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Accumulating evidence suggests that the H+-ATPase of the plant plasma membrane is activated by a direct, reversible interaction with 14-3-3 proteins involving the displacement of the C-terminal autoinhibitory domain of the enzyme. The fungal phytotoxin fusicoccin (FC) appears to stabilize this H+-ATPase.14-3-3 complex, thus leading to a persistent activation of the H+-ATPase in vivo. In this study we show that functional replacement of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae H+-ATPase genes by a Nicotiana plumbaginifolia H+-ATPase (pma2) results in the generation of a high affinity fusicoccin binding site that is exceptionally abundant. Acquisition of FC binding capacity is accompanied by a significant increase in the amount of plasma membrane-associated yeast 14-3-3 homologs. The existence of a (plant) PMA2.(yeast)14-3-3 complex was demonstrated using two-dimensional gel systems (native/denaturing). After expression of PMA2 lacking most of its C-terminal region, neither H+-ATPase.14-3-3 complex formation nor FC binding activity could be observed. Furthermore, we obtained direct biochemical evidence for a minimal FC binding complex consisting of the C-terminal PMA2 domain and yeast 14-3-3 homologs. Thus we demonstrated unambiguously the relevance of this regulatory ATPase domain for 14-3-3 interaction as well as its requirement for FC binding.  相似文献   

A flavoprotein with NADH oxidising activity (NADH: acceptor oxidoreductase) was isolated from the soluble fraction of the thermoacidophilic archaea Acidianus ambivalens. The protein is a monomer with a molecular mass of 70 kDa and contains FAD as single cofactor. Its activity as NADH:O2 oxidoreductase is FAD, but not FMN, dependent and yields hydrogen peroxide as the reaction product. The activity decreases with pH in the range 4.5 to 9.8, and increases with the temperature, as tested from 30 degrees to 60 degrees C. As elicited by EPR, the purified enzyme also acts as an NADH:ferredoxin oxidoreductase. These features are discussed in light of the possible involvement of this protein in the metabolism of this archaea.  相似文献   

Incubation of the purified F1F0-ATPase of Propionigenium modestum with dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) led to inactivation of the enzyme in a strongly pH-dependent manner. Rapid inactivation occurred at pH 5-7, while the increase of the pH from 7 to 9 resulted in a continuous reduction of the inactivation rate. In the presence of Na+ ions, the ATPase was specifically protected from inactivation by DCCD. The protective effect of Na+ was most pronounced at pH 9.0 and less significant at pH 7.0. In addition to Na+, Li+ also protected the ATPase from inactivation by DCCD, but approximately 10 times higher concentrations were required for the same effect. Similarly, the Na+ concentration causing half-maximal stimulation of ATPase activity was about 10 times below the Li+ concentration required for the same activation. It is concluded from these results that a binding site is present for Na+ or Li+ on the enzyme with an about 10 times lower affinity for the latter alkali ion, which when occupied stimulates ATPase activity and protects it from inactivation by DCCD. Inactivation of ATPase activity by DCCD correlated well with a specific labeling of subunit c of the enzyme in the presence of the [14C]DCCD derivative. Like ATPase inactivation, the labeling was promoted by more acidic pH values and inhibited by Na+ ions. We suggest from these data that the DCCD-reactive amino acid residue of subunit c (most likely Glu-65) must be protonated for the reaction with the carbodiimide and provides the Na(+)-binding site in its deprotonated state. Dissociation of the carboxylic acid (at high pH) and binding of Na+ ions to the carboxylate thus abolish the reactivity toward DCCD.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: An antiendomysium antibody test using human umbilical cord as antigen has recently been introduced. METHODS: We determined IgA- and IgG-class antihuman umbilical cord (HUC-ab), antireticulin (ARA), and antigliadin antibodies (AGA) in 92 untreated adult coeliac patients, in 95 non-coeliac subjects, and in 4 coeliac patients with selective IgA deficiency. Tissue antibodies were measured with an indirect immunofluorescence method and AGA with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. RESULTS: Of adult coeliac patients 85% were positive for IgA-class HUC-ab, 78% were positive for ARA, and 80% for AGA; the specificity for HUC-ab and ARA was 100%, and for AGA 86%. Combination of HUC-ab, ARA, and high-titre AGA increased the sensitivity to 96% without loss of specificity. IgG-class HUC-ab was positive in 12% of coeliac patients, in all four coeliac patients with IgA deficiency, and in none of the controls. CONCLUSIONS: The HUC-ab test is highly specific but not 100% sensitive for detecting adult coeliac disease. A combination of the IgA-class HUC-ab, ARA, and high-titre AGA tests is recommended. In selective IgA deficiency the IgG-class HUC-ab test seems to work well.  相似文献   

In a previous report, we found that mutations at the mitochondrial genome integrity locus, MGI1, can convert Kluyveromyces lactis into a petite-positive yeast. In this report, we describe the isolation of the MGI1 gene and show that it encodes the beta-subunit of the mitochondrial F1-ATPase. The site of mutation in four independently isolated mgi1 alleles is at Arg435, which has changed to Gly in three cases and Ile in the fourth isolate. Disruption of MGI1 does not lead to the production of mitochondrial genome deletion mutants, indicating that an assembled F1 complex is needed for the gain-of-function phenotype found in mgi1 point mutants. The location of Arg435 in the beta-subunit, as deduced from the three-dimensional structure of the bovine F1-ATPase, together with mutational sites in the previously identified mgi2 and mgi5 alleles, suggests that interaction of the beta- and alpha- (MGI2) subunits with the gamma-subunit (MGI5) is likely to be affected by the mutations.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane H+-ATPase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is subject to phosphorylation by a casein kinase I activity in vitro. We show this casein kinase I activity to result from the combined function of YCK1 and YCK2, two highly similar and plasma membrane-associated casein kinase I homologues. First, H+-ATPase phosphorylation is severely impaired in the plasma membrane of YCK-deficient yeast strains. Furthermore, the wild-type level of the phosphoprotein is restored by the addition of purified mammalian casein kinase I to the mutant membranes. We used the H+-ATPase as well as a synthetic peptide substrate that contains a phosphorylation site for casein kinase I to compare kinase activity in membranes prepared from yeast cells grown in the presence or absence of glucose. The addition of glucose results in increased H+-ATPase activity which is associated with a decline in the phosphorylation level of the enzyme. Mutations in both YCK1 and YCK2 affect this regulation, suggesting that H+-ATPase activity is modulated by glucose via a combination of a "down-regulating" casein kinase I activity and another, yet uncharacterized, "up-regulating" kinase activity. Biochemical mapping of phosphorylated H+-ATPase identifies a major phosphopeptide that contains a consensus phosphorylation site (Ser-507) for casein kinase I. Site-directed mutagenesis of this consensus sequence indicates that Glu-504 is important for glucose-induced decrease in the apparent Km for ATP.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) is the major cause of morbidity and death after lung transplantation. Therapy has focused on augmented immunosuppression with a variety of agents. Although transient responses are often achieved, sustained remission has been unusual. The outcome of cytolytic therapy for BOS at our center has been analyzed and is reported. METHODS: Between July 1988 and July 1994, 233 patients underwent lung transplantation at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. Among 207 recipients (88.8%) who survived more than 3 months, 81 recipients (39%) had development of BOS; 48 of these patients underwent 64 courses of treatment with a cytolytic agent (antilymphocyte globulin, antithymocyte globulin, or OKT3 monoclonal antibody). The cases of BOS were retrospectively analyzed to determine the impact of cytolytic therapy. RESULTS: The 4-year survival rate was significantly greater in recipients without BOS than in those with BOS (82.8% vs 46.0%; p < .05). Various clinical factors, including diagnosis, forced expiratory volume in 1 second at onset of BOS, presence or absence of pathologically proven bronchiolitis obliterans, type of transplant operation, cytomegalovirus serologic status, and cytomegalovirus pneumonia, were examined, but no significant predictor of survival after the development of BOS was discerned. The mean decrement in forced expiratory volume in 1 second was significantly reduced by cytolytic therapy (-23.5% +/- 2.3% in the 3 months before therapy vs -9.9% +/- 3.5% in the 3 months after the therapy; p < .002). Nevertheless, the stage of BOS progressed over time in spite of therapy in most cases, and only 4 recipients (4.9%) with BOS remained in a lower BOS stage 2 years after treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Recipients with BOS had a significantly lower survival rate than recipients without BOS. No predictor of survival after the onset of BOS was identified. Although cytolytic therapy decreased the rate of decline in pulmonary function in the 3 months after treatment, the stage of BOS ultimately progressed in most patients.  相似文献   

Telomeres in the budding yeast Kluyveromyces lactis consist of perfectly repeated 25-bp units, unlike the imprecise repeats at Saccharomyces cerevisiae telomeres and the short (6- to 8-bp) telomeric repeats found in many other eukaryotes. Telomeric DNA is synthesized by the ribonucleoprotein telomerase, which uses a portion of its RNA moiety as a template. K. lactis telomerase RNA, encoded by the TER1 gene, is approximately 1.3 kb long and contains a 30-nucleotide templating domain, the largest ever examined. To examine the mechanism of polymerization by this enzyme, we identified and analyzed telomerase activity from K. lactis whole-cell extracts. In this study, we exploited the length of the template and the precision of copying by K. lactis telomerase to examine primer elongation within one round of repeat synthesis. Under all in vitro conditions tested, K. lactis telomerase catalyzed only one round of repeat synthesis and remained bound to reaction products. We demonstrate that K. lactis telomerase polymerizes along the template in a discontinuous manner and stalls at two specific regions in the template. Increasing the amount of primer DNA-template RNA complementarity results in stalling, suggesting that the RNA-DNA hybrid is not unpaired during elongation in vitro and that lengthy duplexes hinder polymerization through particular regions of the template. We suggest that these observations provide an insight into the mechanism of telomerase and its regulation.  相似文献   

Paraoxon, the main active metabolite of the organophosphorus insecticide parathion, exerted a dose-dependent inhibitory effect on the activity of pig kidney (Na+ + K+)-ATPase contained in microsomal fraction and purified from it. Substrate kinetics studies revealed the existence of two active sites with high and low affinity to ATP. The Dixon analysis of the mode of the inhibition indicated its noncompetitive character. The purified enzyme was more affected than enzyme contained in the microsomal fraction. The inhibition constant Ki ranged from 73 to 245 microM depending on the type of preparation. The Hill coefficient (n) fulfilled the relationship 1 < n < 3. These properties of the interaction suggest the cooperative binding of paraoxon to the enzyme. An indirect mechanism of the interaction was proposed: paraoxon could inhibit the activity of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase by excluding the enzyme protein from its normal lipid milieu.  相似文献   

In the reaction cycle of P-type ATPases, an acid-stable phosphorylated intermediate is formed which is present in an intracellularly located domain of the membrane-bound enzymes. In some of these ATPases, such as Na+,K+-ATPase and gastric H+, K+-ATPase, extracellular K+ ions stimulate the rate of dephosphorylation of this phosphorylated intermediate and so stimulate the ATPase activity. The mechanism by which extracellular K+ ions stimulate the dephosphorylation process is unresolved. Here we show that three mutants of gastric H+,K+-ATPase lacking a negative charge on residue 820, located in transmembrane segment six of the alpha-subunit, have a high SCH 28080-sensitive, but K+-insensitive ATPase activity. This high activity is caused by an increased 'spontaneous' rate of dephosphorylation of the phosphorylated intermediate. A mutant with an aspartic acid instead of a glutamic acid residue in position 820 showed hardly any ATPase activity in the absence of K+, but K+ ions stimulated ATPase activity and the dephosphorylation process. These findings indicate that the negative charge normally present on residue 820 inhibits the dephosphorylation process. K+ ions do not stimulate dephosphorylation of the phosphorylated intermediate directly, but act by neutralizing the inhibitory effect of a negative charge in the membrane.  相似文献   

It has been previously demonstrated that the vacuolar H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) of clathrin-coated vesicles is reversibly inhibited by disulfide bond formation between conserved cysteine residues at the catalytic site on the A subunit (Feng, Y., and Forgac, M. (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269, 13224-13230). Proton transport and ATPase activity of the purified, reconstituted V-ATPase are now shown to be inhibited by the nitric oxide-generating reagent S-nitrosoglutathione (SNG). The K0.5 for inhibition by SNG following incubation for 30 min at 37 degreesC is 200-400 microM. As with disulfide bond formation at the catalytic site, inhibition by SNG is reversed upon treatment with 100 mM dithiothreitol and is partially protected in the presence of ATP. Also as with disulfide bond formation, treatment of the V-ATPase with SNG protects activity from subsequent inactivation by N-ethylmaleimide, as demonstrated by restoration of activity by dithiothreitol following sequential treatment of the V-ATPase with SNG and N-ethylmaleimide. Moreover, inhibition by SNG is readily reversed by dithiothreitol but not by the reduced form of glutathione, suggesting that the disulfide bond formed at the catalytic site of the V-ATPase may not be immediately reduced under intracellular conditions. These results suggest that SNG inhibits the V-ATPase through disulfide bond formation between cysteine residues at the catalytic site and that nitric oxide (or nitrosothiols) might act as a negative regulator of V-ATPase activity in vivo.  相似文献   

The relative stabilities to SDS inactivation of the rat brain Na(+)-ATPase catalytic subunit isoforms in the conditions of the surface charge modulation and temperature modification of the physical state of the membrane lipids were examined. The higher sensitivity of the Na+,K(+)-ATPase a1-isoform than a+ to SDS inactivation occurs under the conditions of the detergent treatment of microsomes at pH 7.5 and room temperature. The decrease in pH in ATP-free medium up to 6.2 or temperature elevation up to 37 degrees C eliminates the differences in SDS sensitivity of the Na+,K(+)-ATPase isoforms. The enhancement of the SDS binding with a subunit due to changes in membrane surface charge in the first case or increase of accessibility of the protein intramembrane regions for detergent due to the decrease of the packing density of the boundary lipids in the second case are supposed.  相似文献   

The genome of the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis was explored by sequencing 588 short tags from two random genomic libraries (random sequenced tags, or RSTs), representing altogether 1.3% of the K. lactis genome. After systematic translation of the RSTs in all six possible frames and comparison with the complete set of proteins predicted from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genomic sequence using an internally standardized threshold, 296 K.lactis genes were identified of which 292 are new. This corresponds to approximately 5% of the estimated genes of this organism and triples the total number of identified genes in this species. Of the novel K.lactis genes, 169 (58%) are homologous to S.cerevisiae genes of known or assigned functions, allowing tentative functional assignment, but 59 others (20%) correspond to S.cerevisiae genes of unknown function and previously without homolog among all completely sequenced genomes. Interestingly, a lower degree of sequence conservation is observed in this latter class. In nearly all instances in which the novel K.lactis genes have homologs in different species, sequence conservation is higher with their S.cerevisiae counterparts than with any of the other organisms examined. Conserved gene order relationships (synteny) between the two yeast species are also observed for half of the cases studied.  相似文献   

T Plasma membrane (PM) H+-ATPases are the primary pumps responsible for the establishment of cellular membrane potential in plants. In addition to regulating basic aspects of plant cell function, these enzymes contribute to signaling events in response to diverse environmental stimuli. Here, we focus on the roles of the PM H+-ATPase during plantpathogen interactions. PM H+-ATPases are dynamically regulated during plant immune responses and recent quantitative proteomics studies suggest complex spatial and temporal modulation of PM H+-ATPase activity during early pathogen recognition events. Additional data indicate that PM H+-ATPases cooperate with the plant immune signaling protein RIN4 to regulate stomatal apertures during bacterial invasion of leaf tissue. Furthermore, pathogens have evolved mechanisms to manipulate PM H+-ATPase activity during infection. Thus, these ubiquitous plant enzymes contribute to plant immune responses and are targeted by pathogens to increase plant susceptibility.  相似文献   

In the preceding publication (. Biophys. J. 76:000-000) a new technique was described that was able to produce concentration jumps of arbitrary ion species at the surface of a solid supported membrane (SSM). This technique can be used to investigate the kinetics of ion translocating proteins adsorbed to the SSM. Charge translocation of the Na+/K+-ATPase in the presence of ATP was investigated. Here we describe experiments carried out with membrane fragments containing Na+/K+-ATPase from pig kidney and in the absence of ATP. Electrical currents are measured after rapid addition of Na+. We demonstrate that these currents can be explained only by a cation binding process on the cytoplasmic side, most probably to the cytoplasmic cation binding site of the Na+/K+-ATPase. An electrogenic reaction of the protein was observed only with Na+, but not with other monovalent cations (K+, Li+, Rb+, Cs+). Using Na+ activation of the enzyme after preincubation with K+ we also investigated the K+-dependent half-cycle of the Na+/K+-ATPase. A rate constant for K+ translocation in the absence of ATP of 0.2-0.3 s-1 was determined. In addition, these experiments show that K+ deocclusion, and cytoplasmic K+ release are electroneutral.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Dienogest, a synthetic steroid with progestational activity, is used as a component of oral contraceptives and is currently being evaluated clinically for the treatment of endometriosis. The present study was conducted to confirm the effects of dienogest on experimental endometriosis in rats and to elucidate its mechanism of action. DESIGN: Experimental endometriosis induced by autotransplantation of endometrium in rats. METHODS: Endometrial implants, immune system, and bone mineral were investigated after 3 weeks of medication. RESULTS: Dienogest (0.1-1 mg/kg per day, p.o.) reduced the endometrial implant volume to the same extent as danazol (100 mg/kg per day, p.o.). Simultaneously, dienogest ameliorated the endometrial implant-induced alterations of the immune system: i.e. it increased the natural killer activity of peritoneal fluid cells and splenic cells, decreased the number of peritoneal fluid cells, and decreased interleukin-1beta production by peritoneal macrophages. In contrast, danazol (100 mg/kg per day, p.o.) and buserelin (30 microg/kg per day, s.c.) had none of these immunologic effects. Additionally, combined administration of dienogest (0.1 mg/kg per day) plus buserelin (0.3 microg/kg per day) suppressed the bone mineral loss induced by buserelin alone, with no reduction of the effect on endometrial implants. In vitro studies on dienogest revealed an antiproliferative effect on rat endometrial cells due to inhibition of protein kinase C activity plus a partial progestational effect. CONCLUSIONS: Dienogest appears to be a potent agent with mechanisms of action different from those of danazol and GnRH agonists currently available for the treatment of endometriosis.  相似文献   

Equilibrium nucleotide binding to the three catalytic sites of Escherichia coli F1-ATPase was measured in the presence of the inhibitors azide, dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, and aurovertin to elucidate mechanisms of inhibition. Fluorescence signals of beta-Trp-331 and beta-Trp-148 substituted in catalytic sites were used to determine nucleotide binding parameters. Azide brought about small decreases in Kd(MgATP) and Kd(MgADP). Notably, under MgATP hydrolysis conditions, it caused all enzyme molecules to assume a state with three catalytic site-bound MgATP and zero bound MgADP. These results rule out the idea that azide inhibits by "trapping" MgADP. Rather, azide blocks the step at which signal transmission between catalytic sites promotes multisite hydrolysis. Aurovertin bound with stoichiometry of 1.8 (mol/mol of F1) and allowed significant residual turnover. Cycling of the aurovertin-free beta-subunit catalytic site through three normal conformations was indicated by MgATP binding data. Aurovertin did not change the normal ratio of 1 bound MgATP/2 bound MgADP in catalytic sites. The results indicate that it acts to slow the switch of catalytic site affinities ("binding change step") subsequent to MgATP hydrolysis. Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide shifted the ratio of catalytic site-bound MgATP/MgADP from 1:2 to 1.6:1.4, without affecting Kd(MgATP) values. Like azide, it also appears to affect activity at the step after MgATP binding, in which signal transmission between catalytic sites promotes MgATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

The H+-ATPase from the plasma membrane of Neurospora crassa is an integral membrane protein of relative molecular mass 100K, which belongs to the P-type ATPase family that includes the plasma membrane Na+/K+-ATPase and the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase. The H+-ATPase pumps protons across the cell's plasma membrane using ATP as an energy source, generating a membrane potential in excess of 200mV. Despite the importance of P-type ATPases in controlling membrane potential and intracellular ion concentrations, little is known about the molecular mechanism they use for ion transport. This is largely due to the difficulty in growing well ordered crystals and the resulting lack of detail in the three-dimensional structure of these large membrane proteins. We have now obtained a three-dimensional map of the H+-ATPase by electron crystallography of two-dimensional crystals grown directly on electron microscope grids. At an in-plane resolution of 8 A, this map reveals ten membrane-spanning alpha-helices in the membrane domain, and four major cytoplasmic domains in the open conformation of the enzyme without bound ligands.  相似文献   

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