无味性和透明性.产品市场应用检测报告显示,使用HCZ 1083的医用PVC制品满足国家标准要求,产品具有很好的市场前景和社会效益.  相似文献   

紫外线防护产品正在风靡皮肤护理品市场,成为日常用品以及多功能产品的主打。人们已经意识到避免日晒是抗衰老的关键步骤。越来越多的品牌推出了含SPF的防晒产品,并把它与日常护肤用品和化妆用品结合在一起,推出多功能产品,使防晒融入日常生活。同时,对未来防晒产品市场前景进行了预测。  相似文献   

橡胶制品早已成为国际贸易重要的大宗商品,在世界市场上,橡胶产品已形成了以轮胎为中心,以工业、建筑用品为重点,涉及胶鞋、胶布等Et用制品以及医疗卫生、文化体育等各大类的产品群体。随着橡胶应用领域的扩展,无机填料在橡胶工业中的地位越来越突出。本文简单地介绍了硫酸钙填料在橡胶中的应用。  相似文献   

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