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Further insight into the cosubstrate-induced structural change of the melibiose permease (MelB) of Escherichia coli has been sought by investigating the binding and spectroscopic properties of the fluorescent sugar 2'-(N-5-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulfonyl)aminoethyl 1-thio-beta-D-galactopyranoside (Dns2-S-Gal) and related analogs (Dns3-S-Gal or Dns6-S-Gal with a propyl or hexyl instead of an ethyl linker, respectively) interacting with MelB in membrane vesicles or in proteoliposomes. The three analogs efficiently inhibit melibiose transport and bind to MelB in a sodium-dependent fashion. Their dissociation constants (Kd) are in the micromolar range in the presence of NaCl and an order of magnitude higher in its absence. In the presence of NaCl and Dns2-S-Gal, sample excitation at 335 or 297 nm gives rise to a fluorescent signal at around 465 nm, whereas Dns3-S-Gal or Dns6-S-Gal emits a fluorescence light at 490 or 506 nm, respectively. Detailed study of the Dns2-S-Gal signal elicited by a 297 nm illumination indicates that a tryptophan-mediated fluorescence resonance energy transfer phenomenon is involved in the response. All fluorescence signals below 500 nm are prevented by addition of melibiose in excess, and the kinetic constants describing their dependence on the probe or NaCl concentrations closely correlate with the probe binding constants. Finally, the Dns2-S-Gal signal recorded in sodium-free medium is red shifted by up to 25 nm from that recorded in the presence of NaCl. Taken together, these results suggest (i) that the fluorescence signals below 500 nm arise from Dns-S-Gal molecules bound to MelB, (ii) the presence of a highly hydrophobic environment close to or at the sugar-binding site, the polarity of which increases on moving away from the sugar-binding site, and (iii) that the interaction of sodium ions with MelB enhances the hydrophobicity of this environment. These results are consistent with the induction of a cooperative change of the structure of the sugar-binding site or of its immediate vicinity by the ions.  相似文献   

Riboprotein particles containing the ribosomal RNA-like 9S and 12S RNAs in the trypanosome mitochondrion have never been isolated. Using the formaldehyde cross-linking procedure I show here that one or more of three proteins, q2 (16.5 kDa), r (15 kDa) and s (13 kDa), are closely associated in vivo with the 9S and 12S RNAs of the trypanosomatid parasite, Crithidia fasciculata. These proteins were also found to be associated with the parasite's cytosolic ribosomal RNA and to have strong immunological cross reactivity with riboprotein S11 of the bacterium Escherichia coli. These data provide the first evidence for the association of riboprotein-like proteins with the 9S and 12S mitochondrial RNA in a trypanosome, possibly as components of a mitochondrial ribosome.  相似文献   

Using a functional lactose permease mutant devoid of Cys (C-less permease), each amino acid residue in putative transmembrane helix V was replaced individually with Cys (from Met145 to Thr163). Of the 19 mutants, 13 are highly functional (60-125% of C-less permease activity), and 4 exhibit lower but significant lactose accumulation (15-45% of C-less permease). Cys replacement of Gly147 or Trp151 essentially inactivates the permease (< 10% of C-less); however, previous studies [Menezes, M. E., Roepe, P. D., & Kaback, H. R. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 87, 1638; Jung, K., Jung, H., et al. (1995) Biochemistry 34, 1030] demonstrate that neither of these residues is important for activity. Immunoblots reveal that all of the mutant proteins are present in the membrane in amounts comparable to C-less permease with the exception of Trp151-->Cys and single Cys154 permeases which are present in reduced amounts. Finally, only three of the single-Cys mutants are inactivated significantly by N-ethylmaleimide (Met145-->Cys, native Cys148, and Gly159-->Cys), and the positions of the three mutants fall on the same face of helix V.  相似文献   

Proline 40 in Escherichia coli thioredoxin is located close to the redox active site (Cys32-Cys35) within the alpha2 helix. The conservation of this residue among most of the thioredoxins suggests that it could play an important role in the structure and/or function of this protein. We have substituted Pro40 for Ala by using site-directed mutagenesis and expressed the mutant P40A in E.coli. The effects of the mutation on the biophysical and biological properties of thioredoxin have been analyzed and compared with molecular dynamics simulations. Modeling predicted that the replacement of Pro40 by Ala induced a displacement of the active site which exposes Trp31 to the solvent and opens a cleft located between helices alpha2 and alpha3. The solvation free energy (SFE) calculation also indicated that P40A became more hydrophobic as W31 became more accessible. These predictions were totally in agreement with the experimental results. The mutant P40A exhibited chromatographic behavior and fluorescence properties very different from those of the wild-type (WT) protein, in relationship with the displacement of W31. The determination of the free energy of unfolding of P40A showed that the mutant was globally destabilized by 2.9 kcal/mol. However, the effect of the mutation on the transition curve was highly unusual as the midpoint of the unfolding transition increased, indicating that some local structures were actually stabilized by the mutation. Despite these structural modifications, neither the ability of the protein to reduce a chloroplastic enzyme nor its reactivity with the bacterial reductase decreased. The only functional difference was the higher stability of P40A in light activation of NADP-malate dehydrogenase under air, which suggests that the mutant was less rapidly re-oxidized than WT. Therefore, it can be concluded that Pro40 is not essential for maintaining the redox function of thioredoxin but rather is required for the stability of the protein.  相似文献   

Cys-scanning mutagenesis has been applied to the remaining 45 residues in lactose permease that have not been mutagenized previously (from Gln100 to Arg144 which comprise helix IV and adjoining loops). Of the 45 single-Cys mutants, 26 accumulate lactose to > 75% of the steady state observed with Cys-less permease, and 14 mutants exhibit lower but significant levels of accumulation (35-65% of Cys-less permease). Permease with Phe140-->Cys or Lys131-->Cys exhibits low activity (15-20% of Cys-less permease), while mutants Gly115-->Cys, Glu126-->Cys and Arg144-->Cys are completely unable to accumulate the dissacharide. However, Cys-less permease with Ala or Pro in place of Gly115 is highly active, and replacement of Lys131 or Phe140 with Cys in wild-type permease has a less deleterious effect on activity. In contrast, mutant Glu126-->Cys or Arg144-->Cys is inactive with respect to both uphill and downhill transport in either Cys-less or wild-type permease. Furthermore, mutants Glu126-->Ala or Gln and Arg144-->Ala or Gln are also inactive in both backgrounds, and activity is not rescued by double neutral replacements or inversion of the charged residues at these positions. Finally, a mutant with Lys in place of Arg144 accumulates lactose to about 25% of the steady state of wild-type, but at a slow rate. Replacement of Glu126 with Asp, in contrast, has relatively little effect on activity. None of the effects can be attributed to decreased expression of the mutants, as judged by immunoblot analysis. Although the activity of most of the single-Cys mutants is unaffected by N-ethylmaleimide, Cys replacement at three positions (Ala127, Val132, or Phe138) renders the permease highly sensitive to alkylation. The results indicate that the cytoplasmic loop between helices IV and V, where insertional mutagenesis has little effect on activity [McKenna, E., et al. (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 89, 11954-11958], contains residues that play an important role in permease activity and that a carboxyl group at position 126 and a positive charge at position 144 are absolutely required.  相似文献   

Five single-Trp mutants were constructed by replacing Val315, Leu318, Val326, Leu329, or Val331 with Trp in transmembrane helix X of a functional lactose permease mutant devoid of Trp residues (Trp-less permease). Taking into account expression levels, each single-Trp permease except for Val331-->Trp exhibits significant activity. The intrinsic fluorescence emission of each single-Trp mutant does not change significantly after addition of beta-d-galactopyranosyl 1-thio-beta-d-galactopyranoside (TDG), indicating that ligand induces little change in the microenvironment of the Trp residues. However, fluorescence quenching studies with the brominated detergent 7,8-dibromododecyl beta,d-maltoside (BrDM) demonstrate that a Trp residue in place of Val315, Val326, or Val331 becomes less accessible to BrDM in the presence of TDG, while a Trp residue in place of Leu318 or Leu329 becomes more accessible. Acrylamide quenching studies with Leu318-->Trp and Val331-->Trp permeases or 2-(4-maleimidoanilino)naphthalene-6-sulfonic acid (MIANS)-labeled Thr320-->Cys and Glu325-->Cys permeases indicate that positions 318 and 325 also become more accessible to a hydrophobic environment in the presence of TDG, while positions 320 and 331 become less accessible. The findings are consistent with a recently proposed mechanism for energy coupling in lactose permease [Kaback, H. R. (1997) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 94, 5539-5543] in which substrate binding causes a conformational change resulting in movement of Glu325 to a nonpolar environment with a dramatic increase in pKa.  相似文献   

The melibiose utilization system of Escherichia coli W3133, a derivative of K12, is nonfunctional between 37 and 42 degreesC. The reason for this temperature sensitivity was thought to be that the melibiose transporter (MelB) of W3133 cells was temperature-sensitive. A mutant W3133-2 has been isolated as a temperature-resistant strain that can utilize melibiose between 37 and 42 degreesC. However, we found that the melibiose transporter of the W3133-2 was still temperature-sensitive. Half-life activities of the melibiose transporter at 37 degreesC (or 40 degreesC) in both E. coli W3133 and W3133-2 were exactly the same. Furthermore, we found that the nucleotide sequence of coding region of the melB structural gene (the second gene of the melibiose operon) of W3133-2 was exactly the same as that of W3133. Activity of alpha-galactosidase (product of the first gene, melA, of the melibiose operon) of W3133 cells grown at 40 degreesC was very low, although that of W3133-2 cells grown at 40 degreesC was high. These observations suggested that expression of the melibiose operon in W3133 is also temperature-sensitive. In fact, we found that the expression in W3133 cells was temperature-sensitive, while that in W3133-2 cells was temperature-resistant, by analyzing mRNA levels using the Northern blot method. Furthermore, we identified mutations in the promoter region of the melibiose operon of W3133-2 that resulted in the elongation of an 18 nucleotide inverted repeat sequence to a 28-nucleotide repeat sequence present immediately upstream of the -35 region. This may stabilize a possible stem structure due to the inverted repeat at 37-42 degreesC.  相似文献   

In 4 experiments, rats received 1 of several outcomes for engaging in various instrumental responses in the presence of discriminative stimuli. Discriminative stimuli shared some response-outcome relations but not others. When a response was subsequently extinguished in the presence of 1 discriminative stimulus, that produced relatively more decrement in responding in other stimuli that shared the same response-outcome relation. Other discriminative stimuli, in the presence of which that response had been reinforced by other outcomes and in which the original outcome had reinforced another response, were less affected. Moreover, postextinction devaluation of that outcome suggested that the particular response-outcome relation extinguished had undergone decrement. These results suggest that discriminative stimuli have relatively specific associations with the response-outcome relations that obtain in their presence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The processing endoribonuclease RNase E (Rne), which is encoded by the rne gene, is involved in the maturation process of messenger RNAs and a ribosomal RNA. A number of deletions were constructed in order to assess functional domains of the rne gene product. The expression of the deletion constructs using a T7 promoter/RNA polymerase overproduction system led to the synthesis of truncated Rne polypeptides. The smallest gene fragment in this collection that was able to complement a temperature sensitive rnets mutation and to restore the processing of 9 S RNA was a 2.3-kilobase pair fragment with a 1.9-kilobase pair N-terminal coding sequence that mediated synthesis of a 70.8-kDa polypeptide. Antibodies raised against a truncated 110-kDa polypeptide cross-reacted with the intact rne gene product and with all of the shorter C-terminal truncated polypeptides, indicating that the N-terminal part of the molecule contained strong antigenic determinants. Furthermore, by analyzing the Rne protein and the truncated polypeptides for their ability to bind substrate RNAs, we were able to demonstrate that the central part of the Rne molecule encodes an RNA binding region. Binding to substrate RNAs correlated with the endonucleolytic activity. RNAs that are not substrates for RNase E did not bind to the protein. The two mutated Rne polypeptides expressed from the cloned gene containing either the rne-3071 or ams1 mutation also had the ability to bind 9 S RNA, while their enzymatic function was completely abolished. The data presented here suggest that the endonucleolytic activity is encoded by the N-terminal part of the Rne protein molecule and that the central part of it possesses RNA binding activity.  相似文献   

Pulmonary perfusion (Q) and ventilation (V) scintiphotography was performed in 16 patients undergoing diagnostic fiberoptic bronchoscopic examinations. Regional V/Q did not change in the majority of the patients who developed hypoxemia after bronchoscopic studies. An improvement in V/Q was detectable in the patients with a rise in arterial oxygen pressure (PaO2) after bronchoscopic examination, and this rise was associated in most with the removal of mucous plugs or extensive secretions. The data indicate that the behavior of PaO2 after bronchoscopic study is dependent upon both the extent of lavage and the yield of the procedure in terms of secretions and plugs. The results also indicate that the removal of secretions or plugs can be associated with rapid return of regional V and Q.  相似文献   

QsopA and SopA, proteins essential for stable maintenance of low copy number plasmids and encoded on plasmid QpH1 of Coxiella burnetii and the F plasmid of Escherichia coli, respectively, are shown to be membrane associated using three independent approaches: isolation of hybrid protein A-PhoA proteins that display PhoA (bacterial alkaline phosphatase) activity indicating a periplasmic location, biochemical fractionation by flotation gradient centrifugation, and subcellular localization by immunoelectron microscopy. These data provide insight into the mechanism by which partitioning protein A spatially directs plasmids into daughter cells at bacterial division.  相似文献   

Mutants ton A and ton B of Escherichia coli K12, known to be resistant to bacteriophage phi80, were found to be insensitive as well to albomycin, an analogue of the specific siderochrome ferrichrome. Ferrichrome at micromolar concentrations strongly inhibited plaque production by phi80. Preincubation with ferrichrome did not inactivate the phage. At a concentration at which ferrichrome allowed 90% inhibition of plaque formation, the chromium analogue of ferrichrome showed no detectable activity. Similarly, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, ferrichrome A, and certain siderochromes structurally distinct from ferrichrome, such as ferrioxamine B, schizokinen, citrate, and enterobactin, did not show detectable inhibitory activity. However, rhodotorulic acid showed moderate activity. A host range mutant of phi80, phi80h, was also inhibited by ferrichrome, as was a hybrid of phage lambda possessing the host range of phi80. However, phage lambdacI- and a hybrid of phi80 possessing the host range of lambda were not affected by ferrichrome. Finally, ferrichrome and chromic deferriferrichrome were shown to inhibit adsorption of phi80 to sensitive cells, ferrichrome giving 50% inhibition of adsorption at a minimal concentration of 8 nM. It is suggested that a component of the ferrichrome uptake system may reside in the outer membrane of E. coli K12 and may also function as a component of the receptor site for bacteriophage phi80, and that ferrichrome inhibition of the phage represents a competition for this common site.  相似文献   

The biotin carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP) is a subunit of acetyl-CoA carboxylase, a biotin-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the first committed step of fatty acid biosynthesis. In its functional cycle the biotin carboxyl carrier protein engages in heterologous protein-protein interactions with three distinct partners, depending on its state of posttranslational modification. Apo-BCCP interacts specifically with the biotin holoenzyme synthetase, BirA, which results in the posttranslational attachment of biotin to an essential lysine residue on BCCP. Holo-BCCP then interacts with the biotin carboxylase subunit, which leads to the addition of the carboxylate group of bicarbonate to biotin. Finally, the carboxybiotinylated form of BCCP interacts with transcarboxylase in the conversion of acetyl-CoA to malonyl-CoA. The determinants of protein-protein interaction specificity in this system are unknown. One hypothesis is that posttranslational modification of BCCP may result in conformational changes that regulate specific protein-protein interactions. To test this hypothesis, we have determined the NMR solution structure of the unbiotinylated form of an 87 residue C-terminal domain fragment of BCCP (apoBCCP87) from Escherichia coli acetyl-CoA carboxylase and compared this structure with the high-resolution structure of the biotinylated form that was recently solved by X-ray crystallographic techniques. Although the overall folding of the two proteins is highly similar, small structural differences are apparent for residues of the biotin-binding loop that may be important for mediating specific protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

The results of this study indicate that tobacco smoking may have a deleterious effect on the learning process. One hundred and fifteen male volunteers were assessed on four learning tasks. Those Ss who smoked in excess of 12 cigarettes per day did significantly less well, as a group, than nonsmokers and light smokers on three of the four learning tests.  相似文献   

In a systematic study of the murine T-cell receptor UZ3-4, expressed and refolded from inclusion bodies in Escherichia coli, it was found that functional molecules can be obtained only under a very narrow set of conditions. The refolded T-cell receptor UZ3-4 specifically recognizes its cognate peptide (from mycobacterial Hsp60) in the context of H-2Db, but not another peptide bound to H-2Db, and the dissociation constant was determined by BIAcore as 10(-4) M. Using T-cell receptor constructs comprising all extracellular domains (ValphaCalpha and VbetaCbeta), found to be necessary for stability of the final product, significant amounts of native molecules were obtained only if the intermolecular Calpha-Cbeta disulfide bridge bond was deleted, even though the interaction between the complete alpha and beta-chain was determined to be very weak and fully reversible (KD approximately 10(-7) to 10(-6) M). Fusion of Jun and Fos to the constant domains also decreased the folding yield, because of premature association of intermediates leading to aggregation. Furthermore, only in a very narrow set of concentrations of oxidized and reduced glutathione, native disulfide bonds dominated. This shows that T-cell receptor domains are very prone to aggregation and misassociation during folding, compounded by incorrect disulfide bond formation. Once folded, however, the heterodimeric molecule is very stable and could be concentrated to millimolar concentration.  相似文献   

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